149 research outputs found


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    Kredit merupakan suatu pembiayaan yang diberikan oleh bank kepada pihak lain yang membutuhkan yang kemudian nantinya akan dikembalikan sesuai waktu yang telah disepakati dengan jumlah bunga, imbalan atau bagi hasil yang telah ditentukan. Pihak bank akan melakukan penilaian nasabah (analisis kredit) sebelum menyalurkan dana tersebut ke nasabah, hal ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui layak atau tidaknya nasabah tersebut diberikan kredit. Dalam menentukan kelayakan pemberian kredit kepada calon nasabah terdapat beberapa kriteria yang diperlukan untuk menjadi penilaian yakni analisis 5C (character, capital, capacity, collateral, condition of economy), hal ini digunakan untuk memudahkan dalam penentuan kelayakan kredit

    Nurul Fitriyah. 2016. The Use of Advertisement to Improve Student’s Vocabulary (An Experimental Study) At the Eleventh Grade of MA Irtiqaiyah Banjarmasin Academic Year 2015/2016. Thesis. English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training. Advisor: Drs. Saadillah, M.Pd.

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    Keywords: Vocabulary, Advertisement.\ud This research aims to know effectivity of using advertisement in teaching and learning process to improve students’ vocabulary than using media which often had been used by teacher of the school. Researcher has chosen semi-experimental study, researcher conducted among six meetings include pre-test, teaching and learning process, and post-test.\ud This research conducted on students of class XI IPA and XI IPS at MA Irtiqaiyah Banjarmasin academic year 2015/2016. Both of class was chosen as subject of the research. The subject in experimental class is 13 students and the subject in control class is 13 students. The overall number is 26 students.\ud The technique that uses to collect the data is vocabulary test consisting of 15 multiple choice, 10 true or false, and 5 matching picture with vocabularies, observation, interview, and documentary.\ud The result of this research indicated that the score of pre-test in experiment class is 62.53 and in control class is 55.00. Then the score of post-test in experiment class is 74.19 and 59.73 in control class. This research indicated that Alternative Hypothesis

    The Correlations between Language Learning Strategies and English Achievement of the Undergraduate Students of English Education Study Programs

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    Abstract: Language learning strategies (LLS) is one of important factors in learning process. The aim of this study is to investigate the correlation between students’ LLS and students’ English achievement (EA) and to find the influence of students’ LLS to students’ EA. Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) was administered to 103 student at Sriwijaya, Muhammadiyah, and Tamansiswa universities. Students’ EA was gained from their grade point average (GPA). Metacognitive strategy, affective strategy and EA had negative significant correlations. Furthermore, compensation strategy positively and significantly correlated with EA of the students in Sriwijaya-Muhammadiyah Universities. Meanwhile, affective strategy and EA of the students in Sriwijaya-Muhammadiyah, Sriwijaya, and Taman Siswa Universities were negatively and significantly correlated. Additionaly, metacognitive, affective and EA of the students in Sriwijaya-Muhammadiyah Universities negatively and significantly correlated. The influence of each of the six on EA was 8.6%, 9.4%, 35.3%, 15.1%, 13%, 3.5% for affective, and 7.8% for compensation.Keywords: Language learning strategies, English achievement, undergraduate studentsAbstrak: Strategi Pembelajaran Bahasa (SPB) merupakan salah satu faktor penting dalam proses pembelajaran. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menyelediki hubungan korelasi antara SPB mahasiswa dan prestasi Bahasa Inggris (PBI), dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh SPB mahasiswa terhadap PBI mahasiswa. Angket Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) didistribusikan ke 103 mahasiswa di Universitas Sriwijaya, Muhammadiyah, dan Tamansiswa. PBI mahasiswa diperoleh dari indeks prestasi kumulatif (IPK). Startegi metakognitif, afektif, dan PBI memiliki korelasi negatif dan signifikan. Selanjutnya, strategi kompensasi berkorelasi positif dan signifikan dengan PBI mahasiswa di Universitas Sriwijaya-Muhammadiyah. Sementara itu, strategi afektif dan PBI mahasiswa di Universitas Sriwijaya-Muhammadiyah, Sriwijaya, dan Taman Siswa berkorelasi negatif dan signifikan. Selain itu, metakognitif, afektif dan PBI mahasiswa di Universitas Sriwijaya-Muhammadiyah berkorelasi negatif dan signifikan. Pengaruh masing-masing dari keenam strategi terhadap PBI mahasiswa adalah 8,6%, 9,4%, 35,3%, 15,1%, 13%, 3,5% untuk afektif, dan 7,8% untuk kompensasi.Kata-kata kunci: Strategi pembelajaran bahasa, prestasi bahasa Inggris, mahasiswa sarjana


