6,272 research outputs found

    Vacuum type I spacetimes and aligned Papapetrou fields: symmetries

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    We analyze type I vacuum solutions admitting an isometry whose Killing 2--form is aligned with a principal bivector of the Weyl tensor, and we show that these solutions belong to a family of type I metrics which admit a group G3G_3 of isometries. We give a classification of this family and we study the Bianchi type for each class. The classes compatible with an aligned Killing 2--form are also determined. The Szekeres-Brans theorem is extended to non vacuum spacetimes with vanishing Cotton tensor.Comment: 19 pages; a reference adde

    On the classification of type D spacetimes

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    We give a classification of the type D spacetimes based on the invariant differential properties of the Weyl principal structure. Our classification is established using tensorial invariants of the Weyl tensor and, consequently, besides its intrinsic nature, it is valid for the whole set of the type D metrics and it applies on both, vacuum and non-vacuum solutions. We consider the Cotton-zero type D metrics and we study the classes that are compatible with this condition. The subfamily of spacetimes with constant argument of the Weyl eigenvalue is analyzed in more detail by offering a canonical expression for the metric tensor and by giving a generalization of some results about the non-existence of purely magnetic solutions. The usefulness of these results is illustrated in characterizing and classifying a family of Einstein-Maxwell solutions. Our approach permits us to give intrinsic and explicit conditions that label every metric, obtaining in this way an operational algorithm to detect them. In particular a characterization of the Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m metric is accomplished.Comment: 29 pages, 0 figure

    Dynamical confinement in bosonized QCD2

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    In the bosonized version of two dimensional theories non trivial boundary conditions (topology) play a crucial role. They are inevitable if one wants to describe non singlet states. In abelian bosonization, color is the charge of a topological current in terms of a non-linear meson field. We show that confinement appears as the dynamical collapse of the topology associated with its non trivial boundary conditions.Comment: 11 pages, figures not included, ftuv/92-

    Nikodym boundedness property for webs in sigma-algebras

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    [EN] A subset B of an algebra A of subsets of Omega is said to have property N if a B-pointwise bounded subset M of ba(A ) is uniformly bounded on A , where ba(A ) is the Banach space of the real (or complex) finitely additive measures of bounded variation defined on A with the norm variation. Moreover B is said to have property sN if for each increasing countable covering (B_m)_m of B there exists B_n which has property N and B is said to have property wN if given the increasing countable coverings (B_m_1 )_m_1 of B and (B_m_1m_2...m_pm_(p+1) )_m_(p+1) of B_m_1m_2...m_p , for each p,m_i &#8712; N, 1<= i <= p + 1, there exists a sequence (n_i )_i such that each B_n_1n_2...n_r , r &#8712; N, has property N. For a &#963;-algebra S of subsets of Omega it has been proved that S has property N (Nikodym Grothendieck), property sN (Valdivia) and property w(sN) (Kakol López-Pellicer). We give a proof of property wN for a &#963;-algebra S which is independent of properties N and sN. This result and the equivalence of properties wN and w2N enable us to give some applications to localization of bounded additive vector measures.This work was supported for the second named author by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under Grant MTM2014-58159-PLópez Alfonso, S.; Mas Marí, J.; Moll López, SE. (2016). Nikodym boundedness property for webs in sigma-algebras. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas Físicas y Naturales Serie A Matemáticas. 110(2):711-722. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-015-0260-4S7117221102Diestel, J.: Sequences and Series in Banach Spaces. Springer, New York (1984)Diestel, J., Uhl, J.J.: Vector Measures. Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, vol. 15. American Mathematical Society, Providence (1977)Dieudonné, J.: Sur la convergence de suites de measures de Radon. An. Acad. Brasi. Ciên. 23, 277–282 (1951)Ferrando, J.C.: Strong barrelledness properties in certain l_{0}^{\infty }({{\fancyscript {A}}} ) l 0 ∞ ( A ) spaces. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 190, 194–202 (1995)Ferrando, J.C., López-Pellicer, M.: Strong barrelledness properties in l0(X,A)l_{0}^{\infty }(X,{\cal A}) l 0 ∞ ( X , A ) and bounded finite additive measures. Math. Ann. 287, 727–736 (1990)Kakol, J., López-Pellicer, M.: On Valdivia strong version of Nikodym boundedness property, preprintKöthe, G.: Topological Vector Spaces I and II. Springer, Berlin (1979)López-Pellicer, M.: Webs and bounded finitely additive measures. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 210, 257–267 (1997)Nikodym, O.M.: Sur les familles bornées de fonctions parfaitement additives d’ensembles abstrait. Monatsh. Math. U. Phys. 40, 418–426 (1933)Schachermayer, W.: On some classical measure-theoretic theorems for non-sigma-complete Boolean algebras. Dissertationes Math. (Rozprawy Mat.) 214, 33 pp., 1982Valdivia, M.: On the closed graph theorem. Collect. Math. 22, 51–72 (1971)Valdivia, M.: On certain barrelled normed spaces. Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 29, 39–56 (1979)Valdivia, M.: On Nikodym boundedness property, RACSAM Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. 107, 355–372, 201

    High Momentum Probes of Nuclear Matter

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    We discuss how the chemical composition of QCD jets is altered by final state interactions in surrounding nuclear matter. We describe this process through conversions of leading jet particles. We find that conversions lead to an enhancement of kaons at high transverse momentum in Au+Au collisions at RHIC, while their azimuthal asymmetry v_2 is suppressed.Comment: Contribution to the 4th international workshop High-pT physics at LHC 09, Prague; 6 pages, 6 figure

    Positioning systems in Minkowski space-time: Bifurcation problem and observational data

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    In the framework of relativistic positioning systems in Minkowski space-time, the determination of the inertial coordinates of a user involves the {\em bifurcation problem} (which is the indeterminate location of a pair of different events receiving the same emission coordinates). To solve it, in addition to the user emission coordinates and the emitter positions in inertial coordinates, it may happen that the user needs to know {\em independently} the orientation of its emission coordinates. Assuming that the user may observe the relative positions of the four emitters on its celestial sphere, an observational rule to determine this orientation is presented. The bifurcation problem is thus solved by applying this observational rule, and consequently, {\em all} of the parameters in the general expression of the coordinate transformation from emission coordinates to inertial ones may be computed from the data received by the user of the relativistic positioning system.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. The version published in PRD contains a misprint in the caption of Figure 3, which is here amende

    SIMBOL-X : a new generation hard X-ray telescope

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    SIMBOL-X is a hard X-ray mission, operating in the 0.5-70 keV range, which is proposed by a consortium of European laboratories for a launch around 2010. Relying on two spacecraft in a formation flying configuration, SIMBOL-X uses a 30 m focal length X-ray mirror to achieve an unprecedented angular resolution (30 arcsec HEW) and sensitivity (100 times better than INTEGRAL below 50 keV) in the hard X-ray range. SIMBOL-X will allow to elucidate fundamental questions in high energy astrophysics, such as the physics of accretion onto Black Holes, of acceleration in quasar jets and in supernovae remnants, or the nature of the hard X-ray diffuse emission. The scientific objectives and the baseline concepts of the mission and hardware design are presented.Comment: 12 pages, 16 fig., Proc. SPIE conf. 5168, San Diego, Aug. 200

    Simbol-X Hard X-ray Focusing Mirrors: Results Obtained During the Phase A Study

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    Simbol-X will push grazing incidence imaging up to 80 keV, providing a strong improvement both in sensitivity and angular resolution compared to all instruments that have operated so far above 10 keV. The superb hard X-ray imaging capability will be guaranteed by a mirror module of 100 electroformed Nickel shells with a multilayer reflecting coating. Here we will describe the technogical development and solutions adopted for the fabrication of the mirror module, that must guarantee an Half Energy Width (HEW) better than 20 arcsec from 0.5 up to 30 keV and a goal of 40 arcsec at 60 keV. During the phase A, terminated at the end of 2008, we have developed three engineering models with two, two and three shells, respectively. The most critical aspects in the development of the Simbol-X mirrors are i) the production of the 100 mandrels with very good surface quality within the timeline of the mission; ii) the replication of shells that must be very thin (a factor of 2 thinner than those of XMM-Newton) and still have very good image quality up to 80 keV; iii) the development of an integration process that allows us to integrate these very thin mirrors maintaining their intrinsic good image quality. The Phase A study has shown that we can fabricate the mandrels with the needed quality and that we have developed a valid integration process. The shells that we have produced so far have a quite good image quality, e.g. HEW <~30 arcsec at 30 keV, and effective area. However, we still need to make some improvements to reach the requirements. We will briefly present these results and discuss the possible improvements that we will investigate during phase B.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, invited talk at the conference "2nd International Simbol-X Symposium", Paris, 2-5 december, 200

    Erythromycin resistance in Streptococcus pyogenes in Italy.

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    In a prospective study of acute pharyngitis in Italian children, 69 (38.3%) of 180 isolates of Streptococcus pyogenes were resistant to macrolides. S. pyogenes was eradicated in 12 (63.1%) of 19 patients with erythromycin-resistant S. pyogenes treated with clarithromycin and in 22 (88%) of 25 patients with erythromycin-susceptible strains. The constitutive-resistant phenotype was correlated with failure of macrolide treatment

    The XMM/BeppoSAX observation of Mkn 841

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    Mkn 841 has been observed simultaneously by XMM and BeppoSAX in January 2001. Due to operational contingency, the 30ks XMM observation was split into two parts, separated by about 15 hours. We first report the presence of a narrow iron line which appears to be rapidly variable between the two pointings, requiring a non-standard interpretation. We then focus on the analysis of the broad band (0.3-200 keV) continuum using the XMM/EPIC, RGS and SAX/PDS data. The Mkn 841 spectrum is well fitted by a comptonization model in a geometry more photon-fed than a simple slab geometry above a passive disk. It presents a relatively large reflection (R>2) which does not agree with an apparently weak iron line. It also show the presence of a strong soft excess wellfitted by a comptonized spectrum in a cool plasma, suggesting the presence of a multi-temperature corona.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Proc. of the meeting: "The Restless High-Energy Universe" (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), E.P.J. van den Heuvel, J.J.M. in 't Zand, and R.A.M.J. Wijers Ed