13 research outputs found

    Демонтажные работы при снятии с эксплуатации энергоблоков с реакторами типа ВВЭР

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    Стаття присвячена процесу зняття з експлуатації атомних енергоблоків з реактором ВВЕР. Наразі у світі не великий досвід проведення даних робіт, так як проектний термін експлуатації більшості енергоблоків ще не вийшов, а тих що вийшов – був продовжений. Будь – який енергоблок має бути виведений з експлуатації, тому дана тема має актуальність, враховуючи ще й відсутність достатньої кількості досвіду. Наведено метод оптимізації демонтажних робіт при знятті з експлуатації. На основі даного методу створена програма, яка описується в статті, що обраховує можливі варіанти проведення демонтажних робіт. Результатом є висвітлення вартості кожного з варіантів та їх опис. До опису варіантів відносяться такі характеристика як: кількість працівників, їх кваліфікація, необхідний час на виконання роботи. Наводиться приклад розрахунку демонтажу обладнання підсистеми аварійного розхолодження. Результат має як якісний так і кількісний характер. Автор акцентує увагу на важливості оптимізації демонтажних робіт саме з метою економії фінансових ресурсів.Article is devoted to the process of decommissioning nuclear power plant with reactor by type VVER. Now the world wide experience of carrying out these works, as the design life of most reactors have not reached yet, and those that came out – was extended. The process involves decontaminating the facility to reduce residual radioactivity, dismantling the structures, removing contaminated materials to appropriate disposal facilities, storing used nuclear fuel until it can be removed from the site for disposal or consolidated storage, and releasing the property for other uses. Any nuclear power plant needs to be decommissioned, so this topic has relevance, considering the lack of sufficient experience. Given the method of optimization of demolition works upon decommissioning. On the basis of this method created the program described in the article that calculates possible options for dismantling. The result is a lighting value of each of the options and their description. The options include such characteristics as: the number of employees, their qualifications, the necessary time to complete the work. The example of the calculation of the dismantling of the emergency cooling subsystems. The result is both qualitative and quantitative. The author focuses on the importance of the optimization of dismantling it for the purpose of saving financial resources. Also the program which was created by author of this article could have practice using because there aren’t enough tools which can help during decommissioning. The nuclear energy industry has proven that it has the technology, resources and expertise to successfully decommission commercial nuclear reactors.Статья посвящена процессу снятия с эксплуатации атомных энергоблоков с реактором ВВЭР. Сейчас в мире не большой опыт проведения данных работ, так как проектный срок эксплуатации большинства энергоблоков еще не вышел, а тех, что вышел – был продлен. Любой энергоблок должен быть выведен из эксплуатации, поэтому данная тема имеет актуальность, учитывая еще и отсутствие достаточного количества опыта. Приведен метод оптимизации демонтажных работ при снятии с эксплуатации. На основе данного метода создана программа, которая описывается в статье, что обсчитывает возможные варианты проведения демонтажных работ. Результатом является освещение стоимости каждого из вариантов и их описание. К описанию вариантов относятся такие характеристика как: количество сотрудников, их квалификация, необходимое время на выполнение работы. Приводится пример расчета демонтажа оборудования подсистемы аварийного расхолаживания. Результат имеет как качественный, так и количественный характер. Автор акцентирует внимание на важности оптимизации демонтажных работ именно с целью экономии финансовых ресурсов

    A simple non-invasive method to collect soft tick saliva reveals differences in Ornithodoros moubata saliva composition between ticks infected and uninfected with Borrelia duttonii spirochetes

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    Introduction: We developed a new simple method to assess the composition of proteinaceous components in the saliva of Ornithodoros moubata, the main vehicle for pathogen transmission and a likely source of bioactive molecules acting at the tick-vertebrate host interface. To collect naturally expectorated saliva from the ticks we employed an artificial membrane feeding technique using a simple, chemically defined diet containing phagostimulants and submitted native saliva samples collected in this way for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis. These experiments were conducted with groups of uninfected ticks as well as with O. moubata infected with B. duttonii. The ticks exhibited a fair feeding response to the tested diet with engorgement rates reaching as high as 60-100% of ticks per feeding chamber. The LC-MS analysis identified a total of 17 and 15 proteins in saliva samples from the uninfected and infected O. moubata nymphs, respectively. Importantly, the analysis was sensitive enough to detect up to 9 different proteins in the samples of saliva containing diet upon which as few as 6 nymphal ticks fed during the experiments. Some of the proteins recognized in the analysis are well known for their immunomodulatory activity in a vertebrate host, whereas others are primarily thought of as structural or “housekeeping” proteins and their finding in the naturally expectorated tick saliva confirms that they can be secreted and might serve some functions at the tick-host interface. Most notably, some of the proteins that have long been suspected for their importance in the vector-pathogen interactions of Borrelia spirochetes were detected only in the samples from infected ticks, suggesting that their expression was altered by the persistent colonization of the tick’s salivary glands by spirochetes. The simple method described herein is an important addition to the toolbox available to study the vector-host-pathogen interactions in the rapidly feeding soft ticks

