576 research outputs found

    Metodologia d'auditories per a sistemes integrats de gestió al sector de la construcció

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    Aquest treball inclou principalment un qüestionaris de registre de no conformitats per a la realització d’auditories de sistemes de gestió integrats (SIG), separat per les diferents fases de configuració del sistema. Amb aquest objecte, s’inclou la descripció dels requisits d’un SIG i de les diferents fases d’una auditoria. Per a la valoració de la gravetat de les no conformitats que puguin sorgir en una auditoria, s’adjunten un seguit de criteris en els quals es pot basar l’auditor per a determinar aquesta gravetat

    L'Arxiu de textos catalans antics

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    Sevilla en los prolegómenos del proceso constituyente gaditano: la pérdida de su "constitución jurisdiccional"

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    En el contexto preconstituyente gaditano, Sevilla reclama a la Junta Central la restitución de su "constitución política y jurisdiccional", que entiende destruida por las recientes prescripciones regias. La ciudad parece ignorar deliberadamente que sus privilegios jurisdiccionales se habían visto definitivamente mermados con el proceso de institucionalización de la Real Audiencia de Sevilla. En la exposición consistorial se argumenta que tos privilegios judiciales de la ciudad, confirmados por el conocido como Privilegio de Bruselas de 1556, habrían tenido una vigencia sin solución de continuidad hasta ese momento. Sin embargo, el análisis de las Ordenanzas reguladoras de la Audiencia de Sevilla desvela que la pérdida del estatuto privilegiado de la ciudad fue el precipitado de una serie de reformas regias consolidadas desde mediados del siglo XVI.In the preconstitutional context of Cádiz, Seville claims to the Central Junta the restitution of his "political and jurisdictional constitution", which the city understands destroyed by the recent royal prescriptions. The city seems to ignore deliberately that its jurisdictional privileges had been definitively reduced by the process of institutionalisation of the Royal Court of Seville. It is argued in the consistorial report that the judicial privileges of the city, confirmed by the acquaintance as Privilege of Brussels of 1556, would have been in force without solution of continuity up to that moment. Nevertheless, the analysis of the regulatory Ordinances of the Court of Seville reveals that the loss of the privileged statute of the city was the cause of a series of royal reforms consolidated from mid. 16th c.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación SEJ2007-66448-0O2-01/JUR

    Evolution of the system of resources in the last instance and crystalization of the monarchical principle in Sevilla in the Mid-XVI century

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    Este artículo analiza la influencia del privilegio de exención jurisdiccional de que gozaba la ciudad de Sevilla desde tiempos bajomedievales, en el sistema de recursos en la última instancia y su evolución hasta mediados del siglo XVI. La progresiva introducción del principio monárquico en las últimas apelaciones de la ciudad fue paralela al de la institucionalización de una Real Audiencia. En dicho proceso, resultarán claves las reformas introducidas por los Reyes Católicos. A pesar de los conflictos competenciales de fondo con el Cabildo, finalmente, las Ordenanzas judiciales de 1566 perfilarán una Audiencia del Rey en Sevilla muy similar a las Chancillerías castellanas.This paper analyzes the influence of the privilege of jurisdictional exemption used by the city of Seville since the late Middle Ages in the system of last appeals and its evolution until mid-sixteenth century. The introduction of the monarchical principle in the last appeals of the city and the institutionalization of a Royal Appeal Court occurred at the same time. In this process, the reforms undertaken by the Catholic Monarchs were essential. Despite the jurisdictional conflicts with the town Council, finally the royal judicial Ordinances of 1566 will outline a Royal High Court in Seville very similar to the Castilian Chancillerías.Ciencias ReligiosasDerech

    Revision of the types of species of Alloxysta described by Cameron and Fergusson (Hymenoptera: Figitidae: Charipinae) and deposited in the Natural History Museum (London), including a key to the fauna of Great Britain

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    Type material of the species of Alloxysta described by Cameron and Fergusson and deposited in the Natural History Museum of London has been revised. Seven species are considered valid: Alloxysta abdera Fergusson, 1986, A. basimacula (Cameron, 1886), A. crassa (Cameron, 1889), A. mullensis (Cameron, 1883), A. piceomaculata (Cameron, 1883), A. pleuralis (Cameron, 1879) and A. semiaperta Fergusson, 1986. A. basimacula, A. crassa, A. maculicollis (Cameron, 1886), A. perplexa (Cameron, 1889) and A. piceomaculata are here removed from synonymy with A. macrophadna (Hartig, 1841). A. rufi ceps (Cameron, 1883) is removed from synonymy with A. victrix (Westwood, 1833). A. caledonica (Cameron, 1886) and A. perplexa are here synonymized with A. basimacula. A. maculicollis, A. ruficeps and A. ruficollis (Cameron, 1883) are here synonymized with A. castanea (Hartig, 1841). A. ancylocera (Cameron, 1886) was correctly synonymized with A. fuscicornis (Hartig, 1841), A. curvicornis (Cameron, 1883) was correctly synonymized with A. victrix and A. filicornis (Cameron, 1889) was correctly synonymized with A. macrophadna. Complete redescriptions and illustrations are given for valid species. A key for all the Alloxysta species found so far in Great Britain is given

