97 research outputs found

    New records of interesting xenophytes in the Iberian Peninsula

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    New records of interesting xenophytes in the Iberian Peninsula. Botanical inventories in various parts of Spain mainly between 2005 and 2007 yielded numerous chorological novelties.Cyperus prolifer is probably reported for the first time in Europe. Chenopodium simplex, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Digitaria violascens, Eragrostis frankii, Ipomoea x leucantha, Ludwigia peploides subsp. montevidensis, Malvastrum coromandelianum, Melinis repens subsp. repens, Oenothera indecora subsp. indecora, Panicum philadelphicum subsp. gattingeri and Solanum americanum are probably recorded for the first time from Spain. Crassula campestris is first cited from Portugal. New provincial records include: Abutilon grandifolium (Barcelona), Amaranthus palmeri (Lérida), Amelichloa caudata (Valencia), Anoda cristata (Huelva), Arctotheca calendula (Gerona), Asparagus setaceus (Huelva), Bidens subalternans (Huelva), Cardiospermum halicacabum (Alicante), Cenchrus incertus (Cádiz), Cestrum parqui (Barcelona), Cyperus esculentus (Huelva), Datura ferox (Huelva), Elymus elongatus subsp. ponticus (Lérida, Sevilla), Eragrostis mexicana subsp.virescens (Huelva), Eragrostis pectinacea (Huelva), Galinsoga quadriradiata (Huelva), Hydrocotyle bonariensis (Huelva), Leptochloa uninervia (Granada, Huesca), Oenothera oehlkersi (Gerona), Rumex cristatus (Gerona), Senna obtusifolia (Huelva), Setaria faberi (Huelva), S. parviflora (Huelva), Solanum elaegnifolium (Alicante), S. linnaeanum (Granada), S. physalifolium (Huelva) and Verbena litoralis var. brevibracteata (Huelva). Previous Andalusian records of Galenia secunda turned out to be in error for G. pubescens. A large majority of the cited taxa is of American origin.Nuevas citas de xenófitos interesantes en la Península Ibérica. Diferentes campañas de herborizaciones en España entre los años 2005 -2007, han propiciado el descubrimiento de diferentes novedades corológicas para su flora. Se cita como novedad para Europa Cyperus prolifer. Son probablemente nuevas citas para España Chenopodium simplex, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Digitaria violascens, Eragrostis frankii, Ipomoea x leucantha, Ludwigia peploides subsp. montevidensis, Malvastrum coromandelianum, Melinis repens subsp. repens, Oenothera indecora subsp. indecora, Panicum philadelphicum subsp. gattingeri y Solanum americanum. Se cita como novedad por el Portugal Crassula campestris. Se incluyen como novedades provinciales: Abutilon grandifolium (Barcelona), Amaranthus palmeri (Lérida), Amelichloa caudata (Valencia), Anoda cristata (Huelva), Arctotheca calendula (Gerona), Asparagus setaceus (Huelva), Bidens subalternans (Huelva), Cardiospermum halicacabum (Alicante), Cenchrus incertus (Cádiz), Cestrum parqui (Barcelona),Cyperus esculentus (Huelva), Datura ferox (Huelva), Elymus elongatus subsp. ponticus (Lérida, Sevilla), Eragrostis mexicana subsp. virescens (Huelva), Eragrostis pectinacea (Huelva), Galinsoga quadriradiata (Huelva), Hydrocotyle bonariensis (Huelva), Leptochloa uninervia (Granada, Huesca), Oenothera oehlkersi (Gerona), Rumex cristatus (Gerona), Senna obtusifolia (Huelva), Setaria faberi (Huelva), S. parviflora (Huelva), Solanum elaegnifolium (Alicante), S. linnaeanum (Granada), S.physalifolium (Huelva) y Verbena litoralis var. brevibracteata (Huelva). Se actualiza la nomenclatura en Andalucía de las citas previas del taxón Galenia secunda, que se cambia por Galenia pubescens, su nombre correcto. Una gran mayoría de los taxones citados son de origen americano

    The accelerated spread of a neophyte introduced to Europe long ago – First occurrence of Sporobolus indicus (Poaceae) in Hungary

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    The first occurrence of Sporobolus indicus in Hungary is reported. The neotropical S. indicus is one of the oldest introduced neophytes to Europe. From the middle of the 19th century until the last decade of the 20th century, apart from a few occasional occurrences, it expanded only in the Mediterranean area. However, the number of observations has dramatically increased in the past two decades, even outside the Mediterranean region. Its recent rapid spreading is evident along roads, in lawns, trampled tourist places (e.g., campsites). Tourism certainly contributes to the very successful recent spreading of the species. Still, global warming, the increasingly mild winters in continental Europe, can certainly enhance the establishment and further dispersal of this cold sensitive species

    New xenophytes from the Canary Islands (Gran Canaria and Tenerife; Spain)

