2,323 research outputs found

    Interview with President Ray Ferrero, Jr. - President and Chancellor

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    President of the Bar Association, law school, President, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, DeSantis, Alvin Sherman, Goodwin Trust, Alex Schure, NYIT, SACS, Morton Terry, Southeastern, Stephen Feldman, Ovid Lewis, Allied Health, Osteopathic, Dentistry , George Hanbury, Guy Harvey Institute, Brad Williams, scholarships, Pell Grants,Campus expansion, Undergraduate enrollment, Joint use library, Broward Countyhttps://nsuworks.nova.edu/nsudigital_oralhistories/1006/thumbnail.jp

    Evidencia de la respuesta a un enterramiento a corto plazo de la fauna macrobentónica asociada a la fanerógama marina del Mediterráneo Cymodocea nodosa

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    Sedimentation and burial affect a variety of habitats worldwide, especially within coastal marine systems. In the Mediterranean, seagrasses like Cymodocea nodosa are commonly subjected to sedimentation and, although the response of C. nodosa has been documented, few studies have included macrofaunal responses. We used a manipulative field experiment to examine the effects of a single small-scale, pulse burial event on benthic invertebrate macrofauna. Burial did not affect the total abundance, richness, or diversity of higher taxa nor the live abundance or diversity after 5 days. However, live higher taxa richness decreased by day 3. After 5 days, such decrease reversed and partial recovery seemed to occur. Almost 2 months later, three of the buried plots remained with some additional sedimentation, but the other three had lost their sediment. We compared faunal metrics of buried plots between days 5 and 54 and found greater diversity on day 54, providing evidence that macrofaunal recovery apparent 5 days after burial seemed to persist. Although we likely underestimated the effects and can only be conservative with our conclusions, taken together our results suggest small-scale, pulse burial events can have some negative effects on the C. nodosa-associated benthic macrofaunal community, but the community can recover within a few weeks.La sedimentación y el enterramiento afectan a una gran variedad de hábitats en todo el mundo, especialmente en los sistemas costeros marinos. En el Mediterráneo, las fanerógamas marinas como Cymodocea nodosa suelen estar expuestas a la sedimentación y, a pesar de que la respuesta de C. nodosa ha sido documentada previamente, muy pocos estudios hacen referencia a cómo responde la macrofauna. Se ha usado un experimento manipulativo en el campo para examinar los efectos de un enterramiento súbito y puntual a pequeña escala sobre la fauna de invertebrados macrobentónicos. El enterramiento no afectó a la abundancia total, riqueza o diversidad de especies, ni tampoco a la abundancia o diversidad de individuos vivos 5 días después del enterramiento. Sin embargo, la riqueza de taxones vivos disminuyó a partir del día 3. Pasados 5 días, esa disminución revirtió y parece tener lugar una recuperación parcial. Casi 2 meses después, tres de las parcelas enterradas todavía presentaron algún tipo de sedimentación adicional, pero las otras tres habían perdido el sedimento. Se compararon las métricas de la fauna encontrada en los días 5 y 54 en las parcelas enterradas, y se encontró una alta diversidad para el día 54, evidenciando que la aparente recuperación que tuvo lugar 5 días después del enterramiento parece persistir. A pesar de que probablemente hemos subestimado los efectos y debemos ser conservadores con nuestras conclusiones, al examinar los resultados conjuntamente, sugieren que estos eventos repentinos y puntuales de enterramiento a pequeña escala pueden tener efectos negativos sobre la comunidad de fauna macrobentónica asociada a C. nodosa, la cual se recuperaría en unas pocas semanas

    Procesos fisicoquímicos asociados con isquemia en miocardio y su influencia en arritmias: un estudio de simulación

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    Los fuertes cambios fisicoquímicos sufridos por el miocardio en eventos isquémicos componen el sustrato funcional para la formación de reentradas de potencial eléctrico en superficie. Estas alteraciones son modeladas en mallas bidimensionales, utilizando modelo biofísico de Luo-Rudy en tejido epicárdico. Se obtienen reentradas en forma de ocho que representa un desbalance eléctrico de tipo fuente-sumidero. Se cree que este desbalance es clave en fibrilación ventricular

