192 research outputs found

    How tourists perceive two island destinations with identical culture, but different demographic characteristics, through social networking sites?: the case of Madeira and Bermuda

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    This thesis is focused and aimed at exploring how tourists perceive two island destinations with identical culture, but different demographic characteristics, through Social Networking Sites. The islands of Madeira and Bermuda were chosen as the ones to be studied. In order to provide a trustful answer, it was conducted two different methodologies that complete each other: Netnography and Text Mining. Eight codings were used when creating the database, based on the literature studied: Rating, Categories, Membership Level of reviewers, Language type, Tourism Experience Model, Content, Symbology and Positive/Negative information. In the first methodology, all of these codings were studied, while in the Text Mining one, only three were considered: TEM, ML and categories. The database was created after an extensive extraction process, which included in the end 1783 reviews – 1148 from Madeira and 635 from Bermuda, extracted from the TripAdvisor platform regarding August of 2017. The results indicate an overall positive customer satisfaction regarding both islands, but slightly superior in the Madeira’s case. The reviewers were, globally, low ranked reviewers and their favorite type of language was literal (vs figurative). The negative content was similar in both cases and the positive one as well. Based on the literature it was perceived that the reviews extracted are capable of persuading readers, and increase their booking intention. Also, both islands were perceived as destinations where tourists are able, through Recreational Activities, to get closer with their existential being. Lifestyle and Leisure and Tourism, Travel and Commuting were the main themes found to being mentioned by the reviewers. It was perceived that reviewers from Madeira can highly influence potential tourists into becoming real ones, in comparison with Bermuda. In both cases, reviewers were found to be engaged with the destinations, and the “re-purchase” scenario is highly probableO objectivo desta tese é explorar de que forma o turista percebe dois destinos insulares com cultura idêntica, mas características demográficas distintas, através das Redes Sociais. Para o efeito, as ilhas da Madeira e da Bermuda foram escolhidas para ser objecto de estudo. Para obter uma resposta fidedigna foram estabelecidas duas metodologias diferentes, com vista a complementarem-se: Netnografia e Mineração de Dados. Com base na literatura estudada, foram utilizados oito critérios aquando a criação da base de dados: Classificação, Categorias, Nível dos utilizadores, Tipo de linguagem, Tourism Experience Model, Conteúdo, Simbologia e Informações Positivas/Negativas. Na primeira metodologia, todas os critérios foram utilizados, enquanto na segunda foram considerados apenas três: TEM, Nível dos utilizadores e Categorias. A base de dados foi criada após um longo processo de extracção, que culminou no final com 1783 avaliações – 1148 referentes à Madeira e 635 relativos à Bermuda, retiradas da plataforma TripAdvisor, referentes a Agosto de 2017. Os resultados indicam uma satisfação geral positiva dos utilizadores em relação a ambas as ilhas, mas ligeiramente superior no caso da Madeira. Estes eram, globalmente, caracterizados com baixo nível de membership, e predomina a linguagem literal (vs figurativa). A quantidade de conteúdo negativo é similar em ambos os casos, bem como a informação positiva. Com base na literatura, foi concluído que as avaliações extraídas são capazes de persuadir os leitores e aumentar as suas intenções de reserva para com os destinos estudados. Além disso, ambas as ilhas foram percebidas como destinos onde os turistas podem, por meio de Atividades Recreacionais, aproximar-se do seu ser existencial. "Lifestyle and Leisure" e "Tourism, Travel and Commuting" foram os principais temas de conversa mencionados pelos utlizadores. Foi concluído também que as avaliações extraídas da Madeira têm maior capacidade para tornar potenciais turistas, em turistas reais do destino (comparativamente à Bermuda). Em ambos os casos, verificou-se engagement positivo, e o cenário de "recompra" é altamente possível

    Zigue-zague Ideológico

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    Com foco na produção do crítico literário Astrojildo Pereira, este ensaio procura sugerir pontos de contato entre o tempo contraditório da inserção do país na história do capital e a formação de um partido comunista no Brasil.Focusing on the production of the literary critic Astrojildo Pereira, this essay seeks to suggest points of contact between the contradictory time of the country’s insertion in the histpry of capital and the formation of a communist party in Brasil

