9 research outputs found

    Implementasi OpenID Pada EEPIS Network

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    At this time most of the Internet users want the ease and convenience to gain access information that is always an update from the provided information content. On EEPIS network, the content of information is well integrated, but the digital identity facilities that provided on each content requires user to register the digital identity separately. So that each user must properly manage the digital identities on any content that accessible information. Therefore neccessery a system to allow users to manage digital identities owned. The system is a Single Sign-On system using OpenID. OpenID method is a method of open protocols that allow a user using URLs as single digital identities to sign-in into an application. In this final project, the system will be implemented and applied on the EEPIS network in the form of web based application. Future development is expected to implement OpenID authentication system and can assist users in accessing the information content services already integrated in the EEPIS network. Keywords : user, digital identity, OpenID, authentication


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    AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan media pembelajaran interaktif menggunakan Articulate Storyline berbantuan video SmoothDraw pada materi garis dan sudut kelass VII. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE yang meliputi 5 tahap yaitu analysis (analisis), design (perancangan), development (pengembangan), implementation (implementasi), dan evaluation (evaluasi). Subjek dalam penelitian pengembangan ini meliputi ahli media, ahli desain dan media pembelajaran, 3 praktisi, dan 10 pengguna (user) dari MTs Negeri 4 Malang. Analisis data dalam penelitian pengembangan ini adalah analisis data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Data kuantitatif diperoleh dari skor angket validasi produk dan data kualitatif diperoleh dari komentar dan saran pada angket validasi produk. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pada analisis kebutuhan terhadap 5 guru dan 73 peserta didik, secara berturut-turut diperoleh persentase sebesar 85% dan 83,1%, sehingga diperoleh kesimpulan guru dan peserta didik membutuhkan media pembelajaran interaktif yang dikembangkan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data validasi ahli dan praktisi diperoleh rata-rata per validator ahli media adalah 3,83; rata-rata per validator ahli desain dan media pembelajaran adalah 3,75; dan rata-rata per validator praktisi adalah 3,65. Sehingga, diperoleh rata-rata dari semua validator ahli dan praktisi adalah 3,74. Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan jika produk dinyatakan valid dan tidak memerlukan revisi. Pada validasi uji coba pengguna (user) yang melibatkan 10 peserta didik kelas VII, diperoleh rata-rata keseluruhan sebesar 3,55. Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan jika produk dinyatakan valid dan dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Kata Kunci: pengembangan, media pembelajaran interaktif, articulate storyline, video smoothdraw, garis dan sudut AbstractThe purpose of this research is to produce interactive learning media using Articulate Storyline assisted by SmoothDraw video on line and angle material for class VII. This research is a development research that uses the ADDIE development model which includes 5 stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The subjects in this development research include media experts, design and learning media experts, 3 practitioners, and 10 users from MTs Negeri 4 Malang. Data analysis in this development research is quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Quantitative data obtained from the product validation questionnaire scores and qualitative data obtained from comments and suggestions on the product validation questionnaire. Based on the results of the study, in the needs analysis of 5 teachers and 73 students, the percentages of 85% and 83.1% respectively were obtained, so that it was concluded that teachers and students needed interactive learning media to be developed. Based on the results of expert and practitioner validation data analysis, the average validator per media expert was 3.83; the average per validator of design experts and learning media is 3.75; and the average per practitioner validator is 3.65. Thus, the average of all expert and practitioner validators is 3.74. So, it can be concluded if the product is declared valid and does not require revision. In the validation of the user trial involving 10 students of class VII, the overall average was 3.55. So, it can be concluded if the product is declared valid and can be used in the learning process. Keyword: development, interactive learning media, articulate storyline, video smoothdraw, lines and angel

