493 research outputs found


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    Oral Communication presented at the ";Forum des Jeunes Chercheurs";, Brest (France) 2011

    La revendication du corps chez Lorette Nobécourt. Désir versus Aliénation

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    Asociada a una corriente basura reducida muy pronto a un eslogan publicitario, Lorette Nobécourt se distingue de algunos contemporáneos cualificados de cínicos por una escritura que parece encarnar la crítica situacionista. La desolladura que sufren sus personajes es, en efecto, el trabajo de deshumanización de lo humano, de mercantilización del cuerpo y de los placeres que emprende la sociedad del espectáculo descrita por Guy Debord. En respuesta, Nobécourt reivindica el cuerpo, en sus aspectos más orgánicos, lejos de las obligaciones morales y hasta una forma de violencia liberadora contra sí mismo y contra los demás, como amparo contra la alienación que acecha.Often associated with a «trash» wave, a movement that is generally reduced to a publicity slogan, Lorette Nobécourt distances herself from the herd of «cynical» contemporary writers through a writing style that embodies situationist criticism. The quartering suffered by her characters is the corollary of the annihilation of their humanity, the merchandization of their bodies and pleasures, undertaken by the society of spectacle. Nobécourt’s answer asserts the body in its most organic component, far from moral obligations, and at times bordering on a form of liberation through violent means (violence turned onto oneself or intended for others)

    La informalidad laboral en la economía de plataformas. Es la regulación normativa una solución?

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    14-19 p

    The PCA Lens-Finder: application to CFHTLS

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    We present the results of a new search for galaxy-scale strong lensing systems in CFHTLS Wide. Our lens-finding technique involves a preselection of potential lens galaxies, applying simple cuts in size and magnitude. We then perform a Principal Component Analysis of the galaxy images, ensuring a clean removal of the light profile. Lensed features are searched for in the residual images using the clustering topometric algorithm DBSCAN. We find 1098 lens candidates that we inspect visually, leading to a cleaned sample of 109 new lens candidates. Using realistic image simulations we estimate the completeness of our sample and show that it is independent of source surface brightness, Einstein ring size (image separation) or lens redshift. We compare the properties of our sample to previous lens searches in CFHTLS. Including the present search, the total number of lenses found in CFHTLS amounts to 678, which corresponds to ~4 lenses per square degree down to i=24.8. This is equivalent to ~ 60.000 lenses in total in a survey as wide as Euclid, but at the CFHTLS resolution and depth.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication on A&

    Le concept de maladies virales émergentes : quel risque de zoonose pour La Réunion ?

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    A La Réunion, le risque d'émergence de maladies virales est constitué par plusieurs zoonoses virales qu'il convient de surveiller: infections à virus Sindbis, virus de l'encéphalite japonaise, virus Wesselsbron, virus Nipah, virus Zika, virus West Nile, virus de la fièvre de la vallée du Rift. La lutte contre ces maladies virales émergentes (MVE) passe par une détection précoce des cas et donc un système de surveillance doté d'un véritable réseau d'information, d'alerte et de prévention international. (Résumé d'auteur

    Data Processing Techniques for Ion and Electron Energy Distribution Functions

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    Retarding field energy analyzers and Langmuir probes are routinely used to obtain ion and electron energy distribution functions (IEDF, EEDF). These typically require knowledge of the first and second derivatives of the I-V characteristics, both of which can be obtained in various ways. This poses challenges inherent to differentiating noisy signals, a frequent problem with electric-probe plasma diagnostics. A brief review of commonly used analog and numerical filtering and differentiation techniques is presented, together with their application on experimental data collected in a radio-frequency plasma. The application of each method is detailed with regards to the obtained IEDF and EEDF, the deduced plasma parameters, dynamic range, energy resolution and signal distortion.Comment: A.C. and F.F. are co-first authors. The following article has been submitted to Physics of Plasmas. After it is published, it will be found at https://aip.scitation.org/journal/ph

    Survival Analysis to Estimate Association between Short-Term Mortality and Air Pollution

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    BACKGROUND: Ecologic studies are commonly used to report associations between short-term air pollution and mortality. In such studies, the unit of observation is the day rather than the individual. Moreover, individual data on the subjects are rarely available, which limits the assessment of individual risk factors. These associations can also be investigated using case–crossover studies. However, by definition, individual risk factors are not studied, and such studies analyze only dead subjects, which limits the statistical power. OBJECTIVE: We suggest that the survival analysis is more suitable when cohorts are examined with a time-dependent ecologic exposure. To our knowledge, to date this type of analysis has never been proposed. DESIGN, PARTICIPANTS, MEASUREMENTS: In the present study we used a Cox proportional hazards model to investigate the distribution over time of the short-term effect of black smoke and sulfur dioxide in 439 nonaccidental and 158 cardiorespiratory deaths among the 1,469 subjects of the Personnes Agées QUID (PAQUID) cohort in Bordeaux, France. The model has a delayed entry and a polynomial distributed lag from 0 to 5 days. Results are adjusted for individual risk factors, temperature, relative humidity, weekday, season, influenza epidemics, and a time function to control temporal trends. RESULTS: We identified a positive and significant association between cardiorespiratory mortality and black smoke, with a 24% increase in deaths 3 days after a 10-μg/m(3) increase in black smoke (95% confidence interval, 4–47%). CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that the Cox proportional hazards model with time-dependent covariates is very suitable to investigate simultaneously the short-term effect of air pollution on health and the effect of individual risk factors on a cohort study