17 research outputs found

    El papel de la religión en la formación de relaciones entre comunidades

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    La vida espiritual es una prioridad para muchas comunidades afectadas por conflictos, tal vez de forma especial en situaciones de desplazamiento. Los organismos de ayuda rara vez la priorizan a pesar de que pueda resultar primordial para crear y mantener sólidas y productivas relaciones entre las comunidades

    Pseudohomozygous dysfibrinogenemia

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    Abstract Hypodysfibrinogenemia (HD) is a heterogeneous disorder in which plasma fibrinogen antigen and function are both reduced but discordant. This report addresses the key clinical question of whether genetic analysis enables clinically useful subclassification of patients with HD. We report a new case and identify a further eight previously documented cases that have the laboratory features of HD but biallelic inheritance of quantitative and qualitative fibrinogen gene variants. The cases displayed both bleeding and thrombosis and sometimes had undetectable fibrinogen activity. In all cases, the predicted effect of the coinherited variants is reduced levels of circulating fibrinogen that is all dysfunctional. We propose the term pseudohomozygous dysfibrinogenemia for this subtype of recessively inherited HD that is distinct from the more commonly recognized monoallelic HD caused by a single fibrinogen gene variant

    Quantification of Extracellular DNA Network Abundance and Architecture within Streptococcus gordonii Biofilms Reveals Modulatory Factors

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    Extracellular DNA (eDNA) is an important component of biofilm matrix that serves to maintain biofilm structural integrity, promotes genetic exchange within the biofilm, and provides protection against antimicrobial compounds. Advances in microscopy techniques have provided evidence of the cobweb- or lattice-like structures of eDNA within biofilms from a range of environmental niches. However, methods to reliably assess the abundance and architecture of eDNA remain lacking. This study aimed to address this gap by development of a novel, high-throughput image acquisition and analysis platform for assessment of eDNA networks in situ within biofilms. Utilizing Streptococcus gordonii as the model, the capacity for this imaging system to reliably detect eDNA networks and monitor changes in abundance and architecture (e.g., strand length and branch number) was verified. Evidence was provided of a synergy between glucans and eDNA matrices, while it was revealed that surface-bound nuclease SsnA could modify these eDNA structures under conditions permissive for enzymatic activity. Moreover, cross talk between the competence and hexaheptapeptide permease systems was shown to regulate eDNA release by S. gordonii. This novel imaging system can be applied across the wider field of biofilm research, with potential to significantly advance interrogation of the mechanisms by which the eDNA network architecture develops, how it can influence biofilm properties, and how it may be targeted for therapeutic benefit. IMPORTANCE Extracellular DNA (eDNA) is critical for maintaining the structural integrity of many microbial biofilms, making it an attractive target for the management of biofilms. However, our knowledge and targeting of eDNA are currently hindered by a lack of tools for the quantitative assessment of eDNA networks within biofilms. Here, we demonstrate use of a novel image acquisition and analysis platform with the capacity to reliably monitor the abundance and architecture of eDNA networks. Application of this tool to Streptococcus gordonii biofilms has provided new insights into how eDNA networks are stabilized within the biofilm and the pathways that can regulate eDNA release. This highlights how exploitation of this novel imaging system across the wider field of biofilm research has potential to significantly advance interrogation of the mechanisms by which the eDNA network architecture develops, how it can influence biofilm properties, and how it may be targeted for therapeutic benefit

    Collective decision making and social interaction rules in mixed-species flocks of songbirds

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    Associations in mixed-species foraging groups are common in animals, yet have rarely been explored in the context of collective behaviour. Despite many investigations into the social and ecological conditions under which individuals should form groups, we still know little about the specific behavioural rules that individuals adopt in these contexts, or whether these can be generalized to heterospecifics. Here, we studied collective behaviour in flocks in a community of five species of woodland passerine birds. We adopted an automated data collection protocol, involving visits by RFID-tagged birds to feeding stations equipped with antennae, over two winters, recording 91 576 feeding events by 1904 individuals. We demonstrated highly synchronized feeding behaviour within patches, with birds moving towards areas of the patch with the largest proportion of the flock. Using a model of collective decision making, we then explored the underlying decision rule birds may be using when foraging in mixed-species flocks. The model tested whether birds used a different decision rule for conspecifics and heterospecifics, and whether the rules used by individuals of different species varied. We found that species differed in their response to the distribution of conspecifics and heterospecifics across foraging patches. However, simulating decisions using the different rules, which reproduced our data well, suggested that the outcome of using different decision rules by each species resulted in qualitatively similar overall patterns of movement. It is possible that the decision rules each species uses may be adjusted to variation in mean species abundance in order for individuals to maintain the same overall flock-level response. This is likely to be important for maintaining coordinated behaviour across species, and to result in quick and adaptive flock responses to food resources that are patchily distributed in space and time

    The role of religion in the formation of cross-community relationships

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    Spiritual life is a priority in many conflict-affected communities, perhaps especially in situations of displacement. It is rarely prioritised by aid agencies, yet may be central to the formation and maintaining of strong and effective cross-community relationships

    The role of religion in the formation of cross-community relationships

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    Spiritual life is a priority in many conflict-affected communities, perhaps especially in situations of displacement. It is rarely prioritised by aid agencies, yet may be central to the formation and maintaining of strong and effective cross-community relationships

    Longitudinal neonatal brain development and socio-demographic correlates of infant outcomes following preterm birth

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    Preterm birth results in premature exposure of the brain to the extrauterine environment during a critical period of neurodevelopment. Consequently, infants born preterm are at a heightened risk of adverse behavioural outcomes in later life. We characterise longitudinal development of neonatal regional brain volume and functional connectivity in the first weeks following preterm birth, sociodemographic factors, and their respective relationships to psychomotor outcomes and psychopathology in toddlerhood. We study 121 infants born preterm who underwent magnetic resonance imaging shortly after birth, at term-equivalent age, or both. Longitudinal regional brain volume and functional connectivity were modelled as a function of psychopathology and psychomotor outcomes at 18 months. Better psychomotor functioning in toddlerhood was associated with greater relative right cerebellar volume and a more rapid decrease over time of sensorimotor degree centrality in the neonatal period. In contrast, increased 18-month psychopathology was associated with a more rapid decrease in relative regional subcortical volume. Furthermore, while socio-economic deprivation was related to both psychopathology and psychomotor outcomes, cognitively stimulating parenting predicted psychopathology only. Our study highlights the importance of longitudinal imaging to better predict toddler outcomes following preterm birth, as well as disparate environmental influences on separable facets of behavioural development in this population