2,491 research outputs found

    Uso de diferentes estrat?gias de ensino no aprendizado de estudantes da ?rea da sa?de

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    ?rea de concentra??o: Pol?ticas de integra??o, sa?de e educa??o.Os cursos de gradua??o da ?rea da sa?de vivem uma nova realidade com a inclus?o de novas estrat?gias no seu processo de ensino/aprendizagem. Hoje, o conhecimento exigido para a pr?tica segura de cuidados aos doentes demanda uma estrat?gia de ensino que vai al?m do ensino did?tico tradicional. O processo tecnol?gico tem possibilitado novas formas de trabalhar o conhecimento no ensino superior, a simula??o ? um exemplo. Esse trabalho objetivou avaliar o conhecimento, satisfa??o e autoconfian?a adquiridos com o uso de diferentes estrat?gias de ensino, em estudantes de Medicina e Enfermagem de uma Universidade P?blica. Trata-se de um estudo quase-experimental, explorat?rio e anal?tico, sobre a utiliza??o da metodologia tradicional com aula expositiva e da interven??o simulada, avaliando a autoconfian?a do estudante no atendimento ao paciente cr?tico. Na coleta de dados utilizou-se de formul?rio para obter a caracteriza??o do sujeito, provas te?ricas antes e depois, Escala de Satisfa??o dos Estudantes e Autoconfian?a na Aprendizagem para avalia??o da simula??o. Os dados coletados foram tabulados e analisados com software Statistical Package for Social Sciences(SPSS), vers?o 23.0. Para verificar se houve diferen?a entre as pontua??es obtidas nas provas, os resultados foram submetidos ao teste de Friedman, com p?s-teste de Wilcoxon. A associa??o de dados categ?ricos foi verificada pelo teste Qui-quadrado. Foi adotado o n?vel de signific?ncia de 95% (p<0,05). Comparando as duas metodologias de ensino utilizadas nesse estudo, os testes demonstraram que os estudantes obtiveram maior ?ndice de acerto nas quest?es da prova, ap?s a simula??o real?stica (p<0,001). Em rela??o ? escala de satisfa??o e autoconfian?a, os dados demonstraram satisfa??o e autoconfian?a dos estudantes ap?s a simula??o real?stica (p<0.001). A integra??o da metodologia tradicional com a da simula??o, teoria e pr?tica, mostrou-se eficaz para a obten??o e consequentemente melhora do conhecimento. Conclui-se que a simula??o ? uma metodologia inovadora e ativa que permite melhorar o conhecimento do estudante, proporcionando maior satisfa??o e autoconfian?a na aprendizagem. Pode-se dizer que a simula??o melhorou o aprendizado ao proporcionar atrav?s da viv?ncia, experi?ncias que simulam a pr?tica cl?nica.Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-gradua??o em Ensino em Sa?de, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2016.The health of undergraduate living a new reality with the inclusion of new strategies in their teaching/learning process. Today, the knowledge required for the safe practice of patient care requires a teaching strategy that goes beyond the traditional didactic teaching. The technological process has enabled new ways of working knowledge in higher education; an example of this is the simulation. This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge, satisfaction e self-confidence acquired through the use of different teaching strategies in Medicine and Nursing students of a Public University. It is a quasi-experimental, exploratory and analytical study about the use of the traditional methodology with expository class and simulated intervention, evaluating the student's self-confidence in critical patient care. In the data collection, a form was used to obtain the characterization of the subject, theoretical tests before and after, Student Satisfaction Scale and Self-confidence in Learning to evaluate the simulation. Data were tabulated and analyzed with software Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0. To check whether there was difference between the scores obtained in the tests, the results were submitted to the Friedman test, with post Wilcoxon test. The categorical data binding was checked by chi-square test. The significance level of 95% (p <0.05) was adopted. Comparing the two teaching methods used in this study, the tests have shown that students had higher success rates after the realistic simulation (p<0.001). Regarding the scale of student satisfaction and self-confidence, the data showed satisfaction and self-confidence of students after realistic simulation (p<0.001). The integration of traditional methods with the simulation, theory and practice, proved to be effective to achieve and consequently improves knowledge. We conclude that the simulation is an innovative and active methodology to improve student knowledge, providing satisfaction and confidence in learning. It can be said that the simulation by providing improved learning by experience, experiments that simulate the clinical practice

    Utopia e progn?stico na hist?ria do Brasil imaginada por Joaquim Fel?cio dos Santos (1860-1873).