    VectorNet Data Series 3: Culicoides Abundance Distribution Models for Europe and Surrounding Regions

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    This is the third in a planned series of data papers presenting modelled vector distributions produced during the ECDC and EFSA funded VectorNet project. The data package presented here includes those Culicoides vectors species first modelled in 2015 as part of the VectorNet gap analysis work namely C. imicola, C. obsoletus, C. scoticus, C. dewulfi, C. chiopterus, C. pulicaris, C. lupicaris, C. punctatus, and C. newsteadi. The known distributions of these species within the Project area (Europe, the Mediterranean Basin, North Africa, and Eurasia) are currently incomplete to a greater or lesser degree. The models are designed to fill the gaps with predicted distributions, to provide a) first indication of vector species distributions across the project geographical extent, and b) assistance in targeting surveys to collect distribution data for those areas with no field validated information. The models are based on input data from light trap surveillance of adult Culicoides across continental Europe and surrounding regions (71.8°N –33.5°S, – 11.2°W – 62°E), concentrated in Western countries, supplemented by transect samples in eastern and northern Europe. Data from central EU are relatively sparse.Peer reviewe

    Amplification and sequencing of entire tick mitochondrial genomes for a phylogenomic analysis

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    The mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) has proven to be important for the taxonomy, systematics, and population genetics of ticks. However, current methods to generate mitogenomes can be costprohibitive at scale. To address this issue, we developed a cost-effective approach to amplify and sequence the whole mitogenome of individual tick specimens. Using two different primer sites, this approach generated two full-length mitogenome amplicons that were sequenced using the Oxford Nanopore Technologies’ Mk1B sequencer. We used this approach to generate 85 individual tick mitogenomes from samples comprised of the three tick families, 11 genera, and 57 species. Twentysix of these species did not have a complete mitogenome available on GenBank prior to this work. We benchmarked the accuracy of this approach using a subset of samples that had been previously sequenced by low-coverage Illumina genome skimming. We found our assemblies were comparable or exceeded the Illumina method, achieving a median sequence concordance of 99.98%. We further analyzed our mitogenome dataset in a mitophylogenomic analysis in the context of all three tick families. We were able to sequence 72 samples in one run and achieved a cost/sample of ~ $10 USD. This cost-effective strategy is applicable for sample identification, taxonomy, systematics, and population genetics for not only ticks but likely other metazoans; thus, making mitogenome sequencing equitable for the wider scientific community.NIH Grants and the Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellow.http://www.nature.com/scientificreportsam2023Veterinary Tropical Disease

    Little pigeons can carry great messages: potential distribution and ecology of Uranotaenia (Pseudoficalbia) unguiculata Edwards, 1913 (Diptera: Culicidae), a lesser-known mosquito species from the Western Palaearctic

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    Abstract Background Uranotaenia unguiculata is a Palaearctic mosquito species with poorly known distribution and ecology. This study is aimed at filling the gap in our understanding of the species potential distribution and its environmental requirements through a species distribution modelling (SDM) exercise. Furthermore, aspects of the mosquito ecology that may be relevant to the epidemiology of certain zoonotic vector-borne diseases in Europe are discussed. Results A maximum entropy (Maxent) modelling approach has been applied to predict the potential distribution of Ur. unguiculata in the Western Palaearctic. Along with the high accuracy and predictive power, the model reflects well the known species distribution and predicts as highly suitable some areas where the occurrence of the species is hitherto unknown. Conclusions To our knowledge, the potential distribution of a mosquito species from the genus Uranotaenia is modelled for the first time. Provided that Ur. unguiculata is a widely-distributed species, and some pathogens of zoonotic concern have been detected in this mosquito on several occasions, the question regarding its host associations and possible epidemiological role warrants further investigation

    Additional file 3: Table S2. of Little pigeons can carry great messages: potential distribution and ecology of Uranotaenia (Pseudoficalbia) unguiculata Edwards, 1913 (Diptera: Culicidae), a lesser-known mosquito species from the Western Palaearctic

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    Correlation matrix of the Bioclim environmental layers. Positive and negative correlations (≥0.80 or ≤ − 0.80) are shown in red. For variable names refer to the Table 1. (XLSX 12 kb

    Annotated checklist and distribution of Culicoides biting midges of Ukraine (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)

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    Filatov, Serhii, Szadziewski, Ryszard (2017): Annotated checklist and distribution of Culicoides biting midges of Ukraine (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Journal of Natural History 51 (9-10): 487-511, DOI: 10.1080/00222933.2017.1293744, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222933.2017.129374