    Visual Rhetoric in the Design Process Based on Local Wisdom

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    The visual perspective of rhetoric is relatively new in the discipline of rhetoric. Perspective knowledge has begun to be generated about how visual images operate symbolically, although there is not a coherent theory. The key to a rhetorical perspective on the image is that the rhetorical perspective focuses on the rhetorical response of the image rather than on aesthetics. Visual rhetoric as perspective is not a theory with construction and axoms depicting certain rhetorical components of an image; but it also does not consist of some type of content or image knowledge. The development of communication technology is currently growing very rapidly. This development has also affected the media industry, which is required to adapt to the development of communication technology. Technology that occurred in the industrial era 4.0 interfered in various forms of media, especially in the information media. The new paradigm of conventional things is happening with a shift in meaning towards the media. This research used a problem-based approach and qualitative research methods to solve this problem. Local wisdom is a distinctive essence that can characterize design work. In design development in Indonesia, there is disruption in design, especially in design style. The design style that occurs in Indonesia today is heavily influenced by external design style. This is due to the disruption of the 4.0 era that provides information globally. Keywords: visual rhetoric, local wisdom, design, distractio


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    Eksistensi merupakan  kebutuhan yang mendasar untuk mempertahankan kearifan  lokal di era disrupsi 4.0. Masyarakat bali masih mempertahankan berkarya prasi, yakni menorehkan wujud visual   pada  daun   lontar  dengan   menggunakan   penguprak (sebuah pisau kecil).   Pendekatan  fenomenologi  di gunakan untuk mengalokasikan analasis data  yang diperoleh.  Dalam  perkembangan teknologi di  era  digitalisasi  saat  ini,  eksistesni  karya  tradisi  sangat  dipertaruhkan.  Bukan  menghindar akan tetapi  harus beradaptasi, kompromi dengan  perkembangan teknologi  menjadi strategi. Representasi  visual  menjadi titik awal  dalam  melihat  keberadaan  desain  yang  muncul  pada karya prasi pada era digitalisasi saat ini, wujud desain secara visual membangun  persepsi postif dalam   mempertahakan   seni   tradisi   menjadi   hal   esensial   dari   karya   prasi.   Digitalisasi menggunakan  teknologi manjadi penting mempertahankan eksistensi karya prasi, dikarenakan karya ini dapat diinformasikan secara luas dengan dokumen  yang berbentuk digital. Selain itu, diharapkan penelitian ini dapat memberikan inspirasi bagi karya-karya tradisional lainnya dapat bertahan di era disrupsi 4.0 ini dengan memanfaatkan digitalisasi, tidak hanya di Bali, namun juga di daerah-daerah lainnya di Indonesia

    Design And Control System of Automatic Control System of Coal Flow on Belt Conveyor Installation

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    In a power plant unit whose main fuel is coal, there is generally use a belt conveyor installation. This conveyor belt serves to supply coal from the crusher unit to the combustion chamber of the power generation unit. In this study, we discuss a case where the installation of a belt conveyor which was initially only one line was then made a new branch that supplies coal to other power generating units. Equitable capacity distribution and continuity of coal distribution are the main focus of this study. Therefore, a design of automatic control system of coal flow divider on belt conveyor installation was designed. The working principle of this coal flow splitting system is to control the movement of the straight blade plough that directs the flow of coal to each unit at the certain time and continuously. Straight blade plough in the form of steel metal plate with a thickness of about 10 millimeters in which one end is connected to the end of the pneumatic cylinder. Automatic control system of coal flow divider in belt conveyor installation designed using CX-Programmer and CX-Designer applications. CX-Programmer serves to create automatic control logic concepts. While the CX-designer functions to create a Human Machine Interface (HMI), making it easier for operators to control the course of the coal supply process. The results of this study are in the form of control logic lines that can be applied to Programmable Logic Control (PLC) device and Human Machine Interface (HMI) equipment


