6,927 research outputs found

    A Radio Spectral Line Study of the 2-Jy IRAS-NVSS Sample: Part I

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    We present results from an on-going survey for the HI 21 cm line and the OH 18 cm lines in IR galaxies with the Arecibo 305 m Radio Telescope. The observations of 85 galaxies extracted from the 2 Jy IRAS-NVSS sample in the R.A. (B1950) range 20 h-00 h are reported in this paper. We detected the HI 21 cm line in 82 of these galaxies, with 18 being new detections, and the OH 18 cm lines in 7 galaxies, with 4 being new detections. In some cases, the HI spectra show the classic double-horned or single-peaked emission profiles. However, the majority exhibit distorted HI spectral features indicating that the galaxies are in interacting and/or merging systems. From these HI and OH observations, various properties of the sample are derived and reported.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures, 9 tables. Accepted for publication in A

    Evaluation of gene-based family-based methods to detect novel genes associated with familial late onset Alzheimer disease

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    AbstractGene-based tests to study the combined effect of rare variants towards a particular phenotype have been widely developed for case-control studies, but their evolution and adaptation for family-based studies, especially for complex incomplete families, has been slower. In this study, we have performed a practical examination of all the latest gene-based methods available for family-based study designs using both simulated and real datasets. We have examined the performance of several collapsing, variance-component and transmission disequilibrium tests across eight different software and twenty-two models utilizing a cohort of 285 families (N=1,235) with late-onset Alzheimer disease (LOAD). After a thorough examination of each of these tests, we propose a methodological approach to identify, with high confidence, genes associated with the studied phenotype with high confidence and we provide recommendations to select the best software and model for family-based gene-based analyses. Additionally, in our dataset, we identified PTK2B, a GWAS candidate gene for sporadic AD, along with six novel genes (CHRD, CLCN2, HDLBP, CPAMD8, NLRP9, MAS1L) as candidates genes for familial LOAD.</jats:p

    Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy with no anastomosis

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    From the first radical prostatectomy (RP), this kind of surgeries have always led to the need of a vesicourethral anastomosis (VUA). We present a case of a 65 year-old patient with diagnosis of prostate cancer and candidate for laparoscopic RP. The approach was a conventional extraperitoneal access with complete urethral sparing that avoids the need of VUA. Bladder catheter was removed on the third postoperative day observing immediate urinary continence. The anatomopathological analysis revealed a pT2 adenocarcinoma with negative margins. We report for the first time, a minimally invasive technique that avoids the need of VUA with favorable functional results

    Microgrids Views From a Geographic Information System

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    Currently, Ecuador advocates a change in the energy matrix, academic centers should develop a strategy that allows them to short and medium-term training specialists give technical responses to this proposal it must create the conditions in college so that future generations be able to link the processes of investment in energy with the territorial space. The Technical University of Manabí (UTM) has proposed a research project funded by the National Secretary of Planning and Development of Ecuador (Senplades), aimed at boosting sustainable energy solutions that are based on the technical philosophy of microgrids with the use of renewable energy sources (RES). In this paper the spatial information related to solar energy potential of the province of Manabí, Ecuador\u27s, managed by a geographic information system (GIS) as an integration tool that provides information on objectives that interact with microgrids shown, also the importance of its use as a management tool projects related to the use of RES and instrumentation aimed at ensuring innovative solutions to support the change of energy matrix from a territorial perspective is exposed

    LC-IMS-HRMS for identification of biomarkers in untargeted metabolomics: The effects of pterostilbene and resveratrol consumption in liver steatosis, animal model

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    Untargeted metabolomics with the combination of ion mobility separation coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry (IMS-HRMS) was applied to investigate the impact of resveratrol and pterostilbene supplementation on the metabolic fingerprint of the Wistar rats liver with induced liver steatosis. RP-LC and HILIC in both ionisation modes were employed to analyse the liver samples (n = 40) from Wistar rats fed with a high-fat and high-fructose diet, supplemented or not with resveratrol and pterostilbene. After univariate and multivariate statistical analysis, 34 metabolites were highlighted in the different diets and elucidated. Despite the structural similarity, different alterations in liver metabolism were observed by the supplementations. Resveratrol treatment was characterised by the alteration in metabolism of 17 lysophospholipids, while pterostilbene affected some vitamins and derivatives, among others. IMS has demonstrated great potential in the elucidation process thanks to the additional structural descriptor the CCS (Å2), providing more confidence in the identification

