45 research outputs found

    Androgen receptor polymorphisms and testicular cancer risk

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    Testicular cancer (TC) is currently the most common malignant solid tumour in Caucasian males aged 15-39 years. Epidemiological evidence suggests that its onset may be due to an imbalance in the action of steroidal sex hormones and their receptors. A faulty androgen receptor signalling pathway can, in fact, cause various male reproductive disorders. The androgen receptor (AR) gene has two polymorphic segments consisting of CAG and GGC repeats. The length of CAG repeats has been shown to affect the regulation of AR activity. In our study, we used fragment analysis to evaluate the AR gene repeats of 302 TC patients and 322 controls, to establish if there is any association between repeat number and TC. This study of the largest Italian caseload investigated to date highlighted three particularly significant aspects. First, a CAG repeat number of ≥25 may be considered a risk factor for the onset of TC, given its greater frequency in patients in comparison with controls. This difference became significant for the non-seminoma group. Second, men with CAG repeats below 21 or above 24 were found to have a, respectively, 50 and 76% higher risk of TC than those with CAG 21-24, suggesting that these too can be considered a risk factor for TC. Finally, stage II patients were more likely to have a CAG repeat number 24 than stage I patients. © 2014 American Society of Andrology and European Academy of Andrology

    Mental health conditions in older multimorbid patients presenting to the emergency department for acute cardiac symptoms: Cross‐sectional findings from the EMASPOT study

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    Background: This study aimed to (1) examine the proportion of patients presenting to an emergency department (ED) for acute cardiac symptoms with comorbid mental health conditions (MHCs) comprising current depression, generalized anxiety disorder, and panic disorder; (2) compare cardiac patients with and without MHCs regarding sociodemographic, medical, and psychological characteristics; and (3) examine recognition and treatment rates of MHCs. Methods: Multimorbid patients, aged ≥50 years, presenting to an inner-city ED with acute cardiac symptoms including chest pain, dyspnea, and palpitations, completed validated self-report instruments assessing MHCs and a questionnaire collecting psychosocial and medical information. In addition, routine medical data were extracted from the electronic health record. Results: A total of 641 patients were included in the study. Mean (±SD) age was 68.8 (±10.8) years and 41.7% were female. Based on screening instruments, 28.4% of patients were affected with comorbid MHCs. Patients reported clinically significant symptoms of depression (23.3% PHQ-9 ≥10), generalized anxiety disorder (12.2% GAD-7 ≥10), and panic disorder (4.7% PHQ-PD). Patients with MHCs were more likely to be younger, female, lower educated, and unemployed. The presence of MHCs was associated with higher cardiac symptom burden and subjective treatment urgency as well as more psychosocial distress (PHQ-stress) and impaired quality of life (SF-12v2). Of all patients, 15.6% were identified with new or unrecognized MHCs. Conclusions: MHCs are prevalent in nearly one-third of patients presenting with cardinal cardiac symptoms. Thus, the ED visit offers an opportunity to identify and refer patients with MHCs to appropriate and timely care after exclusion of life-threatening conditions

    A Comparison between Groups and an Analysis of Predictors

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    Objective For the treatment of obesity, both conservative and surgical procedures are available. Psychological factors are likely to influence the choice of treatment; however, to date, systematic studies that investigate these factors are few in number. The aim of our study was to analyze whether patients who undergo a surgical treatment differ from those who require a conservative treatment in regard to psychological factors, regardless of their somatic conditions. Furthermore, predictors of treatment choice will be examined. Methods A total of 244 patients (189 women), with a mean body mass index of 45.1 kg/m2, underwent a weight reduction treatment, with 126 patients undergoing bariatric surgery and 118 patients participating in a conservative, multimodal outpatient weight reduction program. Differences in the results of the psychological questionnaires between conservatively and surgically treated patients were evaluated through the use of t-tests, χ2-tests and an ANCOVA. For the analysis of the predictors, logistic regression models were calculated. Results Surgically and conservatively treated obese patients differ in psychological, somatic, and socio-demographic factors. The psychological differences between the groups are independent of obesity- related co-morbidities, such as body mass index (BMI), type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension and coronary heart disease. The following psychological and somatic factors equally predict the choice of bariatric surgery: apathy, delegated active coping, a sense of coherence, complaints, type 2 diabetes mellitus, BMI, and age. Conclusion Longitudinal studies are required to assess the predictive value of the psychological factors in regard to the postsurgical weight course to improve the pre-surgical screening and treatment selection process. The pre-surgical identification of psychological predictors should result in a more personalized medicine course and may ensure long term outcomes

