4,348 research outputs found

    Efeitos da aplicação de herbicida, manejo de solo e semeadura direta para a restauração de área savânica na Floresta Nacional de Brasília

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Ecologia, 2019.A restauração de campos e savanas é negligenciada em todo o mundo com o uso de práticas voltadas para ambientes florestais. Especialmente nos trópicos, faltam técnicas que também contemplem o estrato herbáceo para restaurar esses ecossistemas não-florestais. Realizamos um experimento para restaurar uma savana usando semeadura direta com alta densidade de sementes de árvores e subarbustos de crescimento rápido testando diferentes níveis de manejo do solo e herbicida para o controle de gramíneas exóticas no Brasil Central. Fizemos um desenho experimental fatorial que combinou três níveis de manejo do solo (três, seis ou nove gradagens) e três níveis de aplicação de herbicidas (nenhum, uma ou duas) após a semeadura, além do controle. Medimos a cobertura do solo por espécies nativas e exóticas e necromassa. Avaliamos a riqueza e o crescimento das árvores ao final da primeira e segunda estações chuvosas após a semeadura. O herbicida reduziu a cobertura de gramíneas exóticas, aumentando a cobertura vegetal nativa semeada. Espécies nativas semeadas em alta densidade de sementes foram eficazes em fornecer cobertura extensiva do solo, especialmente quando em baixa cobertura de gramíneas exóticas. Parcelas sem aplicação de herbicida apresentaram maior cobertura de plantas nativas no manejo mais intenso do solo. A maior riqueza de espécies arbóreas foi encontrada no nível moderado de manejo do solo (seis gradagens). Há grande variação para as respostas iniciais em áreas restauradas utilizando a semeadura direta em savanas neotropicais, o que evidencia a importância do desenvolvimento de estratégias que permitam o ganho de escala da restauração considerando o estrato herbáceo.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).Restoration of old-growth grasslands and savannas is worldwide neglected with the use of practices aimed at forest environments. Especially in the tropics, there is a lack of techniques that also contemplate the herbaceous layer to restore these non-forest ecosystems. We conducted an experiment to restore a savanna using direct seeding with high seed density of trees and fast-growing subshrubs testing different levels of soil management and herbicide for control of exotic grasses in a Neotropical savanna, in Central Brazil. We applied a factorial experimental design combining three levels of soil plowing (three, six or nine plowings) and three levels of herbicide application (none, one or two) after sowing, in addition to the control. We measured soil cover by native and exotic species and necromass. We evaluated trees richness and growth at the end of the first and second rainy seasons after sowing. Herbicide reduced the coverage of exotic grasses, boosting the native vegetation cover sowed. Native species sowed in high seed density were effective in providing extensive soil cover, especially under low exotic grass cover. Plots with no herbicide application presented greater native plants cover under more intense soil management. The greatest tree richness was found in the moderate soil management level (six plowings). There is great variation for the initial responses in restored areas using direct seeding in Neotropical savannas, which highlights the importance in developing strategies that allow upscaling restoration considering the herbaceous layer

    Antioxidant activity of pansy flowers submitted to ionizing radiations

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    As flores comestíveis são cada vez mais usadas em preparações culinárias, sendo necessárias novas abordagens para melhorar a sua conservação e segurança. O tratamento de irradiação pode ser a resposta a estes problemas, garantindo a qualidade dos alimentos, prolongando o tempo de prateleira e promovendo a desinfestação de alimentos. As flores de Viola tricolor L. (amor -perfeito) são amplamente utilizadas em preparações culinárias, sendo também reconhecidas pelas suas propriedades antioxidantes e componentes bioativos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a atividade antioxidante de flores de V. tricolor submetidas ao processamento por radiação gama e feixe de eletrões a 0,5; 0,8 e 1,0 kGy.Edible flowers are increasingly being used in culinary preparations, which require new approaches to improve their conservation and safety. Irradiation treatment might be the answer to these problems, ensuring food quality, increasing shelf -life and disinfestation of foods. Viola tricolor L. (johnny -jump -up) flowers are widely used in culinary preparations, being also acknowledged for their antioxidant properties and bioactive components. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of V. tricolor flowers submitted to electron beam and gamma irradiation at 0.5, 0.8 and 1.0 kGy, as also of non -irradiated samples (control).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Metodologia de transferência tecnológica de baixa complexidade

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.A política brasileira voltada para a transfêrencia tecnológica impõe de um lado a capacidade das empresas fornecedores de tecnologia em atender às demandas dos empreendimentos produtivos e por outro, a capacidade destes últimos em absorver os fluxos das tecnologias desenvolvidas. No Brasil, particularmente em regiões de baixos índices de desenvolvimento sócio-econômico, estes dois atores apresenta um elevado grau de dificuldades em se inserir nesta política por ser este um instrumento exigente quanto à formalização dos empreendimentos. Neste contexto que o Laboratório de Estamparia do Campus Araranguá/IFSC desenvolve o Programa de Transferência Tecnológica de Baixa Complexidade para a Cadeia Têxtil Local visando potencializar a cooperação cadeia de fornecedores/pequenos empreendimentos/instituição tecnológica no sul catarinense. Este artigo apresenta um estudo estabelecido com base na experiência do grupo em assessorar pequenos empreendimentos sobre a infraestrutura (força de trabalho) disponibilizada pelas empresas fornecedoras de tecnologia em estamparia localizada (transfer e sublimado) na região sul de Santa Catarina. Foi possível, assim, identificar os elementos de possível intervenção do Câmpus no objetivo de cumprir o papel de agente de interligação entre os dois extremos da questão

    A crossover study to evaluate the diversion of malaria vectors in a community with incomplete coverage of spatial repellents in the Kilombero Valley, Tanzania

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    Malaria elimination is unlikely to occur if vector control efforts focus entirely on transmission occurring indoors without addressing vectors that bite outdoors and outside sleeping hours. Additional control tools such as spatial repellents may provide the personal protection required to fill this gap. However, since repellents do not kill mosquitoes it is unclear if vectors will be diverted from households that use spatial repellents to those that do not.; A crossover study was performed over 24 weeks in Kilombero, Tanzania. The density of resting and blood-engorged mosquitoes and human blood index (HBI) of malaria vector species per household was measured among 90 households using or not using 0.03 % transfluthrin coils burned outdoors under three coverage scenarios: (i) no coverage (blank coils); (ii) complete coverage of repellent coils; and (iii) incomplete coverage of repellent and blank coils. Mosquitoes were collected three days a week for 24 weeks from the inside and outside of all participating households using mosquito aspirators. Paired indoor and outdoor human landing collections were performed in three random households for six consecutive nights to confirm repellent efficacy of the coils and local vector biting times.; The main vectors were Anopheles arabiensis and Anopheles funestus (sensu stricto), which fed outdoors, outside sleeping hours, on humans as well as animals. Anopheles arabiensis landings were reduced by 80 % by the spatial repellent although household densities were not reduced. The HBI for An. arabiensis was significantly higher among households without repellents in the incomplete coverage scenario compared to houses in the no coverage scenario (Odds ratio 1.71; 95 % CI: 1.04-2.83; P = 0.03). This indicated that An. arabiensis mosquitoes seeking a human blood meal were diverted from repellent users to non-users. The repellent coils did not affect An. funestus densities or HBI.; Substantial malaria vector activity is occurring outside sleeping hours in the Kilombero valley. Repellent coils provided some protection against local An. arabiensis but did not protect against local (and potentially pyrethroid-resistant) An. funestus. Pyrethroid-based spatial repellents may offer a degree of personal protection, however the overall public health benefit is doubtful and potentially iniquitous as their use may divert malaria vectors to those who do not use them

    A responsabilidade civil decorrente do abandono paterno no Brasil

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    A presente monografia tem como objetivo estudar a responsabilidade civil do pai pelo abandono paterno de seus filhos. Para isso, foi realizado um estudo do conceito e dos pressupostos da responsabilidade civil no ordenamento jurídico, com a breve síntese histórica. Posteriormente, foi-se estudado sobre os elementos caracterizadores do ato ilícito civil, que é onde encontramos se há ato ilícito referente ao abandono. Com as mudanças atuais e as separações conjugais, as relações entre pais e filhos têm sido afetadas, privando os filhos do sentimento de amor, carinho, atenção e afeto. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar se há responsabilidade civil pelo dano causado devido à falta de afetividade e qual é o entendimento atual dos Tribunais Superiores sobre o assunto. Conclui-se que a responsabilidade civil pode, de fato, ser um pressuposto para pleitear a responsabilidade por abandono paterno. Esse entendimento já está tão consolidado que, mesmo que o tema ainda não seja unânime nos Tribunais, já há uma proposta em tramitação na Câmara dos Deputados Federais para inserir a responsabilidade civil por abandono afetivo no atual Código Civil

    Motor, linguistic, personal and social aspects of children with Down syndrome

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    AbstractA global developmental delay is expected from Down syndrome, affecting motor, cognitive, linguistic and personal-social skills. However, not always these delays are proportional; different conditions occur due to several intrinsic and extrinsic variables that must be controlled to form groups of greater homogeneity.Objective To enhance personal-social, fine motor-adaptive, gross motor and linguistic skills among children with Down syndrome and compare them with typically developing children, matched for gender, socioeconomic status and mental age, while controlling some variables that interfere with the global development.Methods The ethical aspects were fulfilled (Case No. 040/2009). The following inclusion criteria were considered: participants without a history of prematurity, very low birth weight, congenital hypothyroidism, significant hearing and vision problems, and signs of Autism Spectrum Disorder. After the inclusion criteria were considered, 40 children participated in the study, of which 20 had Down syndrome (experimental group - EG), these being of both genders and with chronological ages ranging from 38 to 63 months, and the other 20 being typically developing children (control group - CG), matching the EG in terms of gender, socioeconomic status and mental age, with this age ranging from 13 to 50 months. The evaluation consisted in applying the Denver Developmental Screening Test II, a test that assesses areas such as personal-social, fine motor-adaptive, linguistic and gross motor development. The results were subjected to statistical analysis using Student’s t-test.Results A statistically significant difference was verified between the groups for the language and fine motor-adaptive areas.Conclusion Children with Down syndrome showed lower performance in language and fine motor skills when compared with typically developing children. There was no statistically significant difference in gross motor and personal-social areas. It is worth mentioning the importance of controlling the variables to deal with more homogeneous groups

    O ensino de história regional a partir de visita técnica ao centro histórico da cidade

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    Anais do II Seminário Seminário Estadual PIBID do Paraná: tecendo saberes / organizado por Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro e Catarina Costa Fernandes — Foz do Iguaçu: Unioeste; Unila, 2014O presente trabalho é resultado do projeto PIBID, subprojeto de história. O projeto surgiu a partir da problemática de como ensinar história regional dentro de um contexto educacional eurocêntrico e generalista. Levando essa realidade em consideração e a importância de proporcionar aos alunos vivenciar a história do Estado do Paraná, decidimos realizar uma visita técnica ao centro histórico da cidade. Antes disso iniciamos aulas expositivas sobre a história do Paraná e da cidade de Curitiba, desde os tempos coloniais até a emancipação política do Estado, problematizando questões políticas, sociais e culturais de cada período. Depois dessa primeira etapa concluída, levamos os estudantes para uma visita técnica ao centro histórico de Curitiba e ao Museu Paranaense, elencando e relembrando durante o trajeto questões que foram trabalhadas em sala de aul

    Effect of calcium concentration on calcite flotation from apatite using carbonic gas

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    The most widely industrial flotation process for the treatment of phosphate ores containing carbonate as gangue minerals, especially in China, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, use strong acids, such as H3PO4 and H2SO4 as apatite depressants, and the carbonate minerals (especially calcite and dolomite) are selectively floated with the use of fatty acids as collectors at pH between 5.5 - 6.0. The flotation process currently considered for apatite concentration for the Santa Quitéria ore (Brazil) was developed in the middle of the 1980´s at the Center for Development of Nuclear Technology and involves bulk flotation of apatite and calcite with anionic collector (fatty acid soap) at pH=10 followed by calcite flotation at pH=5.5, adjusted with H3PO4. Calcite is collected in the froth phase and apatite concentrate is the sink product. Although this concept is efficient from the point of view of separation between apatite and calcite, the intensive use of strong inorganic acids (\u3e15 kg/t) causes accumulation of ions in the process water, in particular Ca2+ and PO42-, which leads to problems in the flotation stage and also environmental. Process water containing large amounts of calcium, magnesium, fluoride and phosphate (phosphorus) directly influences the performance of apatite flotation (recovery and grade). Guimarães and Peres (1999) evaluated the effect of ions (dosed in the conditioning stage) on the flotation of barite and apatite. In both cases, the recovery decreased significantly as the ion concentration increased. Based on these results, limited ion concentrations as 20 mg/L ions Ca2+ and 30 mg/L Mg2+ were proposed to ensure the quality of recirculating water without impairing the flotation process. Santos et al. (2010) presents results of the effect of the ions concentration Ca2+, Mg2+, F- and PO42- on apatite recovery. The recovery of apatite decreases expressively with the increase in the concentration of fluoride, calcium, magnesium and phosphate ions, reaching a maximum reduction of 85% in apatite recovery. According to Hanna and Somasundaran (1976), the collector reacts with the calcium present in the apatite and also the Ca2+addition consumes the available collector for the mineral, resulting in a significantly reduction in apatite recovery. Aquino (1985) carried out studies with the Santa Quitéria ore evaluating the effects of calcium and magnesium ions concentration on the apatite flotation. The results indicated that concentrations of 49 mg/L Ca2+ and 30 mg/L Mg2+, the recovery decreased from 94.2% to 53.3% for P2O5 and for CaCO3 from 89.6% to 37.5%. CETEM has been studying a process for the separation of carbonate minerals and apatite that involves the use of carbonic gas injected into the bubble generation system of flotation machines instead of strong inorganic acids. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effect of Ca2+ ion concentration on the water just in the calcite flotation stage of Santa Quiteria’s ore. For the tests carried out with addition of Ca2+ ions, the concentrations above 95 mg/L, a reduction in the selectivity of the process is observed, since a tendency in the increase of the apatite flotation is evidenced, noted by the increase of the content of P2O5 in the floated fraction. For tests carried out recirculating the process water, the accumulation of Ca2+ ions from 8 mg/L to 285 mg/L increases apatite content in the calcite concentrate around 30%. However, at concentrations above 285 mg/ L of Ca2+ ions, the P2O5 content in the sink fraction and the P2O5 losses are not significantly affected. The results obtained in this study indicate that the process based on the application of CO2 for the separation of calcite and apatite may be a technical alternative for the concentration ores with carbonated gangue that causes less impact in the process residual water, since there is no addition of strong acids as apatite depressant. Aquino, JA 1985. Influência de alguns íons sobre a flotação de apatita do minério de Itataia. In: Encontro Nacional de Tratamento de Minérios, Natal. Proceedings XL Encontro Nacional de Tratamento de Minérios e Metalurgia Extrativa; 1985, Natal, Brasil (In Portuguese). Hanna HS, Somasundaran P. Flotation: Gaudin Memorial Volume. Ed Fuerstenau MC, New York: American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers 1976. Flotation of salt-type minerals, p.197-272. Guimarães RC, Peres AEC. Interfering Ions in the Flotation of a Phosphate Ore in a Batch Column. Minerals Engineering 1999,757-768. Santos MA, Santana RC, Capponi F, Ataide, CH, Barrozo MAS. Effect of ionic species on the performance of apatite flotation, Separation and Purification Technology 2010, v.76,15-20

    Demonstração do valor adicionado: as empresas classificadas como mais sustentáveis evidenciam maior distribuição de riqueza à sociedade?

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    The society now he has knowledge of reality of companies from the obligatoriness to publish the accounting informations. One of the knowledge available was information in relation to productivity and the remuneration of agents involved which demand from compaines best practices of social responsability. Between the available accounting information, was created a Value Added Statement (VAS), which shows the amount of wealth formed by the company and how it was distributed to the agents who collaborated for its construction. In this context, since the companies listed in the ISE have relevant initiatives regarding corporate sustainability and social responsibility, anchored in the theoretical platform, the present research aimed to identify the relationship of the companies listed in the ISE, with the percentage of the company's wealth that is distributed for the company to the detriment of the portion that remains retained in the company or distributed to the shareholders. The research was carried out by means of an analysis of the companies that are listed in the ISE and other companies of BM & FBovespa, active in the same sector of the companies listed in the ISE, in order to compare the behavior of companies listed or not in the indicator. A correlation test of the variables was performed, and the degree of correlation between these variables with the potential to explain the dependent variable. The results showed that the fact of belonging to ISE is not reflected in the distribution of wealth to society, but is reflected in higher wealth production.Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação)A sociedade passou a ter conhecimento da realidade das empresas a partir da obrigatoriedade de publicarem as informações contábeis. Um dos conhecimentos possibilitados foi de informações no tocante à produtividade e à remuneração dos agentes envolvidos, que passaram, então, a exigir das empresas melhores práticas de responsabilidade social. Entre as informações contábeis disponíveis, criou-se a Demonstração do Valor Adicionado (DVA), que evidencia o montante da riqueza formada pela empresa e como esta foi distribuída aos agentes que colaboraram para a sua construção. Neste contexto, uma vez que as empresas listadas no Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial (ISE) possuem iniciativas relevantes, quanto à sustentabilidade corporativa e responsabilidade social, ancoradas na plataforma teórica a presente pesquisa objetivou identificar a relação das empresas listadas no ISE, com o percentual da riqueza da empresa que é distribuída para a sociedade em detrimento da parcela que permanece retida na empresa ou distribuída aos acionistas. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de análise das empresas que estão listadas no ISE e outras empresas da BM&FBovespa, atuantes no mesmo setor das empresas arroladas no ISE, de modo a comparar o comportamento de empresas listadas ou não no indicador. Foi realizado um teste de correlação das variáveis, e qual o grau de correlação entre essas variáveis com o potencial de explicar a variável dependente. Os resultados mostraram que o fato de pertencer ao ISE não se reflete na distribuição de riqueza à sociedade, mas reflete-se em maior produção de riqueza