485 research outputs found

     Egg Consumption and Human Health

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    The purpose of this Special Issue, “Egg Consumption and Human Health,” is two-fold: 1) to address the lack of effect of eggs in increasing heart disease risk (this discussion will be based on what is known from epidemiological analysis and clinical interventions) and 2) to focus on the role of eggs in protecting against chronic disease. Eggs are more than just a cholesterol-containing food. They possess numerous nutritional benefits. This Special Issue will discuss eggs as a source of high-quality protein for individuals across the life spectrum, as a substantial source of choline (a known neurotransmitter involved in cognitive function), and as a source of highly bioavailable lutein and zeaxanthin (two carotenoids well-recognized for their major role in protecting against age-related macular degeneration and cataracts, as well as for their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties). Finally, the potential of incorporating eggs for weight loss interventions, due to their low glycemic index and their satiety effects, will also be discussed

    Guinea pigs: A suitable animal model to study lipoprotein metabolism, atherosclerosis and inflammation

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    Numerous animal models have been used to study diet effects on cholesterol and lipoprotein metabolism. However, most of those models differ from humans in the plasma distribution of cholesterol and in the processing of lipoproteins in the plasma compartment. Although transgenic or knock-out mice have been used to study a specific pathway involved in cholesterol metabolism, these data are of limited use because other metabolic pathways and responses to interventions may differ from the human condition. Carbohydrate restricted diets have been shown to reduce plasma triglycerides, increase HDL cholesterol and promote the formation of larger, less atherogenic LDL. However, the mechanisms behind these responses and the relation to atherosclerotic events in the aorta have not been explored in detail due to the lack of an appropriate animal model. Guinea pigs carry the majority of the cholesterol in LDL and possess cholesterol ester transfer protein and lipoprotein lipase activities, which results in reverse cholesterol transport and delipidation cascades equivalent to the human situation. Further, carbohydrate restriction has been shown to alter the distribution of LDL subfractions, to decrease cholesterol accumulation in aortas and to decrease aortic cytokine expression. It is the purpose of this review to discuss the use of guinea pigs as useful models to evaluate diet effects on lipoprotein metabolism, atherosclerosis and inflammation with an emphasis on carbohydrate restricted diets

    Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors in College Students

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    More than one-half of young adults aged 18–24 y have at least 1 coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factor and nearly one-quarter have advanced atherosclerotic lesions. The extent of atherosclerosis is directly correlated with the number of risk factors. Unhealthy dietary choices made by this age group contribute to weight gain and dyslipidemia. Risk factor profiles in young adulthood strongly predict long-term CHD risk. Early detection is critical to identify individuals at risk and to promote lifestyle changes before disease progression occurs. Despite the presence of risk factors and pathological changes, risk assessment and disease prevention efforts are lacking in this age group. Most young adults are not screened and are unaware of their risk. This review provides pathological evidence along with current risk factor prevalence data to demonstrate the need for early detection. Eighty percent of heart disease is preventable through diet and lifestyle, and young adults are ideal targets for prevention efforts because they are in the process of establishing lifestyle habits, which track forward into adulthood. This review aims to establish the need for increased screening, risk assessment, education, and management in young adults. These essential screening efforts should include the assessment of all CHD risk factors and lifestyle habits (diet, exercise, and smoking), blood pressure, glucose, and body mass index in addition to the traditional lipid panel for effective long-term risk reduction

    Las imprecisiones en el delito de tráfico de influencias

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se titula “Las imprecisiones en el delito de tráfico de influencias”, tiene como objetivo analizar cuáles son las imprecisiones presentes en la estructura del delito de tráfico de influencias tipificadas en el código penal peruano y entender los criterios de los magistrados al momento de administrar justicia debido a la vaguedad que presenta la tipificación del delito con la finalidad de evitar las injusticias e impunidad. El delito de tráfico de influencias se encuentra regulado en el Título XVIII, Capítulo III, Artículo 400° del Código Penal Peruano, el cual reza de la siguiente forma: «El que, invocando o teniendo influencias reales o simuladas, recibe, hace dar o prometer para sí o para un tercero, donativo o promesa o cualquier otra ventaja o beneficio con el ofrecimiento de interceder ante un funcionario o servidor público que ha de conocer, esté conociendo o haya conocido un caso judicial o administrativo, será reprimido con pena privativa de libertad no menor de 4 ni mayor de 6 años; inhabilitación, según corresponda, conforme a los incisos 2,3,4 y 8 del artículo 36; y con 180 a 365 días-multa. Si el agente es un funcionario o servidor público, será reprimido con pena privativa de libertad no menor de cuatro ni mayor de ocho años; inhabilitación, según corresponda, conforme a los incisos 1, 2 y 8 del artículo 36; y con trescientos sesenta y cinco a setecientos treinta días-multa». v Ambos supuestos (real y simulado) están descritos en el mismo párrafo y reciben el mismo tratamiento (consecuencia), tanto en la modalidad básica (primer párrafo) como en los casos agravados en razón del agente, cuando el autor es un funcionario o servidor público (segundo párrafo), es decir, el legislador da un tratamiento equivalente, en cuanto a la pena, al tráfico real y simulado, tanto en la modalidad básica como en la agravada. Este párrafo es el sustento de la presente investigación

    Field sampling and flow injection strategies for trace analysis and element speciation.