    Procesos fisicoquímicos asociados con isquemia en miocardio y su influencia en arritmias: un estudio de simulación

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    Los fuertes cambios fisicoquímicos sufridos por el miocardio en eventos isquémicos componen el sustrato funcional para la formación de reentradas de potencial eléctrico en superficie. Estas alteraciones son modeladas en mallas bidimensionales, utilizando modelo biofísico de Luo-Rudy en tejido epicárdico. Se obtienen reentradas en forma de ocho que representa un desbalance eléctrico de tipo fuente-sumidero. Se cree que este desbalance es clave en fibrilación ventricular

    Phosphorylation of AIB1 at Mitosis Is Regulated by CDK1/CYCLIN B

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    Although the AIB1 oncogene has an important role during the early phase of the cell cycle as a coactivator of E2F1, little is known about its function during mitosis.Mitotic cells isolated by nocodazole treatment as well as by shake-off revealed a post-translational modification occurring in AIB1 specifically during mitosis. This modification was sensitive to the treatment with phosphatase, suggesting its modification by phosphorylation. Using specific inhibitors and in vitro kinase assays we demonstrate that AIB1 is phosphorylated on Ser728 and Ser867 by Cdk1/cyclin B at the onset of mitosis and remains phosphorylated until exit from M phase. Differences in the sensitivity to phosphatase inhibitors suggest that PP1 mediates dephosphorylation of AIB1 at the end of mitosis. The phosphorylation of AIB1 during mitosis was not associated with ubiquitylation or degradation, as confirmed by western blotting and flow cytometry analysis. In addition, luciferase reporter assays showed that this phosphorylation did not alter the transcriptional properties of AIB1. Importantly, fluorescence microscopy and sub-cellular fractionation showed that AIB1 phosphorylation correlated with the exclusion from the condensed chromatin, thus preventing access to the promoters of AIB1-dependent genes. Phospho-specific antibodies developed against Ser728 further demonstrated the presence of phosphorylated AIB1 only in mitotic cells where it was localized preferentially in the periphery of the cell.Collectively, our results describe a new mechanism for the regulation of AIB1 during mitosis, whereby phosphorylation of AIB1 by Cdk1 correlates with the subcellular redistribution of AIB1 from a chromatin-associated state in interphase to a more peripheral localization during mitosis. At the exit of mitosis, AIB1 is dephosphorylated, presumably by PP1. This exclusion from chromatin during mitosis may represent a mechanism for governing the transcriptional activity of AIB1

    First Measurement of the Transverse Spin Asymmetries of the Deuteron in Semi-Inclusive Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    First measurements of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries of charged hadrons produced in deep-inelastic scattering of muons on a transversely polarized 6-LiD target are presented. The data were taken in 2002 with the COMPASS spectrometer using the muon beam of the CERN SPS at 160 GeV/c. The Collins asymmetry turns out to be compatible with zero, as does the measured Sivers asymmetry within the present statistical errors.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Administration of zoledronic acid enhances the effects of docetaxel on growth of prostate cancer in the bone environment

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    BACKGROUND: After development of hormone-refractory metastatic disease, prostate cancer is incurable. The recent history of chemotherapy has shown that with difficult disease targets, combinatorial therapy frequently offers the best chance of a cure. In this study we have examined the effects of a combination of zoledronic acid (ZOL), a new-generation bisphosphonate, and docetaxel on LuCaP 23.1, a prostate cancer xenograft that stimulates the osteoblastic reaction when grown in the bone environment. METHODS: Intra-tibial injections of LuCaP 23.1 cells were used to generate tumors in the bone environment, and animals were treated with ZOL, docetaxel, or a combination of these. Effects on bone and tumor were evaluated by measurements of bone mineral density and histomorphometrical analysis. RESULTS: ZOL decreased proliferation of LuCaP 23.1 in the bone environment, while docetaxel at a dose that effectively inhibited growth of subcutaneous tumors did not show any effects in the bone environment. The combination of the drugs significantly inhibited the growth of LuCaP 23.1 tumors in the bone. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, the use of the osteolysis-inhibitory agent ZOL in combination with docetaxel inhibits growth of prostate tumors in bone and represents a potential treatment option