    Turismo y sostenibilidad. Comportamiento del consumidor turístico = Tourism and sustainability. Tourism consumer behaviour

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    El sector turístico es el principal motor de desarrollo de los países tanto a nivel económico como social. Desde el auge turístico nacido en los años 60, el gran impacto medioambiental originado por su constante producción de servicios y la huella ecológica que dejan los miles de turistas que realizan estas actividades cada año, se ha ido incrementando masivamente siendo las medidas tomadas al respecto insuficientes. Los turistas, junto con las empresas del sector servicios, son los principales actores de la situación medioambiental actual. El desinterés y la escasez de información son dos grandes factores que afectan y repercuten directamente en el entorno. El cambio hacia la sostenibilidad está en manos de la sociedad. A través de este estudio exponemos la actividad turística y la importancia de su evolución hacia un turismo sostenible. Aprenderemos qué factores intervienen en la elección del destino turístico y cuánta conciencia e información se posee sobre el impacto medioambiental hablado

    Interactive Charipinae Worldwide Database: a valuable tool for entomologists, agronomists and pest controllers

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    Els Charipinae (Hym.: Cynipoidea: Figitidae) són una subfamília d'himenòpters molt important, els seus membres són hiperparàsits d'àfids i psílids, i per tant estan involucrats en programes de control biològic de plagues. Després d'haver dut a terme una revisió mundial dels Charipinae hem preparat una pàgina web completa, on s'inclou tota la informació sobre aquesta subfamília. Aquest lloc web conté tota la informació que ja es coneix sobre els Charipinae: clau genèrica, claus específiques, una descripció completa de cada espècie vàlida, bibliografia i una aplicació per comprovar els noms específics i conèixer els vàlids. Al voltant de 1000 figures (òptics i SEM) s'inclouen per il·lustrar els caràcters diagnòstics. L'objectiu principal és proporcionar a la comunitat científica de claus interactives per a la determinació d'espècies per part d'agrònoms, ecòlegs, filogenètics, biòlegs, etc.., (molts d'ells no familiaritzats amb la taxonomia de les vespes parasitàries) perquè puguin utilitzar-los per avançar als seus estudis així com obtenir determinacions, figures i referències. Aquest lloc web serà una important eina taxonòmica que ajudarà a portar a terme la investigació ecològica, biològica i filogenètica.The Charipinae (Hym.: Cynipoidea: Figitidae) is an important subfamily which members are hyperparasites of aphids and psyllids, and thus they are involved on biological control pest programs. After carried out a Charipinae worldwide revision we have prepared a complete website where all the information recompiled about this subfamily is included. This website contains all the information already known about the Charipinae: genera key, specific key, complete descriptions of each valid species, bibliography and application to check the specific names and get to know the valid ones. About 1000 figures (optical and SEM) are included to illustrate the diagnostic characters. The main objective is to provide to the scientific community interactive determination keys for agronomists, ecologists, phylogenetics, biologists, etc., (many of them unfamiliar with the taxonomy of the parasitic wasps) so that they could use them to advance in their studies as well as obtain determinations, figures and references. This website will be an important taxonomic tool which will help to conduct ecological, biological and phylogenetic research

    First records of Charipinae (Hymenoptera, Cynipoidea, Figitidae) aphid hyperparasitoids from Malta

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    Charipinae material has been collected from different localities in Malta. Three species have been identified: Alloxysta citripes, Alloxysta pilipennis and Phaenoglyphis villosa in association with two aphids and one parasitoid species. Diagnosis and information about distribution and hosts of each species is given. Plates with diagnostic features of these three species are also included. These findings represent the first record of the subfamily Charipinae in Maltapeer-reviewe

    Classification and Treatment of Angioedema without Wheals: A Spanish Delphi Consensus

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    Angioedema; Delphi ConsensusAngioedema; Consenso DelphiAngioedema; Consens DelphiIntroduction Problems in the definition and classification of angioedema, leading to difficulties in its diagnosis and treatment, have been identified; therefore, an improvement in the current classification of angioedema is required. Objective The aim of this study was to propose a practical classification of angioedema without wheals that helps to establish a differential diagnosis and take appropriate therapeutic decisions. Methods An initial proposal of classification of angioedema without wheals was agreed by a scientific committee of experts and was subsequently validated by a panel of experts by means of consensus based on the Delphi methodology. Forty-five items on the classification, diagnosis, and treatment of angioedema without wheals were proposed for the survey. Results Most items (93.8%) were agreed after two rounds. All panelists agreed with the proposed classification, as well as with most of the clinical and treatment characteristics. The angioedema without wheals classification established three groups: histamine-mediated, bradykinin-mediated, and unknown mechanism angioedema. The clinical characteristics of the proposed types of angioedema were also agreed, except for the allergic histamine-mediated and unknown mechanism angioedema, which generated debate. Regarding treatments, although there was broad agreement with the proposed items, a lack of knowledge about some treatments in this pathology was observed. Conclusion The proposed classification of angioedema without wheals was accepted with a high degree of agreement; however, knowledge of available treatments needs to be increased and the definition of angioedema of unknown mechanism needs to be improved.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature