848 research outputs found

    Prevalência da violência contra as pessoas idosas: uma revisão crítica da literatura

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    Os estudos de prevalência sobre a violência contra as pessoas idosas, em contexto familiar, desenvolvidos nas três últimas décadas, especialmente na Europa e países anglo-saxónicos, não são suficientemente esclarecedores, por insuficiências na definição dos modelos teóricos e nos conceitos operatórios. Neste artigo de revisão sistemática da literatura identifica-se a diversidade de definições e desenhos de investigação, com impacto inevitável nas variações das estimativas. Também a perceção da opinião pública europeia sobre o problema colide com os baixos valores estimados. Procurar-se-á refletir sobre as razões subjacentes a essas representações e refletir criticamente sobre as estimativas dos estudos de prevalência de base populacional.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologi

    Velhice, solidariedades familiares e política social: itinerário de pesquisa em torno do aumento da esperança de vida

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    O envelhecimento demográfico das populações é um fenómeno irreversível das nossas sociedades modernas. Os impactes que se têm vindo a fazer sentir, entre os quais sobressai a sustentabilidade financeira dos sistemas de reformas, interferem nos equilíbrios individuais e colectivos, relativos às idades da vida e ao ciclo de vida ternário. Velhos e reformados são agora duas categorias sociais, dois conceitos que tendem a demarcar-se. A velhice surge então associada às dificuldades decorrentes da aquisição gradual de incapacidades. A família, as solidariedades intergeracionais e as políticas sociais debatem-se com este desafio, procurando encontrar as melhores soluções e as respostas mais adequadas à diversidade dos problemas.The demographic ageing of the population is an irreversible phenomenon of our modern societies. Its impacts - particularly on the financial sustainability of retirement systems - are interfering with both individual and collective balances in terms of age and the ternary life cycle. The elderly and the retired are now social categories - concepts - that are tending to demarcate themselves from the rest of society. Old age is increasingly an issue that is associated with the gradual acquisition of disabilities. The family, intergenerational solidarities and social policies are all wrestling with this challenge and are trying to find the best solutions and the most suitable responses to the wide variety of problems involved.Le vieillissement démographique des populations est un phénomène irréversible de nos sociétés modernes. Les impacts qui se font sentir, parmi lesquels la durabilité et la stabilité financière des systèmes de retraite, remettent en question les équilibres individuels et collectifs, relatifs aux âges de la vie et au cycle de vie ternaire. Vieux et retraités sont désormais deux catégories sociales, deux concepts qui tendent à se démarquer. La vieillesse est en effet associée aux difficultés inhérentes à l'acquisition progressive d'incapacités. La famille, les solidarités inter-générations et les politiques sociales sont confrontées à ce défi et s'efforcent de trouver les meilleures solutions et les réponses les mieux adaptées à la diversité des problèmes.El envejecimiento demográfico de las poblaciones es un fenómeno irreversible de nuestras sociedades modernas. Los impactos que se vienen sintiendo, entre los que sobresale la sustentabilidad financiera de los sistemas de jubilación, interfieren en los equilibrios individuales y colectivos, relativos a las edades de la vida, y al ciclo de vida terciario. Viejos y jubilados son ahora dos categorías sociales, dos conceptos que tienden a distinguirse. La vejez surge asociada a las dificultades causadas por la adquisición de incapacidades. La familia, la solidaridad entre generaciones y las políticas sociales se enfrentan con este desafío procurando encontrar las mejores soluciones y las respuestas más adecuadas a la diversidad de los problemas

