547 research outputs found

    Makna Multikultural Photomotion Motion [e] Motion Karya Andang Iskandar

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    Multikultural adalah berbagai kehidupan dan budaya yang ada dalam kehidupan masyarakat yang menyangkut nilai-nilai, sistem, budaya dan adat istiadat yang ada di sekitar lingkungan, dalam penelitian karya fotografi ini, penampilan gerak penari yang baik dan penampilan menjadi objek penelitian sebagai hubungan antara tubuh-gerak-budaya-zaman, dalam mencari makna multikultural melalui photomotion teknologi media. Ekspresi gerakan tarian seorang penari yang bergerak dalam ritme ekspresif dan ritmis ke dalam bentuk karya fotografi, sehingga gerak tubuh, gerakan, penampilan dan mimik para penari dapat direkam dengan detail dan halus, melalui media Visual dua Fotografi -dimensi. Karya ini memberikan rangsangan kepada para pecinta karya tentang, makna multikultural Photomotion yang terkandung di dalamnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, hasil penelitian dalam bentuk studi fase multicuting dan fotografi estetika dengan teknik fotografi gerak. ABSTRACTMulticultural is a variety of life and culture that exists in the life of society that concerns the values, system, culture and customs that exist around the environment, in the research of this work of photography, the appearance of a good motion dancer and appearance became the object of research as a relationship between body-motion-culture-epoch, in search of a multicultural significance through the media technology photomotion. The expression of the dance movement of a dancer who moves in an expressive and rhythmic rhythm into the form of photographic works, so that the gesture, movement, appearance and mimic of the dancers can be recorded with detail and subtle, through the media Visual two-dimensional photography. This work provides the stimulus to the connoisseurs of the work about, the multicultural meanings of Photomotion contained therein. This research uses qualitative methods, research results in the form of multicuting phase studies and aesthetic photography with motion photography techniques

    I periodi struttivi del primo palazzo di Festos

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    Sintesi di inibitori eterociclici della lattato deidrogenasi umana

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    Many studies have demonstrated the presence of less oxygenated zones in locally advanced solid tumours, so during the tumour progression only cells that change their metabolism and switch to glycolytic phenotype survive. The up-regulation of glycolysis and lactic fermentation, with the contemporaneous inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation, is a successful adaptation to hypoxia. Moreover the conversion of pyruvate to lactic acid has significant negative consequences because of increased acid production, which provokes a considerable decrease in local extracellular pH. The acidification of the microenvironment facilitates tumour invasion. So the development of hypoxic areas is very closely linked to the worsening of pathological conditions. The metabolic switch is principally caused by the activation of Hypoxia-Inducible Factor (HIF-1), a transcription factor activated by hypoxic stress, causing the overexpression of GLUT1, HK1 and HK2, and lactate dehydrogenase A (LDH-A). My thesis work deals with the synthesis of molecules able to inhibit LDH-A; in fact, by inhibiting the lactic fermentation, the lack of NAD+ cofactors causes the block of glycolysis and, consequently, the interruption of energy production

    Gonadal histology and reproductive steroidogenesis of anurans exposed to potential endocrine disrupting contaminants

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    The prevalence of malformed amphibians and the association of high incidences of malformation with the presence of environmental contaminants have raised questions about the effects of environmental contaminants on the development of larval amphibians. The potential endocrine disrupting effects of pesticides suggest that the reproductive and developmental abnormalities observed in larval anurans may be due at least in part to impacts on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. The present studies investigate the effects of exposure to environmental contaminants including DDT and atrazine on the development, gonadal histology and reproductive steroidogenesis of larval anurans. As previous monitoring at Great Bay National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), Newington, New Hampshire documented incidences of amphibian malformations at four sites contaminated with potentially endocrine active compounds, the present study utilized in situ exposures and laboratory toxicology experiments to determine if contaminants present in the sites affect amphibian development. Five intersex/mixed sex animals were produced in the enclosure experiment. Reproductive development and steroidogenic capacity of male metamorphs from Reference Beaver Pond were more advanced relative to males from the other sites. In the laboratory sediment exposure experiment, reproductive development was altered by contaminants present in the sediments and the degree of alteration was related to nominal DDT concentrations. The proportion of animals exhibiting testicular oocytes increased, whereas androgen concentrations and the proportion of gonadal tissue exhibiting advanced stages of spermatogenesis decreased as DDT concentration increased. This work indicates that environmental contaminants may alter reproductive development. The potential for atrazine to alter the development, gonadal histology, and reproductive steroidogenesis of two species of anurans was investigated in two laboratory experiments. Exposure to atrazine increased tadpole growth and developmental rates for Hyla versicolor, but not for Rana pipiens, whereas atrazine exposure did not result in altered gonadal development for either species. None of the H. versicolor metamorphs exhibited gonadal abnormalities, while testicular oocytes occurred in R. pipiens metamorphs from all treatments, including the controls. Suggesting that testicular oocytes may be a natural ontogenetic occurrence in some species. Establishing the normal pattern of anuran reproductive development is necessary to clarify the effects of endocrine disrupting contaminants

    A peristaltic action microinch actuator Research and development study

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    Peristaltic action microinch actuator for primary mirror active-optics system of orbiting astronomical telescop

    Design and Implementation of Markerless Augmented Reality Application for Cockroach Phobia Therapy Using Adaptive Threshold