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    Article is devoted to the process of decommissioning nuclear power plant with reactor by type VVER. Now the world wide experience of carrying out these works, as the design life of most reactors have not reached, and those that came out – was extended. The process involves decontaminating the facility to reduce residual radioactivity, dismantling the structures, removing contaminated materials to appropriate disposal facilities, storing used nuclear fuel until it can be removed from the site for disposal or consolidated storage, and releasing the property for other uses. Any nuclear power plant needs to be decommissioned, so this topic has relevance, considering the lack of sufficient experience. Given the method of optimization of demolition works upon decommissioning. On the basis of this method created the program described in the article that calculates possible options for dismantling. The result is a lighting value of each of the options and their description. The options include such characteristics as: the number of employees, their qualifications, the necessary time to complete the work. The example of the calculation of the dismantling of the emergency cooling subsystems. The result is both qualitative and quantitative. The author focuses on the importance of the optimization of dismantling it for the purpose of saving financial resources. Also the program which was created by author of this article could have practice using because there aren’t enough tools which can help during decommissioning. The nuclear energy industry has proven that it has the technology, resources and expertise to successfully decommission commercial nuclear reactors.Стаття присвячена процесу зняття з експлуатації атомних енергоблоків з реактором ВВЕР. Наразі у світі не великий досвід проведення даних робіт, так як проектний термін експлуатації більшості енергоблоків ще не вийшов, а тих що вийшов – був продовжений. Будь – який енергоблок має бути виведений з експлуатації, тому дана тема має актуальність, враховуючи ще й відсутність достатньої кількості досвіду. Наведено метод оптимізації демонтажних робіт при знятті з експлуатації. На основі даного методу створена програма, яка описується в статті, що обраховує можливі варіанти проведення демонтажних робіт. Результатом є висвітлення вартості кожного з варіантів та їх опис. До опису варіантів відносяться такі характеристика як: кількість працівників, їх кваліфікація, необхідний час на виконання роботи. Наводиться приклад розрахунку демонтажу обладнання підсистеми аварійного розхолодження.  Результат має як якісний так і кількісний характер. Автор акцентує увагу на важливості оптимізації демонтажних робіт саме з метою економії фінансових ресурсів

    A redescription of Culicoides griseidorsum Kieffer, 1918, with comments on subgeneric position of some European taxa (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae)

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    Szadziewski, Ryszard, Filatov, Serhii, Dominiak, Patrycja (2016): A redescription of Culicoides griseidorsum Kieffer, 1918, with comments on subgeneric position of some European taxa (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). Zootaxa 4107 (3): 413-422, DOI: http://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4107.3.

    Comparative vector competence of the Afrotropical soft tick Ornithodoros moubata and Palearctic species, O. erraticus and O. verrucosus, for African swine fever virus strains circulating in Eurasia

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    International audienceAfrican swine fever (ASF) is a lethal hemorrhagic disease in domestic pigs and wild suids caused by African swine fever virus (ASFV), which threatens the swine industry globally. In its native African enzootic foci, ASFV is naturally circulating between soft ticks of the genus Ornithodoros, especially in the O. moubata group, and wild reservoir suids, such as warthogs (Phacochoerus spp.) that are bitten by infected soft ticks inhabiting their burrows. While the ability of some Afrotropical soft ticks to transmit and maintain ASFV is well established, the vector status of Palearctic soft tick species for ASFV strains currently circulating in Eurasia remains largely unknown. For example, the Iberian soft tick O. erraticus is a known vector and reservoir of ASFV, but its ability to transmit different ASFV strains has not been assessed since ASF re-emerged in Europe in 2007. Little is known about vector competence for ASFV in other species, such as O. verrucosus, which occurs in southern parts of Eastern Europe, including Ukraine and parts of Russia, and in the Caucasus. Therefore, we conducted transmission trials with two Palearctic soft tick species, O. erraticus and O. verrucosus, and the Afrotropical species O. moubata. We tested the ability of ticks to transmit virulent ASFV strains, including one of direct African origin (Liv13/33), and three from Eurasia that had been involved in previous (OurT88/1), and the current epizooties (Georgia-2007/1 and Ukr12/Zapo). Our experimental results showed that O. moubata was able to transmit the African and Eurasian ASFV strains, whereas O. erraticus and O. verrucosus failed to transmit the Eurasian ASFV strains. However, naive pigs showed clinical signs of ASF when inoculated with homogenates of crushed O. erraticus and O. verrucosus ticks that fed on viraemic pigs, which proved the infectiousness of ASFV contained in the ticks. These results documented that O. erraticus and O. verrucosus are unlikely to be capable vectors of ASFV strains currently circulating in Eurasia. Additionally, the persistence of infection in soft ticks for several months reaffirms that the infectious status of a given tick species is only part of the data required to assess its vector competence for ASFV