2,785 research outputs found

    About the flora of Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca, Argentina. Environment and palaeo-environment

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    Se presenta una síntesis de los trabajos realizados en relación con la identificación de especies vegetales en el marco de las investigaciones arqueobotánicas llevadas a cabo en el área de Antofagasta de la Sierra, durante las campañas arqueológicas realizadas en los años 1994-2000. Se incluye un listado de especies con su correspondiente ejemplar de referencia, usos y, especialmente, las descripciones anatómicas de los taxones recuperados en los sitios arqueológicos excavados en el área. En primer término, se describen las transectas realizadas a partir de los sitios arqueológicos estudiados; para cada una de ellas, se presenta un listado de las especies vegetales colectadas u observadas durante las mismas. En segundo lugar, se describe el uso actual y se señala el nombre vernáculo. Luego, se presenta la descripción anatómica (corte transversal y longitudinal) de cada uno de los taxones presentes en los sitios arqueológicos con las correspondientes fotomicrografías obtenidas con microscopio óptico y/o microscopio electrónico de barrido (MEB). Finalmente, se discute el uso en la actualidad y en el pasado de las especies recuperadas en los sitios arqueológicos del área de estudio, destacando aquellos aspectos que suponen cambio y continuidad a través del tiempo.Se presenta una síntesis de los trabajos realizados sobre la identificación, anatomía y usos de especies vegetales, actuales y recuperadas en el marco de las investigaciones arqueobotánicas, llevadas a cabo en Antofagasta de la Sierra durante las campañas arqueológicas realizadas en los años 1994-2000. Se describen las transectas realizadas a partir de los sitios arqueológicos estudiados, las asociaciones vegetales características y se presenta un listado de las especies vegetales halladas. Se describe el uso actual y se señala el nombre vernáculo para cada taxón. Luego, se presenta una descripción anatómica de tallo, raíz u hoja, dependiendo del caso, de cada uno de los taxones presentes en los sitios arqueológicos, identificados por medio de la comparación anatómica con material actual de referencia; se presentan las correspondientes fotomicrografías obtenidas con microscopio óptico y/o microscopio electrónico de barrido. Finalmente, se discute el uso, en la actualidad y en el pasado, de las especies recuperadas en los sitios arqueológicos del área de estudio, destacando aquellos aspectos que suponen cambio y continuidad a través del tiempo.Fil: Rodriguez, Maria Fernanda. Secretaría de Cultura de la Nación. Dirección Nacional de Cultura y Museos. Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin


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    Evaluación – prueba de habilidades prácticas CCNA.

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    Actualmente las redes de comunicación son necesarias para la humanidad, así mismo, gracias a la competitividad la evolución de esta ha sido inminente. Un ejemplo de lo anterior son las redes informáticas, estas son una de las formas utilizadas para conectar distintos dispositivos informáticos ejecutando un intercambio de comunicación de datos, en donde no solo se utiliza el cableado como infraestructura, sino que también a los enrutadores, servidores y demás dispositivos que intervienen en esta comunicación. En el presente diplomado denominado Profundización CISCO (Diseño e implementación de soluciones integradas LAN / WAN) se abordaron diferentes temáticas, tales como, exploración de redes, configuración de un sistema operativo de red, protocolos, comunicaciones de red, acceso a la red, ethernet, capa de red, enrutamiento dinámico, OSPF de una sola área, listas de control de acceso, DHCP, traducción de direcciones IP para IPV4, entre otras, conocimientos que enriquecieron el desarrollo profesional de cada uno de los estudiantes y que aporta a la sociedad en esta especialidad.Currently communication networks are necessary for humanity, likewise, thanks to competitiveness the evolution of this has been imminent. An example of the above are computer networks, these are one of the ways used to connect different computing devices by executing an exchange of data communication, where not only wiring is used as infrastructure, but also to routers, servers and other devices involved in this communication. In this diplomat called Deepening CISCO (Design and implementation of integrated LAN / WAN solutions) different topics were addressed, such as, network exploration, configuration of a network operating system, protocols, network communications, network access, ethernet, network layer, dynamic routing , single area OSPF, access control lists, DHCP, IP address translation for IPV4, among others, knowledges that enriches the professional development of each student and that society provides in this specialty

