101 research outputs found

    Monoblock: implantació, adaptació i evolució de l'habitatge a Argentina des del 1940

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    Argentina és un país que ha sofert molts canvis sociopolítics durant l’últim segle. L’habitatge és un tema que no n’ha quedat exempt, i és inevitable parlar-ne sense fer referència al monoblock, el principal actor d’aquesta trama. Des de la seva aparició a mitjans dels anys 40 del segle passat durant el primer període peronista, aquest element prismàtic concebut com a caixa d’habitatges ha patit alguns canvis i ha conviscut amb altres actors, però la seva essència ha perdurat fins a l’actualitat. El treball d’investigació s’interessa per la seva implantació i per com ha lidiat amb l’aparició d’altres tipologies d’habitatges per sobreviure després de tants anys i veure com s’ha adaptat a les noves necessitats que demana l’habitatge en l’actualitat.Argentina es un país que ha sufrido muchos cambios sociopolíticos en el último siglo. La vivienda es un tema que no ha quedado exento, y es inevitable hablar de ello sin hacer referencia al monoblock, el principal actor de esta trama. Desde su aparición a mediados de los años 40 del siglo pasado durante el primer período peronista, este elemento prismático concebido como caja de viviendas ha sufrido algunos cambios y ha convivido con otros actores, pero su esencia ha perdurado hasta el actualidad. El trabajo de investigación se interesa por su implantación y por cómo ha lidiado con la aparición de otras tipologías de viviendas para sobrevivir después de tantos años y ver cómo se ha adaptado a las nuevas necesidades que pide la vivienda en la actualidad.Argentina is a country that has undergone many socio-political changes during the last century. Housing is a topic that has not been exempted, and it is inevitable to talk about it without making reference to the monoblock, the main actor in this plot. Since its appearance in the mid-1940s during the first Peronist period, this prismatic element conceived as a housing box has undergone some changes and coexisted with other actors, but its essence has lasted until actuality The research work is interested in its implementation and how it has dealt with the appearance of other types of housing in order to survive after so many years and see how it has adapted to the new needs that housing demands currently

    Patrimonio etnológico e identidades en España: Un estudio comparativo a través de la legislación

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    [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] artículo es una aproximación a cómo la legislación española construye el patrimonio cultural o histórico y el patrimonio etnológico a través de una ampliación de contenidos y una vinculación a un determinado colectivo de referencia. Para ello, se analizan los discursos de las leyes autonómicas de Patrimonio teniendo también en cuenta la ley de Patrimonio Histórico, de 1985. El análisis realizado permite observar, para el caso español, el carácter diverso y difuso del concepto de patrimonio etnológico y la relevancia de las leyes autonómicas de patrimonio cultural para la sustentación de los regionalismos y nacionalismos en el Estado español, con todas las indefiniciones y solapamientos en las representaciones de identidades colectivas que lo han caracterizado. A un nivel general, se ejemplariza cómo la ampliación histórica del campo semántico del concepto de patrimonio cultural ha conllevado cierto solapamiento e in-diferenciación entre los contenidos del mismo y el concepto de culturaThis article sets out to analyse how Spanish law constructs cultural heritage and ethnological heritage by extending the concept of heritage and by creating a tie to a given reference collective. For our purposes, we will analyse the discourses of the Heritage laws of the different autonomous regions, as well as taking into account Spain’s Historical Heritage Law of 1985. The analysis carried out will allow us to observe, in the case of Spain, the diverse nature and the diffuseness of the concept of ethnological heritage, and the relevance of the Heritage laws of the autonomous regions to the sustaining of regionalism and nationalism within the Spanish State, with their attendant and characteristic overlaps and lack of definition. In general, we will provide examples of how the historical extension of the semantic field of the concept of cultural heritage has led to a certain overlap of, and even a lack of differentiation between, the content of cultural heritage and the concept of culture

    Aprendizaje basado en proyectos en la asignatura de Gráficos por Computador en Ingeniería Informática. Balance de cuatro años de experiencia