    Challenges and Technical Requirements for Integration of Renewable Energy Sources in Cuban Electric System

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    The decision of the Cuban Government to massively introduce Renewable Energy Sources (RES) as a way to change the energy matrix, and in particular, the electricity matrix, is presented as an opportunity to introduce not only sources of energy friendly with the environment, but also make the contributions that, without limiting the development of the country, respond to the UN Millennium Development Goals (UNMDG). However, the large-scale use of RESs in an electrical system such as Cuba, isolated and not interconnected to other systems, can have a group of challenges that must be taken into consideration when it is exploited, since it does not incorporate only new technologies, some of which depend on weather conditions such as solar, wind and hydro technology for the production of electricity, but allow us to think about the introduction of emerging technologies that can increase the penetration of RES in the electrical system and introduce new management concepts, both territorially and nationally. The present work reflects on this, from some experiences that have been analyzed in different research works carried out at CIPEL, plus other International experiences

    Nodular Mucinosis of the Breast in a Male : Reassessment of Diagnostic Criteria and Proposal for Its Classification as a Soft Tissue Tumor in the Myofibroblastoma and Spindle Cell Lipoma Spectrum

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    Nodular mucinosis of the breast (NMB) is a rare entity with only a few cases described in the literature, most of them in young girls. All cases are located in the nipple and areolar area and microscopically consist of a multinodular myxoid mesenchymal proliferation. Bands of sclerotic collagen containing preexisting breast ducts and abundant vascularization are other features typical of NMB. No relation to Carney complex has been reported, and an indolent behavior is the rule in all patients. We present a case of NMB occurring in the nipple of a 46-year-old man and analyze the clinicopathological features of the other cases of NMB reported in the English literature, concluding that two of them most likely correspond to trauma-induced cutaneous focal mucinosis of the mammary areola. Finally, we review diagnostic criteria for NMB and elaborate an ontogenetic hypothesis based on both its morphological resemblance to myofibroblastoma and its immunohistochemical profile

    Coffee resistance to the main diseases : leaf rust and coffee berry disease

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    Sucesso considerável tem sido obtido no uso do melhoramento clássico para o controle de doenças de plantas economicamente importantes, tais como a ferrugem alaranjada das folhas e a antracnose dos frutos do cafeeiro (CBD). Há um grande consenso de que o uso de plantas geneticamente resistentes é o meio mais apropriado e eficaz em termos de custos do controle das doenças das plantas, sendo também um dos elementos chave do melhoramento da produção agrícola. Tem sido também reconhecido que um melhor conhecimento do agente patogênico e dos mecanismos de defesa das plantas permitirá o desenvolvimento de novas abordagens no sentido de aumentar a durabilidade da resistência. Após uma breve descrição de conceitos na área da resistência das plantas às doenças, nesta revisão tentou-se dar uma idéia do progresso na investigação da ferrugem alaranjada do cafeeiro e do CBD relativamente ao processo de infecção e variabilidade dos agentes patogênicos, melhoramento do cafeeiro para a resistência e mecanismos de resistência do cafeeiro

    Butane Dry Reforming Catalyzed by Cobalt Oxide Supported on Ti2AlC MAX Phase

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    MAX (M(n+1)AX(n)) phases are layered carbides or nitrides with a high thermal and mechanical bulk stability. Recently, it was shown that their surface structure can be modified to form a thin non-stoichiometric oxide layer, which can catalyze the oxidative dehydrogenation of butane. Here, the use of a Ti2AlC MAX phase as a support for cobalt oxide was explored for the dry reforming of butane with CO2, comparing this new catalyst to more traditional materials. The catalyst was active and selective to synthesis gas. Although the surface structure changed during the reaction, the activity remained stable. Under the same conditions, a titania-supported cobalt oxide catalyst gave low activity and stability due to the agglomeration of cobalt oxide particles. The Co3O4/Al(2)O(3)catalyst was active, but the acidic surface led to a faster deactivation. The less acidic surface of the Ti2AlC was better at inhibiting coke formation. Thanks to their thermal stability and acid-base properties, MAX phases are promising supports for CO(2)conversion reactions