    Building a model to analyse and compare social policies on ageing

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    Demographic ageing results in issues both for individuals and for organizations, with regards to social, economic and health issues. The challenge for public policies is to create the adequate resources and to adapt devices, in order to facilitate and allow an ageing process with well-being. The WHO’s proposal of Active Ageing has a great potential in guiding ageing policies, in particular local interventions. In this research we aimed to convert the active ageing concept into a practical instrument, built for use by policy-makers, researchers and stakeholders to evaluate and compare different social policies on ageing. We have proceeded to the validation of both the content and the design of the instrument, using the Delphi technique. Through the instrument created, it will be possible to analyse ageing policies from the active ageing point of view, to compare programmes and communities/organizations, to share the best policy practices and identify the least appropriate policy actions as the intervention priorities, adjusting and improving them.O envelhecimento populacional representa desafios para os indivíduos e para as organizações, no que respeita a questões económicas, sociais e de saúde. As políticas públicas procuram criar os recursos adequados e adaptar os dispositivos existentes, de forma que facilite e possibilitar às pessoas um processo de envelhecimento com bem-estar. O paradigma de envelhecimento ativo, tal como é proposto pela OMS, tem grandes potencialidades na orientação das políticas dirigidas ao envelhecimento, em particular das intervenções locais. Nesta pesquisa propusemo-nos converter o conceito de envelhecimento ativo num instrumento de ordem prática, construído para ser aplicado por formuladores de políticas e investigadores, para avaliar e comparar diferentes políticas sociais relacionadas com o envelhecimento. Procedemos a uma validação de conteúdo e de construção do instrumento através da técnica Delphi. Através do instrumento criado, será possível analisar as políticas de acordo com a perspectiva de envelhecimento ativo, comparar programas e comunidades ou organizações, partilhar as boas práticas e identificar as ações políticas menos apropriadas, considerando-as prioridades de intervenção, adequando-as e melhorando-as.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identifying priorities for aging policies in two Portuguese communities

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    The aging population has an impact on health, social and economic issues in regards to individuals, communities and organizations. The challenge for local policies in response to aging is to create sufficient resources to meet the population’s needs, wishes and rights as people age. Active aging constitutes one of the guiding perspectives on policies. Taking into account the local governance perspective, the instrument MALPA was created in order to convert the active aging paradigm into a practical approach, as a technique to evaluate and analyze local aging policies. In this research, the MALPA instrument was applied in two Portuguese communities (Coruche and Oeiras). The objective was to identify the intervention priorities of aging policies in both communities, determining if the instrument can facilitate the development of proposals for the improvement of local aging policies. It was possible to evaluate the communities and programs, identifying the least appropriate policy actions regarding the intervention priorities. The results allowed us to identify 10 priorities about: collaborative governance, involvement of the elderly in the policy making process, lifelong learning, economic hardship, policies for all ages, isolated vulnerable and fragile groups, intergenerational contacts, safety in all policies, labor opportunities and conditions and transport network improvement.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    TORGA.net: the trans Portugal-Galicia communication network

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    The Trans Portugal Galicia Network Project, TORGA.net, was a proposal to the Program Interregional IIIA, Galicia – North of Portugal sub-program with the following partners: University of Minho, University of Vigo, Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia and the Centro de Computação Gráfica in Guimarães. It has as its main objective the creation of infrastructures and the organization and development of the space beyond borders. The project proposes to establish a broadband communication network with reduced operational costs that links the campuses of the Universities of Vigo and Minho, as well as their associated Technological Centers, which are the Supercomputación de Galicia and the Centro de Computação Gráfica in Guimarães. Using this telecommunications infrastructure, Access Centers will be installed in a Technology Access Grid, which will allow distance work sessions such as seminars, lessons, or discussion meetings.Momentan arbeiten die Bildungs-, Forschungs- und Entwicklungs- Einrichtungen von Galicien und dem Norden von Portugal nur gelegentlich und auf einzelne Projekte beschränkt zusammen, obwohl sich längst herausgestellt hat, welche Synergien aus dieser Kooperation entstehen. Auf Grund dessen sieht das Torga.net Projekt die Implementierung einer Breitband- Kommunikations-Infrastruktur vor. Diese wird die Problematik, die durch die geringe Zusammenarbeit beider Regionen entsteht, reduzieren und den Zugang und das Teilen von Wissen erleichtern. Aufbauend auf dieser Kommunikationsplattform sind Lösungen der kooperativen Arbeit vorgesehen. Videokonferenzen und E-Learning dienen dabei als Unterstützung für dieb Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Institutionen beiderseits der Grenzen.União Europeia (UE) - Interregional IIIA, Galicia – North of Portugal Program - Direcção-Geral do Desenvolvimento Regional Secretaria de Estado de Presupuestos y Gastos

    Semi-Automatization of Support Vector Machines to Map Lithium (Li) Bearing Pegmatites

