12 research outputs found

    Estudo dos peptĂ­deos pertencentes Ă  famĂ­lia ICK presentes no veneno das aranhas do gĂȘnero Loxosceles

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Silvio Sanches VeigaCoorientador : ProfÂȘ. DrÂȘ. Olga Meiri ChaimTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ, Setor de CiĂȘncias BiolĂłgicas, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em Biologia Celular e Molecular. Defesa: Curitiba, 26/02/2015Inclui referĂȘncias : f. 102-115Área de concentraçãoResumo: O conteĂșdo total do veneno das aranhas do gĂȘnero Loxosceles permanece ainda desconhecido, entretanto, muitos estudos tĂȘm mostrado que se constitui uma mistura complexa de compostos biologicamente ativos. Por meio de anĂĄlises eletroforĂ©ticas, observa-se a predominĂąncia de molĂ©culas de baixa massa molecular (3-45 kDa), enquanto molĂ©culas de alta massa molecular sĂŁo menos abundantes. Os venenos de aranhas estĂŁo funcionalmente relacionados Ă  defesa contra predadores e tambĂ©m Ă  paralisia e captura de presas, especialmente insetos. As aranhas desenvolveram um arsenal de molĂ©culas inseticidas, resultando em uma biblioteca combinatĂłria de peptĂ­deos que tem sido aprimorada durante sua evolução. Comumente, tais peptĂ­deos consistem em molĂ©culas de cadeia Ășnica com massa molecular variando de 3 a 10 kDa, ricos em resĂ­duos de cisteĂ­na, os quais estabelecem pontes dissulfeto intramoleculares caracterĂ­sticas. Essas pontes se organizam em um motivo estrutural caracterĂ­stico denominado "nĂł de cistina inibidor" ou ICK (Inhibitor Cystine Knot) e, por isso, os peptĂ­deos que o contĂ©m sĂŁo denominados peptĂ­deo ICK ou notinas ("knottins"). Recentemente, anĂĄlises do transcriptoma da glĂąndula de veneno de L. intermedia (GREMSKI et al., 2010) revelaram ESTs com similaridade a peptĂ­deos ICK previamente descritas como LiTx (De CASTRO et al., 2004). SequĂȘncias relacionadas Ă  LiTx3, por exemplo, foram as mais abundantes no transcriptoma de L. intermedia, representando aproximadamente 13,9% de todas as ESTs obtidas e compreendendo 32% dos mRNAs codificantes de toxinas; as sequĂȘncias relativas aos demais grupos de peptĂ­deos ICK, LiTx1, LiTx2 e LiTx4 representaram 6,2%, 11,4% e 3,8% de todos os transcritos codificantes de toxinas, respectivamente. Devido a alta proporção de sequĂȘncias codificantes para peptĂ­deos ICK os objetivos deste trabalho foram o rastreamento de sequĂȘncias codificantes de peptĂ­deos ICK em outras duas aranhas do gĂȘnero (Loxosceles gaucho e Loxosceles laeta), bem como a obtenção de um peptĂ­deo ICK semelhante Ă  LiTx3 de forma recombinante em Pichia pastoris e sua caracterização biolĂłgica. A partir do RNA total extraĂ­do das glĂąndulas de veneno de L. laeta e L. gaucho, procedeu-se o rastreamento de sequĂȘncias relacionadas a peptĂ­deos ICK; sequĂȘncias codificantes para todos os grupos de peptĂ­deos ICK jĂĄ descritos (LiTx1-4) foram encontradas, algumas revelando sutis diferenças na sua estrutura primĂĄria, outras revelando divergĂȘncias importantes como a nĂŁo presença de sequĂȘncias consenso para modificaçÔes pĂłs-traducionais importantes para a atividade biolĂłgica dos mesmos. Quanto Ă  produção do peptĂ­deo recombinante, vĂĄrias formas foram obtidas; entretanto, anĂĄlises de SDS-PAGE e western blotting mostraram que os peptĂ­deos obtidos ou nĂŁo apresentavam a conformação nativa ou apresentavam glicosilação indesejada. A atividade biolĂłgica desses peptĂ­deos foi testada in vivo em insetos e in vitro em cultura de cĂ©lulas, contudo nenhum efeito tĂłxico pode ser comprovado. As sequĂȘncias encontradas em L. laeta e L. gaucho representam potenciais molĂ©culas a serem exploradas do ponto de vista biotecnolĂłgico, ao passo que o peptĂ­deo recombinante estudado deve