16 research outputs found


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    Abstrak: Hasil Survei kesehatan mental secara daring yang diikuti oleh 5.211 orang, diantaranya oleh remaja berusia 18-24 tahun ditemukan adanya rasa kesepian yang merata di semua kelompok umur. Remaja berpotensi mengalami depresi dan kecemasan selama proses isolasi sosial maupun setelah usai pandemi Covid 19. Peserta yang mengikuti kegiatan sebanyak 30 siswa. Tujuan kegiatan adalah agar kesehatan mental siswa dapat terjaga dalam batas normal dan siswa mengetahui cara mempertahankan kesehatan mental dan fisik pasca pandemi. Hal ini penting dilakukan mengingat sekarang kita hidup berdampingan dengan virus serta edukasi menjaga kesehatan fisik dan mental agar siswa mampu mempertahankan kesehatan mental pasca pandemi. Metode pengabmas adalah mendeteksi awal kesehatan jiwa remaja dengan menggunakan kuesioner SDQ. Hasil kegiatan sebagian besar siswa dengan perilaku prososial normal (93,3%); dengan masalah emosional pada kategori normal (63,3%), untuk masalah conduct sebagian besar pada kategori normal (50%); hiperaktifitas sebagian besar pada kategori normal (56,7%). Siswa yang memiliki masalah dengan teman sebaya sebagian besar pada kategori borderline (40%). Perlu menjadi perhatian khusus oleh guru BK sehingga siswa dengan kategori abnormal dan borderline perlu dilakukan pembimbingan secara khusus agar dapat dicegah masalah yang berkelanjutan.Abstract: The results of an online mental health survey followed by 5,211 people, including adolescents aged 18-24 years, found that loneliness was evenly distributed in all age groups. Adolescents have the potential to experience depression and anxiety during the social isolation process and after the Covid 19 pandemic. The purpose of the activity is so that mental health can be maintained within normal limits and students know how to maintain mental and physical health after a pandemic. This is important to do considering that now we live side by side with the virus as well as education on maintaining physical and mental health so that students are able to maintain post-pandemic mental health. The community service method is to detect early adolescent mental health using the SDQ questionnaire. Activities outcomes of most students with normal prosocial behavior (93.3%); with emotional problems in the normal category (63.3%), for conduct problems mostly in the normal category (50%); Hyperactivity was mostly in the normal category (56.7%). Students who had problems with peers were mostly in the borderline category (40%). It needs to be a special attention by BK teachers so that students with abnormal and borderline categories need to be guided specifically so that ongoing problems can be prevented

    Health-related quality of life of food-allergic children compared with healthy controls and other diseases

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    Background Food allergy is a potentially life-threatening disease, affecting up to 10% of the pediatric population. Objective The aim of our study was to assess the health-related quality of life (HRQL) of food-allergic patients compared with the general population and patients with other chronic diseases with dietary or allergic burden, in a cross-sectional study. Methods We recruited patients aged 8-17 years diagnosed with food allergy and matched healthy controls recruited in schools. We also included patients with asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, diabetes, obesity, and eating disorders. We used the CHQ-CF87 questionnaire for generic HRQL assessment. Food allergy HRQL was also assessed using specific questionnaires: Food Allergy Quality of Life Questionnaire (FAQLQ) and Food Allergy Independent Measure (FAIM). Results One hundred and thirty-five food-allergic children, 255 children with chronic diseases, and 463 healthy controls were included in the analyses. Food-allergic patients had a better HRQL than healthy controls in the Behavior (BE), Bodily Pain (BP), Family Activities (FA), and Mental Health (MH) domains and a worse HRQL in the General Health Perception (GH) domain (p = .048). Food-allergic patients exhibited a better HRQL than patients affected by other chronic diseases, notably diabetes. Although an epinephrine autoinjector had been prescribed to 87.4% of the food-allergic children, only 54.2% of them carried it at all times. Conclusion Food-allergic patients display overall good HRQL compared with the general population and those with other diseases with daily symptoms and treatments, in line with recent improvements in food allergy management

    Clinical relevance of cell-free DNA quantification and qualification during the first month after lung transplantation

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    BackgroundMany studies have reported the relevance of donor-derived cfDNA (dd-cfDNA) after lung transplantation (LTx) to diagnose and monitor acute rejection (AR) or chronic rejection or infection (INF). However, the analysis of cfDNA fragment size has not been studied. The aim of this study was to determine the clinical relevance of dd-cfDNA and cfDNA size profiles in events (AR and INF) during the first month after LTx.MethodsThis prospective, single-center study includes 62 LTx recipients at the Marseille Nord Hospital, France. Total cfDNA quantification was performed by fluorimetry and digital PCR, dd-cfDNA by NGS (AlloSeq cfDNA-CareDX®), and the size profile by BIABooster (Adelis®). A bronchoalveolar lavage and transbronchial biopsies at D30 established the following groups: not-injured and injured graft (AR, INF, or AR+INF).ResultsQuantification of total cfDNA was not correlated with the patient’s status at D30. The percentage of dd-cfDNA was significantly higher for injured graft patients at D30 (p=0.0004). A threshold of 1.72% of dd-cfDNA correctly classified the not-injured graft patients (negative predictive value of 91.4%). Among recipients with dd-cfDNA >1.72%, the quantification of small sizes (80-120bp) >3.70% identified the INF with high performance (specificity and positive predictive value of 100%).ConclusionWith the aim of considering cfDNA as a polyvalent non-invasive biomarker in transplantation, an algorithm combining the quantification of dd-cfDNA and small sizes of DNA may significantly classify the different types of allograft injuries