    Determinants of Weight Loss following Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy: The Role of Psychological Burden, Coping Style, and Motivation to Undergo Surgery

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    Background. The amount of excess weight loss (%EWL) among obese patients after bariatric surgery varies greatly. However, reliable predictors have not been established yet. The present study evaluated the preoperative psychological burden, coping style, and motivation to lose weight as factors determining postoperative treatment success. Methods. The sample included 64 morbidly obese patients with a preoperative BMI of 51±8 kg/m2 who had undergone laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG). Well-established questionnaires were applied before surgery to assess the psychological burden in terms of “perceived stress” (PSQ-20), “depression” (PHQ-9), “anxiety” (GAD-7), and “mental impairment” (ISR) as well as coping style (Brief COPE) and motivation to lose weight. %EWL as an indicator for treatment success was assessed on average 20 months after surgery. Results. Based on the %EWL distribution, patients were classified into three %EWL groups: low (14–39%), moderate (40–59%), and high (60–115%). LSG patients with high %EWL reported significantly more “active coping” behavior prior to surgery than patients with moderate and low %EWL. Patients’ preoperative psychological burden and motivation to lose weight were not associated with %EWL. Conclusion. An “active coping” style might be of predictive value for better weight loss outcomes in patients following LSG intervention

    ATLASGAL - properties of a complete sample of Galactic clumps

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    The APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy (ATLASGAL) is an unbiased 870 μm submillimetre survey of the inner Galactic plane (|ℓ| ⊙ at a heliocentric distance of 20 kpc) and includes representative samples of all of the earliest embedded stages of high-mass star formation. Here, we present the first detailed census of the properties (velocities, distances, luminosities and masses) and spatial distribution of a complete sample of ˜8000 dense clumps located in the Galactic disc (5° 4 yr for clump masses ˜1000 M⊙ decreasing to ˜1 × 104 yr for clump masses >10000 M⊙. We find a strong correlation between the fraction of clumps associated with massive stars and peak column density. The fraction is initially small at low column densities, but reaching 100 per cent for column densities above 1023 cm-2; there are no clumps with column densities above this value that are not already associated with massive star formation. All of the evidence is consistent with a dynamic view of star formation wherein the clumps form rapidly and are initially very unstable so that star formation quickly ensues

    Observation of gravitational waves from the coalescence of a 2.5−4.5 M⊙ compact object and a neutron star

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    Search for gravitational-lensing signatures in the full third observing run of the LIGO-Virgo network

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    Gravitational lensing by massive objects along the line of sight to the source causes distortions of gravitational wave-signals; such distortions may reveal information about fundamental physics, cosmology and astrophysics. In this work, we have extended the search for lensing signatures to all binary black hole events from the third observing run of the LIGO--Virgo network. We search for repeated signals from strong lensing by 1) performing targeted searches for subthreshold signals, 2) calculating the degree of overlap amongst the intrinsic parameters and sky location of pairs of signals, 3) comparing the similarities of the spectrograms amongst pairs of signals, and 4) performing dual-signal Bayesian analysis that takes into account selection effects and astrophysical knowledge. We also search for distortions to the gravitational waveform caused by 1) frequency-independent phase shifts in strongly lensed images, and 2) frequency-dependent modulation of the amplitude and phase due to point masses. None of these searches yields significant evidence for lensing. Finally, we use the non-detection of gravitational-wave lensing to constrain the lensing rate based on the latest merger-rate estimates and the fraction of dark matter composed of compact objects