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    Machine learning (ML) algorithms have shown great performance in geological remote sensing applications. The study area of this work was the Fregeneda-Almendra region (Spain-Portugal) where the support vector machine (SVM) was employed. Lithium (Li)-pegmatite exploration using satellite data presents some challenges since pegmatites are, by nature, small, narrow bodies. Consequently, the following objectives were defined: (i) train several SVM's on Sentinel-2 images with different parameters to find the optimal model; (ii) assess the impact of imbalanced data; (iii) develop a successful methodological approach to delineate target areas for Li-exploration. Parameter optimization and model evaluation was accomplished by a two-staged grid-search with cross-validation. Several new methodological advances were proposed, including a region of interest (ROI)-based splitting strategy to create the training and test subsets, a semi-automatization of the classification process, and the application of a more innovative and adequate metric score to choose the best model. The proposed methodology obtained good results, identifying known Li-pegmatite occurrences as well as other target areas for Li-exploration. Also, the results showed that the class imbalance had a negative impact on the SVM performance since known Li-pegmatite occurrences were not identified. The potentials and limitations of the methodology proposed are highlighted and its applicability to other case studies is discussed

    Is it possible to correlate various physicochemical properties of Natural Deep eutectic systems in order to predict their behaviours as solvents?

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    Funding Information: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 – European Research Council (ERC) – under grant agreement No ERC-2016-CoG 725034. The authors also greatly thanks to Professor Madalena Dionísio and the technician Maurício Malheiro for all the support and instruments made available. Funding Information: This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 – European Research Council (ERC) – under grant agreement No ERC-2016-CoG 725034. The authors also greatly thanks to Professor Madalena Dionísio and the technician Maurício Malheiro for all the support and instruments made available. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Author(s)The classification of Natural Deep Eutectic Systems (NADES) as promising alternative solvents for the 21st century has been reported. Although this is mainly due to their very interesting characteristics that have attracted the attention of the scientific community, there is, however, a lack of information regarding many physicochemical properties of these compounds. Therefore, the main objective of this work was to characterize and relate the properties, both of hydrophilic and hydrophilic NADES, regarding their water content, density, viscosity, refractive index, dielectric constant, dipole moment, surface tension, as well solvatochromic parameters. Comparatively to the set of organic solvents also explored, it was observed that for these parameters studied, the values of hydrophilic systems are mostly higher than those of organic solvents, which in turn tend to be higher than those of hydrophobic systems. Moreover, the analysis of solvatochromic parameters (polarity and Kamlet-Taft parameters) provided new evidence for the usefulness of NADES as potential substitute solvents for sustainable development. Finally, regarding the general list of compounds, it was proved with statistical parameters (Pearson correlation coefficient and p-value) that most of the studied properties are strong and significantly correlated with each other.publishersversionpublishe

    A funcionalidade dos mais idosos (>= 75 anos): conceitos, perfil e oportunidades de um grupo heterogéneo

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    Conhecer a funcionalidade de dois grupos de idosos (75-84 anos e ≥85 anos) e sua associação com idade e gênero. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo observacional do tipo analítico e transversal, cuja amostra foi constituída por indivíduos de ambos os sexos com idade ≥75 anos. Foi recolhida informação relativa a condição de saúde e funcionalidade pré-morbilidade. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram um questionário de caracterização sociodemográfica e o Método de Avaliação Biopsicossocial. Resultados: A amostra foi constituída por 262 idosos com média de idade de 82,9 ± 4,86 anos, dos quais 161 (61,5%) eram mulheres. Os mais velhos (≥85 anos) viviam mais isolados (p=0,020) e tinham menores habilitações literárias (p=0,027), apresentando mais limitações em utilizar escadas (p=0,015), no banho (p=0,008), na continência fecal (p=0,015) e em todas as atividades instrumentais (p<0,031). As mulheres apresentavam maior vulnerabilidade no estado civil (p<0,001) e no status econômico (p=0,009), enquanto os homens tinham piores resultados nas quedas (p=0,003) e nos comportamentos de risco (p<0,001). O desempenho na locomoção e nas atividades básicas e instrumentais era semelhante entre os sexos. Conclusões: As variáveis de natureza social apresentaram-se diferentes quanto à idade e ao gênero. As componentes da funcionalidade – locomoção, atividades diárias básicas e atividades instrumentais – apresentaram maiores limitações nos idosos com idade ≥ 85 anos, sobretudo as instrumentais. Não se encontraram diferenças na funcionalidade em relação ao gênero.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio