80 research outputs found

    Intergovernmental organisations and the protection of democracy: a multifaceted power in world politics

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    A proteção da internacional da democracia é uma questão de poder. Embora estudos recentes sistematizaram a perspectiva multidimensional do poder nas políticas de proteção democrática, o foco estava nos Estados nacionais. Este artigo enfocou as Organizações Intergovernamentais (OIGs), assumindo-as como atores capazes de projetar poder na política mundial. Primeiro, usamos a tipologia do poder em Barnett e Duvall, declarada como multifacetada e produtora de diferentes políticas e resultados. Segundo, o artigo aplicou essa tipologia observando como os poderes compulsórios, institucionais, estruturais e produtivos aparecem na ação das OIGs. O resultado foi uma análise complexa, multinível e interdisciplinar do fenômeno político.La protección de la democracia internacional es una cuestión de poder. Estudios recientes han sistematizado la perspectiva multidimensional del poder en las políticas de protección democrática con enfoque en los estados nacionales. Este artículo analisa las Organizaciones Intergubernamentales (OIG), las entiendo como actores con poder proyectivo en la política mundial. Primeiro, utilizamos los tipos de poder de Barnett y Duvall, declarados multifacéticos y que producen distintas políticas y resultados. Segundo, analizamos los poderes obligatorios, institucionales, estructurales y productivos en la acción de las OIG. El resultado fue un análisis complejo, multinivel e interdisciplinario del fenómeno político.The international protection of democracy is a matter of power. Although recent studies systematized the multidimensional perspective of power in democracy protection policies, they focused on national states. This article focused on another actor, the Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs), assuming them as actors capable of projecting power in world politics. First, we use the typology of power in Barnett and Duvall, stated as multifaceted and productive of different policies and results. Second, the article applied the typology, observing how compulsory, institutional, structural and productive powers appear in IGOs action. The result was a complex, multilevel and interdisciplinary analysis of power phenomenon


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    A questão da relação do território, soberania, política e região no mundo árabe ganha importância nas mudanças políticas recentes. Nessa perspectiva esse artigo propõe uma análise comparativa das ideias de soberania no contexto da integração árabe do Golfo Pérsico pelo Conselho de Cooperação do Golfo, durante dois momentos: o primeiro pelos efeitos da Revolução Iraniana em 1981 e o segundo da Primavera Árabe, em 2010. Argumenta-se que no primeiro momento houve uma busca permanente pela manutenção das soberanias estatais frente uma ameaça regional, e no segundo, a relativização dessa soberania na tentativa de manutenção dos regimes domésticos, frente às ameaças ideológicas contrárias ao status quo.A sustentação dos argumentos envolveu o resgate da bibliografia pertinente, o uso do método comparativo entre os momentos históricos que levou às conclusões proposta neste artigo

    Produtos financeiros : investimentos ofertados pelos bancos para pessoas físicas, suas características e formas de composição de carteira de investimentos

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    Orientador : Romualdo Douglas Colauto.Monografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas. Curso de Especialização em Contabilidade e FinançasInclui referênciasResumo: O intuito do estudo é aprofundar os conhecimentos sobre os produtos de renda fixa que são ofertados pelos bancos para as pessoas físicas. Sendo assim, é possível explorar suas características como, por exemplo: as taxas e impostos que são cobrados sobre os juros ou rendimentos, os quais, são adquiridos em cada modalidade de investimento. Após, utilizar essas informações para compor uma carteira com alguns produtos financeiros para pessoa física, nessa carteira o investidor terá uma visão global dos seus investimentos e poderá adequá-la conforme o cenário econômico existente. Além disso, auxiliar no primeiro momento depois da decisão de investir, ou seja, há um propósito ou objetivo para ser conquistado e um capital inicial existente. Nesse momento, pode-se conhecer os produtos e assim, com mais cautela, mexer no dinheiro para que ele possa ser aumentado ou quem sabe até multiplicado

    Atuação do Banco Nacional de desenvolvimento econômico e social no padrâo de financiamento do II plano nacional de desenvolvimento: 1974/1979

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    Em 1974, Ernesto Geisel assumiu a Presidência da República do Brasil com o propósito de manter as taxas de crescimento econômico elevadas dos anos anteriores, a despeito de um contexto econômico internacional conturbado. Para tanto, elaborou nova estratégia de desenvolvimento de longo prazo expressa no II Plano Nacional de Desenvolvimento (II PND). O plano tinha como objetivo central superar pontos de estrangulamento da economia brasileira, realizando investimentos nos setores de bens intermediários e de capital e na área de infraestrutura. Para a realização deste bloco de investimentos, o padrão de financiamento contou, dentre outras fontes, com o Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES). Os resultados apontaram que, no propósito de financiar os projetos de investimentos, esta instituição não só criou como elevou o valor das fontes de recursos. Assim como, os dados analisados apontaram para atuação efetiva e primordial da instituição financeira para a realização e a conclusão de parte dos objetivos do II PND.

    MeT: workload aware elasticity for NoSQL

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    NoSQL databases manage the bulk of data produced by modern Web applications such as social networks. This stems from their ability to partition and spread data to all available nodes, allowing NoSQL systems to scale. Unfortunately, current solutions' scale out is oblivious to the underlying data access patterns, resulting in both highly skewed load across nodes and suboptimal node configurations. In this paper, we first show that judicious placement of HBase partitions taking into account data access patterns can improve overall throughput by 35%. Next, we go beyond current state of the art elastic systems limited to uninformed replica addition and removal by: i) reconfiguring existing replicas according to access patterns and ii) adding replicas specifically configured to the expected access pattern. MeT is a prototype for a Cloud-enabled framework that can be used alone or in conjunction with OpenStack for the automatic and heterogeneous reconfiguration of a HBase deployment. Our evaluation, conducted using the YCSB workload generator and a TPC-C workload, shows that MeT is able to i) autonomously achieve the performance of a manual configured cluster and ii) quickly reconfigure the cluster according to unpredicted workload changes.(undefined

    Progress in Identifying High Nature Value Montados: Impacts of Grazing on Hardwood Rangeland Biodiversity

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    Due to their complex structure and traditional low-intensity management, Portuguese oak woodland rangelands known as montados are often considered high nature value (HNV) farming systems, and as such, they may be deemed eligible for subsidies and incentives by governmental and nongovernmental agencies. Too little is known about how the HNV concept might be applied to conserve complex silvopastoral systems. These systems, due to their structural and functional complexity at multiple scales, tend to support high levels of biodiversity. Montados are in sharp decline as a result of the rapid specialization of land management that, through simplification, undermines multifunctionality. Understanding how changes in management influence these systems and their biodiversity is needed for prioritizing conservation efforts and for ensuring they remain HNV systems. On the basis of a field survey in 58 plots distributed among 29 paddocks on 17 farms, we conducted an integrated analysis of the relationship between grazing intensity and biodiversity in montados of similar biophysical and structural characteristics. Data on management were obtained through interviews, and biodiversity data (vegetation, macrofungi, birds, herpetofauna) were obtained through specific field protocols. Additional spatial data, such as soil characteristics, slope, land cover, and linear landscape elements, were also analyzed. The results show no overall biodiversity variation as a result of different management practices. However, different groups of species react differently to specific management practices, and within a pasture, grazing impacts are heterogenous. In low grazing intensity plots, macrofungi species richness was found to be higher, while bird species richness was lower. Using tree regeneration as proxy for montado sustainability, results show less tree regeneration in areas with higher forage quality and more intense grazing. Pathways for future progress are proposed, including creating areas within a paddock that attract grazing away from where regeneration is desired

    Mechanical behavior of implant assisted removable partial denture for Kennedy class II

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    This study evaluated the mechanical response of a removable partial denture (RPD) in Kennedy Class II according to being associated or not with implants. Four RPDs were manufactured for a Kennedy Class II: CRPD - Conventional RPD, RPD+1M, RPD+2M and RPD+12M, respectively, signifying implant assisted RPDs with the implant installed in the first molar, second molar, and in the first and second molars. The finite element method was used to determine the most damaged support tooth under compressive load (300N, 10s) and strain gauge analysis was used to evaluate the microstrain. All groups were submitted to a retentive force analysis (0.5 mm/mm, 100kgf). Microstrain and retentive force data were submitted to One-way ANOVA and the Tukey test, all with ?=5%. High microstrain was observed in the second premolar adjacent to the edentulous space under compression load (p< 0.01). RPD+12M presented lower microstrain, however being similar to RPD+2M. RPD+1M presented a higher mean value of retentive force, but similar to RPD+12M. FEM showed RPD assisted by implants concentrates less stress in the periodontal ligament. The association of two implants was sufficient to decrease the stress generated in the implants. The most stressed region for the o-ring abutment was the threads, and the group with two implants showed the lowest stress concentration. In cases of Kennedy Class II, the association of RPD with implants in the molar region is a favorable option for patient rehabilitation, reducing the movement of the direct retainer adjacent to the edentulous space, increasing the removal force and decreasing the stress magnitude in the periodontal ligament

    Polymerization shrinkage stresses in different restorative techniques for non-carious cervical lesions

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    Objective This study evaluated the effect of different restorative techniques for non-carious cervical lesions (NCCL) on polymerization shrinkage stress of resins using three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis (FEA). Methods 3D-models of a maxillary premolar with a NCCL restored with different filling techniques (bulk filling and incremental) were generated to be compared by nonlinear FEA. The bulk filling technique was used for groups B (NCCL restored with Filtek™ Bulk Fill) and C (Filtek™ Z350 XT). The incremental technique was subdivided according to mode of application: P (2 parallel increments of the Filtek™ Z350 XT), OI (2 oblique increments of the Filtek™ Z350 XT, with incisal first), OIV (2 oblique increments of the Filtek™ Z350 XT, with incisal first and increments with the same volume), OG (2 oblique increments of the Filtek™ Z350 XT, with gingival first) and OGV (2 oblique increments of the Filtek™ Z350 XT, with gingival first and increments with the same volume), resulting in 7 models. All materials were considered isotropic, elastic and linear. The results were expressed in maximum principal stress (MPS). Results The tension stress distribution was influenced by the restorative technique. The lowest stress concentration occurred in group B followed by OG, OGV, OI, OIV, P and C; the incisal interface was more affected than the gingival. Conclusion The restoration of NCCLs with bulk fill composite resulted in lower shrinkage stress in the gingival and incisal areas, followed by incremental techniques with the initial increment placed on the gingival wall. Clinical significance The non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) restored with bulk fill composite have a more favorable biomechanical behavior

    Correlation of lifetime progress of atherosclerosis and morphologic markers of severity in humans: new tools for a more sensitive evaluation

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    OBJECTIVES: To describe the morphological features of atherosclerosis in the aortas of autopsied patients (ranging from young adults to the elderly), thus providing new tools for a more sensitive morphological evaluation. METHOD: We collected 141 aorta samples. We assessed the macroscopic degree of atherosclerosis, thickness of the intima and media, lipid and collagen depositions in the intima, and the infiltration of mast cells into the layers of the aorta. We correlated the findings with gender, age, race and cause of death. RESULTS: The degree of atherosclerosis was significantly higher in the elderly. The aorta was thicker in the elderly and in cases with a cardiovascular cause of death. The thickness of the intima was significantly greater in the elderly, in males and in cases with a cardiovascular cause of death. The lipid content in the intima of the aorta was significantly higher in Caucasians. Older people and men had a significantly higher number of mast cells. CONCLUSION: A macroscopic evaluation is a good indicator of the severity of atherosclerosis, but a more detailed analysis, namely evaluating the thickness of the layers of the aorta and the number of mast cells, may further elucidate the changes in the constituents of this vessel