    The role of glucosinolates and iodine on thyroid hormone concentrations in mares and foals

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    Adequate levels of thyroid hormones and iodine are essential for health and normal fetal development. Disruptions in maternal iodine metabolism during pregnancy or transfer of iodine to the fetus may cause fetal thyroid dysfunction, which may lead to severe negative effects on development and organ maturation. A syndrome characterized by prolonged gestational length, moderate to severe musculoskeletal deformities such as contracted tendons, failure of tarsal and/or carpal ossification, prognathia, signs of dysmaturity and goiter called congenital hypothyroidism dysmaturity syndrome in foals (CHDS) has been described. The risk factors for CHDS include a lack of trace mineral supplementation and consumption of Brassicaceae family plants containing glucosinolates (GSL) during pregnancy. Glucosinolates have negative effects on thyroid function and animal health in other species. There are no previous reports on the effects of GSL on thyroid function and iodine levels in horses at any age and physiologic state. There is also a lack of robust information on iodine levels in mares and foals in different body fluids and secretions despite the prevalence of CHDS in foals in Western Canada, where Brassica family GSL plants are widely cultivated, mustard family GSL containing weeds are abundant and soil iodine concentrations are inadequate. We hypothesized that the combination of a low iodine and a glucosinolate (GSL) (sinigrin) containing diet fed for 3 months to non-pregnant mares would affect thyroid hormones and serum iodine concentrations in non-pregnant mares and that colostrum, milk and serum iodine levels and thyroid hormone concentrations would decrease over time in healthy post-partum mares and foals. Nineteen mares aged 2 to 14 years were divided into Control with iodine supplementation and, Low (20 mmol/day) and High GSL (35 mmol/day) diet groups without iodine supplementation. Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation tests and serum iodine measurements were performed at 0 and 12 weeks. Total triiodothyronine (TT3), total thyroxine (TT4) and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations at baseline and in post-TRH samples were measured. The post-TRH fold changes (FC) were calculated for TSH, TT3 and TT4. There was a group and group by week interaction (P <0.001) in TT4 FC values, with week 12 Control concentrations higher (P < 0.006) than all groups. Iodine concentrations decreased (P < 0.002) in GSL mares. Additionally, colostrum, milk and blood samples from ten draft mares and foals, with an estimated intake of 39 mg iodine per day per mare during pregnancy were obtained at foaling date and 10 days later. Measurements included: mare basal concentrations of serum: TT3, TT4, iodine; iodine in colostrum at day 0 and milk iodine (day 10); foal basal TT3, TT4 and serum iodine (day 0 and 10). Median ± SE foal serum iodine (268.5 ± 7.6 µg/L), TT4 (1225 ± 47.8 nmol/L) and TT3 (14.2 ± 1.1 nmol/L) at foaling date were higher than at 10 days (70 ± 3.6 µg/L; 69.6. ± 20.4 nmol/L; 5.4 ± 0.3 nmol/L, respectively). Colostrum iodine levels (165 ± 15.1 µg/L) were higher than milk (48 ± 5.6 µg/L) levels. In conclusion, the effect of sinigrin along with a low iodine supplemented diet did not have a negative impact on body weight and overall health in non-pregnant mares, but T4 responsiveness and iodine levels decrease after 12 weeks. Similar controlled studies on the effects of GSL should be performed in pregnant mares in which thyroid function and adequate levels of iodine are more critical for the developing fetus. Furthermore, nutritional studies with known and confirmed iodine intakes should be performed to determine robust reference ranges for iodine levels in serum, colostrum and milk from mare and foal pairs at different ages.

    How do your rivals' releasing dates affect your box office?

