1,697 research outputs found

    A simple model of EMI-induced timing jitter in digital circuits, its statistical distribution and its effect on circuit performance

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    A simple model has been developed to characterize electromagnetic interference induced timing variations (jitter) in digital circuits. The model is based on measurable switching parameters of logic gates, and requires no knowledge of the internal workings of a device. It correctly predicts not only the dependence of jitter on the amplitude, modulation depth and frequency of the interfering signal, but also its statistical distribution. The model has been used to calculate the immunity level and bit error rate of a synchronous digital circuit subjected to radio frequency interference, and to compare the electromagnetic compatibility performance of fast and slow logic devices in such a circuit

    Numerical Study of the Ghost-Gluon Vertex in Landau gauge

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    We present a numerical study of the ghost-gluon vertex and of the corresponding renormalization function \widetilde{Z}_1(p^2) in minimal Landau gauge for SU(2) lattice gauge theory. Data were obtained for three different lattice volumes (V = 4^4, 8^4, 16^4) and for three lattice couplings \beta = 2.2, 2.3, 2.4. Gribov-copy effects have been analyzed using the so-called smeared gauge fixing. We also consider two different sets of momenta (orbits) in order to check for possible effects due to the breaking of rotational symmetry. The vertex has been evaluated at the asymmetric point (0;p,-p) in momentum-subtraction scheme. We find that \widetilde{Z}_1(p^2) is approximately constant and equal to 1, at least for momenta p > ~ 1 GeV. This constitutes a nonperturbative verification of the so-called nonrenormalization of the Landau ghost-gluon vertex. Finally, we use our data to evaluate the running coupling constant \alpha_s(p^2).Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 9 tables, using axodraw.sty; minor modifications in the abstract, introduction and conclusion

    Non-perturbative momentum dependence of the coupling constant and hadronic models

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    Models of hadron structure are associated with a hadronic scale which allows by perturbative evolution to calculate observables in the deep inelastic region. The resolution of Dyson-Schwinger equations leads to the freezing of the QCD running coupling (effective charge) in the infrared, which is best understood as a dynamical generation of a gluon mass function, giving rise to a momentum dependence which is free from infrared divergences. We use this new development to understand why perturbative treatments are working reasonably well despite the smallness of the hadronic scale.Comment: Changes in Acknowledgments and PACS number

    Infrared exponents and the strong-coupling limit in lattice Landau gauge

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    We study the gluon and ghost propagators of lattice Landau gauge in the strong-coupling limit beta=0 in pure SU(2) lattice gauge theory to find evidence of the conformal infrared behavior of these propagators as predicted by a variety of functional continuum methods for asymptotically small momenta q2ΛQCD2q^2 \ll \Lambda_\mathrm{QCD}^2. In the strong-coupling limit, this same behavior is obtained for the larger values of a^2q^2 (in units of the lattice spacing a), where it is otherwise swamped by the gauge field dynamics. Deviations for a^2q^2 < 1 are well parameterized by a transverse gluon mass 1/a\propto 1/a. Perhaps unexpectedly, these deviations are thus no finite-volume effect but persist in the infinite-volume limit. They furthermore depend on the definition of gauge fields on the lattice, while the asymptotic conformal behavior does not. We also comment on a misinterpretation of our results by Cucchieri and Mendes in Phys. Rev. D81 (2010) 016005.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures. Revised version (mainly sections I and II); references and comments on subsequent work on the subject added

    Strong-coupling study of the Gribov ambiguity in lattice Landau gauge

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    We study the strong-coupling limit beta=0 of lattice SU(2) Landau gauge Yang-Mills theory. In this limit the lattice spacing is infinite, and thus all momenta in physical units are infinitesimally small. Hence, the infrared behavior can be assessed at sufficiently large lattice momenta. Our results show that at the lattice volumes used here, the Gribov ambiguity has an enormous effect on the ghost propagator in all dimensions. This underlines the severity of the Gribov problem and calls for refined studies also at finite beta. In turn, the gluon propagator only mildly depends on the Gribov ambiguity.Comment: 14 pages, 22 figures; minor changes, matches version to appear in Eur. Phys. J.

    The Infrared Behaviour of the Pure Yang-Mills Green Functions

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    We review the infrared properties of the pure Yang-Mills correlators and discuss recent results concerning the two classes of low-momentum solutions for them reported in literature; i.e. decoupling and scaling solutions. We will mainly focuss on the Landau gauge and pay special attention to the results inferred from the analysis of the Dyson-Schwinger equations of the theory and from "{\it quenched}" lattice QCD. The results obtained from properly interplaying both approaches are strongly emphasized.Comment: Final version to be published in FBS (54 pgs., 11 figs., 4 tabs

    IR finiteness of the ghost dressing function from numerical resolution of the ghost SD equation

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    We solve numerically the Schwinger-Dyson (SD hereafter) ghost equation in the Landau gauge for a given gluon propagator finite at k=0 (alpha_gluon=1) and with the usual assumption of constancy of the ghost-gluon vertex ; we show that there exist two possible types of ghost dressing function solutions, as we have previously inferred from analytical considerations : one singular at zero momentum, satisfying the familiar relation alpha_gluon+2 alpha_ghost=0 between the infrared exponents of the gluon and ghost dressing functions(in short, respectively alpha_G and alpha_F) and having therefore alpha_ghost=-1/2, and another which is finite at the origin (alpha_ghost=0), which violates the relation. It is most important that the type of solution which is realized depends on the value of the coupling constant. There are regular ones for any coupling below some value, while there is only one singular solution, obtained only at a critical value of the coupling. For all momenta k<1.5 GeV where they can be trusted, our lattice data exclude neatly the singular one, and agree very well with the regular solution we obtain at a coupling constant compatible with the bare lattice value.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures (one new figure and a short paragraph added

    Mean flow and spiral defect chaos in Rayleigh-Benard convection

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    We describe a numerical procedure to construct a modified velocity field that does not have any mean flow. Using this procedure, we present two results. Firstly, we show that, in the absence of mean flow, spiral defect chaos collapses to a stationary pattern comprising textures of stripes with angular bends. The quenched patterns are characterized by mean wavenumbers that approach those uniquely selected by focus-type singularities, which, in the absence of mean flow, lie at the zig-zag instability boundary. The quenched patterns also have larger correlation lengths and are comprised of rolls with less curvature. Secondly, we describe how mean flow can contribute to the commonly observed phenomenon of rolls terminating perpendicularly into lateral walls. We show that, in the absence of mean flow, rolls begin to terminate into lateral walls at an oblique angle. This obliqueness increases with Rayleigh number.Comment: 14 pages, 19 figure

    Trapping and cooling single atoms with far-off resonance intracavity doughnut modes

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    We investigate cooling and trapping of single atoms inside an optical cavity using a quasi-resonant field and a far-off resonant mode of the Laguerre-Gauss type. The far-off resonant doughnut mode provides an efficient trapping in the case when it shifts the atomic internal ground and excited state in the same way, which is particularly useful for quantum information applications of cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) systems. Long trapping times can be achieved, as shown by full 3-D simulations of the quasi-classical motion inside the resonator.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figures, RevTe