70 research outputs found


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    Climate and planktonic copepods in the Balearic Sea, Western Mediterranean

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    The caudo-ventral pallium is a novel pallial domain expressing Gdf10 and generating Ebf3-positive neurons of the medial amygdala

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    In rodents, the medial nucleus of the amygdala receives direct inputs from the accessory olfactory bulbs and is mainly implicated in pheromone-mediated reproductive and defensive behaviors. The principal neurons of the medial amygdala are GABAergic neurons generated principally in the caudo-ventral medial ganglionic eminence and preoptic area. Beside GABAergic neurons, the medial amygdala also contains glutamatergic Otp-expressing neurons cells generated in the lateral hypothalamic neuroepithelium and a non-well characterized Pax6-positive population. In the present work, we describe a novel glutamatergic Ebf3-expressing neuronal subpopulation distributed within the periphery of the postero-ventral medial amygdala. These neurons are generated in a pallial domain characterized by high expression of Gdf10. This territory is topologically the most caudal tier of the ventral pallium and accordingly, we named it Caudo-Ventral Pallium (CVP). In the absence of Pax6, the CVP is disrupted and Ebf3-expressing neurons fail to be generated. Overall, this work proposes a novel model of the neuronal composition of the medial amygdala and unravels for the first time a new novel pallial subpopulation originating from the CVP and expressing the transcription factor Ebf3.This work was supported by Grants of the French National Research Agency (Agence Nationale de la Recherche; ANR) [ANR-13-BSV4-0011] and by the French Government through the ‘Investments for the Future’ LABEX SIGNALIFE [ANR-11-LABX-0028-01] to M.S., by the Spanish Government (BFU2007-60263 and BFU2010-17305) to A.F, and by the Medical Research Council (MR/K013750/1) to T.T. N.R.-R. is funded by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Ville de Nice, France (“Aide Individuelle aux Jeunes Chercheurs 2016”).Peer reviewe

    Neuronal Migration and Ventral Subtype Identity in the Telencephalon Depend on SOX1

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    Little is known about the molecular mechanisms and intrinsic factors that are responsible for the emergence of neuronal subtype identity. Several transcription factors that are expressed mainly in precursors of the ventral telencephalon have been shown to control neuronal specification, but it has been unclear whether subtype identity is also specified in these precursors, or if this happens in postmitotic neurons, and whether it involves the same or different factors. SOX1, an HMG box transcription factor, is expressed widely in neural precursors along with the two other SOXB1 subfamily members, SOX2 and SOX3, and all three have been implicated in neurogenesis. SOX1 is also uniquely expressed at a high level in the majority of telencephalic neurons that constitute the ventral striatum (VS). These neurons are missing in Sox1-null mutant mice. In the present study, we have addressed the requirement for SOX1 at a cellular level, revealing both the nature and timing of the defect. By generating a novel Sox1-null allele expressing β-galactosidase, we found that the VS precursors and their early neuronal differentiation are unaffected in the absence of SOX1, but the prospective neurons fail to migrate to their appropriate position. Furthermore, the migration of non-Sox1-expressing VS neurons (such as those expressing Pax6) was also affected in the absence of SOX1, suggesting that Sox1-expressing neurons play a role in structuring the area of the VS. To test whether SOX1 is required in postmitotic cells for the emergence of VS neuronal identity, we generated mice in which Sox1 expression was directed to all ventral telencephalic precursors, but to only a very few VS neurons. These mice again lacked most of the VS, indicating that SOX1 expression in precursors is not sufficient for VS development. Conversely, the few neurons in which Sox1 expression was maintained were able to migrate to the VS. In conclusion, Sox1 expression in precursors is not sufficient for VS neuronal identity and migration, but this is accomplished in postmitotic cells, which require the continued presence of SOX1. Our data also suggest that other SOXB1 members showing expression in specific neuronal populations are likely to play continuous roles from the establishment of precursors to their final differentiation

    Contrasting Responses to Harvesting and Environmental Drivers of Fast and Slow Life History Species

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    According to their main life history traits, organisms can be arranged in a continuum from fast (species with small body size, short lifespan and high fecundity) to slow (species with opposite characteristics). Life history determines the responses of organisms to natural and anthropogenic factors, as slow species are expected to be more sensitive than fast species to perturbations. Owing to their contrasting traits, cephalopods and elasmobranchs are typical examples of fast and slow strategies, respectively. We investigated the responses of these two contrasting strategies to fishing exploitation and environmental conditions (temperature, productivity and depth) using generalized additive models. Our results confirmed the foreseen contrasting responses of cephalopods and elasmobranchs to natural (environment) and anthropogenic (harvesting) influences. Even though a priori foreseen, we did expect neither the clear-cut differential responses between groups nor the homogeneous sensitivity to the same factors within the two taxonomic groups. Apart from depth, which affected both groups equally, cephalopods and elasmobranchs were exclusively affected by environmental conditions and fishing exploitation, respectively. Owing to its short, annual cycle, cephalopods do not have overlapping generations and consequently lack the buffering effects conferred by different age classes observed in multi-aged species such as elasmobranchs. We suggest that cephalopods are sensitive to short-term perturbations, such as seasonal environmental changes, because they lack this buffering effect but they are in turn not influenced by continuous, long-term moderate disturbances such as fishing because of its high population growth and turnover. The contrary would apply to elasmobranchs, whose multi-aged population structure would buffer the seasonal environmental effects, but they would display strong responses to uninterrupted harvesting due to its low population resilience. Besides providing empirical evidence to the theoretically predicted contrasting responses of cephalopods and elasmobranchs to disturbances, our results are useful for the sustainable exploitation of these resourcesVersión del editor4,411