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    In this paper, we study to what extent a movie's box office receipts are affected by the temporal distribution of rival films. We propose a theoretical model that analyses the effects of past, present and future releases on a film's results. Using this model we can analyse how rivals' release dates impact on others' box office revenues. This theoretical model also allows us to carry out some comparative statics by changing some relevant parameters such as time depreciation, film quality or the timeline of exhibition. We have tested the empirical implications of this model using information on the films released in five countries: the USA, the United Kingdom, Germany, France and Spain. In order to maintain a degree of homogeneity, we have constructed an unbalanced panel consisting of films that were released in at least three of these countries. The geographical dimension of our data set allows us to use panel data techniques to control for unobserved heterogeneity among the films released. This allows us to control for one of the most relevant features of the movie market, namely the presence of highly differentiated products.temporal competition, movie exhibition, film industry, panel data, unobserved heterogeneity, differentiated product

    Centralidade urbana: configuração espacial e condições socioeconômicas na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil

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    Este artigo explora São Paulo, a maior cidade da América do Sul. O crescimento da cidade caracteriza-se por um deslocamento do centro urbano em direção ao sudoeste. Este teve consequências deletérias sobre o centro histórico, que sofreu uma deterioração do seu ambiente construído e um aumento da privação socioeconômica. Este artigo examina como a morfologia transformada de São Paulo no século XXI afetou a distribuição socioeconômica e a diversidade demográfica. Ele emprega uma abordagem da sintaxe espacial, que é um conjunto de técnicas e teoria que investiga as relações entre configuração espacial e os fenômenos socioeconômicos. Análises revelam que a morfologia de São Paulo apresenta um “colcha de retalhos”, que são morfologicamente diferenciados pela sua relação de escala com a estrutura urbana maior. As consequências socioeconômicas dessa fragmentação tem sido o aumento da diferenciação de classes sociais consistentes com a sua acessibilidade às concentrações de atividade que ocorrem em diferentes escalas urbanas.This paper explores São Paulo, the largest city in South America. The growth of the city has been characterized by a shift of the urban centre towards the southwest. This had deleterious consequences on the historic centre, which experienced a deterioration of its built environment and an increase in socio-economic deprivation. This paper examines how the transformed morphology of twenty-first century São Paulo affected its socio-economic distribution and demographic diversity. It employs theoretical and methodological space syntax approach, which is a set of techniques and theory that investigates relationships between spatial layout and socio-economic phenomena. The analysis found that the morphology of São Paulo presents a ‘patchwork’ of offset grids, which are morphologically differentiated by their scaled relationship to the larger urban structure. Socioeconomic consequences of this fragmentation have been to increase the differentiation of social classes consistent with their accessibility to concentrations of activity taking place at different scales.Peer Reviewe

    Programação de Computadores para Engenharia Física e Engenharia Química

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    VII Seminário de Extensão Universitária da UNILA (SEUNI); VIII Encontro de Iniciação Científica e IV Encontro de Iniciação em Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação (EICTI 2019) e Seminário de Atividades Formativas da UNILA (SAFOR)A disciplina de programação de computadores é uma disciplina com um grande componente prático, e com uma demanda alta de atenção individualizada, sobretudo para os estudantes que não contam com algum conhecimento prévio na área de programação. Sua taxa de reprovação é, em média, maior que 50%. Nesse contexto, foram instauradas as monitorias da disciplina com os objetivos de: melhorar o seu índice de aprovação; permitir o acesso dos estudantes ao laboratório de informática em horários distintos das aulas para a prática da disciplina; e prover mais um meio para o aluno sanar as dúvidas da disciplina. As monitorias foram ministradas de acordo com o cronograma da disciplina, trabalhando tópicos semanais na ordem das listas de exercícios disponibilizadas pelo professor na plataforma URI Online Judge. Durante o desenvolvimento da monitoria foi preparado e revisado o material de estudo e os conteúdos, foram realizadas atividades de orientação e foram feitos atendimentos nos laboratórios. As monitorias de programação de computadores são fundamentais para apoiar o ensino de uma disciplina com complexidade considerável e com uma alta taxa de reprovaçã