    Síntese Digital Direta

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    Os projetos tradicionais de sintetizadores de frequência de elevada largura de banda utilizam um circuito fechado de fase (PLL). Um sintetizador digital direto, ou na terminologia inglesa, Direct Digital Dynthesis (DDS) oferece muitas vantagens significativas sobre as abordagens PLL como, por exemplo, um tempo de estabilização rápido, resolução de frequência sub-Hertz, resposta de comutação de fase contínua e baixo ruído de fase. Embora o princípio do DDS seja conhecido há muitos anos, o DDS não desempenhou um papel dominante na geração de frequência de banda larga até recentemente. Os DDSs iniciais eram limitados a produzir frequências estreitamente espaçadas com pequena largura de banda, devido a limitações da lógica digital e das tecnologias de conversão D/A. As vantagens recentes nas tecnologias de circuitos integrados (CI) trouxeram um progresso notável nesta área. Ao programar um DDS, é possível adaptar as larguras de banda de canal, formatos de modulação, salto de frequência e taxas de dados. Este é um passo importante em direção a um “software-rádio” que pode ser usado em vários sistemas. Um DDS pode ser aplicado no modulador ou demodulador nos sistemas de comunicação. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi encontrar um frontend ideal para um transmissor, concentrando-se nas implementações de circuito do DDS, mas a pesquisa também inclui a interface para circuitos de banda base e aspetos de design de nível de sistema de sistemas de comunicação digital.Traditional high-bandwidth frequency synthesizer designs utilize a phase closed loop (PLL). A direct digital synthesizer, or in English terminology, Direct Digital Dynthesis (DDS) offers many significant advantages over PLL approaches such as a fast-settling time, sub-Hertz frequency resolution, continuous phase switching response and low phase noise. Although the principle of DDS has been known for many years, DDS has not played a dominant role in broadband frequency generation until recently. Early DDSs were limited to producing closely spaced frequencies with low bandwidth, due to limitations of digital logic and D/A conversion technologies. Recent advances in integrated circuit (IC) technologies have brought remarkable progress in this area. When programming a DDS, it is possible to adapt channel bandwidths, modulation formats, frequency hopping and data rates. This is an important step towards “radio software” that can be used on multiple systems. A DDS can be applied in the modulator or demodulator in the communication systems. The purpose of this research was to find an ideal frontend for a transmitter, focusing on the circuit implementations of DDS, but the research also includes the interface to baseband circuits and system-level design aspects of digital communication systems

    Two critics, one week, one century

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    Não é comum, em lugar algum, que dois críticos literários surjam entre os melhores explicadores de uma nação por quase um século. Partindo da analise schwarziana do método crítico de Antonio Candido, o ensaio explora as relações de afinidade e de diferenciação dos dois críticos literários confrontados em dois momentos decisivos: o modernismo e o legado de 1930 e o desenvolvimentismo (e seu fracasso) desde o Golpe de 1964.It is not ordinary anywhere that two literary critics emerge among the best explainers of a nation for nearly a century. Starting from the schwarzian analysis of Antonio Candido’s critical method, the essay explores the affinity and differentiation relations of both critics confronted at two turning points: modernism and the legacy of 1930, and developmentalism (and its failure) since the coup d'état of 1964

    Selection of endogenous genes for gene expression studies in Eucalyptus under biotic (Puccinia psidii) and abiotic (acibenzolar-S-methyl) stresses using RT-qPCR

