4,720 research outputs found

    The great good place : coworking como espaço para aprender design uma framework exploratória

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    Abstract : In this paper we explore a conceptual framework based on three lines of thinking/work from Patrick Cohendet (Underground/Middleground/Upperground), Ray Oldenburg (The Great Good Place), and Fred Garneti (Heutagogy or Self-determined Learning). To demonstrate the relevance and feasibility of our proposed concept, we review the key factors and definitions of these authors and their work. Although not a theoretical framework, the present paper aims to help us map a part of our research work within the context of the Doctoral Programme in Design at IADE / Universidade Europeia, which triangulates Coworking, Design Learning, and Heutagogy or selfdetermined modes of learning. Ultimately, the aim is to generate new evidence on how such a model of Coworking Design Learning can benefit and betier suit contemporary Design learners.Neste artigo, exploramos uma estrutura conceptual baseada em três linhas de pensamento dos autores Patrick Cohendet (Underground / Middleground / Upperground), Ray Oldenburg (The Great Good Place) e Fred Garneti (Heutagogy or Self-determined Learning). Para demonstrar a relevância e a viabilidade da nossa proposta conceptual, revisitamos os principais fatores e definições destes autores e dos seus trabalhos. Embora não constitua uma framework teórica, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo ajudar a mapear parte do nosso trabalho de pesquisa no contexto do Programa de Doutoramento em Design do IADE / Universidade Europeia, que triangula Coworking, Aprendizagem de Design e Heutagogia ou modos autodeterminados de aprendizagem. Em última instância, o objetivo é tentar produzir novas evidências sobre como um modelo de aprendizagem de Design baseado em espaços de Coworking pode beneficiar e adequar-se melhor aos actuais alunos de Design.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Brazil goes BBC? – Guest blog by Fernando Duarte

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    TV in Brazil is just over half a century old. It serves the fifth largest population who make up the 10th biggest economy in the world. Popularly known for micro bikinis, samba and football, Brazil is a booming country with a cultural leadership role in Latin America and increasingly, globally. We think they watch melodramatic soap-operas or tele-novellas, but what is the reality of Brazilian TV? Polis intern and journalist Fernando Duarte reports on how the Brazilian government tried to emulate British public service broadcasting with mixed results

    Calculadoras Gráficas na Matemática

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    Alguns dos objectivos gerais do programa de Matemática do Ensino Secundário são: Interpretar fenómenos e resolver problemas recorrendo a funções e seus gráficos; Exprimir o mesmo conceito em diversas formas e linguagens; Analisar situações da vida real, identificando modelos matemáticos que permitam a sua interpretação e resolução; Formular generalizações a partir de experiências, estando em todos eles presente a dimensão gráfica, sendo por isso indispensável o uso da calculadora gráfica

    Hydroclimate variability in Central America during the Holocene inferred from lacustrine sediments in Lake Izabal, eastern Guatemala

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    Holocene hydroclimate reconstructions have contributed to our understanding of the mechanisms controlling precipitation in Central America. Recent hydroclimate proxy records from the region, however, have revealed considerable spatiotemporal complexity in precipitation variability. This complexity is hypothesized to result from the interaction between multiple oceanic-atmospheric processes that converge in the region. This project analyzed three sediment cores from Lake Izabal, eastern lowland Guatemala, with the goal of understanding changes in precipitation, lake productivity, and lake water chemistry during the Holocene. Our proxy results indicate that precipitation in the region increased from the early to the middle Holocene, when Lake Izabal became a meromictic lake following a marine incursion. Anoxic bottom waters lasted ~3,500 years, preserving 2,186 mm-scale dark and light laminae couplets that are distinctly different in color, composition, and texture. At ~4,800 calibrated years before present (cal yr BP), Lake Izabal became a polymictic lake, and precipitation in the region stabilized, remaining high until ~1,200 cal yr BP, with an abrupt decrease in precipitation thereafter. Our findings indicate that Lake Izabal is highly sensitive to changes in Caribbean sea level and Caribbean sea-surface temperatures, the former controlling lake water chemistry and the latter controlling precipitation. Our results also add to new hydroclimate proxy data from the region, highlighting the complexity in precipitation variability in the area. Additional paleoclimate proxy records from Central America are needed to improve our understanding of how global warming will affect environmental conditions and regional hydroclimate variability --Abstract, page iv

    Conflitos Conjugais e a Estatística

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    Nesta sessão pretendíamos "jogar" com a Estatística, criando um cenário fictício que possibilitasse a aplicação de algumas técnicas da inferência estatístic

    O contributo das informações das forças de segurança num quadro de informações estratégicas

