169 research outputs found

    Paradigmas do Bioma Pampa : aspectos ambientais e atual panorama legal

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    O crescimento de estudos e atividades de pesquisa sobre a riqueza e diversidade dos elementos que compõem o Bioma Pampa está se tornando cada vez mais comum, proporcionando conhecimento e compreensão do funcionamento desse ecossistema, o que torna ainda mais importante a criação de mecanismos eficientes na sua conservação e proteção. Por essa razão, este trabalho apresenta uma análise da legislação aplicável na proteção do Pampa a fim de avaliar o grau de relevância das leis existentes na efetivação da proteção ambiental e apontar alguns desafios relacionados à aplicação prática desses instrumentos nos três países (Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai) que dispõe de grandes áreas desse bioma em seus territórios. Trata-se de pesquisa descritiva não-experimental, ou seja, que busca descrever fenômenos. O estudo será longitudinal, analisando determinado aspecto da realidade ao longo do tempo, com foco principal na existência da legislação ambiental voltada à proteção do Pampa, utilizando-se de dados primários e secundários. Também apontamos a necessidade do desenvolvimento de estratégias que integrem o setor produtivo com grupos multidisciplinares que atuam em prol da sua conservação, como a maneira mais ágil e eficiente para se alcançar resultados concretos em termos de uma efetiva manutenção das funções e recursos naturais do Bioma Pampa.The increase of studies and research activities about the richness and diversity of the elements that make up the Pampa Biome is becoming gradually more common, providing knowledge and understanding of the functioning of this ecosystem, which makes it even more important to create efficient mechanisms in its conservation and protection. This work presents an analysis of the legislation applicable to the protection of the Pampa. The objective is to evaluate the relevance degree of the existing laws in the implementation of environmental protection and to identify some challenges related to the practical application of these instruments in the three countries (Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay), that have large areas of this biome in their territories. It is a non-experimental descriptive research, i.e., this work seeks to describe a phenomenon. The study will be longitudinal, analyzing a certain aspect of reality over time, with a primary focus on the existence of environmental legislation aimed to protect the Pampa, using primary and secondary data. We also point out the need to develop strategies that integrate the productive sector with multidisciplinary groups that work towards its conservation, as the most agile and efficient way to achieve concrete results in terms of an effective maintenance of the functions and natural resources of the Pampa Biome

    Comparing open wound measuring methods popularly used in experimental studies

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    O reparo tecidual surge em resposta às lesões e constitui-se de um processo dinâmico para manutenção da integridade do organismo. Nos estudos sobre cicatrização de feridas, tem se utilizado várias técnicas buscando-se uma avaliação da eficácia de meios de tratamento local. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho objetivou comparar três métodos de avaliação experimental de áreas de feridas, sendo eles: o método do relógio, papel milimetrado e avaliação computadorizada. Para realização do experimento, foram utilizados 30 ratos Wistar em condições de bem-estar. Após realizada a anestesia, foram confeccionadas duas lesões no dorso de cada animal com punch de 8 mm, sendo as feridas avaliadas após quatro, sete e 14 dias de tratamento. Observou-se que aos quatro dias de tratamento, todos os métodos apresentaram o mesmo desempenho, enquanto aos sete e 14 dias, o método do relógio, apresentou maior média de área, perdendo precisão, e aos 14 dias, a avaliação computadorizada apresentou resultados mais precisos em relação a ambos os outros métodos. Concluiu-se que a avaliação computadorizada através de software de áreas de feridas cutâneas apresenta resultados mais precisos em relação aos métodos do relógio e papel milimetrado, principalmente em lesões menores.Tissue repair is a response reaction to lesions and aggressions that constitutes a dynamic process to maintain the integrity of the organism. Wound healing experiments have used several approaches in order to assess and compare treatment methods, and these discrepancies hamper comparisons among assays. This study assessed three different methods of wound measurement commonly used in healing assays: clock method, graph paper method, and computer-assisted image analysis. We used 30 Wistar rats, kept in appropriate conditions for animal well-being. After anesthesia, and using an eight-millimeter punch, two lesions were made in the back region of each rat. The wounds were assessed on days four, seven, and 14 after infliction. At four days, all methods generated similar results. By day seven, the clock method had lost precision, likely due to wound shrinkage, and yielded greater means compared to the other two methods. On the last assessment, the computer-assisted method appeared to have more precise results, with the other two generating statistically higher means. Computer-assisted image analysis seems to have maintained wound measuring precision throughout this experiment, even when faced with small lesions. Considering these results, the authors recommend the use of computer-assisted measurements in future experiments

    O Ensino Colaborativo Como Prática De Iniciação À Docência Em Educação Especial: Anos Finais Do Ensino Fundamental / Collaborative Education As A Practice To Begin Teachers In Special Education: Final Years Of Fundamental Education

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    O presente artigo relata as ações realizadas no ano 2017 no projeto de extensão “O ensino colaborativo e à docência articulada como práticas na iniciação à docência em educação especial”, vinculado a Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM), foram desenvolvidas as propostas de ensino colaborativo e o trabalho articulado com Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE), para alunos com Deficiência Intelectual (DI) em uma escola da cidade de Santa Maria, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Buscando parcerias entre professores do ensino regular e acadêmicos do Curso de Educação Especial. No projeto contou com a participação da direção da escola, a educadora especial, e os professores dos anos finais do ensino fundamental.  As acadêmicas colaboradoras iniciaram suas atividades na escola, no segundo semestre de 2016, durante as reuniões de exposição da proposta do projeto aos professores e equipe diretiva da escola, afim de proporcionar um melhor entendimento aos professores sobre os conceitos básicos do ensino colaborativo, do AEE e consequentemente, sobre trabalho docente articulado. No texto serão descritas as ações que foram desenvolvidas durante a trajetória das bolsistas na escola, assim como, as atividades propostas e percepções dos professores sobre a abordagem do projeto de extensão. Desse modo, entende-se que o desenvolvimento do projeto na escola, estimulou os professores a observar os alunos de formas diferentes, destacando que planejamento de aula não é pensado individualmente para cada aluno, mas podendo ser trabalhando de forma participativa com todos, olhando também para as singularidades dos alunos. Assim, proporcionando formas mais independentes e atividades concretas para o desenvolvimento do aluno com deficiência e os demais

    Pacientes com carcinoma de células escamosas - relação do tratamento com o prognóstico

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    Background: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a malignant cutaneous neoplasm which occurs frequently in small animals. Histopathology or fine needle aspiration cytology is necessary to confirm diagnosis; macroscopic diagnosis is not possible since the lesions are very similar to others of distinct etiologies. Owing to the fact that it is a neoplasm, diagnosis and treatment are usually not well accepted by owners, especially since it can cause esthetic changes to the animal and adjunct treatments can cause unwanted side effects. The objective of this study was to report clinical cases of SCC with distinct tumor subtypes and relate the recommended treatment with prognosis of patients.Case: Two dogs and one cat with SCC that were subjected to physical and dermatological examination, and tested negative for sporotrichosis, cryptococcosis, and manges. Dog 1 (male, 9-year-old, yellow Labrador retriever) exhibited inspiratory dyspnea for three weeks owing to an ulcerative hemorrhagic lesion on the nose. In view of the site of the lesion, a radiographic exam was requested, and the bony portion of the septum was found to be compromised. Cat 2 (female, 10-year-old, bicolor, mixed-breed cat) exhibited a focal, punctate, ulcerated, hemorrhagic lesion on the nose. Dog 3 (female, 10-year-old, white Dogo Argentino) exhibited several ulcerative lesions, and papulae, plaques and comedones on the ventral region of the abdomen.Treatment for deep pyoderma and comedone syndrome were initially instituted; on follow-up, more ulcerative lesions were present, which prompted the inclusion of neoplasm as a differential diagnosis. In cases 1 and 3, histopathology was performed with diagnosis of undifferentiated and differentiated SCC, respectively. In both cases, surgical margins were compromised after resection of the lesion. In case 2, high malignancy SCC was diagnosed with cytology. Use of sunscreen was recommended in all cases, as well as avoidance of sun exposure during the hours not recommended by the National Cancer Institute. In case 1, a nosectomy with partial resection of the nasal septum was recommended as well as chemotherapy with intra-tumoral administration of carboplatin (1.5 mg/cm3 of lesion) and vincristine sulfate (0.05 mg/ kg/IV/week) every 15 days.However, the owner opted for the nosectomy alone with one month of chemotherapy with vincristine sulfate. In case 2, polychemotherapy was instituted using daunorubicin (4 mg/kg/IV/week) and vincristine sulfate (0.05 mg/kg/IV/week) every 15 days for four weeks, with maintenance for six weeks, with total remission of the lesion at the end of treatment. In case 3, eight intralesional chemotherapy sessions were performed (carboplatin – 1.5 mg/cm3 of lesion) every 15 days; maintenance was kept for two months with biweekly administration. The patient exhibited actinic lesions on the third month after the protocol was suspended, which was treated with isotretinoin (3 mg/kg/day PO) until remission; reduction of solar exposure was recommended. The animal in case 1 exhibited intense dyspnea three months after the end of treatment and the lesion was incompatible with preservation of quality of life and euthanasia was performed. In the other two cases, patients were followed-up annually and remained in remission throughout life.Discussion: Adherence to proposed treatment by the owner is directly related to a better prognosis. On the punctate and focal lesion in the cat, administrations of daunorubicin (4 mg/kg/IV/week) and vincristine sulfate (0.05 mg/kg/IV/week) in a total of 10 cycles resulted in an excellent prognosis. On the dog with multifocal lesions, partial resection and intralesional administration of carboplatin (1.5 mg/lesion/cm3) in a total of eight biweekly applications following maintenance for two months resulted in a good prognosis

    Bone impairment in adolescent female rats chronically exposed to ethanol

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    258-262Ethanol consumption has increased among teenagers worldwide considerably,including females. Long-term ethanol consumption in women has been reported to cause bone metabolism imbalance. However, only few studies are available on the impact of long-term ethanol consumptionon bone morphology during adolescence. Here, we report the effects of chronic ethanol consumption on bone structure in adolescent female rats. Twenty female Wistar rats (35 days old) received, by gavage, distilled water (control) or ethanol (6.5 g/kg/day, 22.5% w/v) once daily for 55 days. After ethanol administration, animals were perfused, and the femora were collected. Morphometric evaluations were performed by electron microscopy scanning. Femora length, cortical bone thickness and medullar bone diameter was measured. The results demonstrated that ethanol exposure during adolescence reduced the length of femurs, with a decrease of the anterior thickness, posterior thickness, and mid-lateral diameter (P<0.05). Thus, long-term ethanol intake may lead to alterations on bone morphometry, reducing the thickness of compact bone and femur length in adolescent females

    Incontinência urinária em mulheres idosas e qualidade de vida: sua relação com o fortalecimento do assoalho pélvico

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    A incontinência urinária é uma perda involuntária de urina, distúrbio mais prevalente em mulheres idosas e que contribuem para um problema psicológico, social e biológico. As principais causas são alterações teciduais da senilidade que comprometem o trato urinário inferior e o assoalho pélvico, doença que gera um grande impacto sobre a qualidade de vida da paciente. O objetivo do presente trabalho é apresentar a importância do fortalecimento do assoalho pélvico em mulheres idosas em busca da qualidade de vida e sua relação com a incontinência urinária. Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa, que se apresenta dividida nos seguintes tópicos: Fisiologia do assoalho pélvico, Fatores de risco para o enfraquecimento do assoalho pélvico e tratamento, Perda da qualidade de vida, Estratégias para o fortalecimento do assoalho pélvico e as contribuições da enfermagem. Constatou-se que o cuidado da enfermagem através de educação em saúde para prevenção e incentivo dos exercícios do Assoalho pélvico, contribuem para o fortalecimento do tônus muscular, redução da incontinência urinária e qualidade de vida das mulheres idosas

    Consumo Alimentar e Atividade Física de Universitários de Enfermagem em Tempos de Pandemia por COVID-19 / Food Consumption and Physical Activity of Nursing University Students in Times of Pandemic by COVID-19

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    Após a chegada do coronavírus ao Brasil, medidas de segurança foram tomadas para contenção da doença, como o isolamento social, causando grandes impactos na vida das pessoas, principalmente estudantes, que tiveram que se adaptar a uma nova rotina de aulas remotas. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar o consumo alimentar e a mudança na rotina de atividade física de estudantes de enfermagem durante o período de pandemia por Covid-19. Tratou-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo, no qual foram utilizados dados quantitativos. Dessa forma, evidenciou-se que, durante o período de isolamento social e de quarentena doméstica, ocorreram mudanças no comportamento alimentar e nos padrões de atividade física, influenciando no peso corporal, na saúde e no bem-estar dos estudantes. Conclui-se que o esforço na escolha de um estilo de vida saudável tem sido uma grande responsabilidade dos indivíduos durante a pandemia de Covid-19 e deve ser incentivado

    TPCS/PBAT blown extruded films added with curcumin as a technological approach for active packaging materials

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    The development of active packaging is a relevant topic demanding the development of films with diverse properties to preserve specific foodstuff. The objective of this work was to obtain extruded TPCS/PBAT films containing curcumin and evaluate it as an active antimicrobial and antioxidant packaging to protect chia oil from oxidative degradation. Morphology, thermal, mechanical, antimicrobial, and antioxidant evaluation of the films were conducted to determine whether the presence of curcumin affected the film’s properties. Infrared Spectroscopy indicated that curcumin addition affected the crosslinking reaction between citric acid and starch, which explains the changes in hydrophilicity and mechanical strength of the films. The incorporation of curcumin conferred antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram-negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli) bacteria, as well as antioxidant activity. Films were tested as chia oil packaging, being verified that they successfully prevented oil degradation under accelerated stability test (60 °C for 7 days), demonstrating the feasibility of using TPCS/PBAT biodegradable films containing curcumin to obtain active packaging materials.Authors thank to CNPq (Chamada Universal– MCTI/CNPq Nº 14/2014, Processo 447768/2014-0), CAPES (Coordenação de Pessoal de Nível Superior Master's scholarship) and Fundação Araucária (Programa Universal/Pesquisa Básica e Aplicada 24/2012, protocolo 7334133700514041013) for the finantial support. This work was financially supported by Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM (UID/EQU/50020/2019) funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC), and Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal). CIMO (UID/AGR/00690/2019) through FEDER under Program PT2020. To the national funding by FCT, P.I., through the institutional scientific employment program-contract for I.P. Fernandes contract.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Consumo de suplementos alimentares e recursos ergogênicos por mulheres praticantes de musculação em Ubá-MG

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    Introdução: Tem sido observado no Brasil o uso abusivo de suplementos alimentares e drogas, em locais onde existe a prática de exercícios físicos. Objetivo: Verificar a prevalência de consumo de suplementos alimentares (SA) e recursos ergogênicos (RE) em mulheres praticantes de musculação nas academias de Ubá-MG, bem como averiguar o nível de conhecimento sobre eles. Materiais e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo, em que foram entrevistadas 70 mulheres voluntárias, com idades entre 19 a 56 anos, praticantes de musculação. Para obter os dados, aplicou-se um questionário contendo 17 perguntas de múltipla escolha sobre consumo de suplemento, tipo de suplemento, indicação de produto, entre outras. A análise dos dados foi realizada através de uma estatística descritiva. Resultados: Quando questionadas sobre o conhecimento acerca de RE e SA, a maioria das avaliadas afirmaram conhecer (92,9%), mencionou como as principais fontes de informação a internet (53,8%) e professores de academias (40,0%). Verificou-se ainda que 61,4% das avaliadas admitiram fazer uso de RE e SA, sendo que a maioria o fazia de forma contínua (41,9%), por indicação do professor de academia (48,8%) e com objetivos estéticos (51,2%). Dentre os produtos mais citados, encontram-se o Whey Protein (80,0%) e o BCAA (48,6%). Conclusão: Os RE e SA estão sendo consumidos em exagero por praticantes de musculação do sexo feminino nas academias da cidade de Ubá-MG, e de forma indevida, sem a devida orientação de um especialista. ABSTRACTConsumption dietary supplements and ergogenic resources by resistance training practitioners in Ubá-MGIntroduction: It has been observed in Brazil the abusive use of food supplements and drugs, in places where there is physical exercise. Objective: To determine the prevalence of consumption of dietary supplements (SA) and ergogenic resources (RE) in women resistance training practitioners in gyms Ubá-MG, and ascertain the level of knowledge about them. Materials and Methods: A descriptive study was done, they were interviewed 70 female volunteers aged 19-56 years resistance training practitioners. To get the data, we applied a questionnaire containing 17 multiple choice questions on supplement intake, type of supplement, product indication, among others. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics. Results: When asked about the knowledge of RE and SA, most said they knew (92.9%) mentioned as the main sources of information the internet (53.8%) and teachers of gyms (40.0%). It was also found that 61.4% of the assessed admitted to use of RE and SA, and most did so continuously (41.9%), indicated by the teachers of gyms (48.8%) and goals aesthetic (51.2%). Among the most frequently cited products are whey protein (80.0%) and BCAA (48.6%). Conclusion: RE and SA are being consumed in exaggeration by female resistance training practitioners in the gyms of the city of Ubá-MG, and improperly without proper guidance from an expert

    Eugenia uniflora

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    Eugenia uniflora L. is a member of the Myrtaceae family and is commonly known as Brazilian cherry tree. In this study, we evaluated the chemical composition of Eugenia uniflora L. essential oil (EuEO) by using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and assessed its anti-Leishmania activity. We also explored the potential mechanisms of action and cytotoxicity of EuEO. Thirty-two compounds were identified, which constituted 92.65% of the total oil composition. The most abundant components were sesquiterpenes (91.92%), with curzerene (47.3%), γ-elemene (14.25%), and trans-β-elemenone (10.4%) being the major constituents. The bioactivity shown by EuEO against promastigotes (IC50, 3.04 μg·mL−1) and amastigotes (IC50, 1.92 μg·mL−1) suggested significant anti-Leishmania activity. In the cytotoxicity determination, EuEO was 20 times more toxic to amastigotes than to macrophages. Hemolytic activity was 63.22% at the highest concentration tested (400 μg·mL−1); however, there appeared to be no toxicity at 50 μg·mL−1. While the data show that EuEO activity is not mediated by nitric oxide production, they do suggest that macrophage activation may be involved in EuEO anti-Leishmania activity, as evidenced by increases in both the phagocytic capacity and the lysosomal activity. More studies are needed to determine in vivo activity as well as additional mechanisms of the anti-Leishmania activity