1,134 research outputs found

    Informational structures and informational fields as a prototype for the description of postulates of the integrated information theory

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    Informational Structures (IS) and Informational Fields (IF) have been recently introduced to deal with a continuous dynamical systems-based approach to Integrated Information Theory (IIT). IS and IF contain all the geometrical and topological constraints in the phase space. This allows one to characterize all the past and future dynamical scenarios for a system in any particular state. In this paper, we develop further steps in this direction, describing a proper continuous framework for an abstract formulation, which could serve as a prototype of the IIT postulates.National Science Center of PolandUMO-2016/22/A/ST1/00077Junta de AndalucíaMinisterio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO). Españ

    A Model-driven Architecture for Multi-protocol OBD Emulator

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) might be the next revolutionary technology to mark a generation. It could have a particularly strong influence on the automotive industry, changing people’s perception of what a vehicle can do. By connecting several things in a car, IoT empowers it to sense and communicate. Furthermore, this technology clearly opens the way to emerging applications such as automated driving, Vehicle-to-Vehicle and Vehicleto-Infrastructure communication. Vehicle’s information about its environment and surroundings is crucial to the development of existing and emerging applications. It is already possible to communicate directly (on-site) with vehicles through a built-in On Board Diagnostics (OBD), making it possible to obtain crucial information about the state of the vehicle in real environments. However, there is zero tolerance for error when developing new applications for vehicles that are, a priori, extremely costly and that must also safeguard human lives. Therefore, there is an increasing need for OBD emulators which can allow the development of new applications. This Thesis proposes a model-driven architecture for multi-protocol OBD emulator, encouraging the development of new emerging OBD systems in a safety environment, to promote the creation of applications to interact or use vehicles’ data. In this sense, the addressed specifications are: Less expensive comparing with today’s solutions; Compatible with different OBD protocols communication; Open Source Hardware and Software suitable for Do-It-Yourself (DIY) development

    Determinants of the intention to use performance-enhancing substances among Portuguese gym users

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    The present study examined the determinants of the intentions to use prohibited performance- enhancing substances (PES) and the hypothesis of gender and PES use influencing Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) variables. A TPB approach was used. A convenience sample of Portuguese gym users (n = 453) completed an anonymous web-based survey. Variance-based structural equation modeling, multigroup analysis strategy, latent mean analysis approach and one-way ANOVA analysis were used. The findings showed that, at structural level, results support the TPB framework in terms of characterizing and predicting intentions to PES use in the gym users sample, and that subjective norms were the strongest predictor of PES use intentions. Female and male differed in intentions to use PES, subjective norms and beliefs. However, the predictive model in study remains invariable in both groups. Concerning PES use, results showed the existence of a significant difference, regarding all the TPB´s constructs of the PES users and nonusers’ groups, and that the predictive capacity of each predictor was different for each group. Psychological strategies should be based on subjective norms, alongside beliefs and attitudes towards PES use, since these variables influence the intention to use PES in that particular population

    Perfis de investimento e resultados técnico-económicos de quatro raças autóctones da Região Alentejo em planos de exploração tipificados