ser expresso em outros modelos com intuito de obtĂȘ-lo em conformação adequada e, assim, comprovar sua atividade biolĂłgica. Palavras-chave: PeptĂ­deo ICK, notinas, Loxosceles, veneno, Pichia pastoris.Abstract: The whole content of Loxosceles spider venom still remains unknown, but several studies have shown that is a complex mixture of biologically active and inactive components. By eletrophoretic analysis, the predominance of low molecular mass molecules (3-45kDa) can be observed, while high molecular mass ones are less abundant. Spider venoms are functionally related to defense against predators as well as to paralyze and capture a natural prey, especially insects. Spiders had developed an arsenal of insecticidal molecules, resulting in a combinatorial peptide library of peptides that has been improved during evolution. Commonly, such peptides consist in single chain molecules ranging between 3- 10 kDa and are rich in cystein residues, which form intramolecular disulfide bridges. These bridges establish a structural motif "Inhibitor Cystine Knot" (ICK), then, these peptides are named ICK peptides or "knottins". Recently, a transcriptome analysis of L. intermedia venomous gland (GREMSKI et al., 2010) has revealed ESTs with similarity to ICK peptides previously described as LiTx (De CASTRO et al., 2004). LiTx3-related sequences were the most abundant in the L. intermedia transcriptome representing about 13.9% of all ESTs obtained and comprise 32% of toxin-encoding messengers; the sequences related to the other groups of ICK peptides, LiTx1, LiTx2 e LiTx4, represented 6,2%, 11,4% and 3,8% of all EST coding for toxins, respectively. Due to the high proportion of sequences encoding ICK peptides verified by the transcriptome analyses, the present study aimed screening ESTs related to these peptides in other two Loxosceles species (L. gaucho and L. laeta), as well as the obtainment of an ICK recombinant peptide with high similarity to LiTx3 in Pichia pastoris and its biological activity characterization. From total RNA purified from the venom glands of L. gaucho and L. laeta, it was performed the screening of ICK peptides sequences. ESTs coding for all groups of ICK peptides already described were found (LiTx1-4), some of them revealed subtle differences in their primary structures while others showed important divergences, for example, the absence of consensus sequences for posttranslational modifications that are essential for biological activities. The recombinant peptide was produced in different forms, however, SDS-PAGE and western blotting analyses indicated that they were not properly folded or presented unwanted glycosylation. The biological activity of the recombinant peptide was tested in insects microinjection's assays and in vitro cultivated cells, nevertheless no toxic effects were proven. The sequences identified form L. laeta and L. gaucho RNA represent potential molecules to be biotechnologically explored, whereas the studied recombinant peptide must be expressed in other heterologous expressions models in order to obtain it in the native conformation and, thus, verify its biological activity. Keywords: ICK peptides, knottins, Loxosceles, venom, toxins, Pichia pastoris. recombinant peptide was tested in insects microinjection's assays and in vitro cultivated cells, nevertheless no toxic effects were proven. The sequences identified form L. laeta and L. gaucho RNA represent potential molecules to be biotechnologically explored, whereas the studied recombinant peptide must be expressed in other heterologous expressions models in order to obtain it in the native conformation and, thus, verify its biological activity. Keywords: ICK peptides, knottins, Loxosceles, venom, toxins, Pichia pastoris

