159 research outputs found

    Identificando estructuras espaciales no lineales utilizando test no paramétricos: Evidencias para las Regiones Europeas

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    Accounting for spatial structures in econometric studies is becoming\ud an issue of special interest, given the presence of spatial dependence and spatial heterogeneity problems arising in data. Generally, researchers have been employing parametric tests for detecting spatial dependence structures: Moran’s I and LM tests in spatial regressions are the most popular approaches employed in literature. However, this approach remains misleading in the presence of nonlinear spatial structures, inducing important biases in the estimation of the parameters of the model. In this paper we illustrate that issue by applying three non-parametrical proposals when testing for spatial structure in data. Empirical findings for the regions of the\ud European Union show important failures of traditional parametric tests if nonlinearities characterise geo-referenced data. Our results clearly recommend employing new families of tests, beyond parametrical ones, when working in such environments.Es cada vez mas frecuente evaluar la presencia de estructuras de\ud dependencia espacial en estudios econométricos cuando se analizan datos de corte transversal. La práctica habitual de los investigadores es utilizar tests paramétricos para identificar este tipo de estructuras en los datos y, con diferencia, los dos contrastes más populares son el test de la I de Moran (IM) y el basado en los Multiplicadores de Lagrange (LM). Sin embargo, este enfoque puede ser engañoso\ud cuando en nuestros datos están presentes estructuras de dependencia espacial no lineales. En este trabajo ilustramos esta problemática presentando tres contrastes no paramétricos, alternativos a los clásicos que presentan un mejor comportamiento\ud en presencia de no-linealidades. Una aplicación utilizando diversas variables económicas y filtros espaciales en las regiones europeas recomiendan, claramente, utilizar estos contrastes no paramétricos

    Evaluating three proposals for testing independence in non linear spatial processes

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    [ENG]This paper evaluates the behaviour of different families of tests when checking for spatial independence in the presence of nonlinearities. To reach this goal, we select three representative proposals. The usual parametric tests of I-Moran, the nonparametric proposal of Brett and Pinkse (1997), and the semiparametric Scan test. In order to study how they perform, we simulate different nonlinear spatial structures by Monte Carlo methods, hence conducting empirical tests on the matter. Main results show failures of traditional tests in this framework, and the need to build on new proposals in the presence of nonlinearities. An empirical application to an economic-theory-of-production scenario illustrates the performance of the three tests.[SPA]Este artículo evalúa el comportamiento de tres estadísticos utilizados para contrastar la hipótesis de independencia de procesos espaciales cuando subyace una estructura no lineal en los datos: el clásico test paramétrico de Moran, la propuesta no paramétrica de Brett y Pinkse y el test semiparamétrico Scan. Para comparar el comportamiento de estos contrastes se realiza un extenso ejercicio de Montecarlo en el que se proponen diversas estructuras de dependencia espacial no lineal. Los resultados obtenidos señalan la necesidad de aplicar los nuevos contrastes en entornos no lineales, dado que los tradicionales suelen fallar en su detección. Una aplicación a la función de producción empresarial permite ilustrar esta cuestión

    Complejos quirales derivados de sales de lantánidos (III) como catalizadores enantioselectivos de la condensación nitroaldólica y análogas

