96 research outputs found

    Consulta de enfermagem para pessoas com hipertensão arterial sistêmica

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    Recurso que trata sobre o que é a hipertensão arterial, objetivos do tratamento, atribuições e competências do enfermeiro no atendimentoMinistério da Saúd

    Social representations and its contributions to the health area

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    Este artigo aborda, em nível teórico, a Noção de Representações Sociais. Descreve sua origem, definições conceituais, o campo de estudo e as formas de abordagem mais utilizadas, quais sejam: a dimensional, a estrutural e a dinâmica. Tece alguns comentários sobre a utilização deste referencial na área da saúde e como ele pode ser utilizado pela enfermagem.This article approaches, in theory, a notion of Social Representations, describing its origin, concepts, fields of study and manners of approach, which are: dimensional, structural and dynamic. Some comments about the use of this framework in the health area are made, as well as how can it be used in Nursing.Este artículo és sobre la noción de representaciones sociales. Describe su origen, el campo del estudio y las formas de acercamiento: dimensional, estructural y dinámica. Teje algunos comentarios sobre el uso de esto referencial en el área de la salud y como él puede ser usado por la enfermería

    Recreação planejada em sala de espera de uma unidade pediátrica: efeitos comportamentais

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    Humanize the assistance to the hospitalized children and adolescents means to minimize the sufferings provided by disease and the typical stressing events of hospital experience. This study had as goal the effects investigation of a recreation program planned in a pediatric oncology unit waiting room about the children and adolescents behavioral repertoire. The proposed jokes referred to the disease and to the treatment. They took part 91 children and adolescents, exposed to cancer treatment, divided into three degree of age: Preschool, School and Teenager. The developed play materials aimed board the hospitable thematic. The planned recreation enabled a collaborative behaviors repertoire enlargement and of interaction, as well as a better adaptation to the adverse terms imposed by the hospitable environment and treatment events. The planned recreation can constitute a psychology systematic intervention activity, useful for the comprehension of how children and adolescent coping the disease and the treatment.Humanizar a assistência a crianças e adolescentes hospitalizados significa minimizar os sofrimentos proporcionados pela doença e pelos eventos estressantes típicos da experiência de internação. Este trabalho teve como objetivo a investigação dos efeitos de um programa de recreação planejada em sala de espera hospitalar sobre o repertório de comportamentos de crianças e adolescentes em tratamento de câncer. As atividades e brincadeiras propostas abordavam temáticas hospitalares, especialmente relacionados às doenças e tratamentos em vigor. Participaram 91 crianças e adolescentes, divididos em três faixas etárias: pré-escolares, escolares e adolescentes. A recreação planejada possibilitou uma ampliação do repertório de comportamentos colaborativos e de interação social, bem como uma melhor adaptação às condições adversas impostas pelo ambiente hospitalar e eventos do tratamento. A recreação planejada pode constituir uma atividade de intervenção sistemática da psicologia, útil à compreensão de como crianças e adolescentes enfrentam a doença e o tratamento

    Therapeutic communication in the context of male healthcare

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    Objective: This study aimed to analyze the contextual aspects of the therapeutic communication phenomenon between nurses and male users in the context of healthcare. Method: This is an analytical reflection, developed from a contextual analysis to understand the phenomenon. Results: The discussion of the study's phenomenon was therefore basedon the analysis of four contexts: immediate, specific, general and meta-context, allowing one conceptualization of therapeutic communication, the factors and beliefs that permeate this communication, and finally, the social prospect of the nurse and male client. Conclusion: It was concluded in this research that there is a need for therapeutic communication between the nurse and the male client so that the integral care can occur. Nurses with technical training and holistic vision will be able execute adequate therapeutic communication, expanding the vision of the male client as responsible and co-author of his own health

    Satisfaction of Family Members with Treatment in Psychosocial Care Services on Alcohol and Other Drugs

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    Objective: To assess the satisfaction of family members who had relatives in Psychosocial Care Services on Alcohol and Other Drugs (CAPSad) and the variables associated with the score of satisfaction. Method: Evaluative, cross-sectional, descriptive, and exploratory research. Data collection was performed with the SATIS-BR instrument, which had been validated for use in Brazil, and sampling was performed by simple randomization, according to a pilot study. The Ethics Research Committee (Protocol 1,001/2011) approved this study. Independent variables included socioeconomic characteristics about the participation of the person at CAPSad and the mean global score of Scale of Perceived Change (SPC); the dependent variable was overall satisfaction. Regression testing was performed using the method of ordinary least squares. Results: In the multivariate analysis, the overall score variables of SPC and family members monitoring to Psychosocial Care Services were positively correlated with overall satisfaction (p ≤ .05). Conclusions: The most family members with relatives receiving services from CAPSad were satisfied. Knowledge of the factors correlated with increased satisfaction might enable the construction of action plans aimed to include the family, during the care process, in these services.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    This research, with a qualitative approach, aimed to study the meanings attributed to care in childbirth andanalyze how the different care practices in Obstetrics are present in the discourse of the women from different generations ofthe same family. Open interviews were undertaken which developed as conversations, making it possible to share historiesand meanings. The analysis prioritized dialog maps, making it possible to visualize the meanings which the women attributeto the different care practices which they received, and the effect of these practices on each one’s experience. The interviews’analysis made it possible to identify two categories: The meanings of the care during childbirth and The meanings attributedto the experience of the pain of childbirth. The results show the sharing of repertoires and different types of care duringchildbirth and of context of the experiences, and their effects on the meanings attributed.Esta pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa teve por objetivo estudar os sentidos atribuídos ao cuidado no parto e analisar como as diferentes práticas de cuidado em Obstetrícia estão presentes no discurso de mulheres de diferentes gerações de uma mesma família. Foram realizadas entrevistas abertas que se desenvolveram como conversas o que tornou possível o compartilhar de histórias e sentidos. A análise privilegiou os mapas dialógicos, e possibilitou visualizar os sentidos que as mulheres atribuíram às diferentes práticas de cuidado que receberam e os efeitos destas práticas na experiência de cada uma. A análise das entrevistas possibilitou identificar duas categorias: Os sentidos do cuidado durante o parto e Os sentidos atribuídos à vivência da dor do parto. Os resultados mostram o compartilhar de repertórios, diferentes tipos de assistência ao parto e de contexto nas vivências, e seus efeitos nos significados atribuídos.Esta investigación de abordaje cualitativo tuvo como objetivo estudiar los sentidos asociados al cuidado en elparto y analizar cómo las diferentes prácticas de cuidado en Obstetricia se encuentran en el discurso de mujeres de diferentesgeneraciones de una misma familia. Fueron realizadas entrevistas abiertas que se desarrollaron como charlas, volviendoposible compartir historias y sentidos. El análisis privilegió los mapas dialógicos, lo que posibilitó visualizar los sentidosque las mujeres asociaron a las distintas prácticas de cuidado dadas a ellas y los efectos de estas prácticas en la experienciade cada una. El análisis de las entrevistas propició identificar dos categorías: Los sentidos del cuidado durante el parto y Lossentidos asociados a la vivencia del dolor del parto. Los resultados muestran el compartir de repertorios, diferentes tipos deasistencia al parto y de contexto en las vivencias, y sus efectos en los significados asociados