
Pensando en la salud de niños y niñas, el aporte desde las representaciones sociales/Thinking about Children Health, the Contribution from Social Representations


This paper aims to analyze the concept of child health. This has been a permanent and transversal question for Western society in its effort to specify both the meaning and its scope in the daily experience, as well as in formulating public policies that allow a more accurate action of the actors involved in its consolidation. Being the disease its counterpart, it appears as one of the main concerns that needs to be understood and explained to generate proposals to solve presented problems. The different approaches reiterate the need for children's participation, recognizing their points of view, opinions, imaginaries, representations, emerging categories and constructed theories, which in turn are related to everyday practices and behaviors. Therefore, transformation axis of reflection of the exercise of public health translates into the construction of citizenship by childhood

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