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    En esta comunicación se presenta una experiencia de aplicación de la metodología de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP) en Gráficos por Computador, asignatura optativa de Ingeniería Informática, impartida en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, realizada los últimos cuatro años (cursos 2004-05 al 2007-08) Se expone la organización y recursos docentes de la asignatura previos al ABP. Los resultados y conculsiones de 15 años de con una organización clásica (teoria, problemas prácticas) nos motivaron a buscar metodologías más activas para el alumno, decidiéndonos por ABP, ofreciéndolo como como un itinerario para cursar la asignatura. Por tanto, en la asignatura se ofrecen dos itinerarios: el de ABP y el de TPPE (Teoría, Problemas Prácticas y Examen), este último basado en la organización clásica de clase magistral, problemas y prácticas, sin aumentar en exceso los recursos docentes de la asignatura. Se muestra la organización de la propuesta ABP en la asignatura y ejemplos de proyectos. Finalmente se cuantifica la carga docente del alumno en ambos itinerarios y del profesorado, así como el número de matriculados por itinerario y el resultado de encuestas a los alumnos. Con 4 años de experiencia podemos obtener las primeras conclusiones, la mayoría positivas y analizar mejoras para próximos cursos.Peer Reviewe

    Una perspectiva sonora sobre la innovación en Arte = A sound perspective on innovation in art and pedagogy

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    El presente artículo expone las dinámicas del Laboratori d'Art Sonor de la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de Barcelona. Investigación y experimentación sonoro en colaboración con alumnos de la facultad y con artistas, autores e investigadores externos, para dar cauce universitario al potencial de todos ellos y aportar a la universidad pública los contenidos desde el mundo del Arte Sonoro. Apertura de la Universidad hacia unos planteamientos llevados a la práctica durante más de un siglo. El riesgo y la capacidad de reinventarse como fórmulas orgánicas en arte y educación. La importancia del acto de la escucha como elemento central de receptividad y aprendizaje. La propia organización del Laboratorio, en su actividad docente, de investigación y de creación debe ser receptiva al contexto contemporáneo, adoptar los recursos necesarios y tomar nuevos rumbos. Una experrencia compartida con muchos de los grandes referentes, que tiende un puente vivo para las nuevas generaciones

    New Insights into the Geochemical Processes Occurring on the Surface of Stuccoes Made of Slaked Lime Putty

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    The fresco technique performed with slaked lime putty as binding material has been well known since Antiquity. However, the geochemical processes that occur on the surface have been generally described as part of the carbonation process of the intonaco itself. When approaching this technique from experimental archaeology, it has been observed for the first time that during the execution period (from 0 to 20 h, approximately) the processes occurring on the surface of the stucco are different from those occurring inside. Furthermore, these processes lead to the formation of an epigenetic film of specific texture, stiffness and compactness. This study investigates the formation and evolution of this surface film using a series of slaked lime putty stucco test tubes. Samples were extracted at different intervals and subsequently analyzed by polarized optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Results indicate that the development of the film, composed of an amorphous gel-like stratum and a micro-crystalline stratum, occurs in parallel to the carbonation occurring inside the stucco. Moreover, this process does not respond to the classical geological processes of calcium carbonate formation. It was also observed that its presence slows down the carbonation in the underlying strata (intonaco, intonachino, arriccio, etc.) and that the surface becomes more crystalline over time. The identification of this film has implications for the field of the conservation-restoration of fresco paintings and lime-based wall paintings

    Life-cycle environmental and cost-effective energy retrofitting solutions for office stock

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    The European Green Deal establishes the need to renovate buildings in an energy efficient way, to address climate and environmental challenges. The purpose of this study was to devise a model for identifying environmental, cost-effective retrofitting measures by assessing their energy, economic and environmental impact when they are applied to the entire office stock. The methodology builds upon the energy performance certificate scheme to identify the life-cycle energy, economic and environmental impacts of a set of energy renovation measures for each representative office. The results can then be applied to the entire office stock. For any real office, a dozen characteristics are entered. Then, a user-friendly interface provides information about the expected performance of the renovation measures in that case along with the representativeness of the results. This methodology was implemented in a Spanish case study of 13,701 energy performance certificates. The findings showed that the most efficient energy renovation measures are heat pump replacement (18.1%) and replacement of lamps with LEDs (14.4%). Although the most effective retrofitting solutions depended on the evaluation criteria (energy, economic or environmental), 99.5% of the cost-effective measures also reduced emissions during the life cycle.This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy,Industry and Competitiveness under R&D project EOFF, reference no.BIA2016-75382-R (AEI/FEDER, UE). The Catalan Institute of Energy(ICAEN) is gratefully acknowledged for allowing access to the energy performance certificates database.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Energy benchmarking of existing office stock in Spain: trends and drivers