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    Augmented reality (AR) technology is useful for treating several psychological problems, including phobias such as fear of flying, agoraphobia, claustrophobia, and phobia to insects and small animals. However, the currently existing applications for therapy of cockroach phobia that uses AR technology are still very dependent towards the presence of markers, which might lessen the feeling of being in an actual scenario from everyday lives. In this paper, we created a system that is able to use everyday things as a replacement for markers for phobia therapy for cockroach. There are five main processes: getting the live streaming feed from camera, preprocessing, extracting the center point of the objects, tracking the marker-substitute objects, and lastly, instantiating cockroaches randomly after user lifts the objects according to the number and mode of the cockroaches, whether it is moving or not, that are predetermined by the user. The evaluation in this paper includes eight participants that are carefully selected based on their Fear of Spiders Questionnaire (FSQ) score that is translated into Indonesian and modified to accommodate cockroaches instead of spiders. The results is that the system can induce anxiety level on participants with the highest score of 10, which is the highest score in Standard Unit of Discomfort scale (SUDs). While the presence and reality judgment of this paper has the highest score of 7 which is also the highest score in Slater-Usoh-Steed Questionnaire (SUS)

    «Auferstehen müssen die Toten». Atomare Apokalypse in Kurt Becsis «Atom vor Christus»

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    The atomic play Atom vor Christus (1952) by the Viennese playwright Kurt Becsi (1920-1988) is one of the very numerous works on the subject of the nuclear threat that appeared in German-speaking countries in the 1950s and ’60s. This article investigates the complex Christian religious discourse that embeds the dramatization of atomic issues and apocalyp­tic ideas of the End in Becsi’s play. Special focus is given to such aspects as the struggle between generations and, in particular, the conflict between the unscrupulous scientist (and his hubris) and the figure of the repentant bomber pilot that becomes a monk (Science versus love, logic versus Christian grace)

    Implementasi Pendidikan Karakter Religius melalui Budaya Sekolah di SD Al-Islam Pengkol Jepara

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    Abstrak: Pesatnya kemajuan teknologi membawa berbagai kemudahan yang tidak hanya berdampak positif saja, melainkan juga berdampak negatif. Seperti adanya degradasi moral yang mirisnya dialami anak usia dini. Oleh karenanya, pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan pendidikan karakter sebagai jawaban atas fenomena tersebut. Salah satu karakter yang ditanamkan dalam pendidikan karakter adalah karakter religius yang menjadi unsur pembangun karakter lain. Pada sekolah, pendidikan karakter tidak hanya diadakan dalam pembelajaran, namun dilakukan pula melalui budaya sekolah yang diwujudkan dalam hal-hal keseharian, seperti yang ada di SD Al-Islam Pengkol Jepara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi pendidikan karakter religius melalui budaya sekolah di SD Al-Islam Pengkol Jepara. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Data penelitian dikumpulkan menggunakan teknik pengamatan, interviu dan dokumentasi. Penggunaan teknik analisis data meliputi pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data dan menyimpulkan. Hasil riset ini menunjukkan implementasi pendidikan karakter religius melalui budaya sekolah di SD Al Islam dilakukan dengan metode pembiasaan yang terdiri dari kegiatan 5S (Senyum, Sapa, Salam, Sopan dan Santun), doa pagi dan sepulang sekolah, sholat berjamaah, istighosah, berinfak di hari Jumat dan kegiatan menjaga kebersihan. Selain itu metode keteladanan, sentuhan hati/nasihat dan pembentukan lingkungan yang kondusif (beriklim religius) juga digunakan.Abstract: Rapid advancements in technology bring various conveniences which not only have a positive impact but also a negative one. Like the existence of a moral degradation that sadly knows early childhood. Therefore, the government has issued a character education policy in response to this phenomenon. One of the characters inculcated in character education is the religious character which is a building block for other characters. In school, character formation does not take place in learning, but also takes place through school culture which is embodied in daily affairs, such as in SD Al-Islam Pengkol Jepara. This research aims to find out how the implementation of religious education through school culture in SD Al-Islam Pengkol Jepara. This research uses a type of descriptive qualitative research. Research data was collected using observation, interview and documentation techniques. The use of data analysis techniques includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results of this research show that the implementation of religious education through school culture in Al Islam Primary School is carried out using the method of habituation which consists of 5S activities (Smile, Welcome, Salutation, Politeness and Courtesy), morning prayers and after school, congregational prayers, istighosah, giving on Friday and cleaning activities. Apart from this, exemplary methods, heart-touching/counseling and formation of an enabling environment (religious climate) are also used

    A systematic review and meta-analysis on the prevalence of dementia in europe. estimates from the highest-quality studies adopting the dsm iv diagnostic criteria

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    BACKGROUND: Dementia, including Alzheimer's disease (AD), is one of the most burdensome medical conditions. Usually, the reviews that aim at calculating the prevalence of dementia include estimates from studies without assessing their methodological quality. Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) proposed a score to assess the methodological quality of population-based studies aimed at estimating the prevalence of dementia. During the last three years, the European Commission has funded three projects (Eurodem, EuroCoDe, and ALCOVE) in order to estimate the prevalence of dementia in Europe. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of data on the prevalence of dementia in Europe derived from studies that included only subjects with a diagnosis of dementia according to the DSM IV criteria, and that had a high quality score according to ADI criteria. METHODS: We considered the studies selected by the two projects EuroCoDe (1993-2007) and Alcove (2008-2011), and we performed a new bibliographic search. For the systematic review, we only selected the subset of articles that included subjects with a diagnosis of dementia according to the DSM IV criteria. The studies were qualitatively assessed using the ADI tool. RESULTS: The meta-analysis considered 9 studies that were carried out in Europe between 1993 and 2018 including a total of 18,263 participants, of which 2,137 were diagnosed with dementia. The prevalence rate standardized for age and sex resulted 7.1%. DISCUSSION: This is the first systematic review on the prevalence of dementia in Europe considering only high-quality studies adopting the same diagnostic criteria (i.e., DSM IV)