1,770 research outputs found

    Evolution signatures in genome network properties

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    Genomes maybe organized as networks where protein-protein association plays the role of network links. The resulting networks are far from being random and their topological properties are a consequence of the underlying mechanisms for genome evolution. Considering data on protein-protein association networks from STRING database, we present experimental evidence that degree distribution is not scale free, presenting an increased probability for high degree nodes. We also show that the degree distribution approaches a scale invariant state as the number of genes in the network increases, although real genomes still present finite size effects. Based on the experimental evidence unveiled by these data analyses, we propose a simulation model for genome evolution, where genes in a network are either acquired de novo using a preferential attachment rule, or duplicated, with a duplication probability that linearly grows with gene degree and decreases with its clustering coefficient. The results show that topological distributions are better described than in previous genome evolution models. This model correctly predicts that, in order to produce protein-protein association networks with number of links and number of nodes in the observed range, it is necessary 90% of gene duplication and 10% of de novo gene acquisition. If this scenario is true, it implies a universal mechanism for genome evolution

    Fluidoterapia perioperatória : o estado da arte

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    Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2017A hipovolémia perioperatória e o excesso de fluidos têm consequências nas complicações pós-operatórias e na sobrevida do paciente. Assim, a administração de fluidos antes, durante e após a cirurgia, no tempo certo e com o volume adequado é de grande importância. A fluidoterapia perioperatória continua a ser um tema muito debatido e, apesar de se saber que tanto o excesso como a falta de fluidos podem trazer consequência nefastas, continua a existir uma grande variabilidade na prática clínica da administração de fluidos. Este artigo de revisão tem como objetivo analisar a literatura referente à fluidoterapia perioperatória com o intuito de compreender a fisiologia dos fluidos e do endotélio vascular, definir os riscos e os benefícios associados à escolha de cada tipo de fluido, perceber quando estes devem ser administrados e finalmente tirar conclusões que permitam reduzir a variabilidade de aplicação da técnica anestésica na temática da fluidoterapia. Para a construção deste artigo foram analisados 158 artigos sobre fluidoterapia incluindo artigos baseados na população cirúrgica e dos cuidados intensivos.Perioperative hypovolemia and fluid overload have effects on both complications following surgery and on patient survival. Therefore, the administration of intravenous fluids before, during and after surgery at the right time and in the right amounts is of great importance. Perioperative fluid therapy remains a highly-debated topic and even though it is known that over and under-hydration is bad there is wide variability of practice between individuals. This review article aims to analyze the literature concerning perioperative fluid therapy with the objective of understanding the fluids and endothelial layer physiology, to clearly define the risks and benefits of fluids choices, to know when to administer fluids and ultimately to reduce the variability with which perioperative fluids are administered. For this article, it was reviewed data from 158 fluid therapy articles including both operative and intensive care unit population

    Pensar imagens e processo criativo em casa: sessões de curtas-metragens e fóruns de discussão no ensino remoto / Thinking images and creative process at home: short film sessions and discussion forums in remote education

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    A partir da reflexão de imagens em espiral de Aby Warburg e da pedagogia decolonial de Luiz Rufino, o componente curricular “Teorias das Imagens” decidiu adaptar-se ao formato remoto dos semestres de 2020 utilizando sessões de curtas-metragens brasileiros e fóruns de debates, como suporte aos textos acadêmicos, para o estímulo de processo criativo, formação de olhar crítico e elaboração de imagens estáticas ou em movimento conceituais. No semestre 2020.5, o engajamento foi satisfatório, enquanto no semestre 2020.6, o rendimento foi consideravelmente reduzido, devido o impacto do cansaço emocional causado pelo isolamento social na saúde psicológica do corpo discente

    Smile modification in odontopediatrics: minimal invasive aesthetic solution for a complex case

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    Clinical case's description: A 15-year-old female patient institutionalized in a foster care went to the Dental Clinic of the University UCP-Viseu, under the "Pequenos Grandes Sorrisos" social program referring a discomfort in the 2nd quadrant. At the oral examination, agenesis of the teeth 1.2 and 2.2 was observed, with the permanence of 6.3 and a marked deviation of the upper dental middle line to the right. After extracting the 63 (urgency), a tooth that caused the discomfort, a treatment plan was drawn up. The ideal treatment would pass through a bi-maxillary orthodontic treatment. The patient's personal history and her particularities, that hypothesis had to be excluded. Was then proposed to perform a coronoplasty of the canines and increase of the central incisors. For planning were performed: photographic status, study models, and occlusal recording (Oclufast, Zhermack, Germany). Afterward was done a Digital Smile Design and sent to the laboratory for the diagnostic waxing. The mock-up allowed an aesthetic and functional evaluation. The restorations were done with composite resin (SynergieD6, Coltène, Switzerland) were performed, with the support of a transparent silicone mold (RegistradoClear, VOCO, Germany). Discussion: Orthodontic treatment would last at least two years. The patient is temporarily institutionalized and was looking for a quick and economical solution. Coronoplasties with individualized mock-ups can quickly solve some of the questions, particularly in the field of aesthetics in Pediatric Dentistry. Conclusion: The treatment plan must be molded to each patient. The limitations that he/she presents must be a motivation according to factor for solutions that meet the patient's objectives.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Experience report on the recovery of a person infected with covid-19 with admission to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU): physical education and return to activities of daily living / Relatório de experiência sobre a recuperação de uma pessoa infectada pela covid-19 com admissão na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI): educação física e retorno às atividades da vida diária