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi pengaruh pemberian tepung daun pepaya jepang (TDPJ) (Cnidoscolus aconitifolius) terhadap daya cerna ayam kampung. Metode yang digunakan adalah secara eksperimen dengan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) 4 perlakuan dan 5 ulangan. Perlakuan yang diberikan yaitu P0 = 100% pakan komersil (sebagai kontrol); P1= 100% pakan percobaan; P2 = pakan percobaan + 10 % TDPJ; P3 = pakan percobaan + 20 % TDPJ. Parameter yang diamati antara lain konsumsi bahan kering (g/e/h), konsumsi bahan organik (g/e/h). Kecernaan bahan kering (KcBK) (%), Kecernaan bahan organik (KcBO) (%). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penggunaan tepung daun pepaya jepang tidak berpengaruh nyata (p>0,05) terhadap konsumsi bahan kering, konsumsi bahan organik, KcBK, dan KcBO. Walau pun demikian, nampak bahwa perlakuan P3 memberikan nilai paling tinggi dibanding dengan perlakuan lainnya pada variabel tersebut masing-masing sebanyak 37,13±0,84; 28,72±1,97; 37,04±0,84; dan 28,61±1,97. Hal itu dapat disimpulkan bahwa perlakuan penambahan TDPJ ke dalam ransum percobaan memiliki kecenderungan meningkatkan performa produksi ayam kampung sekalipun tidak memberikan perbedaan yang nyata. &nbsp


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    Soil arthropods have aimportant role in soil ecosystem by decomposition of organic materials to keep nutrient cycling in agriculture ecosystem. Diversity and abundance soil arthropod population can be disturbed when the agroecosystem was applied with insecticide. Seasonal differen can influence insecticide degradation. Zea maysmonoculture at the KP4 UGM consist of two kinds plant area which was applied by pyrethroid insecticide deltamethrin (Blok 1D9) and without insecticide application (Blok TP1). The aim of this research is to calculate the diversity and abundance of soil arthropod populations in both block and seasonal influence to soil arthropod population. This research was conducted on July until September (dry season) and October until December 2013 (rainy season). In this research, soil sample was extracted by Tullgreen funnel within 3 days, soil arthropods were identified based on family number, absolute density and important value. Diversity was calculated based on Shannon-Wiener index. Residue of deltamethrin was determined by using fluid chromatography mass spectroscopy. Soil arthropod family was identified then divided into the feeding groups of microphytic feeders, saprophytic feeders, phytophagus feeders and carnivore. The highest absolute density observed at Block 1D9 Block during dry season was Laelapidae, Block TP1 being Hypogasturidae. In rainy season, the highest absolute densities of both blocks was Oribatidae. Diversity indexs in dry season at Block 1D9 and TP1 were 3,1 and 2,8 whereas in rainy season being 3,1 and TP1 were 2,9. Based on the results deltamethrin affectes the abundance and diversity of soil arthropods

    Visual Rhetoric in the Design Process Based on Local Wisdom

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    The visual perspective of rhetoric is relatively new in the discipline of rhetoric. Perspective knowledge has begun to be generated about how visual images operate symbolically, although there is not a coherent theory. The key to a rhetorical perspective on the image is that the rhetorical perspective focuses on the rhetorical response of the image rather than on aesthetics. Visual rhetoric as perspective is not a theory with construction and axoms depicting certain rhetorical components of an image; but it also does not consist of some type of content or image knowledge. The development of communication technology is currently growing very rapidly. This development has also affected the media industry, which is required to adapt to the development of communication technology. Technology that occurred in the industrial era 4.0 interfered in various forms of media, especially in the information media. The new paradigm of conventional things is happening with a shift in meaning towards the media. This research used a problem-based approach and qualitative research methods to solve this problem. Local wisdom is a distinctive essence that can characterize design work. In design development in Indonesia, there is disruption in design, especially in design style. The design style that occurs in Indonesia today is heavily influenced by external design style. This is due to the disruption of the 4.0 era that provides information globally. Keywords: visual rhetoric, local wisdom, design, distractio

    Student Traveler : Let’s Explore Indonesia

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    Learning English is a must-have skill, particularly for the millennial generation, which will compete globally with people from all over the world. Mastering English is no longer a choice; it is an unavoidable must. Language, particularly English, serves as a portal to the rest of the world. Reading and writing are essential skills for all students, especially as they strive to become more insightful students who will be fully useful and knowledgeable human beings in the future. As a result, students will have the insight and knowledge necessary to construct and govern this country as future leaders. Writing, in addition to reading, is a requirement for demonstrating students’ linguistic competence. Writing is one of our methods for ensuring the survival and continuance of our information. This book chapter includes information that will help everyone to travel either all around Indonesia or the world