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    Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Hist?ria. Departamento de Hist?ria, Instituto de Ci?ncias Humanas e Sociais, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.Esta disserta??o se desenvolveu a partir da an?lise do jornal O Jequitinhonha, que circulava em Diamantina-MG entre 1860-1873, e de seu principal colaborador e dono, Joaquim Fel?cio dos Santos. Utilizamos as publica??es dos anos de 1862 e de 1868 a 1873, per?odos nos quais foram publicados os folhetins: A Hist?ria do Bra-sil, escrita pelo Dr. Jeremias no ano de 2862 (1862) e P?ginas da Hist?ria do Bra-sil, escrita no ano de 2000 (1868-1873). As obras s?o proje??es sobre o futuro do Brasil nos anos 2000 e s?o analisadas em conjunto com duas outras obras de Fel?cio dos Santos: Mem?rias do Distrito Diamantino da Comarca do Serro Frio (1861-1862) e Acayaca: romance ind?gena (1862-1863). Al?m de realizar uma cronologia da vida de Fel?cio dos Santos e d?O Jequitinhonha, utilizamos basicamente duas categorias anal?ticas. A primeira envolve a forma??o do historiador oitocentista, empregando o conceito de historiador erudito e antiqu?rio para expressar as mu-dan?as ocorridas na segunda metade do s?culo XIX. Focamos em uma hist?ria es-crita fora do IHGB e como esta influenciou a escrita de uma hist?ria nacional. Na segunda categoria, utilizamos os conceitos trabalhados por Hans Gumbrecht sobre como o cron?topo tempo hist?rico, Stimmung e efeitos de presen?a ajudam a pensar o futuro criado por Fel?cio dos Santos, juntamente com o modelo de estratifica??es temporais de Reinhart Koselleck que temporaliza o futuro; definindo o car?ter ut?-pico ou progn?stico de determinados textos. Junto a esta an?lise utilizamos a no??o de responsabilidade da escrita da Hist?ria desenvolvida por Hayden White.This dissertation was developed from the analysis of the newspaper O Jequitin-honha, that circulated in Diamantina-MG between 1860-1873, and its main collab-orator and owner, Joaquim Fel?cio dos Santos. We use as publications from the years 1862 and 1868 to 1873 the periods in which the tracts were published: The History of Brazil, written by Dr. Jeremiah in the year 2862 (1862) and Pages of the History of Brazil, written in the year of 2000 (1868-1873). The works are projec-tions about the future of Brazil in the 2000s and are analyzed together with two other works by Fel?cio dos Santos: Memories of the Diamantino District of Serro Frio (1861-1862) and Acayaca: indigenous romance (1862-1863). In addition to performing a chronology of the life of Fel?cio dos Santos and Jequitinhonha, we basically use two analytical categories. The first involves a formation of the nine-teenth-century historian, employing the concept of an erudite historian and anti-quarian to ex-press as the media in the second half of the nineteenth century. We also focused on a story written for IHGB and how it influenced a writing of a na-tional history. In the second category, we use the concepts worked by Hans Gum-brecht, on how the historical time chronotope, Stimmung and reality effects help to think the future created by Fel?cio dos Santos, together with the time stratification model of Reinhart Koselleck The future Defining the utopian character or prognosis of textual adjustment. Together with this analysis he uses a notion of responsibility for the writing of History developed by Hayden White

