2,355 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurship Spillover and the determinants of Key Sectors for new business creation: An inter-sectorial approach

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    Whereas the knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship focuses on the diffusion of innovative output and knowledge filter among new firms and industries (Acts, et al., 2005; Audrescht, 2007), it has not been studied the phenomenon of entrepreneurship dissemination or entrepreneurship spillover among sectors. From an adaptation of the model of input-output matrix (Leontief, 1936; Dietzenbacher and Los, 2002) we develop a methodology that allows calculating the concept of entrepreneurship spillover. Besides, using intra-sectorial data from the 73 Spanish sectors, we empirically test the characteristics of the sectors with more entrepreneurship spillover. In short, the results clearly state that higher diversity and competition entails more entrepreneurship spillover. Moreover, the innovation only affects positively entrepreneurship spillover in restricted situations, briefly when the sectors have high competition and/or a high degree of technology.Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Economic Growth, Multipliers, Leontief, Input Output Analysis,

    Actos a título gratuito y su repercusión fiscal

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    Conferencia pronunciada ante la Academia Sevillana del Notariado el día 12 de mayo de 1994

    El Nietzsche de Klossowski: de la metáfora a la metamorfosis

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    In Pierre Klossowski’s interpretation about the thought of Nietzsche, fundamentally based on the posthumous fragments of his last lucid decade, both the parodic and simulating play of simulacrums on the transgressing mesh of the deus dialectus solecismus and the vertiginous experience of the eternal return under de disseminating sign en the circulus uitiosus deus result in a ontological catastrophe as an absorption of both the true and the apparent world by the fable, where, beyond the play of metaphors, the metamorphosis is claimed. That brings with it a new manner to pose the relationship between metaphor and metaphysics and a singular form to understand the act of thinking: the representationist, extensive, significant, and therefore metaphoric language, that is the one of the ontotheology, is replaced by a pathic, embodying, intensive, antistrophic language, which is that of the simulation of being. The implementation of this pathic simulation language carries Nietzsche to postulate, as strategy, the obstinate histrionic gesture and the metamorphosing play of masks. Nevertheless, all that shouldn’t lead us to aphasia and silence: the question of language – and writing – would be a question of style, without forgetting that, under the figure of the vicious circle, language itself has become a simulacrum.En la interpretación que Pierre Klossowski hace del pensamiento de Nietzsche, basada fundamentalmente en los fragmentos póstumos de su última década lúcida, tanto el juego simulador y paródico de los simulacros sobre la malla transgresora del deus dialectus solecismus, como la experiencia vertiginosa del eterno retorno bajo el signo diseminador del circulus uitiosus deus, abocan a la catástrofe ontológica como absorción del mundo verdadero y aparente por la fábula, donde, más allá del juego de las metáforas, se apela a la fuerza de la metamorfosis. Ello lleva consigo un nuevo modo de plantear las relaciones entre la metáfora y la metafísica y una singular forma de entender el acto de pensar: el lenguaje representacionista, extensivo, de la significación, del sentido, metafórico a fin de cuentas, que es el lenguaje de la ontoteología, es sustituido por una lenguaje páthico, corporante, intensivo, antistrófico, que es el lenguaje de la simulación del ser. La puesta en acción de este lenguaje páthico de la simulación lleva a Nietzsche a postular como estrategia el obstinado gesto histriónico y el metamorfoseante juego de las máscaras. Esto no ha de llevarnos, sin embargo, a la afasia y al silencio: la cuestión del lenguaje –y de la escritura– será entonces una cuestión de estilo, sin olvidar, incluso en el aforismo, que, bajo la figura del círculo vicioso, el lenguaje mismo se ha convertido en simulacro

    Se juega con la supervivencia del hombre

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    Con el propósito de contribuir a la formación de docentes ambientalmente alfabetizados, BIOCENOSIS dedica esta sección a la temática relacionada con la Didáctica Ambiental

    Spatio-temporal dynamics of maize yield water constraints under climate change in Spain

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    Many studies have analyzed the impact of climate change on crop productivity, but comparing the performance of water management systems has rarely been explored. Because water supply and crop demand in agro-systems may be affected by global climate change in shaping the spatial patterns of agricultural production, we should evaluate how and where irrigation practices are effective in mitigating climate change effects. Here we have constructed simple, general models, based on biological mechanisms and a theoretical framework, which could be useful in explaining and predicting crop productivity dynamics. We have studied maize in irrigated and rain-fed systems at a provincial scale, from 1996 to 2009 in Spain, one of the most prominent >hot-spots> in future climate change projections. Our new approach allowed us to: (1) evaluate new structural properties such as the stability of crop yield dynamics, (2) detect nonlinear responses to climate change (thresholds and discontinuities), challenging the usual linear way of thinking, and (3) examine spatial patterns of yield losses due to water constraints and identify clusters of provinces that have been negatively affected by warming. We have reduced the uncertainty associated with climate change impacts on maize productivity by improving the understanding of the relative contributions of individual factors and providing a better spatial comprehension of the key processes. We have identified water stress and water management systems as being key causes of the yield gap, and detected vulnerable regions where efforts in research and policy should be prioritized in order to increase maize productivity.R. Ferrero gratefully acknowledges receipt of a grant from the Fundación Carolina. J. L. Gonzalez-Andujar and R. Ferrero were supported by FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness funds (AGL2012-33736). R. Ferrero and M. Lima acknowledge financial support from Fondo Basal-CONICYT grant FB-0002. We are grateful to LINCGlobal (Laboratorio Internacional en Cambio Global) for their support.Peer Reviewe

