837 research outputs found

    Machine learning for quality control system

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    In this work, we propose and develop a classification model to be used in a quality control system for clothing manufacturing using machine learning algorithms. The system consists of using pictures taken through mobile devices to detect defects on production objects. In this work, a defect can be a missing component or a wrong component in a production object. Therefore, the function of the system is to classify the components that compose a production object through the use of a classification model. As a manufacturing business progresses, new objects are created, thus, the classification model must be able to learn the new classes without losing previous knowledge. However, most classification algorithms do not support an increase of classes, these need to be trained from scratch with all . Thus. In this work, we make use of an incremental learning algorithm to tackle this problem. This algorithm classifies features extracted from pictures of the production objects using a convolutional neural network (CNN), which have proven to be very successful in image classification problems. We apply the current developed approach to a process in clothing manufacturing. Therefore, the production objects correspond to clothing itemsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    History and Nature of Science enriched Problem-Based Learning on the origins of biodiversity and of continents and oceans

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    [EN] The episode of the History of Science (HOS) on the theory of continental drift proposed by Alfred Wegener has been considered an excellent example for teaching students aspects of Nature of Science (NOS) and the relation of Science with social and tecnological contexts. We implemented a NOS and HOS-enriched Problem-Based Learning environment at the middle (year 7 of the Portuguese National Curriculum) and secondary level (year 10) for teaching the origins of biodiversity and of continents and oceans (mobilism). The goal of providing detailed implementation practices is to adress the lack of how to in Problem-based learning (PBL) implementation in classrooms for 12 to 16 year old students and is the first practical example of implementation using this episode of HOS for teaching geological mobilism integrated with evolution. Therefore, in this study, we provide specific suggestions for supporting teachers’ classroom efforts in implementing PBL, such as scaffolding.The ill-problem presented to students, without a single correct answer, was based on the phylogeny of extant and extinct ratite birds, described by Charles Darwin and the present geographical distribution. The evaluation of the students was focused on the chain of reasoning employed, and we performed a comparisation analysis of the problem’s solution presented by the students of both classes regarding the explanation of the phylogeny of ratites based on geological mobilism. We observed an overall improvement (25-77%) of the percentages of students pre- and post-instruction adequate answers; therefore our PBL strategy was efficient. Sousa, C. (2014). History and Nature of Science enriched Problem-Based Learning on the origins of biodiversity and of continents and oceans. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences. 1(2):142-159. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/muse.2014.2249.SWORD14215912Abd-El-Khalick, F. (2012). Examining the Sources for our Understandings about Science: Enduring conflations and critical issues in research on nature of science in science education. International Journal of Science Education, 34(3), 353-374. doi:10.1080/09500693.2011.629013DEB - Departamento de Educação Básica. (2001). Currículo nacional do ensino básico - Competências essenciais [National curriculum for compulsory education: Essential competences]. Lisbon: Ministry of Education.DEB - Departamento de Educação Básica. (2002). Orientações curriculares para o 3º ciclo do ensino básico [Curriculum guidelines for middle school]. Lisbon: Ministry of Education.Ferreira, M. M. and Trudel, A. R. (2012). The Impact of Problem Based Learning (PBL) on Student Attitudes toward Science, Problem-Solving Skills, and Sense of Community in the Classroom. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 47(1), 23-30Jacoby, W. R. (2012). Alfred Wegener ‐ 100 years of mobilism. Geoscientist, 22(9), 12-17.San Román, L. S. (2012). Aniversarios en ciencias: algunas orientaciones para su uso didáctico [Anniversaries in Sciences: some orientations for teaching use]. Ense-anza de las Ciencias de la Tierra, 20.1, 96-104.Sousa, C. (2007). Abordagem por resolução de problemas em aulas práticas de disciplinas na área da Biologia: PBL e resolução de problemas. [Using problem solving in practical classes of disciplines in the area of Biology: PBL and problem solving]. In: I. Cardoso, E. Martins, Z. Paiva (Eds.). Actas do Colóquio Da Investigação à prática: Interacções e debates, E-book (ISBN: 978-972-789-253-2). DDTE e CIDTFF da Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro. 244 - 253

