2,807 research outputs found

    Meso curriculum to improve the english teaching learning process of the sixth year of basic education at leonardo moscoso moreno school located in isinche grande neighborhood - pujili city during the academic cycle april – august 2014

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    Nowadays, to learn English language has become a challenge in the field of education due to the multiple shortcomings that exist in the teaching learning process of this language. Both teachers and students do not have a guide for the English teaching learning process. It has caused in students a shortcoming in the production of English language. Thus, the vocabulary is limited and the total unawareness of grammatical structures. This is due to the lack of systematization with contents and methodology. From this perspective, the present research work had as a purpose to provide teacher with an updated Meso Curriculum containing methods, contents, and techniques of evaluation in a systematic way, based on reality and student´s needs in order to help their inter-learning. The methodology used in the research work was the descriptive method with the objective to collect suitable theoretical foundations. Surveys and interview were applied to teachers and the Director of the institution in order to know shortcomings and requirements for the development of the proposal....Hoy en día, Aprender el idioma Inglés se ha convertido en un reto en el campo educativo debido a las múltiples falencias que existe en la enseñanza - aprendizaje de este idioma. Los docentes al igual que los estudiantes no tienen una guía para el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje del idioma Inglés. Esto ha ocasionado en los estudiantes una deficiencia en la producción del idioma Inglés. El vocabulario es limitado y un total desconocimiento de estructuras gramaticales eso se debe a la falta de una sistematización en contenidos y metodología. Desde esta perspectiva, el presente trabajo investigativo fue desarrollado con el objetivo dedotar al profesor de un Meso Currículo actualizado, con métodos, contenidos y evaluación de una manera sistemática basada en la realidad y necesidad de los estudiantes ayudando así al inter aprendizaje del idioma Inglés...

    Alterations in the junctions between brain endothelial cells and pericytes during chronic sleep restriction

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    Sleep loss produces blood-brain barrier (BBB) hyperpermeability by increasing endocytosis and promoting tight junction disassemble. Similar effects have been reported in mice with pericyte deficiency. In previous studies, we showed that pericytes seem to detach from the capillary wall in sleep-restricted animals. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the changes in brain endothelial cell-pericyte interactions and its consequences on barrier function during sleep restriction. Male Wistar rats were subjected to sleep loss using the multiple platform technique for 20 h daily during 10 consecutive days. After 10 days of sleep loss, animals were euthanized, and the brain was removed to isolate brain microvessels from the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. The samples were used to evaluate the expression of PDGFRβ, connexin-43, claudin-5, occludin, MMP-9, NFkB, p-NFkB, A2A adenosine receptor and CD73 by Western blot. An immunofluorescent assay was made for PDGFRβ or connexin-43 in isolated brain microvessels from the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Another group of rats was used to perform BBB permeability assays to Na-fluorescein, Evans blue and rhodamine 123. In isolated blood-microvessels of the cerebral cortex and hippocampus, sleep restriction reduced PDGFRβ expression in comparison with the control group. Likely, sleep restriction reduced the expression of connexin-43 in the cerebral cortex; meanwhile, in the hippocampus there was a trend to reduce connexin-43 expression compared to the control group. Sleep loss decreased the expression of claudin-5 in the isolated microvessels only in the cerebral cortex, while it decreased occludin expression in the hippocampus but not in the cerebral cortex as compared to the intact group. Sleep restriction increased MMP-9 expression in isolated blood-vessels of the cerebral cortex and hippocampus. In addition, p-NFkB was increased only in the cerebral cortex versus the intact group. Sleep loss increased the expression of the A2A adenosine receptor only in isolated microvessels of the hippocampus. Both regions presented an increase in BBB permeability to Na-fluorescein, Evans blue and rhodamine 123. In conclusion, sleep loss induces a pericyte detachment from the capillary wall, which is related to a decrease in the expression of tight junction proteins and an increase in the BBB permeability. The mechanism that may modulate the interactions between brain endothelial cells and pericytes after sleep restriction seems to be a low-grade inflammatory status

    Arcobacter butzleri strains isolated from different sources display adhesive capacity to epithelial cells in vitro