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Rust caused by <it>Puccinia psidii </it>Winter has been limiting for the establishment of new <it>Eucalyptus </it>plantations, as well as for resprouting of susceptible genetic materials. Identifying host genes involved in defense responses is important to elucidate resistance mechanisms. Reverse transcription-quantitative PCR is the most common method of mRNA quantitation for gene expression analysis. This method generally employs a reference gene as an internal control to normalize results. A good endogenous control transcript shows minimal variation due to experimental conditions.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We analyzed the expression of 13 genes to identify transcripts with minimal variation in leaves of 60-day-old clonal seedlings of two <it>Eucalyptus </it>clones (rust-resistant and susceptible) subjected to biotic (<it>P. psidii</it>) and abiotic (acibenzolar-S-methyl, ASM) stresses.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>For tissue samples of clones that did not receive any stimulus, a combination of the <it>eEF2 </it>and <it>EglDH </it>genes was the best control for normalization. When pathogen-inoculated and uninoculated plant samples were compared, <it>eEF2 </it>and <it>UBQ </it>together were more appropriate as normalizers. In ASM-treated and untreated leaves of both clones, transcripts of the <it>CYP </it>and <it>elF4B </it>genes combined were the ones with minimal variation. Finally, when comparing expression in both clones for ASM-treated leaves, <it>P. psidii</it>-inoculated leaves, ASM-treated plus <it>P. psidii</it>-inoculated leaves, and their respective controls, the genes with the most stable expression were <it>EgIDH </it>and <it>UBQ</it>. The chitinase gene, which is highly expressed in studies on plant resistance to phytopathogens, was used to confirm variation in gene expression due to the treatments.</p

    Nutritional knowledge and calcium intake on health professionals

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    It is demonstrated that a better knowledge leads to better eating habits but there are no studies on the relation between NK* and calcium intake. Verify if calcium intake of health professionals is influenced by their NK. 103 workers of the three Hospitals of Oporto filled two previously validated questionnaires Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ), General Nutritional Knowledge Questionnaire(GNKQ) and a questionnaire about Socio-demographic data. The relation between NK and calcium intake was analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test. Individuals that had a calcium intake within DRI’s** had a significantly higher score in GNKQ Total Score and in the Section It appears that NK influences calcium DRIs compliance in health professionals

    Colloidal dendritic nanostructures of gold and silver for SERS analysis of water pollutants

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    Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) using colloidal metal (Ag, Au) nanoparticles has been regarded as a powerful method for detecting organic pollutants at vestigial levels. Although less investi- gated, the controlled synthesis of binary nanostructures comprising two metals provides an alternative route to SERS platforms with tuned surface plasmon resonances. Here, we demonstrate that the use of dendrimers allows the formation of distinct combinations of Ag:Au nanostructures that are composed of smaller metal nanocrystals. Our research highlights the role of the dendrimer macromolecules as a multipurpose ligand in the generation of such hybrid nanostructure, including as a reducing agent, an effective long-term colloidal stabilizer and as a molecular glue for interconnecting the primary metal nanocrystals. Noteworthy, the dendrimer-based Ag:Au hybrid nanostructures are more SERS sensitive as compared to the corresponding colloidal blends or to the single-phase metals, as revealed by using molecular pesticides as analytes in spiked water samples. We suggest that the high SERS sensitivity of the hybrid nanostructures is due to interparticle plasmonic coupling occurring between the primary metal nanoparticle aggregates, whose arrangement is templated by the presence of the dendrimer macromolecules.publishe

    Variants in the inflammatory IL6 and MPO genes modulate stroke susceptibility through main effects and gene-gene interactions

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    A complex interplay between genetic background, clinical and life-style factors and the environment is expected to ultimately regulate the onset, acute phase and outcome of stroke. There is substantial evidence that inflammation within the Central Nervous System contributes to stroke risk, and known clinical risk factors for stroke, like atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and peripheral infection, are associated with an elevated systemic inflammatory profile. The inflammatory response is equally of major importance in recovery and healing processes after stroke. In this study we tested the genetic association of major inflammatory players IL1B (2q14), IL6 (7p21), TNF (6p21.3) and MPO (17q23.1) with stroke susceptibility and with stroke outcome at three months, in a population sample of 672 patients and 530 controls, adjusting for demographic, clinical and life-style risk factors and/or stroke severity parameters. The apparent complexity of the inflammatory mechanisms in stroke, and the multiplicity of players involved suggest a concerted process, in which implicated molecules interact to tightly regulate each other. We therefore examined both independent gene effects and the occurrence of gene-gene interactions among the tested inflammatory genes in stroke risk and stroke recovery. Two IL6 and one MPO SNP were significantly associated with stroke risk after multiple testing correction (0.022 correctedP 0.042), highlighting gene variants of low to moderate effect in stroke risk. An epistatic interaction between the IL6 and MPO genes was also identified in association with stroke susceptibility (P=0.031 after 1000 permutations). In the subset of 546 patients assessed for stroke outcome at three months using the modified Rankin Scale (mRS), we found one IL6 haplotype associated with stroke outcome (correctedP=0.024). In the present study we present supporting evidence for a role of the IL6 and MPO inflammatory genes in stroke susceptibility, and show that stroke risk is modulated by main gene effects together with clinical and life-style factors as well as by gene-gene interactions. Our findings are compatible and strengthen previous genetic and biological observations, highlighting the need of further functional studies, particularly in view of the possible utility of IL-6 as a diagnostic and/or prognostic biomarker for stroke

    Yield, technological quality and water footprints of wheat under Mediterranean climate conditions: A field experiment to evaluate the effects of irrigation and nitrogen fertilization strategies

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    The evaluation of the role of different agronomic strategies in achieving sustainable wheat yields under variable Mediterranean climate conditions may involve the use of resource-use indicators that combine productivity and environmental impact. A two-seasons field experiment was conducted in South Portugal to study the effect of water regimes and nitrogen fertilization on wheat yield, grain quality and water use evaluated with water productivity and water footprint indicators. The water regime treatments were full irrigation, supplemental irrigation, and rainfed. Nitrogen fertilizer treatments, including conventional and enhanced efficiency fertilizers (EEF) were distinguished by N splitting and timing over the crop cycle. Contrasting meteorological variables in the two years caused distinct wheat productive responses. Although leading to lower grain yields, supplemental irrigation guaranteed a water productivity similar to full irrigation. The use of EEFs in which 50% of the total nitrogen was applied at the booting phase had a positive significant effect on grain protein content and on dough rheologic properties, indicating that late nitrogen applications benefit the technological quality of wheat. The average total water footprints estimated for the two seasons showed no relevant differences but the partition of the green, blue and grey components in irrigated wheat varied, with an increased importance of blue water consumptive use in the second year of the experiment. In fact, the ratio blue water footprint/green water footprint increased from 0.40 to 2.00 due to higher irrigation requirements. High grey water footprint in rainfed wheat was mostly influenced by lower yields in 2018–2019, and by an advantageous rainfall distribution during the 2017–2018 season. No significant reduction in grey water footprint was observed when using EEFs. A multivariate statistical approach through factor analysis (FA) and multivariate linear regression (MLR) was used to examine the data structure and correlation. FA resulted in three-factor models of yield and water use, yield components and wheat quality, in the first season. In the second, drier, season, variables most related with irrigation water use were clustered in one detached factor. The stepwise MLR pointed to a good prediction capability of water footprints from NDVI measured with proximal sensors at booting, anthesis, maturation and/or tillering


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    Purpose: This study aims to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on consumer behavior in social isolation and sustainable consumption, from the perspective of the 2030 Agenda, given the perception of 2403 residents in Brazil and Portugal, through four research hypotheses. Method/approach: The methodology used was quantitative and descriptive research, through exploratory factor analysis and multiple linear regression. Main findings: The results highlight that all hypotheses were confirmed, and the most relevant relationship, that is, the most significant impact, occurred between the COVID-19 Pandemic and consumer behavior in social isolation, as well as differences in the perception of respondents between the Countries. Theoretical, practical/social contributions: Regarding the managerial and social contributions of the research, they allow managers and health professionals to have knowledge about the impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic, assisting them in developing strategies to face the Pandemic. In addition to information for public policies at the regional and national le’vels to support cities and regions in facing the Pandemic. Originality/relevance: Another important contribution of the research is the availability of an analysis framework, which has been statistically validated (observable variables and constructs). In this context, the Framework proposed in the research can be replicated in different regional, national, and international contexts