    Avaliação da autocicatrização de concretos com adição de cristalizantes : análise em obra e em laboratório

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    Sabe-se que a água pode ser um dos grandes causadores de manifestações patológicas no concreto armado. Em subsolos, sua ação pode ser aliada à sua alta pressão, e se somada ao aparecimento de fissuras podem ocorrer problemas de infiltração. Uma maneira amplamente estudada para mitigar esse problema é a chamada autocicatrização do concreto, definida como a capacidade de um material se recuperar, sem intervenção externa, de danos na sua estrutura. As soluções mais utilizadas em subsolos são lajes de subpressão e cortinas de concreto armado com adição de cristalizantes/impermeabilizantes. Essa adição visa potencializar o processo de autocicatrização e reduzir a permeabilidade do material. Este trabalho busca avaliar a autocicatrização de fissuras em um mesmo traço de concreto com adição de cristalizantes, tanto em estrutura real (fissuras presentes em cortinas de concreto armado, no subsolo da edificação estudada), como em ensaios de laboratório. Além de avaliar a influência de quatro diferentes ambientes de exposição (ambiente natural, ciclos de molhagem/secagem, submersas com e sem renovação) na capacidade de autocicatrização do concreto, e verificar se existe correlação entre algum dos ambientes simulados e o ambiente real de exposição. Para tanto, foram moldados corpos de prova cilíndricos (100x200)mm para análise da resistência à compressão e para análise da autocicatrização em laboratório, conforme NBR 5738 (ABNT, 2016). Em laboratório, as amostras foram serradas em fatias de dimensões 100x50mm, fissuradas e submetidas aos ambientes de exposição. Foram realizados ensaio de velocidade de propagação de onda ultrassônica, conforme NBR 12142 (ABNT, 2010) e análise de imagem por microscopia ótica nas amostras fissuradas, no dia da fissuração e após 6 meses. Em obra, foi realizado levantamento de fissuras presentes nas cortinas de concreto armado e, posteriormente, leitura através de microscopia ótica no primeiro dia de análise e após 4 meses. Em laboratório, as amostras que permaneceram em ambiente submerso, com ou sem renovação de água, apresentaram os melhores resultados quanto ao percentual de fechamento (85%), seguidas pelas que passaram por ciclos (61%) e as expostas ao ambiente natural (50%). Em obra, a estrutura presente no subsolo 2 apresentou maior número de fissuras e melhor índice de fechamento, em relação ao subsolo 1. As espessuras encontradas estão dentro da faixa de 0,10 a 0,40mm, e o maior percentual de fechamento foi percebido nas que apresentam menor dimensão. O ensaio de propagação de onda ultrassônica aponta que as amostras expostas aos ciclos de molhagem/secagem apresentam maior percentual de recuperação, o que pode indicar uma maior recuperação interna. Por fim, foi possível visualizar o fenômeno de autocicatrização em concreto com adição de cristalizantes e confirmar a necessidade da presença de água para a ativação do mecanismo. Ao comparar as análises em laboratório e em ambiente real, observouse que os resultados encontrados para o subsolo 2 se assemelham aos encontrados para as amostras submersas, visto que a autocicatrização foi melhor percebida nessas situações. Já o subsolo 1 apresenta resultados que podem ser comparados aos das amostras expostas ao ambiente natural, nas duas situações a autocicatrização não pôde ser visualizada de forma satisfatória.It is known that water could be a major cause of pathologicals manifestations in reinforced concrete. When at underground levels, its action can be combined with its high pressure and if added to the appearence of cracks, serious infiltration problems can occur. A widely studied solution to mitigate this problem is the concrete self-healing, which can be defined as the ability of a material to recover, without external intervention, from a damage to its structure. For underground levels, the most used solutions are the anti-flotation slabs and reinforced concrete walls with the use of crystalline admixtures. Adding those admixtures to the cement matrix potentializes the self-healing process and reduces the material permeability. This study aims to evaluate the self-healing process in concrete samples with the addition of crystalline admixtures on construction site (crackings found in reinforced concrete walls, located at underground level) and on laboratorial samples. It also aims to evaluate the influence of four types of environmental exposure (natural environment, wet/dry cycles, submerged with and without water renewal) on the self-healing capacity and to check if there is a correlation between any of the laboratorial simulated environments and the real construction environment related to the self-healing capacities of the concrete. Cylindric test samples (100x200)mm were molded on laboratory to analyze the compressive strength and the self-healing capacity, according to NBR 5738 (ABNT, 2016). To evaluate the self-healing capacity, the specimens were sliced into 100x50mm slices, cracked and sent to each analysis environment. The cracked samples were subjected to the following tests at the cracking day and 6 months later: ultrasonic pulse propagation test, according to NBR 12142 (ABNT, 2010) and optical microscopy image analysis. At the construction site, a search was made to find and catalogue the cracks in the reinforced concrete walls. Afterwards, a optical microscopy was conducted at the first day of analysis and 4 months later for each of the registered cracks. In the laboratory, samples that remained in a submerged environment, with or without water renewal, showed the best results in terms of percentage of closure (85%), followed by those exposed to the cycles environment (61%) and those exposed to natural environment (50%). In the construction site, the reinforced concrete walls present in the underground level 2 showed a greater number of cracks and the most effective closure index, compared to the underground level 1. The thickness of the studied cracks were between 0,10 and 0,40mm and it was possible to see that those with less thickness obtained a higher percentage of closure. The ultrasonic pulse propagation test shows that samples that showed the highest percentage of recovery were those that was exposed to wetting/drying cycles, which may indicate greater internal recovery of the samples. After the final tests it was possible to verify the self-healing phenomena in concrete with crystalline admixtures and to confirm how important is the presence of water for the activation of the mechanism. When comparing laboratorial samples and construction site analysis it was possible to see that the results found for the underground level 2 are similar to those found for the submerged samples since selfhealing showed greater results in these situations. Subsoil 1, on the other hand, presents results that can be compared to those of samples exposed to the natural environment, in both situations the self-healing could not be viewed satisfactorily

    Sun-dried pears: Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity.

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    Two different regional varieties of pears, S. Bartolomeu and Amêndoa, were analyzed fresh and after sun-drying. The total phenolic composition and antioxidant capacity of these pears were determined. The total antioxidant capacity was compared using two different methods: DMPD (N,N-dimethyl-p-phenylenediamine) and the method of ABTS (2,2’-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)) radical scavenging. The ABTS method, when compared with the DMPD method, showed a better correlation between the content of phenolic compounds of the pears and their antioxidant activity. The fresh pear possessed higher amounts of phenolic compounds and higher antioxidant capacity when compared to sun-dried pear. The antioxidant efficiency was expressed as Trolox equivalent and as ascorbic acid equivalent. For both methods, the Trolox equivalent was higher than the ascorbic acid equivalent

    Medicinal Plants of Chile: Evaluation of their Anti-Trypanosoma cruzi Activity

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    San Martin, J (San Martin, Jose). Univ Talca, Inst Biol Vegetal & Biotecnol, Talca, ChileThe extracts of several plants of Central Chile exhibited anti-Trypanosoma cruzi trypomastigotes activity. Most active extracts were those obtained from Podanthus ovatifolius, Berberis microphylla, Kageneckia oblonga, and Drimys winteri. The active extract of Drimys winteri (IC50 51.2 mu g/mL) was purified and three drimane sesquiterpenes were obtained: polygodial, drimenol, and isodrimenin. Isodrimenin and drimenol were found to be active against the trypomastigote form of T cruzi with IC50 values of 27.9 and 25.1 mu M, respectivel

    Dificultades en la precisión ortográfica de palabras agudas en la escritura académica de estudiantes del sistema educacional chileno

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    En este estudio descriptivo mixto se plantea como objetivo describir los patrones estructurales presentes en los errores de omisión de tilde en palabras agudas en un corpus lingüístico conformado por 1.626 palabras, las cuales se obtuvieron a partir de tareas de escritura producidas por estudiantes de segundo año de enseñanza media pertenecientes al sistema escolar chileno. Para ello, se utilizaron procedimientos metodológicos de la lingüística de corpus y del análisis de errores asistido por la tecnología. Los resultados sugieren 1.430 patrones estructurales, distribuidos en categorías léxicas de sustantivo, adjetivo, adverbio, preposición, locución preposicional y verbo. Los patrones más representativos son: -és con 315 (22%) frecuencias, -ción con 260 (18%) y está con 185 (13%). Para ayudar en este tipo de error de los estudiantes, se sugiere que los docentes aborden estos patrones a través de tareas cognitivas y actividades didácticas que permitan mejorar la competencia ortográfica.