    F. Laruelle: más allá de Heidegger.

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    Systematic review and meta-analysis of the pharmacokinetics of benznidazole in the treatment of Chagas disease

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    Chagas disease is a neglected parasitic illness affecting approximately 8 million people, predominantly in Latin America. Benznidazole is the drug of choice for treatment, although its availability has been limited. A paucity of knowledge of the pharmacokinetic properties of this drug has contributed to its limited availability in several jurisdictions. The objective of this study was to conduct a systematic literature review and a Bayesian meta-analysis of pharmacokinetic studies to improve estimates of the basic pharmacokinetic properties of benznidazole. A systematic search of the Embase, Medline, LILACS, and SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) databases was conducted. Eligible studies reported patient-level data from single-100-mg-dose pharmacokinetic evaluations of benznidazole in adults or otherwise provided data relevant to the estimation of pharmacokinetic parameters which could be derived from such studies. A Bayesian hierarchical model was used for analysis. Secondary data (i.e., data from studies that did not include patient-level, single-100-mg-dose data) were used for the generation of empirical priors for the Bayesian analysis. The systematic search identified nine studies for inclusion. Nine pharmacokinetic parameters were estimated, including the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC), the maximum concentration of drug in plasma (Cmax), the time to Cmax, the elimination rate constant (kel), the absorption rate constant (Ka), the absorption and elimination half-lives, the apparent oral clearance, and the apparent oral volume of distribution. The results showed consistency across studies. AUC and Cmax were 51.31 mg · h/liter (95% credible interval [CrI], 45.01, 60.28 mg · h/liter) and 2.19 mg/liter (95% CrI, 2.06, 2.33 mg/liter), respectively. Ka and kel were 1.16 h-1 (95% CrI, 0.59, 1.76 h-1) and 0.052 h-1 (95% CrI, 0.045, 0.059 h-1), respectively, with the corresponding absorption and elimination half-lives being 0.60 h (95% CrI, 0.38, 1.11 h) and 13.27 h (95% CrI, 11.79, 15.42 h), respectively. The oral clearance and volume of distribution were 2.04 liters/h (95% CrI, 1.77, 2.32 liters/h) and 39.19 liters (95% CrI, 36.58, 42.17 liters), respectively. A Bayesian meta-analysis was used to improve the estimates of the standard pharmacokinetic parameters of benznidazole. These data can inform clinicians and policy makers as access to this drug increases.Fil: Wiens, Matthew O.. University of British Columbia; CanadáFil: Kanters, Steve. Precision Global Health;Fil: Mills, Edward. Mc Master University; CanadáFil: Peregrina Lucano, Alejandro A.. Universidad de Guadalajara; MéxicoFil: Gold, Silvia. Fundación Mundo Sano; ArgentinaFil: Ayers, Dieter. Precision Global Health;Fil: Ferrero, Luis. Fundación Mundo Sano; ArgentinaFil: Krolewiecki, Alejandro Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Patología Experimental. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Instituto de Patología Experimental; Argentin

    Ecos derrideanos leyendo el "Ulises" de Joyce

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    La lectura del Ulises de Joyce hace resonar en la mente del lector ecos múltiples de las lecturas de Glas, de Circonfession, de Parages, entre otras obras de Derrida. La deconstrucción del cristianismo a partir de una teología de los restos nos introduce en temas nucleares tanto en Joyce como en Derrida (la ma(d)r(e), la relación cielo/tierra, padre/hijo, paternidad/maternidad), afirmando un entreser espectral en un mundo de postcreación. Reading of James Joyce’s Ulysses brings to reader’s mind a lot of divers echoes of Glas and Circonfession and Parages, among other Derrida’s works. The Christianity deconstruction through a remains theology introduce us into the nuclear matters both in Joyce and Derrida (the mother/sea, the relation between heaven and earth, father and son, maternity and paternity), that unveil a ghostly being-between within a post-creation world

    Observations on the ecology and reproductive biology of the sipunculan worm Aspidosiphon muelleri in temperate waters

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    A population of the sipunculan worm Aspidosiphon muelleri, located in temperate waters of the western Mediterranean Sea, was monitored monthly for a year. Some aspects related to its ecology and reproductive biology are shown in the present work. The sex-ratio for this population was close to 1:1 (54% females vs 46% males), thus indicating a dioecious reproduction, although showing a lack of sexual dimorphism. Oocytes were detected in females from 4–5 mm; this size might be reached by A. muelleri in a few months. The population density increased notably during the summer (June–August). The spawning event date was indirectly estimated from the average size of the oocytes and the percentage of females with free oocytes in the coelom. Both variables were significantly correlated to shallow water temperature (Pearson correlation; P = 0.003 and P = 0.001, respectively). Oocyte size was also significantly correlated to average irradiance level (Pearson correlation; P = 0.044). Spawning took place between August and September (when the water temperature is getting close to its annual maximum) and may last only a few weeks in these temperate waters. The abundance of A. muelleri decreased drastically in September, likely as a consequence of the spawning event effort. Bivalves of the species Epilepton clarkiae were collected together with specimens of A. muelleri living inside the polychaete tubes used as shelters by the sipunculans, with a prevalence of 11.64%. To a lesser extent some Foraminifera were also reported attached to the body of the sipunculans.This research was funded by ‘Mancomunidad Canales del Taibilla’