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    S’han sintetitzat derivats de BINOL (2,2'-dihidroxi-1,1'-binaftale) amb substitucio en C-3 i C-3' per grups dialquilaminometil anomenats, genericament, binaftolamines. S’ha evaluat la capacitat coordinant d’aquestes binaftolamines amb sals de lantanids (III) determinant que la combinacio de 3,3'-bis[(dietilamino)metil]-2,2'-dihidroxi-1,1'-binaftale (BINOLAM) i triflats de lantanids (III) condueix a la formacio de complexos quirals, d’estequiometria 3:1, amb simetria D3 i amb quiralitat predeterminada en el lantanid. Son especies estables al aire i emmagatzemables sense cap precaucio especial. Presenten una xarxa organitzada de centres acid de Lewis-acid de Bronsted-base de Bronsted (LABABB) de gran rellevancia per explicar la seva activitat catalitica. En dissolucio, son especies cineticament labils, estables en la majoria de dissolvents organics anhidres. S’ha estudiat la capacitat catalitica enantioselectiva dels complexos obtinguts en la reaccio nitroaldolica directa d’aldehids i α-trifluorometil cetones amb nitrometa obtenint els corresponents β-nitroaldols i α-trifluorometil nitroaldols terciaris amb rendiments quimics i enantioselectivitats de moderats a excel•lents.Se han sintetizado derivados de BINOL (2,2'-dihidroxi-1,1'-binaftaleno) con sustitucion en C-3 y C-3' por grupos dialquilaminometil denominados, genericamente, binaftolaminas. Se ha evaluado la capacidad coordinante de estas binaftolaminas para con sales de lantanidos (III) determinando que la combinacion de 3,3'-bis[(dietilamino)metil]-2,2'-dihidroxi-1,1'-binaftaleno (BINOLAM) i triflatos de lantanidos (III) conducen a la formacion de complejos quirales, de estequiometria 3:1, con simetria D3 y con quiralidad predeterminada en el lantanido. Son especies estables al aire y almacenables sin ninguna precaucion especial. Presentan una red ordenada de centros acido de Lewis-acido de Bronsted-base de Bronsted (LABABB) de gran relevancia para explicar su actividad catalitica. En disolucion, son especies cineticamente labiles, estables en la mayoria de disolventes organicos anhidros. Se ha estudiado la capacidad catalitica enantioselectiva de los complejos obtenidos en la reaccion nitroaldolica directa de aldehidos y α-trifluorometil cetonas con nitrometano obteniendo los correspondientes β-nitroaldoles y α-trifluorometil nitroaldoles terciarios con rendimientos quimicos y enantioselectividades de moderados a excelentes.We have synthesized BINOL (2,2'-dihydroxy-1,1'-binaphtalene) derivatives having dialkylaminomethyl groups at C-3 and C-3' generically named binaphtolamines. We assessed the ability of these ligands to coordinate lanthanide (III) salts. We found that the combination of 3,3'-bis[(diethylamino)methyl]-2,2'-dihydroxy-1,1'-binaphtalene (BINOLAM) with lanthanide (III) triflates led to the formation of chiral complexes characterized by having 3:1 stoichiometry, D3 symmetry and predetermined chirality on the lanthanide center. They are shelf stable species i.e., storable for months without any special precautions. They possess an arrayed network of Lewis acid-Bronsted acid-base Bronsted centres (LABABB) which is relevant to explain its catalytic activity. In solution, these species are kinetically labile and are stable in most anhydrous organic solvents. We have studied the ability of these complexes to work as enantioselective catalysts in the direct nitroaldol (Henry) reaction of aldehydes and α-trifluoromethyl ketones with nitromethane thereby giving rise to the corresponding β-nitroaldols and α-trifluoromethyl tertiary nitroaldols with moderate to high chemical yields and enantioselectivity

    Análisis de las redes sociales en el sector del fitness español: un estudio longitudinal

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    Conrad y Allen (2013) afirmaban que las redes sociales son una gran herramienta de marketing para las empresas relacionadas con el fitness, de hecho, diferentes trabajos académicos proponen a Facebook o Instagram como herramientas para promocionar los servicios ya que también permitirían la captación y fidelización de sus clientes. Entonces, en el presente estudio se analizan todas aquellas empresas pertenecientes al código CNAE 9313 y 9311 que cumplen con los criterios de selección para determinar aquellas redes sociales que se utilizan en el sector y, su presencia en internet mediante su página web corporativa. Los datos arrojarían el predominio de Facebook como la red social más utilizada y, un incremento destacable de la red social Instagram. Por último, se compararon los resultados del presente estudio con los obtenidos en estudios anteriores

    Effect of OAS genes on SARS-CoV-2 infection and the induction of innate immune responses

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado en el 8th European Congress of Virology, celebrado en Gdańsk (Polonia), del 4 al 7 de mayo de 2023Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infections cause different clinical symptoms ranging from asymptomatic patients to patients suffering severe respiratory disease leading to death in some of them. Genetic and functional studies have shown inborn-errors of interferon (IFN)-related genes in severe COVID-19 patients explaining why some young patients devoid of co-morbidities succumbed to infection. In addition, very large genomic studies identified common genetic variants affecting the expression and splicing of IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs) of the 2",5"- oligoadenylate (2-5A) synthetase (OAS) family associated with COVID-19 severity. We have sequenced the whole genome of 274 patients who required hospitalization after SARS-CoV-2 infection, finding ultrarare mutations in OAS1 and OAS3 genes. Upon double-stranded (ds)RNA binding, the OAS1, OAS2, and OAS3 proteins synthetize 2¿- 5¿olygoadenylates which activate the endonuclease RNAseL. This endonuclease degrades viral and cellular RNAs, inhibiting viral replication. We have analyzed the effect of OAS1 and OAS3 genetic variants identified in our patients, and found that some of them impair the RNAseL activation. In addition, by using OAS3 knock-out cells generated in our laboratory and performing overexpression experiments, we have shown that OAS3 negatively modulates proinflammatory responses induced by immune challenges, and that the activation of the RNAseL activity seems necessary for this function. In addition, by using OAS3 knock-out mice infected with SARS-CoV-2 or treated with the double-stranded RNA analog poly(I:C), we have shown that OAS3 deficiency leads to a higher mouse susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection and that OAS3 counteracts the induction of innate immune responses in the mouse infectedlungs, leading to a higher inflammatory response in OAS3 knock-out mice, compared to the parental mice. Given the contribution of exacerbated inflammatory responses to COVID-19 disease severity, our results suggest that OAS1/OAS3 could play a role limiting the severity of the clinical symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Carbohydrate Availability and Physical Performance: Physiological Overview and Practical Recommendations

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    Strong evidence during the last few decades has highlighted the importance of nutrition for sport performance, the role of carbohydrates (CHO) being of special interest. Glycogen is currently not only considered an energy substrate but also a regulator of the signaling pathways that regulate exercise-induced adaptations. Thus, low or high CHO availabilities can result in both beneficial or negative results depending on the purpose. On the one hand, the depletion of glycogen levels is a limiting factor of performance during sessions in which high exercise intensities are required; therefore ensuring a high CHO availability before and during exercise is of major importance. A high CHO availability has also been positively related to the exercise-induced adaptations to resistance training. By contrast, a low CHO availability seems to promote endurance-exercise-induced adaptations such as mitochondrial biogenesis and enhanced lipolysis. In the present narrative review, we aim to provide a holistic overview of how CHO availability impacts physical performance as well as to provide practical recommendations on how training and nutrition might be combined to maximize performance. Attending to the existing evidence, no universal recommendations regarding CHO intake can be given to athletes as nutrition should be periodized according to training loads and objectives

    Changes in bread consumption and 4-year changes in adiposity in Spanish subjects at high cardiovascular risk

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    The effects of bread consumption change over time on anthropometric measures have been scarcely studied. We analysed 2213 participants at high risk for CVD from the PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED) trial to assess the association between changes in the consumption of bread and weight and waist circumference gain over time. Dietary habits were assessed with validated FFQ at baseline and repeatedly every year during 4 years of follow-up. Using multivariate models to adjust for covariates, long-term weight and waist circumference changes according to quartiles of change in energy-adjusted white and whole-grain bread consumption were calculated. The present results showed that over 4 years, participants in the highest quartile of change in white bread intake gained 0·76 kg more than those in the lowest quartile (P for trend = 0·003) and 1·28 cm more than those in the lowest quartile (P for trend 2 kg) and gaining waist circumference (>2 cm) during follow-up was not associated with increase in bread consumption, but participants in the highest quartile of changes in white bread intake had a reduction of 33 % in the odds of losing weight (>2 kg) and a reduction of 36 % in the odds of losing waist circumference (>2 cm). The present results suggest that reducing white bread, but not whole-grain bread consumption, within a Mediterranean-style food pattern setting is associated with lower gains in weight and abdominal fat

    Diagnosi de la Xarxa d'Atenció i Recuperació Integral per a les dones en situació de violència masclista

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    Avaluar la intervenció que es fa amb les dones,adolescents i nens en situació de violència masclista o en risc de patir-la, molt especialment la que fa referència a la consecució d'un habitatge, la inserció laboral i els acolliments d'urgències.• Identificar les especialitzacions dels i de les professionals que intervenen a la Xarxa, la seva formació respecte l'abordatge de la violència masclista, l'esgotament professional que poden sofrir i les estratègies desenvolupades per poder prevenir-ho. • Detectar les fortaleses i debilitats del funcionament de la Xarxa

    The Diet of Diabetic Patients in Spain in 2008–2010: Accordance with the Main Dietary Recommendations—A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: No previous study has assessed the diet of the diabetic patients in the general population of an entire country in Europe. This study evaluates accordance of the diet of diabetic adults in Spain with nutritional recommendations of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), American Diabetes Association (ADA), and the Mediterranean diet (MD). Methods and Findings: Cross-sectional study conducted in 2008-2010 among 12,948 persons representative of the population aged ≥18 years in Spain. Usual food consumption was assessed with a dietary history. EASD accordance was defined as ≥6 points on a score of 12 nutritional goals, ADA accordance as ≥3 points on a score of 6 goals, and MD accordance as ≥7 points on the Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener. In the 609 diagnosed diabetic individuals, the diet was rich in saturated fat (11.2% of total energy), but trans fat intake was relatively low (1.1% energy) and monounsaturated fat intake was high (16.1% energy). Carbohydrate intake was relatively low (41.1% energy), but sugar intake was high (16.9% energy). Intake of cholesterol (322 mg/day) and sodium (3.1 g/day) was also high, while fiber intake was insufficient (23.8 g/day). EASD accordance was observed in 48.7% diabetic patients, ADA accordance in 46.3%, and MD accordance in 57.4%. The frequency of EASD, ADA and MD accordance was not statistically different between diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetic individuals. Conclusions: Only about half of diabetic patients in Spain have a diet that is consistent with the major dietary recommendations. The lack of dietary differences between diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetic individuals reflects deficiencies in diabetes managementThe ENRICA study is funded by Sanofi-Aventis. Additional funding is obtained from FIS grant PI09/1626 and from the ‘Cátedra UAM de Epidemiología y Control del Riesgo Cardiovascular