81 research outputs found

    Theoretical Approaches to Study SMEs eBusiness Progression

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    It has been suggested that the adoption of Internet technologies by SMEs follows an ordered sequence of stages and staged models to describe it. These models postulate that businesses move in stages from basic use of the Internet to the full integration of business systems and redesign of business processes. The European Union and the UK government appear to believe in such models and have used them in their e-business adoption encouragement policies for SMEs. However, despite the efforts of governments and the various support programs, the attainment of the advanced stages of e-commerce by SMEs is very low. Indeed, several studies into the state of e-business in the UK report a decline in the number of SMEs implementing e-trading and even using website and e-mail. Hence, perhaps these adoption models need to be questioned and even revised. There are a number of authors that have already critized these models suggesting that they are too general and do not take into account the diversity of SMEs. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to conduct an analysis of the Stages of Growth model looking at its weaknesses and strengths in the context of the progression of Internet technologies adoption by SMEs in the UK. In addition, alternative explanations of e-business progression will be presented and an interpretative multi-theoretical framework to study this evolution will be suggested

    Development of a change framework to study SME web site evolution

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    It has been suggested that the adoption of e-commerce by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) follows a sequence of stages with each representing increasing complexity and benefits. These models imply a development of their web sites in successive iterations or redesigns from basic use of the Internet (as a marketing tool) to the most advanced level of sophistication and integration. The EU and the UK government appear to believe such models and have used them in their e-commerce adoption encouragement policies for SMEs. However, recent research in Europe reveals that e-commerce initiatives in SMEs in most cases are still in their initial stages, which do not exceed the use of email and simple information-based web pages. This failure of SMEs to engage in the more advanced stages of adoption suggest that our understanding of the implementation and management of SME web sites over time is too limited. Thus, the main aim of this research is to establish an enhanced understanding of the dynamics of SME web site transformations over time to better support SME e-commerce progression. The specific objectives of this research are to (1) examine the literature that explain or guide the evolution of web sites and internet strategies, particularly in the context of SMEs, (2) develop a multidimensional framework that combines three dimensions of organisational change (extent, content and drivers) to characterise and model the evolution of the web presence of SMEs and (3) undertake a study of the types and characteristics of actual changes on a sample of SME web sites over time to demonstrate the relevance and applicability of the dimensions of the framework. This study employs both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The quantitative part of the study includes the collection and observation of the sample of SME web sites to study the extent of the changes and the content of the changes incorporated. The qualitative part of the study involves telephone interviews to seek additional information about the drivers for web site redesigns and complement the previous observations. It is argued that a research framework that combines three different dimensions of organisational change offers an alternative approach to e-commerce Stage Models in understanding the evolution of SME web sites over time. The developed framework is useful to academics by providing multiple perspectives that enable more insightful study of SME web site evolution, and avoid over-simple, a priori theory, e. g. staged approach. The framework is also argued to be useful for SME managers seeking to make the most of their limited resources in this context.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Semáforo inteligente para el pase peatonal de discapacitados

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    El semáforo inteligente para el pase peatonal de discapacitados se caracteriza por el reconocimiento de objetos tales como silla de ruedas, bastones, muletas, andadores, etc. Al reconocer un objeto de los mencionados se acorta el tiempo de luz del color verde para dar pase al discapacitado. Los segundos acortados son sumados al color Rojo. El tiempo depende de la situación de la zona en la cual se ubica el semáforo. El sistema funciona con inteligencia artificial permitiendo optimizar el pase peatonal de discapacitados y promover la concientización de los conductores hacia las personas con alguna discapacida

    Infective endocarditis due to Bartonella bacilliformis associated with systemic vasculitis: a case report

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    Infective endocarditis due to Bartonella bacilliformis is rare. A 64-year-old woman, without previous heart disease, presented with 6 weeks of fever, myalgias, and arthralgias. A systolic murmur was heard on the tricuspid area upon examination, and an echocardiogram showed endocardial lesions in the right atrium. Bartonella bacilliformis was isolated in blood cultures, defining the diagnosis of infective endocarditis using Duke’s criteria. Subsequently, the patient developed clinical and laboratory features compatible with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis. This case presents an uncommon complication of B. bacilliformis infection associated with the development of systemic vasculitis.Revisión por pare

    Eficacia y seguridad en condiciones clínicas reales del raltegravir en un hospital de referencia del seguro social peruano

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    Introduction: Rategravir belongs to integrase inhibitors, being demonstrated and approved by several clinical trials as a powerful and safe antiretroviral drug for the treatment of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), with good tolerance and low toxicity, including in the third line or rescue scheme and it starts when the first and second lineas schemes have failed.Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety in real clinical conditions of the use of Raltegravir within the HAART schemes in patients with HIV infection in a reference hospital of social insurance in Peru.Methods: A retrospective observational study was performed in patients with a diagnosis of HIV infection who started treatment within the TARGA scheme based on Raltegravir with follow-up and control at 6 months. We presented summary measures of frequencies and percentages for the qualitative variables, as well as means and standard deviation for the quantitative variables based on the results of the normality tests. The data was processed and analyzed in the statistical software SPSS version 22.Results: The male gender was the most affected with 76% (n = 119) of the total. The most frequent age range was between 45 to 55 years (25.4%, n = 40). The most frequent comorbidities were Diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension, with exponential reduction in viral load and elevation of CD4 lymphocyte levels.Conclusion: Raltegravir is effective for the treatment of HIV patients.Introducción: El Rategravir pertenece a los inhibidores de integrasas, quedando demostrado y aprobado por diversos ensayos clínicos como un potente antirretroviral seguro y eficaz para el tratamiento de pacientes infectados con el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH), con buena tolerancia y baja toxicidad, incluyéndose en el esquema de tercera línea o rescate y se inicia cuando los esquemas de primera y segunda línea han fracasado.Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia y seguridad en condiciones clínicas reales del uso de Raltegravir dentro de los esquemas de la Terapia Antiretroviral de Gran Actividad (TARGA) en pacientes con infección por VIH en un hospital de referencia del seguro social en Perú.Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo en pacientes con diagnóstico de infección por VIH que iniciaron tratamiento dentro del esquema TARGA basados en Raltegravir con seguimiento y control a los 6 meses. Se presentaron medidas de resumen de frecuencias y porcentajes para las variables cualitativas, así como medias y desviación estándar para las variables cuantitativas en base a los resultados de las pruebas de normalidad. Los datos fueron procesados y analizados en el software estadístico SPSS versión 22.Resultados: El género masculino fue el más afectado con un 76%(n=119) del total. El rango de edad más frecuente fue el comprendido entre los 45 a 55 años (25,4%; n=40). Las comorbilidades más frecuentes fueron Diabetes mellitus e Hipertensión arterial, con reducción exponencial de la carga viral y elevación de los niveles de linfocitos CD4.Conclusión: El Raltegravir es eficaz para el tratamiento de pacientes VIH

    La producción informativa y documental del Estado: hacia un inventario de los recursos públicos

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    The internet offers a new way of shaping the messages that the State transmits to its citizens and provides a means of generating new relationships with them. With this in mind, this paper focuses on how State-produced information should be organized to provide a useful information service. The proper generation and management of public sector information is essential, not just for its own inherent value but because of the economic assets with which it deals. In this context of the access to and the re-use of public information there is also a need for the use of specific terminology. This paper sets out the general principles governing the management of information generated by the public sector and, with respect to the inventory principle, summarizes the main results obtained within the framework of our research group on the identification and description of public sector information and documentation assets, particularly those of State authorities. This subject is of great interest to practitioners and researchers in Library and Information Science, since it puts into perspective the value of documentary information resources and provides great impetus for the creation of a public information services market.Internet supone un nuevo escenario en la configuración de los mensajes que el Estado dirige a sus ciudadanos, así como en la generación de nuevas relaciones con los mismos. Desde ese enfoque, nos centraremos en cómo la producción de información del Estado debe ser organizada para que los ciudadanos reciban un conjunto de servicios informativos. Una adecuada creación y manejo de la información del sector público es crucial tanto por su valor en sí misma como por los activos económicos que representa. Además, en este contexto del acceso y la reutilización de la información pública se plantea la necesidad de contar con una terminología específica. Se establecen los principios de aplicación general que ha de regir el tratamiento de la información generada por el sector público y, en relación con el principio de inventario, se resumen los principales resultados obtenidos en el marco del Grupo de investigación sobre la identificación y descripción de los activos de información y documentación del sector público, en particular de la Administración General del Estado. El tema es de gran interés para los profesionales e investigadores en Biblioteconomía y Documentación, ya que esta perspectiva pone en valor los recursos de información documental y propicia un gran impulso a la creación de un mercado de servicios de información pública

    Planeamiento estratégico para la provincia de Condorcanqui

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    El presente plan estratégico tiene por objetivo contribuir al desarrollo social y económico de la provincia de Condorcanqui, departamento de Amazonas. Para ello se realizó un análisis profundo de los factores internos y externos que permitieron identificar fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas; en base a ello es que se formulan estrategias que permitirán la realización del objetivo. En forma similar, se aplicó un análisis de la competitividad del Perú y de los competidores de la provincia; esto permitirá aprovechar las ventajas competitivas para lograr un desarrollo sostenible. Producto de este análisis, se encontró que Condorcanqui posee fortalezas como: una ubicación estratégica, diversidad de flora y fauna, y un amplio potencial turístico ecológico y cultural; además de actividades económicas como la agrícola y forestal; sin embargo, están pendientes de desarrollar por parte de las diferentes autoridades locales, regionales y nacionales. Por tal motivo, se ha formulado una visión, con horizonte al año 2027, donde se plantea alcanzar el desarrollo sostenible basado en la producción y exportación de su producto bandera el cacao de alta calidad y del caucho natural; y el turismo ecológico y cultural; lo cual traerá consigo el incremento del empleo y como consecuencia el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de los pobladores. Finalmente, para alcanzar esta visión se implementarán estrategias como: Desarrollar el turismo ecológico, científico, de aventura, vivencial y cultural; desarrollar alianzas estratégicas y/o aventuras conjuntas público-privadas para incrementar la ejecución de proyectos referidos a la producción, comercialización y promoción del cacao y caucho natural a nivel nacional e internacional; realizar convenios con empresas del sector privado para invertir en tecnología para desarrollar productos de mayor valor agregado derivados del cacao y de caucho natural; y establecer alianzas con empresas que comercializan productos bajo la certificación de comercio justo, con el fin de proveerles caucho natural.The objective of this strategic plan is to contribute to the social and economic development of the province of Condorcanqui, Amazonas region. To this end, an in-depth analysis was made of the internal and external factors that allowed the identification of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Based on this, strategies are formulated that will allow the achievement of the objective. In a similar way, an analysis of the competitiveness of Peru and the province's competitors was applied; this will allow us to take advantage of competitive advantages to achieve sustainable development. As a result of this analysis, it was found that Condorcanqui has strengths such as: a strategic location, diversity of flora and fauna, and an ample ecological and cultural tourist potential; in addition to economic activities such as agriculture and forestry; however, they are pending development by the different local, regional and national authorities. For this reason, a vision has been formulated, with horizon to the year 2027, where it is proposed to achieve sustainable development based on the production and export of its flagship product, high quality cocoa and natural rubber; and ecological and cultural tourism; which bring with it the increase of employment and as a consequence the improvement of the quality of life of the inhabitants. Finally, in order to achieve this vision, strategies will be implemented such as: Developing ecological, scientific, adventure, experiential and cultural tourism; develop strategic alliances and / or joint public-private ventures to increase the execution of projects related to the production, commercialization and promotion of cocoa and natural rubber nationally and internationally; to enter into agreements with private sector companies to invest in technology to develop higher value-added products derived from cocoa and natural rubber; and establish alliances with companies that market products under the fair trade certification, in order to provide them natural rubberTesi