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    Background:  :  :  : The genus Arcobacter, belonging to the family Campylobacteraceae, includes polar flagellated, curved or spiral rod shaped bacteria firstly described as Vibrio/Spirillum organisms and later as aerotolerant Campylobacterlike microorganisms. Currently, this genus comprises nine validated species and a candidatus. Among Arcobacter species, Arcobacter butzleri is recognized as a zoonotic agent and the most common species of the genus isolated from environmental water, food and clinical samples. Recently, this species was considered a serious hazard to human health. However, their pathological properties, potential virulence factors as well as their clinical significance remain uncertain or not completely defined. The aim of this study was to establish the ability of 78 A. butzleri strains isolated from different sources to adhere to HEp-2 cells in vitro. Materials, Methods & Results: All the strains were isolated using first an enrichment medium incubated aerobically at 26 ºc for 48 h. after that, 100 ?l of the broth were streaked onto Arcobacter selective agar plates and incubated at 26 °c for 72 h. all the strains were identified phenotypically using standard assays. Definitive identification was achieved using a multiplex polymerase chain reaction. Adhesive capacity was determined infecting hep-2 cells with the strains under study following scaletsky’s et al. protocol, with slight modifications. An adherent Escherichia coli isolated was included as a positive control, whereas uninoculated cell lines were used as negative controls. Adhesion results were expressed as the percentage of hep-2 cells showing adhering bacteria and the number of bacteria (± sd) adhered to cells was determined. Strains were considered as adherent, if at least 20% of hep-2 cells showed one ore more adhered bacteria. Adherence was also demonstrated by scanning electronic microscopy. All the strains showed adhesive capacity to HEp-2 cells in vitro. The lowest adhesion percentage (27%) was observed in a strain isolated from dog feces. In at least one strain per source it was possible to observe 100% adhesion. The lowest number of adhered bacteria (1.03 ± 1.53) was observed in a strain isolated from river water and the highest number (76.6 ± 5.59), in a strain isolated from duck feces. Discussion: Regardless of their isolation source, the 78 Arcobacter butzleri strains tested in the present study were able to adhere to HEp-2 cells in vitro. This property was demonstrated in different proportions by other authors in strains isolated from environmental, meat and human fecal samples. Electronic scanning microscopy shows curved bacilli adhering to HEp-2 cells forming a microcolony-like arrangement. This may occur in a stepwise mechanism. First, A. butzleri adhere to HEp-2 cells and then, due to their capacity to form biofilms, interbacterial adherence can be expressed. The capacity of A. butzleri to form biofilms attaching to stainless steel, copper and glass has been demonstrated in previous studies. Further studies are necessary to elucidate the molecular and cellular mechanisms accounting for this biological property; and hence, its actual role in the colonization of human and animal intestinal epithelium by A. butzleri

    Efeito do suco de alho (Allium sativum L.) sobre endoparasitas gastrintestinais de ovinos.

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    Os parasitas gastrintestinais de ovinos causam enormes prejuízos a pecuária, tendo como principais sinais clínicos: redução na produção de carne, leite e lã, anemia, diarréia, anorexia e morte súbita. O tratamento preconizado é basicamente através da administração de produtos químicos, sendo que estes estimulam o aparecimento da resistência parasitária. Nesse contexto, a fitoterapia é uma modalidade de tratamento medicinal que vem crescendo muito nestes últimos anos. Com o intuito de avaliar a eficácia do suco de alho (Allium sativum) sobre infecções helmínticas foram utilizados 18 ovinos divididos em três tratamentos. Nos grupos I e II, os animais receberam respectivamente, 15g e 30g de alho em forma de suco, uma vez ao dia durante três dias consecutivos, e o grupo III foi considerado controle, sem tratamento. Amostras fecais foram coletadas nos dias 0, 1, 2, 7 e 13 para realização da contagem do número de ovos por grama de fezes (OPG) e coprocultura. Durante todo período experimental não houve redução do número médio de ovos nem alteração significativa dos gêneros dos parasitas encontrados nas coproculturas, assim como nenhum efeito colateral foi observado nos animais tratados com alho. O suco de alho não foi efetivo na redução da carga parasitária dos ovinos in vivo

    Extrato aquoso de alho (Allium sativum) sobre nematóides gastrintestinais de ovinos.

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    O parasitismo gastrintestinal em ovinos acarreta em inúmeros prejuízos aos produtores rurais, sendo que seu controle é realizado basicamente através da administração de anti-helmínticos sintéticos que estimula a seleção de parasitas resistentes. Com o objetivo de determinar a eficácia do extrato aquoso de alho sobre parasitas gastrintestinais de ovinos in vivo, 21 animais foram divididos em 3 tratamentos. Os animais do Tratamento I e II receberam, respectivamente, 60g e 90g de alho na forma de extrato aquoso em dose única, e o terceiro grupo foi considerado controle não tratado. Amostras fecais foram coletadas nos dias 0, 3, 8, 16 e 24 para realização dos exames de contagem de ovos por grama de fezes (OPG) e coprocultura. Não foi observada redução do OPG assim como nenhuma alteração dos gêneros larvais identificados na coprocultura. Diante disso, conclui-se que o extrato aquoso de alho não apresentou efeito anti-helmíntico in vivo nas condições deste experimento