    Clonagem e expressĂŁo heterĂłloga de um peptĂ­deo da famĂ­lia das notinas presente no veneno da aranha marrom (loxosceles intermedia)

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Silvio Sanches VeigaCoorientadora: Profa. Dra. Olga Meiri ChaimDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ, Setor de CiĂȘncias BiolĂłgicas, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em Biologia Celular e Molecular. Defesa: Curitiba, 28/02/2011Bibliografia: fls. 74-86Resumo: O conteĂșdo total do veneno das aranhas do gĂȘnero Loxosceles permanece ainda desconhecido, entretanto, muitos estudos tĂȘm mostrado que se constitui uma mistura complexa de compostos biologicamente ativos. Por meio de anĂĄlises eletroforĂ©ticas, observa-se a predominĂąncia de molĂ©culas de baixa massa molecular (3-45 kDa), enquanto molĂ©culas de alta massa molecular sĂŁo menos abundantes. Os venenos de aranhas estĂŁo funcionalmente relacionados Ă  defesa contra predadores e tambĂ©m Ă  paralisia e captura de presas, especialmente insetos. As aranhas desenvolveram um arsenal de molĂ©culas inseticidas, resultando em uma biblioteca combinatĂłria de peptĂ­deos que tem sido aprimorada durante sua evolução. Comumente, tais peptĂ­deos consistem em molĂ©culas de cadeia Ășnica com massa molecular variando de 3 a 10 kDa, ricos em resĂ­duos de cisteĂ­na, os quais estabelecem pontes dissulfeto intramoleculares caracterĂ­sticas. Essas pontes se organizam em um motivo estrutural caracterĂ­stico denominado "nĂł de cistina inibidor" ou ICK (Inhibitor Cystine Knot) e, por isso, os peptĂ­deos que o contĂ©m sĂŁo denominados notinas ("knottins"). Recentemente, anĂĄlises do transcriptoma da glĂąndula de veneno de L. intermedia (GREMSKI et al., 2010) revelaram ESTs com similaridade a notinas previamente descritas como LiTx (De CASTRO et al., 2004). SequĂȘncias relacionadas Ă  LiTx3 foram as mais abundantes no transcriptoma de L. intermedia, representando aproximadamente 13,9% de todas as ESTs obtidas e compreendendo 32% dos mRNAs codificantes de toxinas. Devido a alta proporção de sequĂȘncias codificantes para peptĂ­deos semelhantes a LiTx3, o presente estudo teve como objetivo a clonagem e expressĂŁo de um peptĂ­deo dessa famĂ­lia. Primers foram desenhados para a realização das tĂ©cnicas de 3' e 5' RACE, o qual teve como resultado a obtenção da sequĂȘncia nucleotĂ­dica completa do cDNA correspondente ao peptĂ­deo em estudo. A sequĂȘncia do propeptĂ­deo associado ao peptĂ­deo maduro foi amplificada e modificada por PCR com primers contendo sĂ­tios de restrição para as enzimas XhoI e BamHI e inseridos no vetor de expressĂŁo pET-14b. A construção foi transformada em cepa de E. coli AD494(DE3). Um teste de expressĂŁo foi realizado para determinar as condiçÔes Ăłtimas de expressĂŁo do peptĂ­deo. Verificou-se que a indução com 0,5mM de IPTG, por 3 horas e meia, a 30oC era a melhor condição de expressĂŁo. A partir desse resultado, uma expressĂŁo em larga escala foi realizada, obtendo-se o peptĂ­deo recombinante na fração solĂșvel, apĂłs cromatografia de afinidade em resina de Ni2+-NTA. A diversidade de peptĂ­deos presentes no veneno de L. intermedia representa uma fonte importante de possĂ­veis novas ferramentas moleculares com aplicação farmacolĂłgica e/ou biotecnolĂłgica.Abstract: The whole content of Loxosceles spider venom still remains unknown, but several studies have shown that is a complex mixture of biologically active and inactive components. By eletrophoretic analysis, the predominance of low molecular mass molecules (3-45kDa) can be observed, while high molecular mass ones are less abundant. Spider venoms are functionally related to defense against predators as well as to paralyze and capture a natural prey, especially insects. Spiders had developed an arsenal of insecticidal molecules, resulting in a combinatorial peptide library of peptides that has been improved during evolution. Commonly, such peptides consist in single chain molecules ranging between 3-10 kDa and are rich in cystein residues, which form intramolecular disulfide bridges. These bridges establish a structural motif "Inhibitor Cystine Knot" (ICK), then, these peptides are named "knottins". Recently, a transcriptome analysis of L. intermedia venomous gland (GREMSKI et al., 2010) has revealed ESTs with similarity to knottins previously described as LiTx (De CASTRO et al., 2004). LiTx3-related sequences were the most abundant in the L. intermedia transcriptome representing about 13.9% of all ESTs obtained and comprise 32% of toxin-encoding messengers. Due to the high proportion of sequences encoding LiTx3 peptide, the present study aimed to clone and express a peptide of this family. Primers were designed to perform 3'RACE and 5'RACE methods, obtaining the full nucleotide sequence of this peptide. The sequence corresponding propeptide associated with the mature peptide was amplified and modified by PCR with specific primers containing restriction sites for XhoI and BamHI enzymes and inserted in pET-14b vector. The construct was transformed in E. coli AD494(DE3) strain. A small scale expression was performed and the optimum parameters for recombinant protein expression were determined: 0,5mM of IPTG induction during 3h and 30min at 30°C. A large scale expression was done to obtain enough quantity of this molecule for biological assays. After affinity chromatography in Ni-NTA resin, the recombinant peptide was obtained in the soluble fraction. The diversity of peptides present in the L. intermedia venom glands represents an amazing source of novel molecular tools with pharmacological and biotechnological applications