    Pensando en la salud de niños y niñas, el aporte desde las representaciones sociales/Thinking about Children Health, the Contribution from Social Representations

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    This paper aims to analyze the concept of child health. This has been a permanent and transversal question for Western society in its effort to specify both the meaning and its scope in the daily experience, as well as in formulating public policies that allow a more accurate action of the actors involved in its consolidation. Being the disease its counterpart, it appears as one of the main concerns that needs to be understood and explained to generate proposals to solve presented problems. The different approaches reiterate the need for children's participation, recognizing their points of view, opinions, imaginaries, representations, emerging categories and constructed theories, which in turn are related to everyday practices and behaviors. Therefore, transformation axis of reflection of the exercise of public health translates into the construction of citizenship by childhood

    Evolución del arbolado urbano en dunas bonaerenses

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    Los cambios espacio-temporales en la ocupación del territorio son procesos dinámicos que deben ser estudiados porque proporcionan la base para conocer las tendencias de los procesos de urbanización. El objetivo del trabajo fue realizar la zonificación geográfica de la evolución de cambios de la cobertura de territorial a partir de la tendencia temporal al sur del Municipio de Villa Gesell. Se realizó un análisis cluster con SIG de fotografías aéreas e imágenes satelitales de los años 1975 – 1997 y 2015, cuyos resultados expresan el aumento del arbolado urbano. Los cambios encontrados favorecieron el desarrollo del turismo con una mejora del paisaje y aportando un elemento blando de conexión entre las tres localidades del eje.The spatio-temporal changes in the occupation of the territory are dynamic processes that must be studied because they provide the base to know the tendencies of the processes of urbanization. The objective of the work was to carry out the geographical zoning of the evolution of changes in territorial coverage based on the temporal trend south of the Municipality of Villa Gesell. A cluster analysis was carried out with GIS of aerial photographs and satellite images of the years 1975 - 1997 and 2015, whose results express the increase of urban trees. The changes found favored the development of tourism with an improvement of the landscape and contributing a soft element of connection between the three localities.Fil: Gaspari, Fernanda J.. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y ForestalesFil: Senisterra, Gabriela E.. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y ForestalesFil: Rodriguez Vagaría, Alfonso. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Podotimod in pediatric recurrent respiratory tract infections: a cost-utility analysis

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    Introduction Despite the growing evidence on efficacy, few economic evaluations have evaluated the cost-utility of Pidotimod (PDT) supplementation to decrease the probability of recurrent respiratory tract infections in children. This study aimed to determine the cost-utility of PDT to reduce the incidence rate of recurrent respiratory tract infections in children. Methods A decision tree model was used to estimate the cost and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) of PDT in a patient aged 1–6 with a history of recurrent respiratory tract infections. Multiple sensitivity analyses were conducted to evaluate the robustness of the model. Cost-effectiveness was evaluated at a willingness-to-pay (WTP) value of US5180.ResultsThebasecaseanalysisshowedthatcomparedwithplacebo,PDTwasassociatedwithlowercostsandhigherQALYs.TheexpectedannualcostperpatientwithPDTwasUS5180. Results The base-case analysis showed that compared with placebo, PDT was associated with lower costs and higher QALYs. The expected annual cost per patient with PDT was US797 (CI 95% US794US794- US801) and with placebo was US1175(CI951175 (CI 95% US1169- US1181).TheQALYsperpersonestimatedwithPDTwas0.95(CI951181). The QALYs per person estimated with PDT was 0.95 (CI 95% 0.94–0.95) and with placebo was 0.94 (CI 95% 0.94–0.94). The NMB with PDT was US 4121 (CI 95% 4114–4127) and with placebo was US$ 3710 (CI 95% 3700–3720). This position of absolute dominance (PDT has lower costs and higher QALYs than placebo) of PDT it is unnecessary to estimate the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. Conclusion In conclusion our study shows that PDT is a cost-effective strategy to reduce the incidence rate of recurrent respiratory tract infections in children. Our study provides evidence that should be used by decision-makers to improve clinical practice guidelines