    Effect Of Thermal Stimulation In Embryos From Cobb (r) Genetic Strain Under Commercial Scale

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    Studies aimed at producing stronger birds and with better growth performance are being developed involving artificial incubation. To that extent, thermal stimulation by the heat of 1.39 degrees C and 1 degrees C above the standard, and by cold of 36 degrees C fixed, were applied in the last week of the embryonic development (day 14 to day 18) to Cobb (R) strain birds of 33 to 53 weeks age. With the purpose of evaluating the behavior of the embryos facing these temperature stimuli to identify what is the best amplitude, frequency and the most appropriate period to perform temperature variation, obtaining more adapted birds to the field. It has been observed that heat or cold stimulation did not cause embryo mortality and did not affect the hatching and the quality of the chick for this strain negatively. The weight of the pullet, the residual weight of the yolk, and the peak of birth were not modified. The thermal stimulation during the last week of the birds' incubation is an available tool to improve hatchery production, quality and performance. However, several variables must be tested.37223624

    Cabañas Ray : El lugar perfecto para vacacionar

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    Tesis (Ingeniero en Turismo y Hotelería)tesis impresa no trae hoja 43.El proyecto se trata de un complejo vacacional, el cual cuenta con cabaña, sitios para acampar y con diversas actividades, tales como circuitos deportivos, culturales y tradicionales (como caminatas, trekking, windsurf, laser, cabalgatas, baile entretenido, pilates, etc.), especialmente enfocado para familias y turistas extranjeros. Para poder lograr lo recién mencionado se realiza un análisis de la demanda turística, análisis del entorno, ver la competitividad de la zona, crear el área de estrategia de marketing, plan de marketing, RRHH, finanzas, aspectos legales, plan de venta, planes operativos, plan de inversión y financiamiento. Todos estos putos se encuentran desarrollados ampliamente en este informe. El lugar elegido para posicionar este proyecto es Pucón, por sus diferentes paisajes, cuenta con una cultura muy rica y con diferente atractivos para visitar como el Volcán Caburgua, cerro El Cañi, laguna Villarrica, bosques de fagáceas, Parque Nacional Villarrica, Parque Nacional Huerquehue y Reserva Nacional Villarrica entre otras

    Heterogeneous rebound effects: Comparing estimates from discrete-continuous models

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    Discrete-continuous models have become a common technique for addressing selectivity biases in data sets with endogenously partitioned observational units. Alternative two-stage approaches have been suggested by LEE (1983), DUBIN and MCFADDEN (1984), and DAHL (2002), all of which capture the first-stage discrete choice by the multinomial logit model, while the second-stage outcome equation is estimated using OLS. The nonlinearity introduced by the selection bias correction implies that the second-stage coefficients cannot be interpreted as marginal effects. Instead, the marginal effects are obtained using the estimates from both the first and second stages, a step that has been widely neglected in the applied literature. After deriving formulae for the marginal effects obtained from these selection correction approaches, we estimate a joint model of automobile ownership and distance driven to quantify the rebound effect, the behaviorally induced increase in driving that results from higher fuel economy. Our example illustrates that the pattern of rebound effects varies substantially depending on the method of selection bias correction

    Justification of human rights: a view from metaethics and the possibility of a non-cognitivist approach

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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo llevar a cabo una revisión del concepto de agencia en dos propuestas actuales de fundamentación de los derechos humanos, con el fin de mostrar las falencias de la concepción naturalista y sentar las bases para una fundamentación alternativa, desde un enfoque no cognitivista. Para ello consideramos que es preciso determinar en qué medida el concepto de agente retoma la idea naturalista de la atribución de derechos en virtud de los rasgos propiamente humanos. Nuestra hipótesis es que esta interpretación opaca algunos elementos de las teorías contemporáneas que pueden ser dilucidados a la luz de la epistemología moral y la metaética.In this paper we aim to carry out a review of the concept of agency in two contemporary accounts of the foundation of human rights, in order to show some defects of the naturalistic approach and also to establish the basis for an alternative ground, from a non-cognitivist approach. Thus, we believe it is necessary to determine to what extent the concept of agent took the naturalistic idea of attributing human rights only by virtue of characterically human features. Our thesis claims that this interpretation turns unclear some elements of the contemporary accounts, which can be better understood by means of moral epistemology and metaethics