    Brown Spider (Loxosceles genus) Venom Toxins: Tools for Biological Purposes

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    Venomous animals use their venoms as tools for defense or predation. These venoms are complex mixtures, mainly enriched of proteic toxins or peptides with several, and different, biological activities. In general, spider venom is rich in biologically active molecules that are useful in experimental protocols for pharmacology, biochemistry, cell biology and immunology, as well as putative tools for biotechnology and industries. Spider venoms have recently garnered much attention from several research groups worldwide. Brown spider (Loxosceles genus) venom is enriched in low molecular mass proteins (5–40 kDa). Although their venom is produced in minute volumes (a few microliters), and contain only tens of micrograms of protein, the use of techniques based on molecular biology and proteomic analysis has afforded rational projects in the area and permitted the discovery and identification of a great number of novel toxins. The brown spider phospholipase-D family is undoubtedly the most investigated and characterized, although other important toxins, such as low molecular mass insecticidal peptides, metalloproteases and hyaluronidases have also been identified and featured in literature. The molecular pathways of the action of these toxins have been reported and brought new insights in the field of biotechnology. Herein, we shall see how recent reports describing discoveries in the area of brown spider venom have expanded biotechnological uses of molecules identified in these venoms, with special emphasis on the construction of a cDNA library for venom glands, transcriptome analysis, proteomic projects, recombinant expression of different proteic toxins, and finally structural descriptions based on crystallography of toxins

    Estudo dos peptĂ­deos pertencentes Ă  famĂ­lia ICK presentes no veneno das aranhas do gĂȘnero Loxosceles