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    Recent fieldwork in Gran Canaria and Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain), mostly between 2012 and 2016, yielded new chorological data for several non-native vascular plant species. The following are considered naturalized and/or potentially invasive: Callistemon viminalis, Casuarina glauca, Chloris barbata, Cyperus difformis, Eucalyptus gomphocephala, E. sideroxylon, Nephrolepis cordifolia, Rumex palustris, Senna × artemisioides (s.l.) and S. × floribunda and are reported for the first time from the Canary Islands. Other first records include: Cascabela thevetia (Tenerife), Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Gran Canaria), Digitaria radicosa (Gran Canaria, Tenerife), Dysphania anthelmintica (Tenerife), Erythrostemon gilliesii (Tenerife), Heliotropium supinum (Tenerife), Limoniastrum monopetalum (Tenerife), Nerium oleander (Tenerife), Pascalia glauca (Tenerife), Phytolacca americana (Tenerife), Podranea ricasoliana (Gran Canaria), Psidium guajava (Gran Canaria), Rumex cristatus (Tenerife), Schinus terebinthifolia (Tenerife), Solandra maxima (Tenerife), Tipuana tipu (Tenerife) and Youngia japonica (Gran Canaria). More than 20 additional taxa also represent chorological novelties but are considered ephemerals. Finally, miscellaneous notes are added for Diplachne fusca subsp. uninervia, Eclipta prostrata, Pluchea carolinensis, Prosopis juliflora and Sida rhombifolia from Gran Canari

    studies in the genus paspalum paniceae poaceae in europe 3 paspalum thunbergii a new naturalized neophyte in w europe

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    Abstract: Paspalum thunbergii, a weedy species native to E Asia, is reported for the first time from W Europe. In Italy a naturalized population was detected in 2014 in a heathland in Boscaccio (Lentate sul Seveso; Monza and Brianza province, Lombardia region). A subsequent revision of local herbaria revealed the existence of a second population, also in Lombardia, discovered in Mortara (Pavia province) in 2011 and now confirmed. The taxonomy and nomenclature of this species are briefly discussed, as are its ecology and habitat preferences. An original line drawing and photographs of the species and its habitat are provided. An updated identification key for the species of Paspalum in Europe is also presented. Citation: Verloove F., Brusa G. & Ardenghi N. M. G. 2016: Studies in the genus Paspalum (Paniceae, Poaceae) in Europe: 3. Paspalum thunbergii, a new naturalized neophyte in W Europe. — Willdenowia 46: 137–143. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3372/wi.46.46111 Version of record first published online on 1 A..

    New distributional records of non-native vascular plants in northern Italy

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    New distributional records of non-native vascular plants are provided for the Italian regions Piemonte, Lombardia and Emilia-Romagna. Panicum barbipulvinatum is reported for the first time from Italy

    First record of Pontederia cordata L. (Pontederiaceae) in southern Spain and risk assessment for Europe

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    Pontederia cordata L. (Pontederiaceae) is an emerging aquatic plant native to the American continent that has been introduced to various continents through longdistance commerce as an ornamental plant. Individuals growing in the wild belonging to Pontederia L. genus where found in South Spain. The analysis of diagnostic characters of the collected specimens and their comparison to those represented in herbarium vouchers allowed us to distinguish them from its closest relative, P. sagittata C. Presl and to assign all the specimens found at the locality to P. cordata L. This is the southernmost European record of the species. It was clear that the origin of the introduction was the use as ornamental aquatic plant in the area. Its invasion risk was assessed for Europe, firstly, by analysing the suitability of European climate for the species, secondly, by assessing the potential impact. Results showed that from 92.5 to 92.9% of the meteorological stations analysed showed climate conditions that were compatible with the species' climatic requirements. The ecological characteristics of the species and the climatic features of the area analysed suggest a great risk of invasion that could lead to the species' spread in Europe. These findings suggest that P. cordata could threaten European wetlands

    On the identity of Abutilon arboreum (Malvaceae) in Spain

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    The identity of a recently detected population of Abutilon arboreum in the Valencian area was critically re-assessed. It was shown that the plants in fact belong to the South American A. grandifolium, a species that has become a widespread weed in warm-temperate and subtropical regions across the world

    Additional records on the occurrence of two alien Leguminosae in Algeria

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    During field surveys, carried out between 2021 and 2022 in northeastern Algeria, two populations of Tipuana tipu (Benth.) Kuntze were discovered. One population was located in the middle of a quite natural habitat in the Filfilla region (wilaya of Skikda). In this locality, the species seems more or less established and can be considered to be at the beginning of the naturalization process, a degree of naturalization not previously reported in Algeria and mainland North Africa. Our surveys also revealed several populations of Paraserianthes lophantha (Willd.) I.C. Nielsen, a species that was recently reported as naturalized in Algeria but for which details on its naturalization were lacking. We here describe the localities in which the two species were observed, present a map of their distribution, field photographs and a key for the identification of both genera.Med terenskimi raziskavami, izvedenimi med letoma 2021 in 2022 v severovzhodni Alžiriji, so odkrili dve populaciji vrste Tipuana tipu (Benth.) Kuntze. Ena populacija je bila locirana sredi povsem naravnega habitata v regiji Filfilla (wilaya Skikda). Na tem območju se zdi, da je vrsta bolj ali manj uveljavljena in se lahko šteje, da je na začetku procesa naturalizacije, stopnje naturalizacije, o kateri prej ni bilo poročil v Alžiriji in celinski Severni Afriki. Naše raziskave so odkrile tudi več populacij Paraserianthes lophantha (Willd.) I.C. Nielsen, vrsta, za katero so nedavno poročali, da je naturalizirana v Alžiriji, vendar zanjo manjkajo podrobnosti o njeni naturalizaciji. Tukaj opisujemo nahajališča, kjer sta bili vrsti opaženi, prikazujemo zemljevid njune razširjenosti, terenske fotografije in ključ za identifikacijo obeh rodov