4,522 research outputs found

    Identification of Reissner's fiber-like glycoproteins in two species of freshwater planarians (Tricladida), by use of specific polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies

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    By using one polyclonal antiserum raised against bovine Reissner's fiber and seven monoclonal antibodies raised against bovine Reissner's fiber and against immunopurified bovine subcommissural organ glycoproteins, we have investigated two freshwater planarian species (Girardia tigrina, Schmidtea mediterranea) by light- and electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry. ELISA probes showed that the monoclonal antibodies recognized different, nonoverlapping, unrepeated, proteinaceous epitopes present in the same compounds of bovine Reissner's fiber. Cells immunoreactive to the polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies were found in the dorsal and ventral integument of both planarian species. Labeled cuboid epidermal cells bore cilia and displayed several types of secretory granules; they were covered by a film of immunoreactive material. Studies on adjacent thin and semithin sections revealed coexistence of label in the same regions and in the same cells when two different monoclonal antibodies were used. These results indicate that a secretory substance immunologically similar to the secretion of the vertebrate subcommissural organ is present in primitive tripoblasts such as planarians, suggesting that these secretions are ancient and well conserved in phylogeny

    Rostral floor plate (flexural organ) secretes glycoproteins immunologically similar to subcommissural organ glycoproteins in dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula) embryos

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    The subcommissural organ of vertebrates secretes glycoproteins into the cerebrospinal fluid of the third cerebral ventricle. This material polymerizes in Reissner's fiber. During ontogenetic development, besides the subcommissural organ, the ependyma lining the pontine flexure constitutes an additional Reissner's fiber-secreting gland named flexural organ. We have studied the secretion of the flexural organ and the subcommissural organ in dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula) embryos using three different antisera and the lectins concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin. AFRU is an antiserum against the bovine Reissner's fiber; Ab-600 is an antiserum against 600 kDa dogfish subcommissural organ glycoproteins; and APSO is an antiserum against immunoaffinity purified bovine subcommissural organ secretory glycoproteins. These three antisera immunostained the flexural organ indicating that it contains epitopes similar to those present in bovine and dogfish subcommissural organ glycoproteins. It seems highly probable that the flexural or an and the subcommissural organ of dogfish embryos secrete similar compound(s). Other ependymal regions were also immunostained with Ab-600 and APSO antisera. Then, Reissner's fiber-like glycoproteins were transiently expressed by most embryonary ependymal cells. These glycoproteins might play a role in the development of the central nervous system of vertebrates. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V

    Quantification of the secretory glycoproteins of the subcommissural organ by a sensitive sandwich ELISA with a polyclonal antibody and a set of monoclonal antibodies against the bovine Reissner's fiber

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    The subcommissural organ (SCO) is an ependymal brain gland that releases glycoproteins into the ventricular cerebrospinal fluid where they condense to form the Reissner's fiber (RF). We have developed a highly sensitive and specific two-antibody sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the quantification of the bovine SCO secretory material. The assay was based on the use of the IgG fraction of a polyclonal antiserum against the bovine RF as capture antibody and a pool of three peroxidase-labeled monoclonal antibodies that recognize non-overlapping epitopes of the RF glycoproteins as detection antibody. The detection limit was 1 ng/ml and the working range extended from 1 to 4000 ng/ml. The calibration curve, generated with RF glycoproteins, showed two linear segments: one of low sensitivity, ranging from 1 to 125 ng/ml, and the other of high sensitivity between 125 and 4000 ng/ml. This assay was highly reproducible (mean intra- and interassay coefficient of variation 2.2% and 5.3%, respectively) and its detectability and sensitivity were higher than those of ELISAs using exclusively either polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies against RF glycoproteins. The assay succeeded in detecting and measuring secretory material in crude extracts of bovine SCO, culture medium supernatant of SCO explants and incubation medium of bovine RF; however, soluble secretory material was not detected in bovine cerebrospinal fluid