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Silvio Sanches VeigaCoorientador : ProfÂȘ. DrÂȘ. Olga Meiri ChaimTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do ParanĂĄ, Setor de CiĂȘncias BiolĂłgicas, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em Biologia Celular e Molecular. Defesa: Curitiba, 26/02/2015Inclui referĂȘncias : f. 102-115Área de concentraçãoResumo: O conteĂșdo total do veneno das aranhas do gĂȘnero Loxosceles permanece ainda desconhecido, entretanto, muitos estudos tĂȘm mostrado que se constitui uma mistura complexa de compostos biologicamente ativos. Por meio de anĂĄlises eletroforĂ©ticas, observa-se a predominĂąncia de molĂ©culas de baixa massa molecular (3-45 kDa), enquanto molĂ©culas de alta massa molecular sĂŁo menos abundantes. Os venenos de aranhas estĂŁo funcionalmente relacionados Ă  defesa contra predadores e tambĂ©m Ă  paralisia e captura de presas, especialmente insetos. As aranhas desenvolveram um arsenal de molĂ©culas inseticidas, resultando em uma biblioteca combinatĂłria de peptĂ­deos que tem sido aprimorada durante sua evolução. Comumente, tais peptĂ­deos consistem em molĂ©culas de cadeia Ășnica com massa molecular variando de 3 a 10 kDa, ricos em resĂ­duos de cisteĂ­na, os quais estabelecem pontes dissulfeto intramoleculares caracterĂ­sticas. Essas pontes se organizam em um motivo estrutural caracterĂ­stico denominado "nĂł de cistina inibidor" ou ICK (Inhibitor Cystine Knot) e, por isso, os peptĂ­deos que o contĂ©m sĂŁo denominados peptĂ­deo ICK ou notinas ("knottins"). Recentemente, anĂĄlises do transcriptoma da glĂąndula de veneno de L. intermedia (GREMSKI et al., 2010) revelaram ESTs com similaridade a peptĂ­deos ICK previamente descritas como LiTx (De CASTRO et al., 2004). SequĂȘncias relacionadas Ă  LiTx3, por exemplo, foram as mais abundantes no transcriptoma de L. intermedia, representando aproximadamente 13,9% de todas as ESTs obtidas e compreendendo 32% dos mRNAs codificantes de toxinas; as sequĂȘncias relativas aos demais grupos de peptĂ­deos ICK, LiTx1, LiTx2 e LiTx4 representaram 6,2%, 11,4% e 3,8% de todos os transcritos codificantes de toxinas, respectivamente. Devido a alta proporção de sequĂȘncias codificantes para peptĂ­deos ICK os objetivos deste trabalho foram o rastreamento de sequĂȘncias codificantes de peptĂ­deos ICK em outras duas aranhas do gĂȘnero (Loxosceles gaucho e Loxosceles laeta), bem como a obtenção de um peptĂ­deo ICK semelhante Ă  LiTx3 de forma recombinante em Pichia pastoris e sua caracterização biolĂłgica. A partir do RNA total extraĂ­do das glĂąndulas de veneno de L. laeta e L. gaucho, procedeu-se o rastreamento de sequĂȘncias relacionadas a peptĂ­deos ICK; sequĂȘncias codificantes para todos os grupos de peptĂ­deos ICK jĂĄ descritos (LiTx1-4) foram encontradas, algumas revelando sutis diferenças na sua estrutura primĂĄria, outras revelando divergĂȘncias importantes como a nĂŁo presença de sequĂȘncias consenso para modificaçÔes pĂłs-traducionais importantes para a atividade biolĂłgica dos mesmos. Quanto Ă  produção do peptĂ­deo recombinante, vĂĄrias formas foram obtidas; entretanto, anĂĄlises de SDS-PAGE e western blotting mostraram que os peptĂ­deos obtidos ou nĂŁo apresentavam a conformação nativa ou apresentavam glicosilação indesejada. A atividade biolĂłgica desses peptĂ­deos foi testada in vivo em insetos e in vitro em cultura de cĂ©lulas, contudo nenhum efeito tĂłxico pode ser comprovado. As sequĂȘncias encontradas em L. laeta e L. gaucho representam potenciais molĂ©culas a serem exploradas do ponto de vista biotecnolĂłgico, ao passo que o peptĂ­deo recombinante estudado deve ser expresso em outros modelos com intuito de obtĂȘ-lo em conformação adequada e, assim, comprovar sua atividade biolĂłgica. Palavras-chave: PeptĂ­deo ICK, notinas, Loxosceles, veneno, Pichia pastoris.Abstract: The whole content of Loxosceles spider venom still remains unknown, but several studies have shown that is a complex mixture of biologically active and inactive components. By eletrophoretic analysis, the predominance of low molecular mass molecules (3-45kDa) can be observed, while high molecular mass ones are less abundant. Spider venoms are functionally related to defense against predators as well as to paralyze and capture a natural prey, especially insects. Spiders had developed an arsenal of insecticidal molecules, resulting in a combinatorial peptide library of peptides that has been improved during evolution. Commonly, such peptides consist in single chain molecules ranging between 3- 10 kDa and are rich in cystein residues, which form intramolecular disulfide bridges. These bridges establish a structural motif "Inhibitor Cystine Knot" (ICK), then, these peptides are named ICK peptides or "knottins". Recently, a transcriptome analysis of L. intermedia venomous gland (GREMSKI et al., 2010) has revealed ESTs with similarity to ICK peptides previously described as LiTx (De CASTRO et al., 2004). LiTx3-related sequences were the most abundant in the L. intermedia transcriptome representing about 13.9% of all ESTs obtained and comprise 32% of toxin-encoding messengers; the sequences related to the other groups of ICK peptides, LiTx1, LiTx2 e LiTx4, represented 6,2%, 11,4% and 3,8% of all EST coding for toxins, respectively. Due to the high proportion of sequences encoding ICK peptides verified by the transcriptome analyses, the present study aimed screening ESTs related to these peptides in other two Loxosceles species (L. gaucho and L. laeta), as well as the obtainment of an ICK recombinant peptide with high similarity to LiTx3 in Pichia pastoris and its biological activity characterization. From total RNA purified from the venom glands of L. gaucho and L. laeta, it was performed the screening of ICK peptides sequences. ESTs coding for all groups of ICK peptides already described were found (LiTx1-4), some of them revealed subtle differences in their primary structures while others showed important divergences, for example, the absence of consensus sequences for posttranslational modifications that are essential for biological activities. The recombinant peptide was produced in different forms, however, SDS-PAGE and western blotting analyses indicated that they were not properly folded or presented unwanted glycosylation. The biological activity of the recombinant peptide was tested in insects microinjection's assays and in vitro cultivated cells, nevertheless no toxic effects were proven. The sequences identified form L. laeta and L. gaucho RNA represent potential molecules to be biotechnologically explored, whereas the studied recombinant peptide must be expressed in other heterologous expressions models in order to obtain it in the native conformation and, thus, verify its biological activity. Keywords: ICK peptides, knottins, Loxosceles, venom, toxins, Pichia pastoris. recombinant peptide was tested in insects microinjection's assays and in vitro cultivated cells, nevertheless no toxic effects were proven. The sequences identified form L. laeta and L. gaucho RNA represent potential molecules to be biotechnologically explored, whereas the studied recombinant peptide must be expressed in other heterologous expressions models in order to obtain it in the native conformation and, thus, verify its biological activity. Keywords: ICK peptides, knottins, Loxosceles, venom, toxins, Pichia pastoris