    PENGARUH KUALITAS SELEBRITI ENDORSER PADA INSTAGRAM TERHADAP SIKAP PENGGUNA QUBICLE (Kasus pada Keefektivitasan Selebriti Endorser @nabiellas di Instagram pada Artikel Road To Soundrenaline 2017 dalam Qubicle Terhadap Sikap Pengguna Qubicle)

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    Peran komunikator dalam berkomunikasi sangatlah penting karena komunikator dapat menentukan sikap yang akan diubah oleh komunikator kepada komunikan. Oleh sebab itu, sebuah organisasi yang merupakan platform media juga sangat membutuhkan seorang komunikator yang berkualitas dalam mempersuasi komunikannya agar dapat terbentuk sikap seperti yang diinginkan oleh sebuah platform media yaitu Qubicle. Dalam hal ini Qubicle menggunakan jasa selebriti endorser pada Instagram karena Instagram merupakan salah satu new media yang sangat interaktif untuk berkomunikasi dan memudahkan selebriti endorser untuk mengetahui timbulnya efek yaitu sikap positif dari proses komunikasi persuasif yang dilakukan kepada pengguna Qubicle. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kuantitatif. Peneliti menggunakan kuisioner atau angket untuk mengumpulkan data dengan cara membagikan kepada responden dan menggunakan metode sampling random sederhana. Sedangkan metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, analisis korelasi dan analisis regresi linier sederhana. Berdasarkan hasil data yang telah diolah, ditemukan bahwa ada pengaruh kualitas selebriti endorser @nabiellas di Instagram pada artikel Road To Soundrenaline 2017 dalam Qubicle terhadap sikap yang diberikan oleh pengguna Qubicle. Data menunjukkan kualitas selebriti endorser @nabiellas yang diukur dari kredibilitas, daya tarik tampilan dan daya tarik pesan memiliki kualitas yang tinggi. Kemudian, data juga menunjukkan sikap pengguna Qubicle bahwa karena @nabiellas memiliki kualitas yang tinggi, maka pengguna Qubicle cenderung memiliki sikap positif yang tersusun dari 3 komponen (kognitif, afektif, konatif) tentang artikel Road To Soundrenaline 2017 dalam Qubicle oleh @nabiellas. Saran dari peneliti untuk Qubicle adalah Qubicle harus menggunakan jasa selebriti endorser dan mempertahankan kriteria kualitas dalam memilih selebriti endorser untuk menjadi traffic generator, karena untuk membangun sikap positif pada pengguna Qubicle maka sangatlah penting untuk menggunakan jasa komunikator atau selebriti endorser yang memiliki kualitas tinggi

    Paediatric long term continuous positive airway pressure and noninvasive ventilation in France: A cross-sectional study

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    International audienceObjective: To describe the characteristics of children treated with long term continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) or noninvasive ventilation (NIV) in France.Design: Cross-sectional national survey.Setting: Paediatric CPAP/NIV teams of 28 tertiary university hospitals in France.Patients: Children aged <20 years treated with CPAP/NIV since at least 3 months on June 1st, 2019.Intervention: An anonymous questionnaire was filled in for every patient.Results: The data of 1447 patients (60% boys), mean age 9.8 ± 5.8 years were analysed. The most frequent underlying disorders were: upper airway obstruction (46%), neuromuscular disease (28%), disorder of the central nervous system (13%), cardiorespiratory disorder (7%), and congenital bone disease (4%). Forty-five percent of the patients were treated with CPAP and 55% with NIV. Treatment was initiated electively for 92% of children, while 8% started during an acute illness. A poly(somno)graphy (P(S)G) was performed prior to treatment initiation in 26%, 36% had a P(S)G with transcutaneous carbon dioxide monitoring (PtcCO2), while 23% had only a pulse oximetry (SpO2) with PtcCO2 recording. The decision of CPAP/NIV initiation during an elective setting was based on the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) in 41% of patients, SpO2 and PtcCO2 in 25% of patients, and AHI with PtcCO2 in 25% of patients. Objective adherence was excellent with a mean use of 7.6 ± 3.2 h/night. Duration of CPAP/NIV was 2.7 ± 2.9 years at the time of the survey.Conclusion: This survey shows the large number of children treated with long term CPAP/NIV in France with numerous children having disorders other than neuromuscular disease