6,025 research outputs found


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    Limbah kulit pisang belum dimanfaatkan atau diolah menjadi produk. Kulit pisang merupakan salah satu sumber nitrogen alami yang potensial. Peningkatan pertumbuhan, perkembangan pada aktivitas bakteri acetobacter xylinum nitrogen alami dapat didapatkan dari kulit pisang. Pemanfaatan dari kulit buah naga yang mengandung antioksidan yang cukup tinggi. Permasalahan limbah kulit buah pisang kepok dan kulit buah naga merah dapat dikurangi dengan mengetahui nutrisi kulit buah yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pembuatan Nata de dragon. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimental sejati. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh suatu tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kulit pisang kepok (Musa paradisiaca) terhadap kualitas Nata de Dragon. Hasil penelitian dan alisha menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh konsentrasi kulit pisang kepok dengan menggunakan media substrat kulit buah naga terhadap kualitas nata de dragon, dilihat dari parameter uji organoleptik yang meliputi aroma, rasa, tekstur rasa. Sedangkan pada kualitas kadar serat dan kadar antioksidan terdapat pengaruh. Hasil menunjukkan kadar antioksidan terbaik pada perlakuan satu yaitu 0%. Dan terdapat perlakuan terbaik kadar serat yaitu pada perlakuan dua yaitu 25%

    KONTEKS LIVING QURAN ala UMAR BIN KHATAB: (Implementasi Konsep Hermeneutis Dalam Penentuan Kebijakan)

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    Umar as a caliph as well as a friend of the Apostle has a special position in the history trajectory. His assertive and rigorous personal attitudes lead him became the Khulafa ar Rashidun who is highly respected by Muslims. However, his personal attitudes sparked uproar and even fierce opposition among Muslims at that time, especially when he served as caliph who - it was assumed - often ignored and disobeyed the text of the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. This paper used a qualitative approach and specified on literature review method, by collecting data and information from various relevant literature including both text books and internet sources. The results of this study confirmed that Umar's understanding of the text is a product of contemporary Muslim thought. In addition, Umar bin Khattab's hermeneutics can be learned from his understanding of text exposition, implementation based on the text understanding, and his progressive ijtihad in producing benefit-based law

    Can a novel management plan for the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands crab fisheries succeed?

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    Since their inception, Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands (BSAI) crab fisheries have attracted participants willing to undertake great financial and personal risks to participate in these high valued fisheries. Although entry to the fisheries is limited, excess capital and overcapacity, together with stock declines, have resulted in a race for fish. The shortest season is in the Bristol Bay red king crab fishery, which has been prosecuted for less than one week in recent years. Efforts of managers to protect declining stocks by reducing allowable catch have increased the economic stress on participants and communities that depend on these fisheries and increased pressure on participants to take greater risks. For several years, the North Pacific Fishery Management Council worked with participants to address these problems in the crab fisheries through series of working groups and management measures. In 2001, Congress stepped in, directing the Council to assess various rationalization programs for the fisheries, including individual fishing quotas (IFQs), processor shares, cooperatives, and quotas held by communities. The outcome of the Council process is a new and unique management program selected by a unanimous vote of the North Pacific Council. The program reflects the Council's desire to accommodate the interests of several groups dependent on these fisheries-vessel owners, processors, captains and crew, and communities. Under the program, harvest quota shares (QS) will be issued to vessel owners and captains. Processors will be issued processing quota shares. Under these allocations, 90 percent of harvest quota shares are designated for delivery to holders of processing quota shares. Community interests are protected by a requirement that a certain portion of the catch be landed and processed in designated regions. An arbitration program is included to resolve price disputes, which could arise because of the constraints on markets created by the dual share allocations. The result of the Council's action is one of the most complex fishery management programs to date. The attempt to satisfy many interests creates significant hurdles that must be overcome for the program to succeed economically and environmentally. This paper describes key dimensions of the proposed crab fishery management program and identifies the most substantial hurdles that the program must overcome for the Council to judge it a successful management program for the fisheries. First, managers will be challenged by program implementation. Implementation will require initial allocations of harvesting shares to vessel owners and captains and processing shares to processors. Most shares will be regionally designated based on the participant's landings history. Second, managers will face the challenge of protecting stocks as the incentives to high grade increase in the share-based fishery. Third, the markets for the harvest shares, captains shares, and processing shares must develop in a manner that facilitates coordination of harvesting and processing activity required by the share system and the regional landing and processing requirements. Lastly, market opportunities for harvest landings will be constrained by the requirement that deliveries be made to a processing share holder in a designated region. For the program to be considered a success, price formation in the market for landings must be perceived as fair. Each of these issues is described in a manner that provides the reader with a perspective of the institutional challenges faced by a program that attempts to address the concerns of several different interests. In addition, characteristics of the fisheries that contribute to the potential to overcome these obstacles are discussed.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa perbandingan efisiensi pasar saham syariah dan pasar saham konvensional di BEI dalam hal efisiensi informasi selama periode 2016-2020. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data historis adjusted closed price harian (5 hari per minggu) dari indeks JII dan IDX30 pada periode 2016-2020. Teknik analisis yang digunakan pemodelan GARCH dengan spesifikasi model GARCH (1,1) untuk syariah dan GARCH (2,1) untuk konvensional yang mampu mengakomodasi masalah pemodelan data keuangan yang memiliki volatilitas yang tinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan indeks saham syariah lebih fluktuatif daripada indeks saham konvensional. Dari segi efisiensi informasi, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa indeks saham syariah lebih efisien dibandingkan dengan indeks saham konvensional

    Implementasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah dalam Kegiatan Membaca di SDN 1 Pangkalan Banteng Kalimantan Tengah

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    The reading ability of students in Indonesia is still relatively low because there are students who do not recognize letters, lack understanding of reading content, and lack enthusiasm when reading both in low and high grades. Therefore, there is an implementation of the School Literacy Movement in reading activities at SDN 1 Pangkalan Banteng, Central Kalimantan. Thus, this study aims to describe 1) the implementation of the School Literacy Movement in reading activities in phase A (grade II) and phase B (grade IV) at SDN 1 Pangkalan Banteng Central Kalimantan, and 2) the supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of the School Literacy Movement at SDN 1 Pangkalan Banteng Central Kalimantan. The method used in this research is Narrative Inquiry. The subjects in this study were teachers or guardians of phase A (class II) and phase B (class IV). Data sources were obtained from sentences or quotes transcribed from audio recordings. Data research was conducted with several steps, namely (1) Data collection, (2) Data reduction, (3) Data presentation, and (4) Concluding. Data collection techniques used in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. This research instrument uses an interview grid. The findings of this study show that the School Literacy Movement in reading activities is implemented in three stages which include the habituation stage, the development stage, and the learning stage. In the habituation stage, activities are carried out by reading books for 15 minutes before lessons followed by reading aloud and silently. This activity is not only carried out with 15 minutes of reading activities but also followed by other activities such as organizing and creating a text-rich environment. Reading activities in the developmental phase are carried out by reading aloud, independent reading, shared reading, and integrated reading. However, in phase A (class II), independent reading activities are not implemented because there are learners who are not yet proficient in reading. Then, the learning stage has been carried out with various reading activities supported by various types and learning media. In phase A (grade II) the types and learning media are textbooks, pictures/posters, while in phase B (grade IV) they are books, pictures/posters, and audiovisuals. Also, there are supporting factors and inhibiting factors in the implementation of the School Literacy Movement at SDN 1 Pangkalan Banteng, Central Kalimantan. Some of the supporting factors include the existence of facilities and infrastructure, the availability of sufficient funds, and government support. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors include the lack of readiness of students, the lack of understanding of educators, and the lack of community/family support

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    Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Keinginan Mahasiswa Akuntansi Mengambil Sertifikasi Akuntansi (Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis, Stie Dan Stain Bengkalis )

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that influence the desire of accounting students to take accounting certification (a case study on students of Bengkalis State Polytechnic College, STIE and STAIN Bengkalis). This research is a type of quantitative research using primary data sources (questionnaires). The data analysis method used multiple linear regression analysis with the help of IBM SPSS Statistic 25. The results of the questionnaire were tested for validity and reliability before conducting the research data. Prerequisite analysis test includes normality test, multicollinearity test, and heteroscedasticity test. The data analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing, partial test (T test) and simultaneous test. This study uses a descriptive quantitative approach where the aim is to research which includes Factors Affecting the Desire of Accounting Students to Take Accounting Certification (Case Study of Bengkalis State Polytechnic College Students, STIE and Bengkalis STAIN)

    Pengaruh Supervisi Pendidikan Kepala Sekolah Terhadap Mutu Pendidikan di MTs Madani Alauddin Kabupaten Gowa

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    Berdasarkan olah data analisis statistik deskriptif diperoleh hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa (1)Supervisi Pendidikan di MTs Madani Alauddin Kabupaten Gowa berada pada kategori sedang dengan persentase 60% (2)Mutu Pendidikan di MTs Madani Alauddin Kabupaten Gowa berada pada kategori yang sama yaitu pada kategori sedang dengan persentase 62,5% sedangkan mutu pendidikan yang diperoleh dari peserta didik yaitu 66%. (3)Adapun hasil analisis statistik inferensial diperoleh t hitung 3,391 > t tabel 1,686 karena t hitung > t tabel maka Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Artinya terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara supervisi pendidikan kepala sekolah terhadap mutu pendidikan di MTs Madani Alauddin Kabupaten Gowa

    Program Pendampingan Literasi, Adaptasi Teknologi, Administrasi di SD Unggulan 20 Sumurarum

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    Kampus Mengajar (KM) Angkatan 1 Tahun 2021 merupakan bagian dari kegiatan Mengajar di Sekolah dari program Kampus Merdeka Membantu pembelajaran di masa pandemi, terutama untuk SD di daerah 3T. Kampus Mengajar adalah bagian dari program Kampus Merdeka yang bertujuan untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa belajar dan mengembangkan diri melalui aktivitas di luar kelas perkuliahan. Di program kampus mengajar, mahasiswa akan ditempatkan di sekolah dasar di seluruh Indonesia dan membantu proses belajar mengajar di sekolah tersebut. Kegiatan Kampus Mengajar Angkatan 1 dilaksanakan mulai 22 Maret – 25 Juni 2021. Penulis merupakan salah satu dari peserta Kampus Mengajar Angkatan 1. Pada program Kampus Mengajar Angkatan 1 penulis ditempatkan di SD Unggulan 20 Sumurarum. Kegiatan belajar mengajar di sekolah tersebut dilaksanakan secara luring (pembelajaran tatap muka) dan daring (pembelajaran jarak jauh). Selama pandemi, kegiatan belajar mengajar secara luring dilaksanakan secara bergantian, agar protokol kesehatan tetap berjalan. Sedangkan pembelajaran secara luring, SD Unggulan 20 Sumurarum menggunakan aplikasi WhatsApp dan dengan video pembelajaran. Selama kegiatan Kampus Mengajar ini mahasiswa telah melaksanakan program kerja dengan lancar. Kata Kunci: Kampus Mengaja
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