    Brown Spider (Loxosceles) Venom Toxins as Potential Biotools for the Development of Novel Therapeutics

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    Brown spider envenomation results in dermonecrosis with gravitational spreading characterized by a marked inflammatory reaction and with lower prevalence of systemic manifestations such as renal failure and hematological disturbances. Several toxins make up the venom of these species, and they are mainly peptides and proteins ranging from 5–40 kDa. The venoms have three major families of toxins: phospholipases-D, astacin-like metalloproteases, and the inhibitor cystine knot (ICK) peptides. Serine proteases, serpins, hyaluronidases, venom allergens, and a translationally controlled tumor protein (TCTP) are also present. Toxins hold essential biological properties that enable interactions with a range of distinct molecular targets. Therefore, the application of toxins as research tools and clinical products motivates repurposing their uses of interest. This review aims to discuss possibilities for brown spider venom toxins as putative models for designing molecules likely for therapeutics based on the status quo of brown spider venoms. Herein, we explore new possibilities for the venom components in the context of their biochemical and biological features, likewise their cellular targets, three-dimensional structures, and mechanisms of action

    Production and Functional Evaluation of Anti-<i>Loxosceles</i> Sera Raised by Immunizations of Rabbits with Mutated Recombinant Phospholipases-D

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    Loxoscelism is the clinical condition triggered after the bite of spiders of the genus Loxosceles. The main species involved in accidents in South America are L. intermedia, L. laeta, and L. gaucho. The only specific treatment is the anti-Loxosceles serum produced with crude venoms. As phospholipases D (PLDs) trigger most of the effects observed in accidents, we developed and evaluated second-generation sera using mutated PLDs as antigens. Three isoforms of PLDs with site-directed mutations without biological activities were used for rabbit immunizations: D32A-E34A (L. gaucho), W230A (L. intermedia), and H12A-H47A (L. laeta). Sera were produced using crude venoms of three species of Loxosceles enriched with mutated recombinant PLDs (MIX) or using only mutated PLDs (REC). Immunizations stimulated the immune system from the second immunization with higher antibody production in the REC group. In vivo neutralization assays demonstrated that both sera reduced edema and dermonecrosis caused by Loxosceles intermedia crude venom. Follow-up of animals during the immunization protocols and in the neutralization assays demonstrated that the mutated proteins and the sera are safe. Results demonstrate the potential of using mutated recombinant PLDs in total or partial replacement of Loxosceles venoms in animal immunizations to produce anti-Loxosceles sera for treatments of Loxoscelism

    Active site mapping of Loxosceles phospholipases D: Biochemical and biological features

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    Brown spider phospholipases D from Loxosceles venoms are among the most widely studied toxins since they induce dermonecrosis, triggering inflammatory responses, increase vascular permeability, cause hemolysis, and renal failure. The catalytic (H12 and H47) and metal-ion binding (E32 and D34) residues in Loxosceles intermedia phospholipase D (LiRecDT1) were mutated to understand their roles in the observed activities. All mutants were identified using whole venom serum antibodies and a specific antibody to wild-type LiRecDT1, they were also analyzed by circular dichroism (CD) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The phospholipase D activities of H12A, H47A, H12A-H47A, E32, D34 and E32A-D34A, such as vascular permeability, dermonecrosis, and hemolytic effects were inhibited. The mutant Y228A was equally detrimental to biochemical and biological effects of phospholipase D, suggesting an essential role of this residue in substrate recognition and binding. On the other hand, the mutant C53A-C201A reduced the enzyme's ability to hydrolyze phospholipids and promote dermonecrosis, hemolytic, and vascular effects. These results provide the basis understanding the importance of specific residues in the observed activities and contribute to the design of synthetic and specific inhibitors for Brown spider venom phospholipases D. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.CAPESCNPqFAPESPFA-PRSETI-PRFed Univ Parana UFPR, Dept Cell Biol, Curitiba, Parana, BrazilSao Paulo State Univ UNESP, Dept Phys, Multiuser Ctr Biomol Innovat, Sao Jose Do Rio Preto, SP, BrazilFed Univ Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Biochem, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilNatl Ctr Res Energy & Mat CNPEM, Brazilian Biosci Natl Lab LNBio, Campinas, SP, BrazilFed Univ Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Biochem, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc