2,116 research outputs found

    Diritto casistico alla corte imperiale di Costantinopoli. Presentazione dell’opera a cura di Dieter Simon e Diether Roderich Reinsch (Milano, 14 aprile 2023)

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    AbstractOn 14 April 2023 the presentation of the book Ἡ Πεῖρα - Die Peira: Ein juristisches Lehrbuch des 11. Jahrhunderts aus Konstantinopel was held at the University of Milan. The work consists of an edition, translation and commentary of a collection of jurisprudential cases from the Byzantine era. The publication of the two volumes, edited by Dieter Simon and Diether Roderich Reinsch, created an opportunity for discussion and dialogue on various topics pertaining to Byzantine law, for which the Peira is an important source of knowledge

    The railway to Bolivia: the process of settlement in the regions of Puna, Quebrada de Humahuaca and Valleys in the province of Jujuy

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    El impacto producido por el ferrocarril en el territorio argentino no ha tenido similitudes en la historia, ni antes ni después. La ocupación del territorio implicó un nuevo ordenamiento basado en la inserción de un red de tendidos férreos y pueblos con fines económicos extractivos. Este trabajo responde a un análisis del proceso de poblamiento surgido como consecuencia de la instalación del ferrocarril de Jujuy a La Quiaca. El proceso se explica a partir de la comprensión de la estructura del territorio antes de la llegada del ferrocarril, la planificación de la traza, las transformaciones en el territorio y la introducción del poblamiento. La investigación se basó en trabajos de campo realizados a lo largo de toda la línea. Se ha trabajado además con diferentes fuentes documentales como planimetría censal, fotografía satelital, legislaciones provinciales y nacionales, cartografía actual, considerando de fundamental importancia, el Informe de Moneta (1867), la licitación para la construcción de la línea mencionada (1902), así como la cartografía de De Moussy (1866).Fil: Ferrari, Monica Rossana. Universidad Nacional de Tucuman. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Does Community Legal Education Work? Educating English Language Students about Consumer Contracts

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    Governments, law reform commissions, and legal services have long advocated for the value of increasing public understanding of the law. While many private law firms and public agencies in the justice sector provide legal information and education to their clients and the community, legal aid commissions are statutorily required to do so. Commissions provide Community Legal Education (CLE), legal information, advice, and representation to people who cannot afford private lawyers. CLE can help people address or avoid legal problems. It has the potential to reduce the need for more intensive and costly legal services and minimize the stress associated with legal problems. Yet CLE remains a small part of the justice sector and questions have been raised about its impact and relative value. Insufficient evidence regarding the effectiveness of CLE places uncertainty on its long-term role in the justice sector and may hamper its development. In response to the need to build an evidence base, this article presents the findings of a study that investigated the impact of a CLE program for improving English language students’ knowledge and attitudes of the legal issues associated with buying a car. The findings demonstrate how CLE can change participants’ attitudes and knowledge of the law

    Maximum likelihood localization: When does it fail?

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    Maximum likelihood is a criterion often used to derive localization algorithms. In particular, in this paper we focus on a distance-based algorithm for the localization of nodes in static wireless networks. Assuming that Ultra Wide Band (UWB) signals are used for inter-node communications, we investigate the ill-conditioning of the Two-Stage Maximum-Likelihood (TSML) Time of Arrival (ToA) localization algorithm as the Anchor Nodes (ANs) positions change. We analytically derive novel lower and upper bounds for the localization error and we evaluate them in some localization scenarios as functions of the ANs' positions. We show that particular ANs' configurations intrinsically lead to ill-conditioning of the localization problem, making the TSML-ToA inapplicable. For comparison purposes, we also show, through some examples, that a Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO)-based algorithm guarantees accurate positioning also when the localization problem embedded in the TSML-ToA algorithm is ill-conditioned

    Low-complexity UWB-based collision avoidance system for automated guided vehicles

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    This paper describes a low-complexity collision avoidance system for automated guided vehicles (AGVs) based on active ultra-wide band (UWB) modules. In particular, we consider an industrial warehouse where all the AGVs and target nodes (TNs) (e.g., people) are equipped with active UWB modules. A communication session between a pair of UWB modules permits the exchange of information and the estimation of the distance between them. The UWB module positioned on an AGV is connected to an on-board computer; whenever the UWB module on an AGV receives a message from a TN, it communicates all the received data to the on-board computer that can decide to stop the AGV if the range estimate is below a given threshold. This prevents undesired collisions between the AGV and the TN. In this paper, we present the experimental results of the proposed collision avoidance system obtained using the UWB modules, PulsON 410 ranging and communication modules (P410 RCMs), produced by Time Domain

    Heritage and Information Communication Technologies. “The Glorious Return”, from Little Mont Moncenisio to Bobbio Pellice: a tourist-cultural route