    Apocynin Dietary Supplementation Delays Mouse Ovarian Ageing

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    Advanced maternal age is associated with higher infertility rates, pregnancy-associated complications, and progeny health issues. The ovary is considered the main responsible for these consequences due to a continuous decay in follicle number and oocyte quality. Intracellular imbalance between oxidant molecules and antioxidant mechanisms, in favour of the former, results in oxidative stress (OS) that is believed to contribute to ovarian ageing. This work is aimed at evaluating whether an age-related increase in ovarian OS, inflammation, and fibrosis may contribute to tissue dysfunction and whether specific antioxidant supplementation with a NADPH oxidase inhibitor (apocynin) could ameliorate them. Mice aged 8-12 weeks (reproductively young) or 38-42 weeks (reproductively aged) were employed. Aged mice were divided into two groups, with one receiving apocynin (5 mM) in the drinking water, for 7 weeks, upon which animals were sacrificed and their ovaries collected. Ovarian structure was similar at both ages, but the ovaries from reproductively aged mice exhibited lipofuscin deposition, enhanced fibrosis, and a significant age-related reduction in primordial and primary follicle number when compared to younger animals. Protein carbonylation and nitration, and markers of OS were significantly increased with age. Moreover, mRNA levels of inflammation markers, collagens, metalloproteinases (MMPs), and tissue inhibitor MMPs (TIMPs) were upregulated. Expression of the antifibrotic miRNA29c-3p was significantly reduced. Apocynin supplementation ameliorated most of the age-related observed changes, sometimes to values similar to those observed in young females. These findings indicate that there is an age-related increase in OS that plays an important role in enhancing inflammation and collagen deposition, contributing to a decline in female fertility. Apocynin supplementation suggests that the imbalance can be ameliorated and thus delay ovarian ageing harmful effects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of thickness stretching in functionally graded plates and shells

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    1The present work evaluates the effect of thickness stretching in plate/shell structures made by materials which are functionally graded (FGM) in the thickness directions. That is done by removing or retaining the transverse normal strain in the kinematics assumptions of various refined plate/shell theories. Variable plate/shell models are implemented according to Carrera&#039;s Unified Formulation. Plate/shell theories with constant transverse displacement are compared with the corresponding linear to fourth order of expansion in the thickness direction ones. Single-layered and multilayered FGM structures have been analyzed. A large numerical investigation, encompassing various plate/shell geometries as well as various grading rates for FGMs, has been conducted. It is mainly concluded that a refinements of classical theories that include additional in-plane variables could results meaningless unless transverse normal strain effects are taken into account

    Novel hydrogel obtained by chitosan and dextrin-VA co-polymerization

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    A novel hydrogel was obtained by reticulation of chitosan with dextrin enzymatically linked to vinyl acrylate (dextrin-VA), without cross-linking agents. The hydrogel had a solid-like behaviour with G′ (storage modulus) >> G″ (loss modulus). Glucose diffusion coefficients of 3.9 × 10−6 ± 1.3 × 10−6 cm2/s and 2.9 × 10−6 ± 0.5 × 10−6 cm2/s were obtained for different substitution degrees of the dextrin-VA (20% and 70% respectively). SEM observation revealed a porous structure, with pores ranging from 50 µm to 150 µm

    Direito na lusofonia: cultura, direito humanos e globalização

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    O presente livro de Actas recolhe as comunicações apresentadas no I Congresso Direito na Lusofonia realizado na Escola de Direito da Universidade do Minho em Fevereiro de 2014, o qual reuniu um conjunto de juristas de distintos países de expressão oficial portuguesa. O âmbito temático dos trabalhos foi, propositadamente, desenhado de modo amplo e transversal, tendo os organizadores procurado que aqueles se agregassem em torno de tópicos omnipresentes neste início do século XXI: Direito, língua e cultura; A tutela dos Direitos Humanos; Direito e globalização; Transnacionalidade, governação e segurança.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Direito na lusofonia: diálogos constitucionais no espaço lusófono

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    Vol. 2II Volume de Atas do III Congresso Direito na Lusofonia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Digital disease detection and participatory surveillance: overview and perspectives for Brazil

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    ABSTRACT This study aimed to describe the digital disease detection and participatory surveillance in different countries. The systems or platforms consolidated in the scientific field were analyzed by describing the strategy, type of data source, main objectives, and manner of interaction with users. Eleven systems or platforms, developed from 1996 to 2016, were analyzed. There was a higher frequency of data mining on the web and active crowdsourcing as well as a trend in the use of mobile applications. It is important to provoke debate in the academia and health services for the evolution of methods and insights into participatory surveillance in the digital age