    Seasonal and interannual variability of zooplankton community in waters off Mallorca island (Balearic Sea, Western Mediterranean): 1994-1999

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    During 1994-1999, the mesozooplankton community was sampled monthly in the upper sea layer (up to 100 m) along a cross-shelf transect of three stations in waters off Mallorca island. Copepods formed the most abundant group (54%) followed by appendicularians (17%), cladocerans and meroplankton larvae (13%). The abundance of all these groups decreased in the offshore direction but it was not the case for other zooplankton groups. A clear seasonal cycle was evident consisting of a general decrease of the abundance from the beginning to the end of the year. In addition to the general increase during late winter and spring, an absolute maximum was detected in May, particularly important at the neritic station and a relative maximum in March and October. During this annual cycle, the community structure was almost maintained. An interannual trend was also present, characterized by an overall decrease in the total zooplankton abundance from 1994 to 1999. Concurrent measurements of water and air temperature show that this trend was correlated with a warming of coastal waters of atmospherical origin. In particular. a marked minimum in zooplankton abundance was recorded during 1998, which was the warmest year registered. During 1997-1998, the warming was also associated with the presence of fresh, nutrient-poor southern waters of Atlantic origin.De 1994 à 1999, la communauté superficielle du mésozooplancton des cent premiers mètres a été échantillonnée le long d'une radiale de trois stations au large de Majorque. Les copépodes représentent le groupe le plus abondant (54 %) suivi des appendiculaires (17 %), des cladocères et des larves de méroplancton (13 %). L'abondance de ces groupes décroît au fur et à mesure que l'on s'éloigne de la côte, ce qui n'est pas le cas pour les autres groupes de zooplancton. Le cycle saisonnier est très marqué, avec une diminution générale de l'abondance entre le début et la fin de l'année. L'augmentation pendant la première moitié de l'année est marqué par un maximum détecté au printemps, particulièrement important au niveau de la station néritique, et un maximum relatif pendant l'hiver et l'automne. Cet écart s'amoindrit cependant au large. On remarque une tendance interannuelle caractérisée par une diminution générale de l'abondance totale du zooplancton entre 1994 et 1999. Des mesures de la température de l'eau et de l'air démontrent que cette tendance est liée à un réchauffement d'origine atmosphérique des eaux du plateau continental. En 1998, l'année la plus chaude, on a enregistré un minimum important de l'abondance du zooplancton. En 1997 et 1998, les températures élevées étaient liées à la présence de masses d'eau plus chaude venue du sud, moins riches en sels nutritifs et d'origine Atlantique

    Decadal Trends in the Zooplankton Community of the Western Mediterranean

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    Decadal trends in the zooplankton community were seasonally investigated in multiple monitoring transects of the western Mediterranean Sea during a period of increasing and record-high water temperatures. The transition area around the Baleares archipelago can be separated into two regions: the Alborán Sea and the Balearic Sea. Differences were found in the abundance and structure of the dominant zooplankton groups: the cladocerans and copepods. The highest zooplankton abundances were found during the stratified summer season, when cladoceran numbers peaked. However, copepods were more abundant during the winter. A marked seasonality was found in all groups and the dominant taxa: 114 species of copepods and 5 species of cladocerans were identified, but less than 8 species of copepods and 2 species of cladocerans dominated the populations. During the 2007–2017 study, warm and salty waters were observed in the Balearic Sea. In the Alborán Sea, cool and fresh waters were observed, along with a decline in chlorophyll. Irregular group and species trends were observed in both regions, exhibiting both increases and decreases depending on region and season. Trends differed, often oppositely, for the Alborán versus the Balearic Sea, with the transition region between them mirroring one or the other, switching with the seasons. The most dominant species, including Penilia avirostris and Clausocalanus arcuicornis, but also Evadne spinifera, C. lividus, C. furcatus, Paracalanus parvus, Acartia clausi, Centropages typicus, Subeucalanus monachus, and Calanus helgolandicus, are proposed as biological tracers to be used in further studies on climate and zooplankton community changes in the western Mediterranean Sea