1,054 research outputs found


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    Como se señaló en el punto previo, a diferencia de los demás procesos de traducción, el proceso de equivalencia no está definido claramente. Las situaciones en que los teóricos de traducción hacen uso del término no son las mismas, hecho que dificulta la homogeneidad de la definición del concepto La pregunta que plantea el presente trabajo es: ¿Cuáles son los diferentes significados que puede tener el proceso de equivalencia en diferentes enfoques traductológicos?Le processus d´équivalence, contrairement aux autres procédures de traduction, n´est pas clairement défini. Les théoriciens de la traduction qui utilisent le terme, se réfèrent à différentes significations et l´illustrent au moyen de textes de diverse nature. Ainsi, le concept d´équivalence est loin d´être un terme uniforme, donc, il est important d´en connaître les différentes conceptions. Premièrement, je présente le cas de House (2009 : 29), qui définit le concept d´équivalence comme deux éléments qui ont des caractéristiques en commun et des fonctions semblables. Équivalence ne veut pas dire que deux choses sont égales mais qu´elles ont « la même valeur ». Dans le même temps, House (2009 : 36-37) divise en deux ce processus de traduction : traduction ouverte et traduction couverte. La traduction ouverte prétend respecter, par exemple, la structure socioculturelle du texte source. En revanche, la traduction couverte a comme but de recréer et d´adapter dans le texte traduit un événement socioculturel du texte source

    Las familias monoparentales y la influencia en el bajo rendimiento académico, en los niños/as de tercer grado de educación básica, unidad educativa Víctor Emilio Estrada, cantón Playas, provincia del Guayas, período lectivo 2015-2016.

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    A través de un estudio realizado en la unidad educativa Víctor Emilio Estrada, se evidenció el bajo desempeño en las asignaturas con los estudiantes de tercer grado, por lo que surge el siguiente problema: El bajo rendimiento académico en estudiantes de tercer grado de educación básica, de la unidad educativa Víctor Emilio Estrada, ubicada en el cantón Playas provincia del Guayas, período lectivo 2015-2016. Por medio de diferentes métodos como el registro anecdótico se concluyó que los factores incidentes en el bajo rendimiento es el tipo de familia, específicamente monoparental. Ante esta problemática se realizó el estudio minucioso de fundamentaciones pertinentes que permitan la orientación oportuna para menguar este problema. El objetivo de este estudio es emplear la conciliación entre padres de familia y los estudiantes de tercer grado de educación básica, mediante actividades emprendedoras, para el mejoramiento del desempeño académico, comportamiento y condición de vida de ellos. Mediante el enfoque cualitativo se procedió a la revisión y estudio de teorías de algunos expertos: psicólogos, pedagogos, filósofos y sociólogos. Se tomaron en consideración los aspectos más relevantes de sus propuestas para consolidar este trabajo de investigación. Además, se realizó un proceso de análisis y síntesis de los principales factores incidentes en la problemática, empleando técnicas e instrumentos que permitieron la recolección e interpretación de la información en el campo de estudio. En conclusión, este trabajo tiene como propósito ofrecer estrategias y actividades que promuevan las buenas relaciones afectivas entre padres de familia y estudiantes para que haya mejoramiento en el desempeño académico y comportamiento de los educandos

    Exploring analogies between granular materials and fluids

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    The direct application of fluid system approaches to granular materials oftentimes leads to spectacular failures, e.g. two miscible fluids shaken in a container rapidly become an homogeneous mixture, while vibrating a device containing two kinds of powders result in extreme segregation. Nevertheless, much can be learned through analogies between these disparate systems. The approach taken in this work is to focus on adapting concepts from fluid behavior and explore their application in relevant industrial processes involving granular materials---such as mixing/segregation, heat transfer and flowability. We use Particle Dynamics (PD)---a Discrete Element Method---to model transport and flow of granular materials.Adhesion, for example, is commonly found in operations involving fine powders where van der Waals forces start to play an important role. Our PD model, which is capable of simulating dry adhesive interactions, is used to study mixing/segregation. By introducing a characterization tool---the van der Waals Granular Bond Number---the asymptotic mixed/segregated state of the system is analytically predicted. These predictions are most easily summarized by phase-space diagrams which exhibit both mixed and segregated regions. The phase-space diagrams are computationally tested (with PD) by selecting granular materials of different properties so that we explore both mixed and segregated regions. Each of these materials is allowed to reach its asymptotic state in a mixing drum, and this final state is compared to the predictions.Beyond predicting the asymptotic state of a system, the next natural step is to explore the possibility of controlling it. With this purpose, we propose the addition of ``helper" particles that can either promote mixing or segregation. These amphiphilic helper particles---also called Janus particles---act as bridges between the base (non-helper) particles, alternatively promoting mixing in a system that would otherwise segregate (surfactant helpers) or separating a specific kind of particle from a mixture (extractant helpers). Phase space diagrams summarizing these trends are analytically built by comparing the interaction forces in the system: the final state of the system is determined by the interactions that predominate. Again, the predictions are then tested against results obtained by PD simulations of the system including Janus particles, which are further compared to the binary adhesive system that contain no helper particles.The presence of adhesive forces in granular materials can also affect the flowability of a granular material. Glidants---also known as flow aids or conditioners---are frequently added to dry cohesive powders to improve their flow properties and to facilitate their handling. These aids can reduce the inter-particle forces by imposing a physical barrier between host particles but are often identified on a trial-and-error or ad hoc basis. Using our PD model and characterization tools, glidant particles are engineered to improve the flowability properties of a dry cohesive powder.Finally, heat transfer within granular materials is studied by observing the dominant heat transfer mechanisms in the granular bed. Specifically, we examine the conditions necessary to achieve conduction-dominated versus convection-dominated heat transfer and introduce a granular analog of the Peclet number as a means of quantifying the transition. Our experiments consist of PD simulations of rotating tumblers where the granular material is being heated from the walls. When conduction is the dominant mechanism, increasing the mixing rate seems to have a positive impact in the rate of heat transfer; however, under convection-dominated conditions the opposite is often true. In order to further clarify the role of inter-particle mixing, the temperature profiles of the material in the drums are compared to a continuum model for mixing of cohesionless granular materials. Similarities between these two are most likely to be found when convection is the mechanism that dominates the heat transport. Dimensionless numbers are used to correlate the results obtained for multiple systems and surprising degree of similarity is found when compared to analogous fluid correlations

    Effects of food deprivation on 24h-changes in brain and liver carbohydrate and ketone body metabolism of rainbow trout

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    Plasma glucose, lactate and acetoacetate, brain glycogen and acetoacetate, and liver acetoacetate, glycogen and lactate in fed rainbow trout exhibited daily changes. However, no daily changes were observed in the activities of the brain enzymes glycogen synthetase, 6-phosphofructo 1-kinase, and lactate dehydrogenase. Depending on the length of the previous fasting period most daily changes observed in the metabolic parameters of fed fish disappeared, except for liver acetoacetate levels, which displayed daily changes in both fed and fasted fish. These results suggest that feeding is an important factor regulating most daily changes in the brain and liver carbohydrate and ketone body metabolism of rainbow trout.Postprin

    Description, host-specificity, and strain selectivity of the dinoflagellate parasite Parvilucifera sinerae sp. nov. (Perkinsozoa)

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    A new species of parasite, Parvilucifera sinerae sp. nov., isolated from a bloom of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum in the harbor of Arenys de Mar (Mediterranean Sea, Spain), is described. This species is morphologically, behaviourally, and genetically (18S rDNA sequence) different from Parvilucifera infectans, until now the only species of the genus Parvilucifera to be genetically analyzed. Sequence analysis of the 18S ribosomal DNA supported P. sinerae as a new species placed within the Perkinsozoa and close to P. infectans. Data on the seasonal occurrence of P. sinerae, its infective rates in natural and laboratory cultures, and intra-species strain-specific resistance are presented. Life-cycle studies in field samples showed that the dinoflagellate resting zygote (resting cyst) was resistant to infection, but the mobile zygote (planozygote) or pellicle stage (temporary cyst) became infected. The effects of light and salinity levels on the growth of P. sinerae were examined, and the results showed that low salinity levels promote both sporangial germination and higher rates of infection. Our findings on this newly described parasite point to a complex host-parasite interaction and provide valuable information that leads to a reconsideration of the biological strategy to control dinoflagellate blooms by means of intentional parasitic infections.Postprin

    La conveniencia de regular límites a la actuación de la prueba de oficio a tenor del artículo 385 inciso 2 del nuevo código procesal penal peruano

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se trazó como problema la conveniencia de la regulación de la prueba de oficio en el artículo 385 inciso 2 del Nuevo Código Procesal Penal Peruano y como hipótesis se planteó que será conveniente su regulación en el artículo previsto en la medida que se limite la actuación de la prueba de oficio sólo a medios probatorios pertenecientes a fuentes de prueba ya admitidas en el proceso; razón por la cual la investigación presentada por su finalidad es de naturaleza aplicada, por su profundidad es descriptiva – explicativa y por su diseño es no experimental. El método que se utilizó fue el científico y para la recolección, análisis e interpretación de la información se utilizaron los métodos lógicos y jurídicos; las técnicas empleadas fueron la observación con los instrumentos senso perceptuales, la recopilación documental, el fotocopiado y escaneado; así mismo el procedimiento de recolección se realizó en nueve pasos, además de un diseño de procesamiento de datos a través del cual se depuró y clasificó la información recabada para pasar a su orden y organización; todo ello conjuntamente con un diseño de presentación conformado por la problemática de la investigación, el desarrollo teórico, la metodología empleada, los resultados y discusión; de los cuales derivaron cinco conclusiones, tres recomendaciones y una propuesta legislativa.This research problem was traced as the desirability of regulating the trade test in Article 385, paragraph 2 of the new Code of Criminal Peruvian and raised hypothesis that the limitation of the performance test only means of proof job It pertaining to sources of evidence already admitted in the process make appropriate regulation in the intended article; why research by its purpose is applied nature, its depth is descriptive - explanatory and by design is not experimental. The method used was the scientist and the collection, analysis and interpretation of information logical and legal methods were used; the techniques used were the observation instruments perceptual consensus, documentary collection, photocopying and scanning; likewise the collection procedure was conducted in nine steps, plus a design of data processing by which it was purified and classified the information collected to pass their order and organization; all together with a design presentation made by the problems of research, theoretical development, methodology, results and discussion; of which five conclusions derived three recommendations and a legislative proposal.Tesi

    Paralytic shellfish toxin synthesis is related to genomic sxtA4 copy number in Alexandrium minutum strains

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    Dinoflagellates are microscopic aquatic eukaryotes with huge genomes and an unusual cell regulation. For example, most genes are present in numerous copies and all copies seem to be obligatorily transcribed. The consequence of the gene copy number (CPN) for final protein synthesis is, however, not clear. One such gene is sxtA, the starting gene of paralytic shellfish toxin (PST) synthesis. PSTs are small neurotoxic compounds that can accumulate in the food chain and cause serious poisoning incidences when ingested. They are produced by dinoflagellates of the genera Alexandrium, Gymnodium, and Pyrodinium. Here we investigated if the genomic CPN of sxtA4 is related to PST content in Alexandrium minutum cells. SxtA4 is the 4th domain of the sxtA gene and its presence is essential for PST synthesis in dinoflagellates. We used PST and genome size measurements as well as quantitative PCR to analyze sxtA4 CPN and toxin content in 15 A. minutum strains. Our results show a strong positive correlation between the sxtA4 CPN and the total amount of PST produced in actively growing A. minutum cells. This correlation was independent of the toxin profile produced, as long as the strain contained the genomic domains sxtA1 and sxtA4.Postprin

    Evaluation templates and fulfillment of the university formative objectives: diversification and transverselity of criteria in subjects of Spanish Language and Theory of Literature

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    In the different projects boarded in these last years by our group from educational innovation, attention to two lines of work has been lent that, applied to subjects integrated in the scopes of the study of the Spanish language and of the theory of Literature, were in our opinion essential to approach the new educative space in which we were immersed. In one first stage, it was fundamental the elaboration of educational materials and the use of heterogenous tools that allowed the student to make a pursuit of the subject in which the knowledge was acquired progressively. The space of the Virtual Campus thus becomes a valid platform for the development and design of different types from activities and exercises by means of which complementary tasks to actual teaching are approached. However, this development raises in one second phase –in which we were now– and almost simultaneously, the necessity to analyze the evaluation methods. Once established the continuous evaluation like fundamental criterion in the development of the subject, it is precise to establish general frames that allow at the same time student’s precise pursuit and transverselity between criteria of evaluation shared by several subjects. From these budgets, our work is centered in the creation of templates or model-cards model that identifie so much the evaluation criteria as the aptitudes that the students must surpass, to the object of which can serve as guide in their application to different disciplines. Therefore, on starting from the exercises designed in the first stage of the project, evaluative models are developed that allow to value the degree of assimilation and execution of the different objectives and contents.Example: Work in group and later exposition and discussions by the students: - Consisting of the putting in common of the results derived from the work in group or other individual derivatives of the theoretical and literary text commentary. - Cooperative learning: works in equipment, inside and outside the classroom. Objectives: to favor the doubt and exchange of information on the subjects debate object, besides to foment initiatives and the critical attitude of the students. - Justification: this type of exercises favors the formation of the student in two-way traffic. First, in as much it must construct his own speech, organize it, structure it and argue it for his putting in common before his companions. It facilitates the personal learning and the development of skills related to the construction, elaboration and written expression of different types from speech. The second, the exposition helps to develop skills and comunicative strategies, contributing to improve the oral expression. Finally, the coordination of the work of group causes a greater implication of the students in the process of elaboration and the final results, as much of the work written as of the oral presentation, without forgetting that the use of other resources (presentations, videos... etc.) by the students facilitates his familiarisation with educational and expositive techniques nearer the present contextInted2009 Proceedings C