
Implementasi Gerakan Literasi Sekolah dalam Kegiatan Membaca di SDN 1 Pangkalan Banteng Kalimantan Tengah


The reading ability of students in Indonesia is still relatively low because there are students who do not recognize letters, lack understanding of reading content, and lack enthusiasm when reading both in low and high grades. Therefore, there is an implementation of the School Literacy Movement in reading activities at SDN 1 Pangkalan Banteng, Central Kalimantan. Thus, this study aims to describe 1) the implementation of the School Literacy Movement in reading activities in phase A (grade II) and phase B (grade IV) at SDN 1 Pangkalan Banteng Central Kalimantan, and 2) the supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of the School Literacy Movement at SDN 1 Pangkalan Banteng Central Kalimantan. The method used in this research is Narrative Inquiry. The subjects in this study were teachers or guardians of phase A (class II) and phase B (class IV). Data sources were obtained from sentences or quotes transcribed from audio recordings. Data research was conducted with several steps, namely (1) Data collection, (2) Data reduction, (3) Data presentation, and (4) Concluding. Data collection techniques used in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. This research instrument uses an interview grid. The findings of this study show that the School Literacy Movement in reading activities is implemented in three stages which include the habituation stage, the development stage, and the learning stage. In the habituation stage, activities are carried out by reading books for 15 minutes before lessons followed by reading aloud and silently. This activity is not only carried out with 15 minutes of reading activities but also followed by other activities such as organizing and creating a text-rich environment. Reading activities in the developmental phase are carried out by reading aloud, independent reading, shared reading, and integrated reading. However, in phase A (class II), independent reading activities are not implemented because there are learners who are not yet proficient in reading. Then, the learning stage has been carried out with various reading activities supported by various types and learning media. In phase A (grade II) the types and learning media are textbooks, pictures/posters, while in phase B (grade IV) they are books, pictures/posters, and audiovisuals. Also, there are supporting factors and inhibiting factors in the implementation of the School Literacy Movement at SDN 1 Pangkalan Banteng, Central Kalimantan. Some of the supporting factors include the existence of facilities and infrastructure, the availability of sufficient funds, and government support. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors include the lack of readiness of students, the lack of understanding of educators, and the lack of community/family support

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