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    O presente trabalho constitui-se como o terminus de um longo percurso decorrido no Curso de formação em Ciências Militares pela Academia Militar. Tem o objetivo de abordar a temática das informações de uma perspetiva holística e por fim avaliar o contributo das informações das Forças de Segurança para as informações estratégicas. Na sua primeira parte, produzida através de pesquisa bibliográfica e normativa introduz os conceitos de dados, notícias e informações. Elabora sobre o Ciclo de Produção de Informações tradicional, introduz os conceitos de Segurança Nacional, Defesa Nacional e Segurança Interna, e relaciona as Forças de Segurança e a sua atividade com a evolução histórica das informações em Portugal. Tendo criado o quadro de referência necessário, inicia a Parte II com a produção prática de um guião de entrevista que se propõe a encontrar resposta para um conjunto de questões através da aplicação de entrevistas a um grupo de elite, cujas conclusões foram: que a atividade de informações realizada pela pelas Forças de Segurança é uma atividade com importância comprovada para a produção de informações estratégicas operacionalizando de forma insubstituível na recolha de dados e notícias. A posição privilegiada e sensibilidade das Forças de Segurança para estar atenta aos detalhes permite detetar mudanças globais e até ameaças futuras. Existindo ainda constrangimentos à eficiência da partilha de informação, acreditamos que a forma de a melhorar passa por mudar as mentalidades de todos aqueles que contribuem para o sistema de Segurança Nacional. Em particular, as Forças de Segurança e os Serviços de Informações, procurando estabelecer um clima de partilha e confiança numa verdadeira união de esforços de cooperação e sinergias, orientadas pelo preceituado na Lei, para uma partilha multidirecional e frutuosa, na prossecução de um objetivo comum, a Segurança Nacional.The present work is the terminus of a long elapsed in the course of training in Military Science for the Military Academy. It aims to address the theme of Intelligence from a holistic perspective and finally assess the contribution of the security forces intelligence for the strategic intelligence. In its first part, produced through literature and normative search, introduces the concepts of data, news and intelligence. Elaborates on the Traditional Intelligence Cycle, introduces the concepts of national security, national defense and homeland security and lists the Security Forces and their activity with the historical evolution of Intelligence in Portugal. Having created the necessary reference frame, the second part begins with methodology used and the production of a script of the interview, set out to find the answer to a series of questions by applying interviews to an elite group. The conclusions were: the intelligence activity held by security forces is an activity with proven importance for the production of strategic intelligence and irreplaceable in collecting data and news. The privileged position and sensitivity of the security forces to be attentive to details allows detecting global changes and even future threats. There are still constraints on the effectiveness of information sharing. We believe that the way to improve the matter, is by changing the mentalities of those who contribute to the national security system, establishing a climate of trust in sharing, developing a synergies and cooperation efforts directed by the provisions of the law to a multidirectional and fruitful sharing in the pursuit of a common goal, national security

    Contribuição para o estudo do bacalhau Gadus morhua

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    Mestrado em Biologia MarinhaTraceability is one of the most used tools to control fish origin and can contribute to improve product quality and safety. However, until now the methods used to identify the fish origin and its chemical and biological characteristics involve the loss of commercial value of the fish sampled. It should be noticed also that all these methods are too time-consuming and have expensive costs for the manufacturing industry. This work was performed based on the real needs of the manufacturing and drying industry of codfish and in a perspective of developing an efficient and inexpensive method for traceability analysis of dry salted codfish species using a PCR-DGGE approach.A rastreabilidade é uma das ferramentas mais usadas no controlo de origem de pescado e pode contribuir para a qualidade e segurança do produto. Contudo, até à data, os métodos usados na identificação da origem do pescado assim como das suas características químicas e biológicas envolve a perda de valor comercial do pescado amostrado. Saliente-se também que todos estes métodos são demasiado morosos e com custos dispendiosos para a indústria de transformação. Este trabalho foi realizado com o sentido de auscultar necessidades reais da indústria de transformação e secagem de bacalhau e numa perspetiva de desenvolvimento de um método eficiente e menos dispendioso de rastreabilidade de espécies de bacalhau salgado seco recorrendo a uma estratégia de PCR-DGGE

    Logoplaste-What are the opportunities in the European dairy industry?

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    Field lab: Entrepreneurial and innovative venturesThis paper studies the internationalization process of Logoplaste in the Rigid Plastic Container Industry, within the Dairy Products Industry. The conception of the implementation strategy required the study of the potential markets and its successful Business Model, derived from its internationalization experience. From all the European countries, Poland met the required conditions and was selected as the one with highest potential. Within Poland, the existent opportunities and the most efficient strategies to follow were addressed, with the entrance in the Yogurts Market being the main recommended tactical decision, as well as the continuity of Logoplaste best practices

    Role of food availability in the bathymetric distribution of the starfish Marthasterias glacialis (Lamk.)on reefs of northern Portugal [Efecto de la disponibilidad alimenticia sobre la distribución batimétrica de la estrella de mar Marthasterias glacialis (Lamk.) en arrecifes del norte de Portugal]

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    We examined whether the abundance and size of the starfish Marthasterias glacialis (Lamk.) exhibit a depth-dependent partitioning on subtidal reefs. We tested the hypothesis that differences in food availability can result in habitat partitioning along a depth gradient. The abundance and size of M. glacialis was registered at 4 depth strata: 0-4 m, 4-8 m, 8-12 m, and \u3e12 m; we also recorded the number of food items that they were preying on. The abundance and size of M. glacialis decreased with depth. Mussels (Mytilus galloprivincialis) were the most preyed food item across all depth strata, followed by gastropods, sea urchins and barnacles; M. glacialis also consumed a significantly larger amount of mussels in feeding experiments compared with sea urchins and gastropods. The abundance of M. galloprivincialis beds decreased with depth. The clear link between the decrease in abundance and size of M. glacialis with depth and the decay of the most consumed prey (mussels) suggest that food availability may play an important role in the vertical distribution of this starfish, though wave-associated turbulence in the first few metres of the subtidal could also limit the abundance of M. glacialis