    Una aproximación efectiva a la detección de anomalías en el tráfico TCP/IP usando técnicas de inteligencia artificial

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    El presente artículo introduce una aproximación al problema de “Anomaly Intrusion Detection” basada en una combinación de algoritmos de “Machine Learning” (ML) supervisados y no supervisados. Los objetivos que se persiguen son: el modelar en forma efectiva el tráfico de una organización y el reducir en forma substancial el porcentaje de Falsos Positivos mientras se mantiene un nivel razonable de detección de anomalías. Se presenta una arquitectura basada en un conjunto de “Self-Organizing Maps” (SOM) para el modelado del tráfico y en el uso de “Linear Vector Quantization” (LVQ) para la clasificación definitiva de los paquetes de tráfico. Los algoritmos desarrollados usan Snort para el preprocesamiento del tráfico de red, y están pensados para ser un complemento de esta herramienta. Los resultados alcanzados hasta el momento muestran que se pueden lograr niveles aceptables de acierto en comparación con otras técnicas. Al final se plantean las conclusiones extraídas del trabajo y direcciones en las cuales se puede continuar el desarrollo y mejorar los resultados obtenidosEje: VI Workshop de Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Una aproximación efectiva a la detección de anomalías en el tráfico TCP/IP usando técnicas de inteligencia artificial

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    El presente artículo introduce una aproximación al problema de “Anomaly Intrusion Detection” basada en una combinación de algoritmos de “Machine Learning” (ML) supervisados y no supervisados. Los objetivos que se persiguen son: el modelar en forma efectiva el tráfico de una organización y el reducir en forma substancial el porcentaje de Falsos Positivos mientras se mantiene un nivel razonable de detección de anomalías. Se presenta una arquitectura basada en un conjunto de “Self-Organizing Maps” (SOM) para el modelado del tráfico y en el uso de “Linear Vector Quantization” (LVQ) para la clasificación definitiva de los paquetes de tráfico. Los algoritmos desarrollados usan Snort para el preprocesamiento del tráfico de red, y están pensados para ser un complemento de esta herramienta. Los resultados alcanzados hasta el momento muestran que se pueden lograr niveles aceptables de acierto en comparación con otras técnicas. Al final se plantean las conclusiones extraídas del trabajo y direcciones en las cuales se puede continuar el desarrollo y mejorar los resultados obtenidosEje: VI Workshop de Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Influence of red wine pomace seasoning and high-oxygen atmosphere storage on carcinogens formation in barbecued beef patties

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    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heterocyclic aromatic amines (HAs) are carcinogenic compounds formed in barbecued meat. Conditions that reduce their formation are of major interest. This study aims to evaluate the influence of red wine pomace seasoning (RWPS) and high-oxygen atmosphere storage on the formation of PAHs and HAs in barbecued beef patties. In general, the levels of PAHs and HAs quantified were low. The storage (9 days) promoted higher formation of PAHs in control patties without increase of HAs. RWPS patties cooked at preparation day presented higher levels of PAHs and HAs than control. Nevertheless, RWPS patties cooked after storage presented lower levels of PAHs and HAs than control. ABTS assay pointed out that higher radical scavenging activity may be related to with lower PAHs or HAs formation. In conclusion, RWPS can be an interesting ingredient to inhibit the formation of cooking carcinogens in barbecued patties stored at high-oxygen atmosphere.Autonomous Government of Castilla y León through the research project BU282U13 and from project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000011 – Qualidade e Segurança Alimentar — uma abordagem (nano) tecnológica