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    The heritage summarizes the cultural, material and immaterial inheritance which refers to a local and community context expressing its characteristics, uniqueness and potential. The cultural route - container of heritage and structural elements of an area - contributes to the construction of the tourist services and the heritage image. It is oriented towards new musts in the tourism planning and therefore it generates emotional experiences, fosters creativity and participation, it provides different models of fruition and several reading and interpretation tools of the heritage.The attention to these issues  led us to analyze the itinerary "The glorious return " (part of the wider European itinerary "The ways of the Huguenots and Waldensians") describing the technological applications that have been made such as the creation of a GIS web-site, a multimedia GeoGuide and an application "Augmented Reality for iPhones".The heritage summarizes the cultural, material and immaterial inheritance which refers to a local and community context expressing its characteristics, uniqueness and potential. The cultural route - container of heritage and structural elements of an area - contributes to the construction of the tourist services and the heritage image. It is oriented towards new musts in the tourism planning and therefore it generates emotional experiences, fosters creativity and participation, it provides different models of fruition and several reading and interpretation tools of the heritage. The attention to these issues  led us to analyze the itinerary "The glorious return " (part of the wider European itinerary "The ways of the Huguenots and Waldensians") describing the technological applications that have been made such as the creation of a GIS web-site, a multimedia GeoGuide and an application "Augmented Reality for iPhones"

    Per una storia dei processi formativi: intersezioni, costrutti euristici e problemi aperti

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    It’s important, today, reflect about formative processes and on their historical develop. This history is a string of knowledges that gains importance through the dialogue between other disciplines. It’s necessary to start from childhood history to build a heuristic immagine of that argument and read again classical authors

    Chapter Professioni educative di ieri e di oggi: la “lezione delle cose” come itinerario di ricerca

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    Starting from a reflection on the pedagogical analysis of professionalization processes from a diachronic perspective, the essay discusses a research perspective attentive to the "lesson of things" underlying the identification processes of individuals and social groups, by highlighting their training values for education professionals

    Polisemie del merito e della sua valutazione nei processi educativi

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    Starting from the epistemological assumptions of the debate on educational evaluation, the essay discusses the different meanings given to the word “merit” in common use and, consequently, the different interpretations of evaluation processes informed by these ideas of merit in educational environments.  Indeed this is a crucial issue in today's educational institutions, expression of what has been defined by Peter Dahler-Larsen as an “evaluation society”, where different evaluation processes, based on different ideologies, which often are not spelt out, are present at different levels of the educational system

    L’éducation du prince par les arts du discours au XVe siècle : l’oratio comme outil de formation et jeu de regards à la cour de Francesco Sforza

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    En Italie, dans la seconde moitié du XVe siècle, les cours représentent une sorte de laboratoire culturel où, entre persistances et mutations, se redéfinissent les idées et les stratégies visant à l’éducation des princes et des élites, à partir de l’entourage des princes en devenir. La cour des Sforza, qui récemment a fait l’objet de nombreuses études, est un point d’observation intéressant pour analyser un dispositif de formation conçu à l’intention de ceux qui sont appelés, par leur naissance, à « gouverner les autres ». Dans ce dispositif, les arts du discours jouent un rôle central et participent également aux mécanismes de légitimation du pouvoir sous des formes qui ont marqué leur empreinte dans l’histoire italienne et européenne. S’il est vrai que la lettre – outil de communication in absentia – contribue à l’intériorisation d’un certain style de vie et de la situation de chacun dans la hiérarchie sociale, ainsi qu’à un processus d’individuation très précoce pour les princes, les enfants de Francesco Sforza et de Bianca Maria Visconti disposent de plusieurs autres outils centrés sur la parole. Un discours en latin, écrit manu propria par Ludovico Maria Sforza adolescent, pour être prononcé en public dans une occasion significative pour la vie de la cour, nous aide à comprendre quelques aspects d’un itinéraire de formation, entre la représentation de soi dans le présent et la promesse d’avenir. Ce document permet de mieux comprendre aussi quelques éléments d’un dispositif pédagogique, centré sur un jeux de regards entre le jeune prince, ses parents et la culture des ses maîtres.In Italy, in the second half of the XV century, the courts represent a sort of cultural workshop where a mix of persistence and changes was present in the redefinition of the ideas and strategies aimed at educating the princes and the elites, starting from the entourage of these princes in the making. The court of the Sforzas, which has recently been the subject of many studies and research, is an interesting observation point for the analysis of a training method developed for those who were invested with the right by birth to "govern others". Rhetoric plays a lead role in this method and also in the mechanism of legitimization of power and has left a mark on Italian and European history. If it is true that the letter, communication tool in absentia, contributes to the internalisation of a certain lifestyle and of an individual's position in the social hierarchy, as well as being a process whereby princes may be identified at a very early stage, then the sons of Francesco Sforza and Bianca Maria Visconti had many other tools at hand centred on the word. An oratio in Latin, written manu propria by Ludovico Maria Sforza as a teenager to be read in a special occasion in the life of the court, helps us to understand some essential aspects of a learning pathway, lying between the representation of the self in the present and the promise of the future. The document allows the comprehension of some elements of a teaching method focused on a ballet of glances between the young prince, his parents, and the cultural world of his masters