    A novel hybrid material with calcium and strontium release capability

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    The preparation of PDMS–TEOS–CaO hybrid materials by sol–gel techniques has been widely described in previous works. Calcium nitrate is the most common source of calcium used in these preparations. However, to remove possible toxic nitrate by-products a thermal treatment is necessary at temperatures above 500 1C, which leads to the degradation of the polymeric components of the hybrids. Strontium has already shown some promising results in the therapeutic area, being used in cases of osteoporosis and low bone density. In this study a new potential bioactive hybrid material was prepared, by sol–gel techniques, using calcium acetate as a novel calcium source. Also, for the first time, incorporation of strontium in a PDMS–TEOS hybrid system was evaluated. Samples were characterized before and after immersion in Kokubo’s Simulated Body Fluid (SBF) by SEM, EDS, ICP and FT-IR spectroscopy

    Prevalence of juvenile idiophatic arthritis in Colombia

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    To estimate the prevalence of Juvenile Idiophatic Arthritis (JIA) in Colombia. This cross-sectional study identified patients with a diagnosis code for AIJ (ICD-10 M08-M09) using a nationally-representative database of health care resource utilization provided by the “Sistema Integral de Información de la Protección Social (SISPRO)” in 2017. In addition, estimated prevalence was contrasted using data of personal history of JIA using a database of patients with ≤ 16 years affiliated to a subsidized-regime insurance company (N = 397,160) of the Caribbean region of Colombia. The estimated prevalences were extrapolated to the overall Colombian population using the demographic projections of individuals with ≤ 16 years of age (14,588,845) provided by the Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadisticas (DANE). In 2017, the prevalence of JIA in the subsidized-regime company was 13 per 100,000 (52/397.160). According to the data of SISPRO the prevalence of JIA in Colombia was 10.9 per 100,000 (1,602/14,588,845). Extrapolating these estimations to the general population of Colombia, the estimated number of prevalent cases of JIA in Colombia could be approximately 1.602 and 1.896 cases, respectively. These estimations are lower in Colombia compared to previously reported prevalence globally (between 60 and 400 cases per 100,000)

    High-throughput sequencing of microRNAs in peripheral blood mononuclear cells: identification of potential weight loss biomarkers

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    INTRODUCTION: MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are being increasingly studied in relation to energy metabolism and body composition homeostasis. Indeed, the quantitative analysis of miRNAs expression in different adiposity conditions may contribute to understand the intimate mechanisms participating in body weight control and to find new biomarkers with diagnostic or prognostic value in obesity management. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was the search for miRNAs in blood cells whose expression could be used as prognostic biomarkers of weight loss. METHODS: Ten Caucasian obese women were selected among the participants in a weight-loss trial that consisted in following an energy-restricted treatment. Weight loss was considered unsuccessful when 5% (responders). At baseline, total miRNA isolated from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was sequenced with SOLiD v4. The miRNA sequencing data were validated by RT-PCR. RESULTS: Differential baseline expression of several miRNAs was found between responders and non-responders. Two miRNAs were up-regulated in the non-responder group (mir-935 and mir-4772) and three others were down-regulated (mir-223, mir-224 and mir-376b). Both mir-935 and mir-4772 showed relevant associations with the magnitude of weight loss, although the expression of other transcripts (mir-874, mir-199b, mir-766, mir-589 and mir-148b) also correlated with weight loss. CONCLUSIONS: This research addresses the use of high-throughput sequencing technologies in the search for miRNA expression biomarkers in obesity, by determining the miRNA transcriptome of PBMC. Basal expression of different miRNAs, particularly mir-935 and mir-4772, could be prognostic biomarkers and may forecast the response to a hypocaloric diet

    Effectiveness of a cardiovascular risk management program in the reduction of premature mortality associated to cardiovascular events in the Caribbean region of Colombia

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    Objectives: To establish the effectiveness of a cardiovascular risk management program [“De Todo Corazon (DTC)” program in Mutual SER-EPS] in the reduction of premature mortality associated to cardiovascular events (CVE) (male , 55 years, female , 60 years). Methods: The population eligible for the study were patients over 18 years of age affiliated to Mutual SER insurance company between June 2015 and June 2018 and residents of the Caribbean region of Colombia, enrolled or not to DTC program in which a cardiovascular event (CVE) occurred. The main outcomes considered were age of occurrence of cardiovascular events (AOCVE), age at death due to CVE (ADCVE) and years life lost (YLL). For the evaluation of the effectiveness, differences in AOCVO, ADCVO and the YPLL between the patients enrolled and nonenrolled in the DTC program were estimated using a Simple Linear Regression model. Results: A total of 3.902 CVE occurred in the study period among both groups. The enrolled patients had an average of AOCVE of 4.96 years (95% CI 3.85-6.06) higher than in non-enrolled patients. The ADCVE average was 4.64 years (95% CI 1.47 - 7.81) higher in the enrolled patients compared with the non-enrolled patients. Patients enrolled in the DTC program had on average -3.54 (95% CI -5.62 - -1.46) YLL compared to the non-enrolled patients. Conclusions: The DTC program in Mutual SER-EPS was effective to delay the AOCVE, ADCVE and YPLL. DTC program is an effective strategy to reduce the incidence and premature mortality due to CVE in the Caribbean region of Colombia

    Bound - states for truncated Coulomb potentials

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    The pseudoperturbative shifted - ll expansion technique PSLET is generalized for states with arbitrary number of nodal zeros. Bound- states energy eigenvalues for two truncated coulombic potentials are calculated using PSLET. In contrast with shifted large-N expansion technique, PSLET results compare excellently with those from direct numerical integration.Comment: TEX file, 22 pages. To appear in J. Phys. A: Math. & Ge

    Association between IL-18 gene polymorphisms and biopsy-proven giant cell arteritis

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    7 pages, 1 figure, 1 table.-- Research article.[Introduction] The objective was to investigate the potential implication of the IL18 gene promoter polymorphisms in the susceptibility to giant-cell arteritis (GCA).[Methods] In total, 212 patients diagnosed with biopsy-proven GCA were included in this study. DNA from patients and matched controls was obtained from peripheral blood. Samples were genotyped for the IL18-137 G>C (rs187238), the IL18-607 C>A (rs1946518), and the IL18-1297 T>C (rs360719) gene polymorphisms with polymerase chain reaction, by using a predesigned TaqMan allele discrimination assay.[Results] No significant association between the IL18-137 G>C polymorphism and GCA was found. However, the IL18 -607 allele A was significantly increased in GCA patients compared with controls (47.8% versus 40.9% in patients and controls respectively; P = 0.02; OR, 1.32; 95% CI, 1.04 to 1.69). It was due to an increased frequency of homozygosity for the IL18 -607 A/A genotype in patients with GCA (20.4%) compared with controls (13.4%) (IL18 -607 A/A versus IL18 -607 A/C plus IL18 -607 C/C genotypes: P = 0.04; OR, 1.59; 95% CI, 1.02 to 2.46). Also, the IL18-1297 allele C was significantly increased in GCA patients (30.7%) compared with controls (23.0%) (P = 0.003; OR, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.13 to 1.95). In this regard, an increased susceptibility to GCA was observed in individuals carrying the IL18-1297 C/C or the IL18-1297 C/T genotypes compared with those carrying the IL18-1297 T/T genotype (IL18-1297 C/C plus IL18-1297 T/C versus IL18-1297 T/T genotype in GCA patients compared with controls: P = 0.005; OR, 1.61; 95% CI, 1.15 to 2.25). We also found an additive effect of the IL18 -1297 and -607 polymorphisms with TLR4 Asp299Gly polymorphism. The OR for GCA was 1.95 for combinations of genotypes with one or two risk alleles, whereas carriers of three or more risk alleles have an OR of 3.7.[Conclusions] Our results show for the first time an implication of IL18 gene-promoter polymorphisms in the susceptibility to biopsy-proven GCA. In addition, an additive effect between the associated IL18 and TLR4 genetic variants was observed.This study was supported by a grant from Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias PI06-0024 (Spain) and in part by Junta de AndalucĂ­a, grupo CTS-180 (Spain). This work was partially supported by the RETICS Program, RD08/0075 (RIER), from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII).Peer reviewe
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