351 research outputs found

    Tanggung Jawab Pengiriman Barang Ekspedisi Atas Kehilangan dan/ atau Kerusakan Barang Berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 38 Tahun 2009 Tentang Pos (Studi Kasus di Kantor Pos Solo)

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    This research is aimed to study the appropriation of Logistic Courier Services Company's responsibility based on the postal legislation billnumber 38 on 2009. This reasearch is an empirical law and applied with descriptive method. Data or legal material used is primary data obtained directly from PT. POS Indonesia, Solo Bramch. Secondary data were obtained from the materials library, books, journals, as well as the results of previous studies. The data collection technique is by interview and study documents or library materials and analyzed using qualitative analysis with interactive models. Based on the studies and discussions PT. POS Indonesia, specifically Solo branch related to the company's responsibility on lost and damaged items. The company has compensated for any damaged and missing contents which compensation values are already decided by the company. However, PT. POS Indonesia will not take any responsibilities for lost and missing items due to force majeure reasons. Legal remedy may be taken by the claimers due to loss and damage items is non-lawsuit path (non-litigations); which means the settlements done directly by PT. POS Indonesia and the customer. The court legal action (litigation) is used when a conflict of claims or complains cannot be settled by both parties. Based on the research done by the researcher at PT. POS Indonesia, Solo branch there has not been any lost and damaged items cases of filed complaint by the customers using these kinds of legal actions

    DNA amplified fingerprinting, a useful tool for determination of genetic origin and diversity analysis in Citrus

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    We used three short repetitive nucleotide sequences [(GTG)5, (TAC)5, and (GACA)4] either as radiolabeled probes for hybridization with restricted Citrus DNA or as single primers in polymerase chain reaction amplification experiments with total genomic DNA. We tested the ability of the sequences to discriminate between seedlings of zygotic or nuclear origin in the progeny of a Volkamer lemon #Citrus volkameriana# Ten. & Pasq.) tree. The genetic variability within two species [#Citrus sinensis# (L.) Osbeck (sweet oranges) and #Citrus reticulata# Blanco and relatives (mandarins)] was evaluated. DNA amplified figerprinting with single primers was the more successful technique for discriminating between nucellular and zygotic seedlings. Although we were not able to distinguish among 10 cultivars of #C. sinensis#, all 10 #C. reticulata# cultivars tested were distinguishable. However, it still is difficult to identify the putative parents of a hybrid plant when the two parental genomes are closely related. (Résumé d'auteur

    Effect of affective priming on prosocial orientation through mobile application: Differences between digital immigrants and natives

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    Digital revolution has drastically changed people’s lives in the last three decades inspiring scholars to deepen the role of technologies in thinking and information processing (Baranyi et al., 2015). Prensky (2001) has developed the notion of digital generation, differentiating between natives and immigrants. Digital natives are characterised by their highly automatic and quick response in hyper-textual environment. Digital immigrants are characterised by their main focus on textual elements and a greater proneness to reflection. The main goal of the present research is to investigate the effect of affective priming on prosocial orientation in natives and immigrants by using a mobile application. A quasi-experimental study has been conducted to test whether and how the manipulation of the priming, through positively and negatively connoted images, influences prosocial orientation. The results attested that negative affective priming elicited by app influences negatively prosocial orientation, while positive affective priming influences it positively prosocial orientation. However, this effect is true mainly for digital natives. Overall, findings underline the relevance of taking into account the effects of affective priming in technological environment, especially in the case of digital natives

    Self-efficacy configurations and wellbeing in the academic context: A person-centred approach

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    The aim of the present study was to identify self-efficacy configurations in different domains (i.e., emotional, social, and self-regulated learning) in a sample of university students using a person-centred approach. Results from a two-cohort sample (N = 1650) assessed at the beginning of their first year supported a 4-cluster solution: 1) Highly Self-Efficacious students, with high levels of self-efficacy in all domains; 2) Low Self-Efficacious students, with low levels of self-efficacy in all domains; 3) Learning and Socially Self-Efficacious students, with a medium-high level of self-regulated learning, medium level of social, and medium-low level of emotional self-efficacies; and 4) Emotionally Self-Efficacious students, with a medium-high level of emotional, medium-low level of social, and low level of self-regulated learning self-efficacies. The association of these configurations with wellbeing indicators, concurrently and one year later, provides support for the validity of the cluster solution. Specifically, by adopting the informative hypothesis testing approach, results showed that the first and second groups have the best and the worst wellbeing levels, respectively. Furthermore, whereas the other two groups did not differ with respect to depression, Learning and Socially Self-Efficacious students have higher life satisfaction than the last group. These results were confirmed both concurrently and over time

    A framework for the analysis of determinants of social media acceptance in higher educational institute of Pakistan

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    Social media is being considered an important source in the perspective of academic learning in the educational sector.The scope of learning through social media encompasses broadening the information sharing through collaborative approach with the help of web-based social networking sites as the means to enhance the knowledge of coworkers, colleagues and other mates.Due to large scale penetration of social media among youngsters, it is being perceived to be one of the futuristic approaches for next generation knowledge sharing and academic learning.On one hand, learning through social media has attained an important value in developed economies but on the other hand, real benefits and future implications have not been interpreted and realized in developing economies like Pakistan.Educational institutes in Pakistan need to evaluate and understand the importance and the usage of social networking for the sake of its valued role in academia.Although research communities in the developing countries are paying attention towards the development of this sector in academia but Pakistan still has to go a long way in this regard.The aim of the study is to explore the significant factors which are affecting the delayed acceptance and usage of social media for academic learning purpose.This research proposes an integrated framework including some widely accepted technology models such as Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT) to determine significant factors

    The implicit component of moral disengagement: applying the relational responding task to investigate its relationship with cheating behavior

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    This article aims to conceptualize, for the first time, an implicit form of moral disengagement and investigate its role in relation to cheating behavior. In line with the implicit social-cognition models, we argue that the implicit moral disengagement would represent an unintentional, automatic, and less accessible form of the mechanisms bypassing the moral self-regulatory system. We anticipate that in situations implying on-the-spot decisions and where individuals might suffer no consequences for the misconduct, the implicit moral disengagement would predict the actual behavior while the explicit moral disengagement would predict self-reported conduct. The results of three empirical studies provide support for the theorization of an implicit moral disengagement and its assessment through a newly developed implicit measurement procedure using the relational responding task. Results of the structural equation models, including both implicit and explicit moral disengagement, demonstrated that only the implicit one was associated with the actual misconduct


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    This study discussed the Sorap Massif which is the ophiolitic fragment composed of the upper mantle and lower crustal section of an ophiolitic sequence. An ophiolitic sequence in Sorap Massif consists of harzburgite, dunite, large distant units of serpentinized wehrlite intrusion and outcrop of confined layered gabbro covered by the Quaternary sand dunes. The basal part of gabbroic intrusion is in contact with mantle rocks and the upper part is juxtaposed with the Kuchakki Volcanic Group. On outcrop-level and in hand specimen, the gabbros exhibit needle-like ferromagnesian minerals including hornblende associated with plagioclase and pyroxene. Petrographically the gabbros are classified into norite, gabbro norite and gabbro. The mineral constituents of norite are plagioclase, orthopyroxene and amphibole, gabbro norite is consists of equal constituents of orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene, plagioclase and amphibole and the gabbro is composed of clinopyroxene, plagioclase and amphibole. The high constituents of minerals such as pyroxene, amphibole and low constituents of olivine in the Sorap gabbros indicates that these gabbros are formed by the immature part of the oceanic plate with dehydration of the oceanic plate subduction

    'First, do no harm': the role of negative emotions and moral disengagement in understanding the relationship between workplace aggression and misbehavior

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    Workplace aggression is a critical phenomenon particularly in the healthcare sector, where nurses are especially at risk of bullying and third-party aggression. While workplace aggression has been frequently examined in relation to health problems, less is known about the possible negative impact such aggression may have on the (un)ethical behavior of victims. Our research aims to fill this gap. Drawing on literature on counterproductive work behavior (CWB) and the social-cognitive literature on aggression we investigated in two independent studies (NStudy1 = 439; NStudy2 = 416), the role of negative emotions - in particular anger, fear, and sadness, - and of moral disengagement (MD) in the paths between workplace aggression, CWB and health symptoms. The focus on these relationships is rooted in two reasons. First, misbehavior at work is a pervasive phenomenon worldwide and second, little research has been conducted in the healthcare sector on this type of behavior despite the potential importance of the issue in this context. We empirically tested our hypotheses considering a specific form of workplace aggression in each study: workplace bullying or third-party aggression. Results from the two empirical studies confirm the hypotheses that being target of workplace aggression (bullying or third-party aggression) is not only associated with health symptoms but also with misbehavior. In addition, the results of structural equation modeling attest the importance of examining specific discrete negative emotions and MD for better understanding misbehavior at work. In particular, this research shows for the first time that anger, fear, and sadness, generally aggregated into a single dimension, are indeed differently associated with MD, misbehavior and health symptoms. Specifically, in line with the literature on discrete emotions, while sadness is only associated with health symptoms, anger and fear are related to both health and misbehavior
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