    Psychological and psychosomatic aspects of bariatric surgery for the treatment of obesity in adults

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    Das Krankheitsbild der Adipositas hat sich weltweit zu einem relevanten Gesundheitsproblem entwickelt. Die bariatrische Chirurgie wird zunehmend als wirkungsvolle Behandlung bei schwer ausgeprägter Adipositas eingesetzt. Jedoch ist über die Rolle psychologischer Variablen im bariatrischen Behandlungsverlauf noch wenig bekannt. Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht Einfluss und Veränderung patientenberichteter Gesundheitsmerkmale in der chirurgischen Adipositastherapie. Dazu werden in einer naturalistischen Beobachtungsstudie Patienten mit schwerer Adipositas vor und im Durchschnitt zwei Jahre nach einer bariatrischen Operation (OP) befragt. Ziele der Arbeit sind 1) die Charakterisierung adipöser Patienten vor OP hinsichtlich bio-psycho-sozialer Variablen; 2) die Identifikation möglicher Einflussvariablen auf den gewichtsbezogenen Behandlungserfolg nach OP; 3) die Untersuchung von Auswirkungen der OP auf das Essverhalten; und 4) die Analyse von Veränderungen in der essstörungsbezogenen Psychopathologie und in der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität nach OP. Die Ergebnisse der bariatrischen Patienten werden im Vergleich zu denen konservativ behandelter Patienten betrachtet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Patienten mit bariatrischem Behandlungswunsch eine somatisch und psychisch belastete Patientengruppe darstellen. Die bariatrische OP führt im zweiten postoperativen Jahr zu einer nachhaltigen und klinisch bedeutsamen Gewichtsreduktion. Der präoperative Body-Maß-Index, das Bildungsniveau und aktives Problembewältigungsverhalten sind mit dem Gewichtsverlust nach OP assoziiert. Im Vergleich zur konservativen Behandlung berichten die Patienten, die sich der OP unterziehen, über stärker ausgeprägte Verbesserungen in ihrem Essverhalten und eine Steigerung ihrer Lebensqualität. Auf Basis der Befunde wird ein routinemäßiges Monitoring der somatischen und psychischen Situation der Patienten nach bariatrischer OP empfohlen, um die gezeigten Behandlungserfolge optimal zu sichern.Obesity has become a relevant global health problem. Bariatric surgery is an effective treatment for severe obesity. However, while the number of operations performed continues to increase, the role of psychological variables throughout the bariatric surgery pathway remains uncertain. The present dissertation investigates the patient-reported health status as it impacts and results from bariatric surgery. In a naturalistic observational study, patients with severe obesity are assessed before and, on average, two years after the surgical treatment. Main aims are 1) to characterize obese patients prior to bariatric surgery in terms of biological, psychological and socio-demographic variables; 2) to identify possible predictors for the postoperative weight-related treatment success after bariatric surgery; 3) to examine changes in eating behaviors; and 4) to analyze changes in eating-related psychopathology and in health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The outcomes of surgical patients are compared with those of conservatively treated patients for the same follow-up period. The findings show that bariatric surgery candidates represent a vulnerable patient group with high physical and psychological burden. In the second postoperative year after bariatric surgery, a sustainable and clinically meaningful weight reduction is achieved. The preoperative body mass index, education level and active coping behavior are associated with weight loss after surgery. Compared with conservative treatment, patients who undergo bariatric surgery report not only greater improvements in their eating behavior and eating-related psychopathology but also an increase in their HRQoL. Based on the results, the provision of a routine monitoring of the somatic and psychological situation of patients following bariatric surgery is recommended to secure longer-term treatment success