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    Over the last two decades research has shown that the different forms of trace elements in the environment can cause a variety of health concerns as a result of differences in toxicity. The need to establish efficient, effective and reliable speciation methods has become paramount. A basic aim of this work has been to advance speciation measurement capability for key trace elements (mercury, lead and chromium) by devising an integrated analytical approach that links the sample collection, sample preservation and laboratory measurements in an unified manner.An introductory chapter first reviews the occurrence of organometallic compounds in the environment and focuses on the identification of the "environmental compartments" where transformations of such species can take place. Speciation studies also assist in understanding the biogeochemical cycling of trace elements. Moreover, a review of the various methodologies used for trace element speciation measurements including hyphenated techniques and/or a variety of chemical/physical pretreatments in combination with flow injection (FI) is discussed.Chapter 2 describes mercury speciation experiments utilising gas chromatography-microwave induced plasma-atomic emission spectrometry (GC-MIP-AES) and FI. The approach was based on the preconcentration of mercury on sulphydryl cotton and after elution from the microcolumn, separation and quantitation of methyl-, ethyl- and inorganic mercury species. Method development experiments were performed using a derivatisation technique which gave low contamination and allowed rapid analysis of samples. The microcolumn technique was transferred to the field and speciation of mercury in surface waters of the Manchester Ship Canal was undertaken and high methylmercury concentrations (0.052-0.182 ug 1 -1, as Hg) were detected. In so doing the new approach offered the preservation of the natural speciation state of the water sample directly at the sampling site and during the interval between collection and analysis.In chapter 3 lead studies are centred on the development of a rapid speciation scheme for neutral and cationic (organic and inorganic) lead species based on activated alumina microcolumn separation in combination with ICP-MS and FI. The approach permitted rapid assessment of the nature of lead contamination in environmental waters. Speciation of lead in surface waters of the Manchester Ship Canal was also undertaken using the field sampling approach in an attempt to confirm a transmethyllation reaction between organolead and inorganic mercury.A further application for microcolumns, in the context of speciation measurement, is their use as external calibrants and certified reference materials (CRMs) and this is discussed in the penultimate chapter. Key elements were mercury and chromium. After immobilisation of mercury species on SCF microcolumns it was found that recoveries for methyl- and inorganic mercury were quantitative over 4 months in contrast to ethylmercury which was 2 months. Similar studies for chromium species indicated ineffective elution and more vigorous conditions (microwave assisted digestion) for the elution step were used.A final chapter reviews progress and recommendations are given concerning future research and application for microcolumn field sampling in combination with instrumental analytical techniques

    Influence of nanoscale defects on the improvement of photocatalytic activity of Ag/ZnO

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    This study presents the advances in the field of ZnO/Ag catalysts from the synthesis of hierarchical ZnO nanowires (NWs) decorated with Ag nanoparticles, prepared by a facile solvothermal method at 120°C. It evaluates the photocatalytic efficiency from studying the time reaction of Ag/Zn concentration ratio and the presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as an organic dispersant. X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, and analytical/high-resolution transmission electron microscopy results confirmed the presence of homogeneous cylindrical ZnO nanowires and quasi-spherical Ag crystals. ZnO NWs exhibited hexagonal wurtzite structure and cubic FCC symmetry in Ag nanoparticles (NPS). Two types of nanostructures, including homogeneous cylindrical ZnO NWs in the absence of Ag and simultaneous presence of ZnO NWs and Ag NPs, formed depending on experimental conditions. The photocatalytic activity was evaluated by studying methylene blue (MB) degradation time under UV light excitation. Diffuse reflectance UV–Vis spectrophotometry (UV–Vis DRS) allowed identifying the ZnO absorption band at ~393 nm. Crystal size varied depending on the reaction time and the addition of CTAB. Synthesis time increased bandgap values, getting better photocatalytic performance in samples synthesized in intermediate times (6 h), higher Ag+/Zn2+ molar ratio (0.2/1.0), and CTAB. According to HRTEM observations, the presence of silver nanocrystals with high content of defects (twinning, stacking faults) could play an essential role in the photocatalytic response. In this context, the specific synthesis conditions of Ag/ZnO might be more appropriate for their use in organic dyes degradation in water and the potential use in protective treatments against materials biodeterioration processes. © 2022 The Author

    Segregação urbana na américa latina e suas dinâmicas :uma perspectiva histórica da paisagem urbana / Urban segregation in latin america and its dynamics :a historical perspective of the urban landscape

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    Latino-América cresce economicamente graças a suas cidades cada vez mais globais, mas a desigualdade é uma realidade até certo ponto consolidada na sua sociedade. Para aprofundar o debate da cidade como produto morfológico social, o seguinte trabalho analisa a produção de diferentes paisagens urbanas latino-americanas através de um dos fenômenos mais frequentes da região que é a segregação socioespacial, ao longo de diferentes eventos históricos e contemporâneos. Para um enfoque além do morfológico é abordada a temática da interação territorial intraurbana e como a gestão político-econômica precedente e atual afeta, de maneira física e cultural, o espaço urbano. Desta forma se pretende apontar a cidade da América Latina como fonte de estudos da interação entre a desigualdade histórica e o atual sistema dominante


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    The following paper presents the conceptual basis of Political Ecology and how its transdisciplinarity establishes the eco-political perspective as a holistic analysis tool for social and environmental problems. Emphasis is placed on the socio-environmental situation of urbanization in Latin America, which portrays phenomena such as megalopolization, inequality and segregation; which are presented as products of the interaction of political, social, economic and environmental elements. It is also exposed on how segregation can be instrumentalized, by a sector of the population, to structure and expand the city irregularly. Likewise, it is observed that with the segregative process two types of city are created; one with all urban benefits and the other ignored by the state, but both interacting in the same urban space. Taking into account the rhetoric of political ecology, it is intended to briefly characterize the invisible city, which was structured outside the urban center and that resists precariousness through adaptive methods that are not always regular. This multithematic characterization of the city provided by Political Ecology reinforces and diversifies the debate on the production of the peripheral city.Por meio do seguinte trabalho se apresentam as bases conceituais da Ecologia Política e como a sua transdisciplinaridade estabelece a perspectiva eco-política como uma ferramenta de análise holística para problemas socioambientais. Faz-se uma ênfase na conjuntura socioambiental da urbanização da América Latina, a qual retrata fenômenos como a megalopolização, desigualdade e a segregação; os quais se apresentam como produtos da interação de elementos políticos, sociais, econômicos e ambientais. Expõe-se também sobre como a segregação pode ser instrumentalizada, por um setor da população, para estruturar e expandir a cidade de maneira irregular. Observa-se ainda que, com o processo segregativo se criam dois tipos de cidades; uma com todos os benefícios urbanos e outra ignorada pelo Estado, mas ambas interagindo na mesma urbe. Finalmente, considerando a retórica da Ecologia Política, pretende-se caracterizar de forma breve a cidade invisibilizada, aquela que foi estruturada afastada do centro urbano e que resiste a precariedade por meio de métodos adaptativos não sempre regulares. Essa caracterização multitemática da cidade, fornecida pela Ecologia Política, reforça e diversifica o debate da produção da cidade periférica

    Ectomicorrizas presentes en la plantación trufera “Los Quejigares” (Soria)

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    En este trabajo se describen las ectomicorrizas presentes en 16 plantas de Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp. de 22 años, de la finca de 600 ha que gestiona AROTZ-CATESA en el término municipal de Villaciervos (Soria). Además se presentan los porcentajes de micorrización de las ectomicorrizas más interesantes. Este estudio se incluye dentro del proyecto LIFE 99 ENV/E/000356 “Revalorización de bosques productores de trufa: un ejemplo de gestión sostenible”. SUMMARY: This study describes the ectomycorrhiza occurring in 16 twenty-two years old seedlings of Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp., in the plot of 600 ha that AROTZ-CATESA manages in of Villaciervos (Soria). Mycorrhization percentages of the most interesting ectomycorrhiza are also reported. This study is included in the project LIFE 99 ENV/E/000356 "Truffled Mediterranean forest improvement: an example of sustanaible management”

    Egg intake during carbohydrate restriction alters peripheral blood mononuclear cell inflammation and cholesterol homeostasis in metabolic syndrome

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    Egg yolk contains bioactive components that improve plasma inflammatory markers and HDL profiles in metabolic syndrome (MetS) under carbohydrate restriction. We further sought to determine whether egg yolk intake affects peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) inflammation and cholesterol homeostasis in MetS, as HDL and its associated lipid transporter ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) reduce the inflammatory potential of leukocytes through modulation of cellular cholesterol content and distribution. Thirty-seven men and women classified with MetS consumed a moderate carbohydrate-restricted diet (25%–30% of energy) for 12 weeks, in addition to consuming either three whole eggs per day (EGG) or the equivalent amount of yolk-free egg substitute (SUB). Interestingly, lipopolysaccharide-induced PBMC IL-1β and TNFα secretion increased from baseline to week 12 in the SUB group only, despite increases in PBMC toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) mRNA expression in the EGG group. Compared to baseline, ABCA1 and 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl (HMG)-CoA reductase mRNA expression increased by week 12 in the EGG group only, whereas changes in PBMC total cholesterol positively correlated with changes in lipid raft content. Together, these findings suggest that intake of whole eggs during carbohydrate restriction alters PBMC inflammation and cholesterol homeostasis in MetS