52 research outputs found

    Determination of meteor flux distribution over the celestial sphere

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    A new method of determination of meteor flux density distribution over the celestial sphere is discussed. The flux density was derived from observations by radar together with measurements of angles of arrival of radio waves reflected from meteor trails. The role of small meteor showers over the sporadic background is shown

    The Novelties Producing by Ozonolysis of Petroleum High-Molecular Components

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    Specific properties of ozonolysis products of high-molecular heteroatomic compounds (resins and asphaltenes) from crude petroleums and natural bitumens are described. It is shown that polyfunctional carboxylic acids or their salts obtaining by alkaline hydrolysis of ozonization products of heavy petroleum stocks permits to produce manifold useful novelties such as high-effective demulsifiers for petroleum dehydration process instead of expensive synthetic demulsifying reagents; water-soluble organic astringents suitable for chemical land-reclamation or to prepare moulding mixtures at the foundries; oily or emulsion lubricating coolants for metal-working tools; stimulators of soil microorganisms activity and plant growth. The new chemical products of petroleum origin are not inferior to the best synthetic reagents for the same destinations but differ from the lasts advantageously on account of the simplicity of their production technology and low cost. The optimal expenses and other principal technological parameters were established both for raw material ozonization, following alkaline treatment and final product isolation stages of the production process for each new reagent described. By means of numerous laboratory experiments and field tests performed with seeds, bulbs and grafts of different agricultural plants and with ozonolysis products produced from the resinous components of different crude petroleums it was proved that high biological activity is characteristic only of the substances obtained from high-molecular compounds from low-sulfur naphthenic crude petroleums and natural bitumens occurring, as a rule, at small burial depths. These ozonolysis products are very effective stimulants for the different plants growth, suitable for a treatment of different forms of planting materials and providing significant acceleration of early growth stages, the reduction of vegetation and ripening periods, and the increase of total productivity of agricultural plants

    Experimental Preventive Anti-Tularemia Preparation

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    Designed is an experimental preparation of a prototype chemical tularemia vaccine (PCTV). It is composed of protective antigenic complex (PAC) of tularemia microbe and S-layer protein (Slp) of plague microbe. Determined is optimum ratio of these components in the preparation and schedule of its administration. Displayed are the results of its testing as regards physical-chemical properties, reactogenicity, specific activity and impact on the immune system of laboratory animals. It is found out that preparation of the prototype is non-toxic for white mice and Guinea pigs and has no damaging effect on their immune systems. Single-stage subcutaneous immunization with PCTV induces elaboration of high-level adaptive immunity in laboratory animals within 14–21 days: specific antibody generation and stimulation of immune system cell component. PCTV protective index for white mice in case of experimental tularemia, caused by Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica, is 87,5 % on average; in case of infecting with F. tularensis subsp. nearctica – 50 %; and high-level immunity in both cases. High potency of the experimental preparation against tularemia caused by subsp. holarctica (protective index is 75 %) and high-grade immunity persistence is verified on the model of Guinea pigs too

    Evaluation of probiotic lactobacillus as adjuvants for nasal immunization with chimeric pneumococcal vaccine

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    Vaccine protection against photogenic gram-positive bacteria including different species ofstreptococci is an important problem of contemporary molecular biology. Streptococcal infections are mostcommon bacterial infections surpassing by the economic losses all the infections excluding influenza. The gatesof streptococcal infection, oral cavity or vagina, are covered with immune and non-immune mucosal cells thatare the first line of defenses. Subcutaneous immunization not always stimulate the local immunity on mucosalsurfaces. On the other hand, mucosal vaccination can provide an appropriate local immune response togetherwith systemic protection. However, mucosal immunization often requires usage of special and effectiveadjuvants especially in case of vaccines based on recombinant proteins.For protection against Streptococcus pneumoniae infection, two chimeric recombinant proteins (PSPF andPSP) have been tested as vaccines. Recombinant proteins PSPF and PSP carry immunogenic epitopes fromthe respiratory pathogen including PspA, Spr1875 and PsaA. PSPF structure also carries a fraction of flagellin-FliC molecule in comparison with PSP, which does not have this fragment. This portion of PSPF was includedas internal adjuvant intended for the stimulation of Toll-like receptor 5.In this work, the adjuvant capacity of two probiotic strains, Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRL1505 andL. rhamnosus L32 was evaluated. It was demonstrated that both lactic acid bacteria strains were able to provideadjuvant effects by enhancing the mucosal and systemic immune responses after their co-administration withthe recombinant chimeric protein PSPF. The adjuvant effect of both Lactobacillus strains was significantlydecreased after their thermal inactivation. However, the cell walls of bacteria showed a marked adjuvant activity.An improved protection against several S. pneumoniae serotypes after mucosal immunization of infant micewith PSPF vaccine with probiotic strains or their cell walls was also demonstrated here.The recombinant chimeric protein PSPF administered with immunomodulatory probiotic strains or theirbacterial components would be a promising vaccine for immunization of humans against S. pneumoniae,particularly in children.Одной из наиболее актуальных задач медико-биологической науки является создание вакцинных препаратов против патогенных стрептококков – самых распространенных бактериаль-ных возбудителей заболеваний человека, экономический ущерб от которых уступает лишь потерям от гриппозной инфекции. Входными воротами стрептококковой инфекции являются слизистые обо-лочки респираторного и мочеполового тракта. Парентеральный способ введения вакцин не всегда позволяет добиваться одинаково эффектив-ной стимуляции местного иммунитета на слизистых оболочках, а вакцины, вводимые через слизи-стые оболочки, способны эффективно стимулировать иммунную защиту в области введения, а также обеспечить развитие системного иммунного ответа. Введение через слизистые оболочки вакцинных препаратов белковой природы требует исполь-зования специальных эффективных и безопасных адъювантов, поскольку рекомбинантные белки обычно проявляют недостаточную ммуногенность при таком способе введения. В работе в качестве вакцинных адъювантов при мукозальной иммунизации лабораторных животных пневмококковыми химерными рекомбинантными белками PSPF и PSP были апробированы два штамма пробиотиков – Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRL1505 и L32. Рекомбинантные химерные белки PSPF и PSP несут в своей структуре несколько иммуногенных эпитопов PspA, Spr1875, PsaA и предназначены для вакцинации против инфекции Streptococcus pneumoniae. Белки, отличие которых связано с присутствием в струк-туре PSPF участка молекулы флагеллина – FliC, по-разному стимулировали иммунный ответ при совместном введении с двумя штаммами пробиотиков. Установлено, что оба исследованных штам-ма L. rhamnosus были способны оказывать адъювантный эффект при интраназальном введении вак-цинных белков, проявлявшийся в усилении секреторного и гуморального иммунного ответа на со-вместно введенный рекомбинантный химерный белок PSPF. Выраженной стимуляции продукции специфических IgA носовых смывов и IgG сыворотки крови на PSP под влиянием L. rhamnosus L32 не происходило. Адъювантный эффект от вводимых лактобациллярных препаратов существенно сни-жался после температурной инактивации бактерий, однако препарат клеточных стенок L. rhamnosus CRL1505 проявлял выраженную активность. Стимуляция иммунного ответа адъювантами приводила к усилению протективного эффекта вакцины в экспериментах на лабораторных животных, инфици-рованных S. pneumoniae. Установлено, что некоторые штаммы лактобацилл, в частности Lactobacillus rhamnosus CRL1505 и L32, могут быть использованы в качестве адъювантов в составе мукозальных вакцин, однако эта способность зависит от свойств вакцинного препарата и формы введения пробиотиков.Fil: Leontieva, G. F.. Institute of Experimental Medicine; RusiaFil: Kramskaya, T. A.. Institute of Experimental Medicine; RusiaFil: Grabovskaya, K. B.. Institute of Experimental Medicine; Rusia; RusiaFil: Filimonova, V. Yu.. Institute of Experimental Medicine; Rusia; RusiaFil: Laiño, Jonathan Emiliano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Villena, Julio Cesar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Alvarez, Gladis Susana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Centro de Referencia para Lactobacilos; ArgentinaFil: Danilenko, V. N.. Academy of Sciences. Institute of General Genetics. Head, Division of Fundamental Genetic Studies in Biotechnology; RusiaFil: Suvorov, A. N.. St. Peterburg State University; Rusia. Institute of Experimental Medicine. Head, Division of Molecular Microbiology; Rusi

    Brain structural correlates of insomnia severity in 1053 individuals with major depressive disorder : results from the ENIGMA MDD Working Group

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    It has been difficult to find robust brain structural correlates of the overall severity of major depressive disorder (MDD). We hypothesized that specific symptoms may better reveal correlates and investigated this for the severity of insomnia, both a key symptom and a modifiable major risk factor of MDD. Cortical thickness, surface area and subcortical volumes were assessed from T1-weighted brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans of 1053 MDD patients (age range 13-79 years) from 15 cohorts within the ENIGMA MDD Working Group. Insomnia severity was measured by summing the insomnia items of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS). Symptom specificity was evaluated with correlates of overall depression severity. Disease specificity was evaluated in two independent samples comprising 2108 healthy controls, and in 260 clinical controls with bipolar disorder. Results showed that MDD patients with more severe insomnia had a smaller cortical surface area, mostly driven by the right insula, left inferior frontal gyrus pars triangularis, left frontal pole, right superior parietal cortex, right medial orbitofrontal cortex, and right supramarginal gyrus. Associations were specific for insomnia severity, and were not found for overall depression severity. Associations were also specific to MDD; healthy controls and clinical controls showed differential insomnia severity association profiles. The findings indicate that MDD patients with more severe insomnia show smaller surfaces in several frontoparietal cortical areas. While explained variance remains small, symptom-specific associations could bring us closer to clues on underlying biological phenomena of MDD

    Peritrophic matrix of Phlebotomus duboscqi and its kinetics during Leishmania major development

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    Light microscopy of native preparations, histology, and electron microscopy have revealed that Phlebotomus duboscqi belongs to a class of sand fly species with prompt development of the peritrophic matrix (PM). Secretion of electron-lucent fibrils, presumably chitin, starts immediately after the ingestion of a blood meal and, about 6 h later, is followed by secretion of amorphous electron-dense components, presumably proteins and glycoproteins. The PM matures in less than 12 h and consists of a thin laminar outer layer and a thick amorphous inner layer. No differences have been found in the timing of the disintegration of the PM in females infected with Leishmania major. In both groups of females (infected and uninfected), the disintegration of the PM is initiated at the posterior end. Although parasites are present at high densities in the anterior part of the blood meal bolus, they escape from the PM at the posterior end only. These results suggest that L. major chitinase does not have an important role in parasite escape from the PM. Promastigotes remain in the intraperitrophic space until the PM is broken down by sand-fly-derived chitinases and only then migrate anteriorly. Disintegration of the PM occurs simultaneously with the morphological transformation of parasites from procyclic forms to long nectomonads. A novel role is ascribed to the anterior plug, a component of the PM secreted by the thoracic midgut; this plug functions as a temporary barrier to stop the forward migration of nectomonads to the thoracic midgut

    Palaeogenomics of Upper Palaeolithic to Neolithic European hunter-gatherers

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    Modern humans have populated Europe for more than 45,000 years1,2. Our knowledge of the genetic relatedness and structure of ancient hunter-gatherers is however limited, owing to the scarceness and poor molecular preservation of human remains from that period3. Here we analyse 356 ancient hunter-gatherer genomes, including new genomic data for 116 individuals from 14 countries in western and central Eurasia, spanning between 35,000 and 5,000 years ago. We identify a genetic ancestry profile in individuals associated with Upper Palaeolithic Gravettian assemblages from western Europe that is distinct from contemporaneous groups related to this archaeological culture in central and southern Europe4, but resembles that of preceding individuals associated with the Aurignacian culture. This ancestry profile survived during the Last Glacial Maximum (25,000 to 19,000 years ago) in human populations from southwestern Europe associated with the Solutrean culture, and with the following Magdalenian culture that re-expanded northeastward after the Last Glacial Maximum. Conversely, we reveal a genetic turnover in southern Europe suggesting a local replacement of human groups around the time of the Last Glacial Maximum, accompanied by a north-to-south dispersal of populations associated with the Epigravettian culture. From at least 14,000 years ago, an ancestry related to this culture spread from the south across the rest of Europe, largely replacing the Magdalenian-associated gene pool. After a period of limited admixture that spanned the beginning of the Mesolithic, we find genetic interactions between western and eastern European hunter-gatherers, who were also characterized by marked differences in phenotypically relevant variants

    White matter disturbances in major depressive disorder : a coordinated analysis across 20 international cohorts in the ENIGMA MDD working group

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    Altres ajuts: The ENIGMA-Major Depressive Disorder working group gratefully acknowledges support from the NIH Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) award (U54 EB020403 to PMT) and NIH grant R01 MH116147 (PMT). LS is supported by an NHMRC MRFF Career Development Fellowship (APP1140764). We wish to acknowledge the patients and control subjects that have particiaped int the study. We thank Rosa Schirmer, Elke Schreiter, Reinhold Borschke and Ines Eidner for image acquisition and data preparation, and Anna Oliynyk for quality checks. We thank Dorothee P. Auer and F. Holsboer for initiation of the RUD study. We wish to acknowledge the patients and control subjects that have particiaped int the study. We thank Rosa Schirmer, Elke Schreiter, Reinhold Borschke and Ines Eidner for image acquisition and data preparation, and Anna Oliynyk for quality checks. We thank Dorothee P. Auer and F. Holsboer for initiation of the RUD study. NESDA: The infrastructure for the NESDA study (www.nesda.nl) is funded through the Geestkracht program of the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (Zon-Mw, grant number 10-000-1002) and is supported by participating universities (VU University Medical Center, GGZ inGeest, Arkin, Leiden University Medical Center, GGZ Rivierduinen, University Medical Center Groningen) and mental health care organizations, see www.nesda.nl. M-JvT was supported by a VENI grant (NWO grant number 016.156.077). UCSF: This work was supported by the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation (formerly NARSAD) to TTY; the National Institute of Mental Health (R01MH085734 to TTY; K01MH117442 to TCH) and by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (PDF-1-064-13) to TCH. Stanford: This work was supported by NIMH Grants R01MH59259 and R37101495 to IHG. MS is partially supported by an award funded by the Phyllis and Jerome Lyle Rappaport Foundation. Muenster: This work was funded by the German Research Foundation (SFB-TRR58, Projects C09 and Z02 to UD) and the Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research (IZKF) of the medical faculty of Münster (grant Dan3/012/17 to UD). Marburg: This work was funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, grant FOR2107 DA1151/5-1 and DA1151/5-2 to UD; KI 588/ 14-1, KI 588/14-2 to TK; KR 3822/7-1, KR 3822/7-2 to AK; JA 1890/ 7-1, JA 1890/7-2 to AJ). IMH-MDD: This work was supported by the National Healthcare Group Research Grant (SIG/15012) awarded to KS. Barcelona: This study was funded by two grants of the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, by the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental (CIBERSAM). The author is funded through 'Miguel Servet' research contract (CP16-0020), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (2016-2019). QTIM: We thank the twins and singleton siblings who gave generously of their time to participate in the QTIM study. We also thank the many research assistants, radiographers, and IT support staff for data acquisition and DNA sample preparation. This study was funded by White matter disturbances in major depressive disorder: a coordinated analysis across 20 international. . . 1521 the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development (RO1 HD050735); National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (Award 1U54EB020403-01, Subaward 56929223); National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia (Project Grants 496682, 1009064). NIH ENIGMA-BD2K U54 EB020403 (Thompson); R01 MH117601 (Jahanshad/Schmaal). Magdeburg: M.L. and M.W. are funded by SFB 779. Bipolar Family Study: This study has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013). This paper reflects only the author's views and the European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. This work was also supported by a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award (104036/Z/14/Z). Minnesota Adolescent Depression Study: The study was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (K23MH090421), the National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, the University of Minnesota Graduate School, the Minnesota Medical Foundation, and the Biotechnology Research Center (P41 RR008079 to the Center for Magnetic Resonance Research), University of Minnesota, and the Deborah E. Powell Center for Women's Health Seed Grant, University of Minnesota. Dublin: This study was supported by Science Foundation Ireland through a Stokes Professorhip grant to TF. MPIP: The MPIP Sample comprises patients included in the Recurrent Unipolar Depression (RUD) Case-Control study at the clinic of the Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Munich, German. The RUD study was supported by GlaxoSmithKline.Alterations in white matter (WM) microstructure have been implicated in the pathophysiology of major depressive disorder (MDD). However, previous findings have been inconsistent, partially due to low statistical power and the heterogeneity of depression. In the largest multi-site study to date, we examined WM anisotropy and diffusivity in 1305 MDD patients and 1602 healthy controls (age range 12-88 years) from 20 samples worldwide, which included both adults and adolescents, within the MDD Working Group of the Enhancing Neuroimaging Genetics through Meta-Analysis (ENIGMA) consortium. Processing of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) data and statistical analyses were harmonized across sites and effects were meta-analyzed across studies. We observed subtle, but widespread, lower fractional anisotropy (FA) in adult MDD patients compared with controls in 16 out of 25 WM tracts of interest (Cohen's d between 0.12 and 0.26). The largest differences were observed in the corpus callosum and corona radiata. Widespread higher radial diffusivity (RD) was also observed (all Cohen's d between 0.12 and 0.18). Findings appeared to be driven by patients with recurrent MDD and an adult age of onset of depression. White matter microstructural differences in a smaller sample of adolescent MDD patients and controls did not survive correction for multiple testing. In this coordinated and harmonized multisite DTI study, we showed subtle, but widespread differences in WM microstructure in adult MDD, which may suggest structural disconnectivity in MDD

    Prevalence of headache disorders in students of medical university according new Classification of Headache Disorders 3rd edition (2013)

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    The aim of our study was to estimate the prevalence of headache disorders using the newly published third edition International Classification of headache Disorders-3beta and evaluate their previous treatment in students of the Urals State Medical University. Methods: The study population consisted of 1042 students (719 females, 323 males, mean age 20.6, range 17-40). All were interviewed using a semi-structured validated interview conducted by a neurologist or by trained senior medical students. Results: 1-year prevalence of headache in students was 93% (females 95%, males 88%), prevalence of headache during the last month-68% (66% among females, 54% among males), during the last week-46% (48% among females, 32% males) and point prevalence -17% (17% among females, 17% among males). 1-year prevalence of episodic tension type headache was 74.5%, among females -73%, among males- 77%. 1 -year prevalence of migraine without aura was 24%, among females - 28%, among males -14%. 1-year prevalence of migraine with aura was 3.8%, among females — 5.6%, among males - 0.6%. 1-year prevalence of chronic tension type headache-3%, chronic migraine -1% and medication overuse headache-3 %. Only one third of students (35%) had consulted because of headache. Most students (75%) used analgesics or NSAIDs for the acute treatment of headache, only 2% used triptans. Only 0.2% of students received prophylactic treatment. Conclusion: Prophylactic and treatment strategies must be developed to manage the high prevalence of headache disorders in students.Задачей нашего исследования было изучение распространенности головных болей с использованием недавно опубликованной Международной классификации третьего пересмотра - 3 бетта, а также оценка предшествующего лечения головных болей у студентов Уральского государственного медицинского университета. Методы: Исследуемая группа включала 1042 студентов (719 женщин и 323 мужчины средний возраст 20,6 лет, возрастной интервал 17-40). Все студенты были проинтервьюированы с использованием полуструктурированного интервью, проведенного специально обученными студентами, а также врачом неврологом. Результаты: Распространенность головных болей у студентов в течение 1 года до интервью была 93% (95% у женщин, 88% у мужчин), распространенность головных болей в течение последнего месяца была 68% (66% среди женщин, 54% среди мужчин), в течение последней недели головные боли имели 46% студентов (48% среди женщин, 32% среди мужчин) и 17% студентов имели головные боли в день интервью (17% женщин, 17% мужчин). Распространенность эпизодических головных болей напряжения у студентов в течение 1 года до интервью была 74,5% (73% среди женщин и 77% среди мужчин). Распространенность мигрени без ауры у студентов в течение 1 года была 24% (28% среди женщин и 14% среди мужчин). Распространенность мигрени с аурой была 3,8% (5,6% среди женщин и 0,6% среди мужчин). Распространенность хронических головных болей напряжения в течение 1 года была 3%, хронической мигрени -1% и головных болей, связанных с избыточным употреблением анальгетиков 3 %. Только треть студентов (35%) обращались к врачам в связи с головными болями. Большинство студентов (75%) использовали анальгетики или НПВП для купирования головных болей, 2% использовали триптаны. Только 0,2% студентов получали профилактическое лечение по поводу головных болей. Вывод: Необходима разработка профилактических и лечебных мероприятий для снижения высокой частоты головных болей у студентов