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    Faced with the challenge to global health experience with the respiratory disease called Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) - discovered in December 2019 and declared a pandemic in March 2020 -, the recovery process of a hospitalized person with severe symptomsof COVID-19 is reported, who had physical limitations, and returned to activities of daily living after the immediate rehabilitation process. The text organization is in the form of an experience report. The investigated subject had the covid-19 infection confirmed by a nasal swab exam collected on February 25, 2021. The onset of symptoms reported was four days earlier, presenting dyspnea, dry cough, headache, and fever after being hospitalized after laboratory, imaging, and clinical examinations. After medical discharge (held on March 19, 2021), he was released with the recommendation of respiratory physiotherapy activities. After four weeks of intervention with a physical education professional in resistance activities, stretching, and aerobic exercises, the individual was able to perform the activities of daily living that he did before the infection. His only current complaint is related to intense activities, in which he still feels uncomfortable, requiring longitudinal monitoring for the security of his full recovery

    Effects of planting dates on growth and nutrient accumulation of carrots in the brazilian semi-arid

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    Fertilization plays an important role on carrot’s yield, root quality, storage, plant growth and on the environment. It was aimed to evaluate the plant growth and macronutrients accumulation of carrot cultivars as a function of two planting dates, under high temperatures in the Brazilian semi-arid. The experiments were carried out in randomized blocks design, with ten treatments and four repetitions. Treatments consisted of ten carrot cultivars sowed in two Planting dates. The characteristics that were evaluated were: plant growth (plant height, number of leaves, plant dry matter accumulation, mean fresh mass of the root) and macronutrient accumulation (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) in plant, leaves and root. Plant’s mean height ranged from 42.53 cm (Melinda) to 49.25 cm (Nativa); the highest plant dry matter was obtained by BRS Planalto (12.36 g) and Kuronan (12.18 g); the mean number of leaves was the lowest in Melinda and Nativa: 8.64 and 7.64 leaves plant-1. The root’s fresh weight had a significant decrease among the planting dates for the Brasília, Francine and Suprema cultivars. The nutrient accumulation varied accordingly to the planting date and cultivar

    The Effect of Acute Caffeine Ingestion on Tactical Performance of Professional Soccer Players

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    In soccer, physical, tactical, and decision-making processes are highly important facets of successful performance. Caffeine has well established effects for promoting both physical and cognitive performance, but the translation of such benefits specifically for soccer match play is not well established. This study examined the effects of acute caffeine ingestion on tactical performance during small-sided games (SSG) in professional soccer players. Nineteen soccer players (22 ± 4 years) underwent a randomized, counterbalanced, crossover, double-blind placebo-controlled trial. The protocol consisted of 5 bouts of 5-min SSG with 3 players plus a goalkeeper in each team (3 + GK × 3 + GK) with each SSG separated by 1 min rest intervals. Tactical performance was assessed using the system of tactical assessment in soccer (FUT-SAT). Prior to each experimental trial, participants ingested caffeine (5 mg·kg(−1)) or a placebo 60 min before the protocol. Overall, caffeine ingestion resulted in an increased ball possession time when compared to the placebo. When the offensive and defensive core principles were analyzed, the results were equivocal. Caffeine resulted in positive effects on some tactical decisions during the protocol, but it was deleterious or promoted no observed effect on other of the core tactical principles. Caffeine ingestion resulted in less offensive (during SSG3) and defensive (SSG 2, SSG3, and SSG4) errors. Caffeine ingestion also resulted in higher total offensive success during SSG 1 and SSG2, but it was detrimental during SSG3. Additionally, total defensive success was lower for the caffeine conditions during SSG 2 and SSG5 when compared to the placebo. In conclusion, caffeine influenced aspects of tactical decisions in soccer, resulting in fewer offensive and defensive errors, although it may be deleterious considering other tactical parameters. Future studies may clarify the effects of caffeine ingestion on specific decision-making parameters in soccer

    Do Concepts Matter? Latin America and South America in the Discourse of Brazilian Foreign Policymakers

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    By analyzing the content of 6,523 pronouncements by Brazilian decision-makers, this paper aims to present some quantitative evidence to answer the following questions: 01. How did Brazilian Foreign Policy decision-makers employ the concepts of Latin America and South America from 1995 to 2014? 02. Were South American terms prioritized over Latin American terms? 03. Did the diplomacy of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (Lula) invoke the idea of South America more than that of Fernando Henrique Cardoso (FHC) and Dilma Vana Rousseff (Dilma)? The principal conclusions we have reached are that South America was indeed more cited than Latin America and that this reached its peak during the Lula years. These results are significant because they corroborate the main conclusions of historians and qualitative analysts on this matter, through using a different approach based on quantitative methods

    Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia, squamous cell carcinoma and axillary metastasis

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    Proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (PVL) is an aggressive form of oral leukoplakia with multifocal presentation, high rates of recurrence and malignant transformation. Although development of regional lymph node metastasis is relatively frequent in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma, axillary metastasis is quite uncommon. This paper presents a case of a 64-year-old female patient who was diagnosed with PVL and developed five oral squamous cell carcinomas and later an axillary lymph node metastasis