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    Buildings play a central role in the clean energy transition, which is why it is vital to understand how energy is consumed in this sector. Energy performance certificate databases are considered a key source of information on the characteristics of built building stock. Despite a growing portfolio of studies based on information from such databases, little is known about energy consumption in offices. This paper explores the modelled energy performance of existing offices in Spain, using data from 13,701 energy performance certificates collected by the Catalan Institute of Energy (ICAEN) in 2013–2018. Offices were found to consume between 202.66 and 212.10 kWhp/m2·year and were mostly ranked in classes C and D (~64%). Offices with E, F or G labels represent ~28% of the sample while A and B energy ratings are very scarce (~8%). Key drivers of energy consumption variation were found to be the office type, construction period, climate zone, renewable energy use, energy certification procedure and motivation for obtaining an energy performance certificate. Ownership was not found to affect average calculated energy consumption. The results will help policy makers to plan future energy conservation strategies.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Office representatives for cost-optimal energy retrofitting analysis: a novel approach using cluster analysis of energy performance certificate databases

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    A large number of buildings must be evaluated to formulate energy retrofitting policies for existing building stock. In this context, it is crucial to identify reference buildings that can effectively represent the entire stock, since such buildings can then be used to assess the individualized cost-effectiveness of retrofitting measures. This paper presents a novel approach for identifying and defining a set of reference buildings by applying the k-means clustering method to energy performance certificate databases. To this end, a four-step methodology has been envisaged. First, an energy performance certificate database is prepared and variables that have an impact on energy consumption are pre-selected. Selected data are then pre-processed. Next, the k-means clustering method is applied. Finally, the resulting cluster centroids are used to identify the closest energy performance certificates in the database, in other words, the representative buildings that will then be used for cost-optimal retrofitting analysis. The methodology is illustrated using the energy performance certificate database managed by the Catalan Institute of Energy (ICAEN), which includes a sample of 13,701 offices. Seven representative office blocks and offices in industrial buildings and nine representative offices in residential buildings were identified. The results establish the basis for supporting strategic decision-making for energy saving retrofit interventions in existing Spanish offices.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Anti-TNF Therapies Suppress Adipose Tissue Inflammation in Crohn’s Disease

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    Adalimumab; Adipose tissue; InfliximabAdalimumab; Tejido adiposo; InfliximabAdalimumab; Teixit adipós; InfliximabAnti-TNF biologics have been shown to markedly improve the quality of life for patients with Crohn’s disease (CD), yet one-third of patients fail to benefit from this treatment. Patients with CD develop a characteristic wrapping of visceral adipose tissue (VAT) in the inflamed intestinal area, termed creeping fat, and it is known that adipose tissue expansion influences the efficacy of anti-TNF drugs. We questioned whether anti-TNF therapies impact the creeping fat in CD, which might affect the outcome of the disease. Adipose tissue biopsies were obtained from a cohort of 14 patients with CD that received anti-TNF drugs and from 29 non-anti-TNF-treated patients (control group) matched by sex, age, and body mass index undergoing surgical interventions for symptomatic complications. We found that anti-TNF therapies restored adipose tissue morphology and suppressed immune cell infiltration in the creeping fat. Additionally, anti-TNF treatments appeared to markedly improve the pro-inflammatory phenotype of adipose-tissue macrophages and adipose-tissue-derived stem cells. Our study provides evidence that anti-TNF medications influence immune cells and progenitor cells in the creeping of patients with CD, suppressing inflammation. We propose that perilesional VAT should be considered when administering anti-TNF therapy in patients with CD.This study was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PI18/00037 to C.S.), co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). C.S. acknowledges support from the “Ramón y Cajal” program from the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (RYC2013-13186), co-financed by the ERDF. A.B.-T. acknowledges support from PI-AGAUR 2022-B00577. D.M.-F. acknowledges support from PERIS-PFI-Salut SLT01720000021