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    Este trabalho tem por objectivo avaliar a viabilidade técnico-económica da produção de quatro raças autóctones da região Alentejo nos contextos da PAC actual e do provável cenário pós 2013. As quatro raças escolhidas são das espécies bovina (Mertolenga), caprina (Serpentina), ovina (Merina Branca) e suína (Alentejana). Numa primeira fase do trabalho foram identificados perfis de investimento directamente associados ao exercício destas actividades pecuárias considerando-se dimensão de efectivos no quadro de produção enquanto actividade autónoma, ou seja, com dimensão técnica e económica de “agricultura a título principal”, utilizando entre uma e duas unidades de trabalho ano. Assim, para a raça Mertolenga o efectivo base é constituído por 150 vacas adultas tendo como principal produto a comercializar o vitelão Mertolengo DOP; a raça Serpentina envolve um efectivo de 300 cabras, com venda de leite e cabritos (Cabrito do Alentejo); a raça Merino Branco com 750 ovelhas e venda de borrego no Natal e Páscoa; a raça Alentejana integra 60 porcas reprodutoras, uma das parições destinada a venda de leitões pós desmame e da outra os animais serão recriados para posterior acabamento em montanheira. O recurso terra não será envolvido no investimento, estabelecendo-se como cenário para efeitos de cálculos económicos que metade da área utilizada respeita a terra própria e a outra metade é explorada na forma de arrendamento. Quanto aos restantes recursos necessários para as respectivas actividades de produção considerou-se que seriam implementados de raiz, permitindo assim quantificar os montantes de investimento e subsequente enquadramento em programas de apoio Proder, com destaque para os apoios ao investimento no âmbito da “Acção 1.1.1. Modernização e Capacitação das Empresas”. Na componente proveitos são incluídos os apoios específicos para as raças autóctones objecto deste trabalho, assim como ajudas em que os respectivos planos de exploração se possam enquadrar. Os resultados técnico-económicos a determinar para cada actividade serão derivados do orçamento anual em ciclo produtivo estabilizado e do orçamento plurianual para um horizonte temporal de 10 anos; (i) com base no orçamento anual: custo base e custo total de produção, custo unitário do produto principal, valor acrescentado bruto, rendimento bruto e rendimento líquido de exploração, rendimento empresarial, lucro e taxa de rendibilidade global dos factores (ii) com base no orçamento plurianual: valor líquido actual, período de recuperação, taxa interna de rendibilidade e rácio benefícios/custos. Concluir-se-á com alguns indicadores de comparação entre raças estudadas, como por exemplo o investimento e diversos resultados económicos por hectare e por fêmea reprodutora, assim como a importância dos apoios financeiros no âmbito da PAC para a sustentabilidade económica destas raças autóctones

    Application feature model for geometrical specification of assemblies

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    The work begins with the description of a Domain Meta-Model for collaborative and integrated product development based on a Feature Model that aggregates all Application Features required to support domain specific reasoning. These Application Features are conceived as an aggregation of several Object Features containing all the knowledge about the structure and geometric interface that are the solution for a certain function. Afterwards, the Specification Feature, as a specialisation of the previous feature, is presented. This contains information about geometry, nominal and with defects, as well as about the relations established between them in the dimensional and geometrical specification process of an assembly, as established by GPS standard. Finally, the Specification Assembly Model is shown, an assembly model based on the Specification Feature and on the description of specifications using the Geospelling language

    An easy tool for the Monte Carlo simulation of the passage of photons and electrons through matter

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    A simple Monte Carlo (MC) algorithm for the simulation of the passage of low-energy gamma rays and electrons through any material medium is presented. The algorithm includes several approximations that accelerate the simulation while maintaining reasonably accurate results. Systematic comparisons for both photons and electrons have been made against the MC code PENELOPE and experimental data to validate the algorithm, showing deviations in the deposited energy smaller than or around 10% in the energy interval of 0.1 - 5 MeV in light media. The simulation is also valid for heavy media, but with less accuracy at high energy. The algorithm has been implemented in an open-source Python package called LegPy, which provides an easy-to-use framework for rapid MC simulations aiming to be useful for applications that do not require the level of detail of available well-established MC programs.Comment: 14 Figures, 9 pages. Submitted to Radiation Measurement

    Incorporation of form deviations into the matrix transformation method for tolerance analysis in assemblies

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    Comunicación presentada a MESIC 2019 8th Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference (Madrid, 19-21 de Junio de 2019)Mathematical models for tolerance representation are used to assess how the geometrical variation of a specific component feature propagates along the assembly, so that tolerance analysis in assemblies can be carried out using a specific tolerance propagation method. Several methods for tolerance analysis have been proposed in the literature, being some of them implemented in CAD systems. All these methods require modelling the geometrical variations of the component surfaces: parametric models, variational models, DoF models, etc. One of the most commonly used models is the DoF model, which is employed in a number of tolerance analysis methods: Small Displacement Torsor (SDT), Technologically and Topologically Related Surfaces (TTRS), Matrix Transformation, Unified Jacobian–Torsor model. However, none of the DoF-based tolerance analysis methods incorporates the effect of form deviations. Among the non DoF-based methods, there are two that include form tolerances: the Vector Loop or Kinematic method and the Tolerance Map (T-Map) model, although the latter is still under development. In this work, a proposal to incorporate form deviations into the matrix transformation method for tolerance analysis in assemblies is developed using a geometrical variation model based on the DoF model. The proposal is evaluated applying it to a 2D case study with components that only have flat surfaces, but the proposal can be extrapolated to 3D cases