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    Demam adalah temperatur tubuh yang meningkat secara abnormal, umumnya membingungkan serta mengkhawatirkan ibu. Banyak perilaku ibu kurang benar dalam menangani demam. Dari 10 ibu diketahui 2 (20%) ibu mengompresnya dengan air es dan 8 (80%) ibu memakaikan jaket tebal. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui gambaran perilaku ibu tentang penanganan demam di rumah pada balita di BPS Titik Budy Desa Karangduak Kabupaten Sumenep. Penelitian ini merupkan Deskriptif. Populasi penelitian seluruh ibu yang mempunyai balita yang pernah mengalami demam bulan juni 2013 sebanyak 36 ibu, besar sampel 32 responden. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara Non probability sampling teknik purposive sampling. Variabel penelitian perilaku ibu tentang penanganan demam di rumah pada balita. Pengambilan data menggunakan Skala Guttman berbentuk checklist. Analisis data menggunakan skala likert. Hampir seluruhnya 25 (78,2%) ibu berperilaku kurang baik dan sebagian kecil 7 (21,8%) ibu berperilaku baik dalam menanggani demam di rumah pada balita. Simpulan penelitian adalah perilaku ibu di BPS Titik Budy Desa Karangduak Kabupaten Sumenep hampir seluruhnya memiliki perilaku kurang baik dalam menangani demam di rumah pada balita. Sebaiknya bidan lebih aktif dalam memberikan konseling atau informasi tentang penanganan demam di rumah pada balita

    Using Launchora Application in Writing Descriptive Text at SMP PGRI Wringinanom Gresik

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    Launchora is an innovative teaching media that can be used in teaching and learning process. There are many genre that used in this application to make the writing text can be match on based the genre. Using this application that completed with picture and many features students can be easier to write and complete their writing text using picture as the description. It can use easily using android cell phone that can be download it at Playstore. In this study, the researcher was focused on the using of Launchora application in writing descriptive text. The researcher conducted the research to the eight grade students of SMP PGRI Wringinanom. The researcher used quasi-experimental method in this study. Population in this research was eight grade of SMP PGRI Wringinanom. The researcher took two classes as the sample; 8A consist of 25 students as the experimental group while 8B consist of 25 as the control group. Data were collected from pre-test and post-test to measure the using of Launchora application. A normality test was used to determine whether sample data has been drawn from a normally distribute population (within some tolerance). Homogeneity test was used to calculate the homogeneity of variance of both experimental class and control class test score. Based on the result of the analysis, the mean score of experimental class for the post-test was 85 while the mean score for the control class was 77.4. In addition the average score of experimental class was higher than control class. The result of significance value based on Mann Whitney U analysis in post-test was 0.000 < 0.05. From the result above, it can be conclude that using Launchora application in writing descriptive text is effective to improve students’ descriptive writing scores to the eight grade students in SMP PGRI Wringinanom, Gresik


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    public sector organizations. Competency means capable, capable. Manage competence means leadership skills in managing, managing from planning, coordinating, actualize and oversee public organizations. The competencies that must be owned by the leadership public is at least seven competencies, namely: competence self-manage, competence managing communication, competence of managing plurality, competence of managing ethics, competence managing teams, competing in managing cultural diversity, and competing in managing change. There are at least four strategies to be done: a public leader must think and act generalist, keep learning, put forward an integralistic, strategic way of thinking and oriented to problem solving and public leadership must be fully concentrative. Behavior that must be done public leadership in managing communication is as follows: first, "codification in message delivery Second, appropriate in the delivery of messages according to in-depth knowledge of background, level of education and position of apparatus government in both public and external organizations. Third, use and develop open communication system. Fourth, organize media information needed by employees and fifth, encouraging the emergence of feed back. Strategies that might be applied by the leadership of public organizations in managing pluralism is: the public leadership must be able to as coordinator and intregator of various organizational components so that it can move as a totality and not let the way thinking and acting are fragmented. Some of the steps a sector leader must have public in managing this ethics. public leaders must develop an open system, putting service as the main focus in the public sector, accountable, more responsive and assertive. Steps to be taken by public leaders in managing teams are minimal two things: keeping the cohesion between members one with another and as mediator. The strategy that leaders of public organizations must take in managing cultural diversity is as follows: cultural differences must be seen as a wealth which should be developed not as a threat. These positive values ​​will be made input in advancing the organization. On the other hand leaders of public organizations should be able to as integrator. The attitude that must be applied by the public leadership in managing this change is: public leaders must have a high adaptability attitude and public leadership must flexible

    Use of Learning Resources to Improve Learning Quality of Islamic Education in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah of Mutiara Bunda Surabaya

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    Use of learning resource in improving the quality of learning in Islamic Religious Education Subjects at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) in Mutiara Bunda Surabaya, Thesis of Islamic Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya. The research was motivated by educational problems, starting from the lack of enthusiasm for student learning, student apathy towards lessons, not conducive to the learning process and the rise of student online games. The formulation of the problem of this thesis, First, how to use learning resources in improving the quality of learning in Islamic Religious Education subjects in MI that was elementary school. Mutiara Bunda Surabaya. Second, how was the function of using learning resources in MI. Mutiara Bunda Surabaya. Third, what was the impact of the use of learning resources in MI. Mutiara Bunda Surabaya. This type of research was a field research that collected primary data through interviews with the deputy head of Madrasah, MI teachers and students in Mutiara Bunda. Secondary data was from literature and MI documents in Mutiara Bund. After all the data collected were analysed qualitatively, in descriptive form. The results were concluded that the use of appropriate and maximum learning resources can improve the quality of learning, namely first using modules or worksheets, libraries, internet, resource persons and the environment. The two functions of learning sources as sources of information were motivating, providing comprehensive experiences and instilling new concepts to students. The three impacts of using learning resources provided positive motivation and direct learning experiences. Supporting factors were policies of the principal of madrasah, motivation of teachers and families. Inhibiting factors were limited facilities and infrastructure, time, and low intention and motivation


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    Salah satu permasalahan kependudukan yang masih sering terjadi ialah keikutsertaan pasangan usia subur yang belum sepenuhnya dalam program KB. Tingkat putus pakai (drop out) KB pada pasangan usia subur menjadi indikator penting dalam pengukuran kualitas KB. Putus pakai (drop out) diartikan sebagai kejadian saat pasangan usia subur berhenti menjadi akseptor KB. Kejadian putus pakai (drop out) KB dapat menimbulkan peningkatan angka kehamilan yang tidak diinginkan, lonjakan kelahiran bayi pada tahun berikutnya yang berujung pada bertambahnya jumlah penduduk, berkurangnya lapangan pekerjaan, meningkatnya angka pengangguran dan kemiskinan, serta berdampak pada masalah kesehatan dan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor  yang  mempengaruhi  perilaku putus pakai (drop out) KB di Provinsi Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan teori Lawrence Green. Sumber data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu data sekunder yang didapatkan dari BKKBN Provinsi Jawa Timur tahun 2021. Hasil uji statistic odds ratio dengan aplikasi epi info didapatkan pengetahuan terhadap jenis kontrasepsi (OR = 0,99), komplikasi dan kegagalan (1,000), dan status pekerjaan kepala keluarga (1,000). Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan terhadap jenis kontrasepsi merupakan faktor risiko perilaku drop out KB


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    Abstract: This study aims to realize a common desire to be able to know the abilities and character of students and develop the personality of students, both in the fields of knowledge, religion and spirituality in the three teaching and learning processes in the madrasa environment. This research puts forward a qualitative approach pattern and aims to gain insight into something. This research is contained in a case study by analyzing several things related to character education in online learning at Madrasah Aliyah Darul Faizin catakgayam mojowarno jombang. The data sources of this research were obtained through documentation, interviews and field observations, which were then processed systematically and concluded. The results of this study obtained the following conclusions: 1). The concept of character education in learning morals, 2). The process of learning morality online at Madrasah Aliyah Darul Faizin School, 3). The implementation of character education in online learning of moral creed at Madrasah Aliyah Darul Faizin is considered less than optimal.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mewujudkan keinginan bersama untuk dapat mengetahui kemampuan dan karakter peserta didik serta mengembangkan kepribadian yang dimiliki peserta didik, baik di bidang pengetahuan, keagamaan maupun spiritual ketiga proses belajar mengajar di lingkungan madrasah. Penelitian ini mengedepankan pola pendekatan kualitatif dan bertujuan untuk memperoleh wawasan tentang sesuatu. Penelitian ini tertuang dalam studi kasus dengan menganalisis beberapa hal terkait pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran secara daring di Madrasah Aliyah Darul Faizin catakgayam mojowarno jombang. Sumber data penelitian ini didapat melalui dokumentasi, wawancara serta observasi di lapangan, yang kemudian diolah secara sistematis dan disimpulkan. Hasil dari penelitian ini memperoleh kesimpulan: 1). Konsep pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran akidah akhlak, 2). Proses pembelajaran akhlak akhlak secara daring di Sekolah Madrasah Aliyah Darul Faizin, 3). Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter pada Pembelajaran akidah akhlak secara daring di Madrasah Aliyah Darul Faizin dinilai kurang optima
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