1,424 research outputs found

    Review of the oak gall-wasp genus “Zapatella” Pujade-Villar & Melika with the description of two new species from Colombia (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae, Cynipini)

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    Es descriuen dues espècies noves de Zapatella dels departaments colombians de Boyacá i Cundinamarca: Z. cupulae Fernández-Garzón, Caicedo, Rodríguez & Pujade-Villar n. sp. i Z. migueli Pujade-Villar i Fernández-Garzón n. sp. Les noves espècies corresponen respectivament a una generació d’agàmiques i a una altra de sexuals que provoquen gales als aglans de Quercus humboldtii. Es mostren i il·lustren els principals caràcters morfològics d’aquestes noves espècies. Després d’aquest estudi, Zapatella inclou un total de tretze espècies distribuïdes en el continent americà tant a la regió holàrtica com a la neotropical. També s’hi inclou una clau d’espècies de Zapatella.Se describen dos especies nuevas de Zapatella de los departamentos colombianos de Boyacá y Cundinamarca: Z. cupulae Fernández-Garzón, Caicedo, Rodríguez & Pujade-Villar n. sp. y Z. migueli Pujade-Villar y Fernández-Garzón n. sp. Las nuevas especies corresponden respectivamente a una generación de agámicas y a otra de sexuales que provocan agallas en las bellotas de Quercus humboldtii. Se muestran e ilustran los principales caracteres morfológicos de estas nuevas especies. Después de este estudio, Zapatella incluye un total de trece especies distribuidas en el continente americano tanto en la región holártica como en la neotropical. También se incluye una clave de especies de Zapatella.Two new species of Zapatella from the Colombian departments of Boyacá and Cundinamarca are here described: Z. cupulae Fernández-Garzón, Caicedo, Rodríguez & Pujade-Villar n. sp. and Z. migueli Pujade-Villar & Fernández-Garzón n. sp. The new species are agamic and sexual generations respectively, inducing galls in Quercus humboldtii acorns. The principal morphological characters of these new species are exhibited and illustrated. After this study, Zapatella includes a total of 13 species distributed in American continent from Nearctic and Neotropical regions. A key of Zapatella species is also included

    Masculine, feminine and neutral sports: Extracurricular sport modalities in practice

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    The present work constitutes a novel approach to extracurricular sport modalities. The aim was to analyze the participation model and to determine the relevance of sex in this context. Data from 616 students, aged 15 to 17, were collected. The questionnaire on sport lifestyle from a gender perspective (Alvariñas-Villaverde et al., 2009) was used for assessment. The results showed that sport choice corresponds to sports traditionally associated with men or women. Nevertheless, these coexist with other neutral sports. Girls’ practice was more diverse, while boys’ profile was more resistant to changing classic patterns. Specific strategies are needed to make boys become more interested in typically female activities

    Validity and reliability of transbronchial needle aspiration for diagnosing mediastinal adenopathies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim is to assess the validity and reliability of transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) of mediastinal and hilar adenopathies and to evaluate factors predictive of TBNA outcome.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We performed an analysis of prospectively collected data of patients (n = 580) who underwent TBNA (n = 685) from January 1998 to December 2007 in our center. Validity and reliability were evaluated for the overall sample and according to specific pathology. Factors predicting the successful acquisition of diagnostic samples were analyzed by multivariate analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Overall sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and positive and negative predictive (NPV) values for TBNA were 68%, 100%, 68.8%, 100%, and 10%, respectively. The most sensitive and accurate TBNAs were obtained for patients with small cell lung carcinoma and the worst results were for patients with lymphomas. NPV were similar for all pathologies. The most predictive factors of outcome were adenopathy size and the presence of indirect signs at the puncture site.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The sensitivity and accuracy of TBNA are high in small cell lung cancer, followed by other types of carcinoma, sarcoidosis, and tuberculosis, and low for lymphoproliferative diseases. The NPV of TBNA for all individual pathologies is low. The size of the adenopathy and the presence of indirect signs at the puncture site predict the achievement of diagnostic samples.</p

    Primer reporte de una especie de cinípido dañina para Q. humboldtii en Colombia: Zapatella petiolata n. sp. Pujade-Villar & Caicedo (Hym., Cynipidae)

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    Es descriu una nova espècie de Zapatella Melika & Pujade-Villar, 2012 per a Colòmbia: Z. petiolata Pujade-Villar & Caicedo n. sp. (Hym., Cynipidae), capaç de causar enormes distorsions en l'aparença de Quercus humboldtii Bonpl. Es tracta de la primera espècie nociva de cinípid per a Colòmbia. Aquesta espècie ocasiona una gala plurilocular i llenyosa en els pecíols de les fulles, colonitzant les fulles de les branques joves causant la mort gradual del brot infectat. Es descriu i s'i&#320;lustra la nova espècie, es proporcionen les dades dels danys ocasionats i de la seva biologia, es comenta l'origen i dispersió d'aquesta nova espècie. Es cita per primera vegada per Sud-amèrica Taphrina caerulescens (fong, Ascomycota) en roures, on la nova espècie de cinípid és present. Es proporciona el barcoding d'aquesta nova espècie.A new species of Zapatella Melika & Pujade-Villar, 2012 capable of causing enormous distortions in the appearance of Q. humboldtii Bonpl. is described from Colombia: Z. petiolata Pujade-Villar & Caicedo n. sp. It is the first damaging species of cynipid for Colombia. This species causes a plurilocular and woody gall in the petioles of the leaves of the young branches causing the death of the infected shoots. The new species is described and illustrated, data of the damage and biology are provided, and the origin and dispersion of this new species is discussed. Taphrina caerulescens (fungus, Ascomycota) is mentioned for the first time from South America in oaks where the new Cynipid species is present. The barcoding of this new species is provided.Se describe una nueva especie de Zapatella Melika & Pujade-Villar, 2012 para Colombia: Z. petiolata Pujade-Villar & Caicedo n. sp. (Hym., Cynipidae), capaz de causar enormes distorsiones en el porte de Quercus humboldtii Bonpl. Se trata de la primera especie dañina de cinípido para Colombia. Esta especie ocasiona una agalla plurilocular y leñosa en los peciolos de las hojas, colonizando las hojas de las ramas jóvenes causando la muerte gradual del brote infectado. Se describe e ilustra la nueva especie, se proporcionan los datos de los daños ocasionados y de su biología, se comenta el origen y dispersión de ésta nueva especie. Se cita por primera vez para Sudamérica Taphrina caerulescens (hongo, Ascomycota) en robles, donde la nueva especie de cinípido está presente. Se proporciona el barcoding de esta especie nueva

    Interleukin 18 maintains a long-standing inflammation in coeliac disease patients

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    Producción CientíficaDietary gluten induces an early response in the intestine of coeliac disease patients (CD), within a few hours, and this is driven by high levels of proinflammatory cytokines, including IFNg and IL-15, as has been thoroughly shown by gluten stimulation of biopsy explants. Our aim was to identify the immune mediators involved in the long-standing inflammation in untreated CD patients at diagnosis. mRNA and protein levels of TNFa, IL-12(p35), IL-12(p40), IL-15, IL-18 and IL-23(p19) were quantified in biopsies from active CD patients, CD patients on a gluten-free diet (GFD), healthy controls, and patients with non-CD inflammation and mild histological changes in the intestine. Biopsies from CD patients on a GFD were also stimulated in vitro with gliadin, and protein expression of IL-15 and IL-18 was analysed. Levels of IL-12 and IL-23 mRNA are nearly absent, and TNFa levels remain unchanged among different groups. Both the active and inactive forms of IL-18 protein have been found in all samples from active CD, and protein expression was only localized within the crypts. Levels of IL-15 mRNA remain unchanged, and protein expression, localized within the lamina propria, is found in a small number of samples. In vitro stimulation with gluten induces the expression of IL-15 and IL-18. In active CD, the early response following gluten intake characterized by high IFNg levels is driven by IL-18, and probably IL-15, and this alternates with periods of long-standing inflammation with moderate IFNg levels, maintained by IL-18 alone

    Methodological Approaches to Radon in Water Measurements: Comparative Experiences between Romania and Spain

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    The EC Directive 2013/51/EURATOM of 22 October 2013 represents the first time that a radon limit for drinking water has been proposed. Transposition of this Directive into Spanish legislation was by means of the recent RD 314/2016 which sets a limit value of 500 Bq l?1 for radon (222Rn) in water for human consumption while that in Romanian legislation the Law 301/2015 provides a limit value of 100 Bq l-1 for 222Rn concentration in water for human consumption as well as a total effective dose of 0.1 mSv y-1 from all radionuclides present in water (same dose value established by Spanish law). For several years, both in Romania and in Spain, there have been campaigns to measure the concentration of 222Rn in waters of different origins in order to determine the possible exposure of the population through this irradiation path, and also to use the presence of radon dissolved in water as a source of indoor radon in thermal spa facilities, and also as a tracer of dynamic processes (C. Sainy et al., Sci. Tot. Envir. 543, 460 (2016); 1). In this article, an assessment of the results from measurement campaigns in both countries will be presented and compared. In addition, the different measurement techniques used will be described, and the description of an intercomparison exercise on radon measurement in water organized by the Environmental Radioactivity Laboratory of the University of Cantabria (LaRUC) will be presented, in order to evaluate the quality of the performance of the techniques used.This work was partially supported by the project ID P_37_229, Contract No. 22/01.09.2016, with the title Smart Systems for Public Safety through Control and Mitigation of Residential Radon linked with Energy Efficiency Optimization of Buildings in Romanian Major Urban Agglomerations SMART-RAD-EN of the POC Programme

    Epidemiology and diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis in a low incidence country with high rate of immigrant population : A retrospective study

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    Background: The confirmatory diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis (pTB) remains challenging. The aim of this study was to describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of pTB patients and assess the yield of different diagnostic procedures in a low burden country with a high rate of immigrant population. Methods: All adult patients with pTB between 2007 and 2014 were studied retrospectively. Results: One hundred and three out of 843 patients with tuberculosis had pTB. Fifty-three (54.1%) were male, and the median age was 45 years (range 18-87 years). Fifty-two (50.49%) patients were immigrants. A confirmed diagnosis was reached in 16 patients (15.5%) by microbiological studies of pleural effusion. Lung involvement was demonstrated by sputum smear microscopy in 13/49 (26.5%), sputum GeneXpert MTB/RIF test in 13/20 (65%), and sputum culture in 16/37 (43.2%). High-resolution computed tomography (CT) showed lung involvement in 47.7% of the patients. The cure rate was 91.3% at the 1-year follow-up. Three patients died, all of them within the first month after diagnosis. Conclusions: The detection of lung involvement increased by two-fold when lung CT was used; this correlated with the likelihood of finding a positive microbiological result on sputum sample testing. Pleural microbiological studies had a low diagnostic yield, and sputum could have a complementary role

    Hyaenids, felids and canids as bone accumulators: Does the natural history of extant species support zooarchaeological inferences?

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    Mammalian carnivores may be important agents of prehistoric bone accumulations. Taphonomic analyses of bone assemblages used for specific assignment usually include information on feeding, breeding, denning and even defecating ecology of extant species. Here, we review literature for the Hyaenidae, Felidae and Canidae families of carnivores, focusing on the ecological and behavioural traits that are commonly used as criteria to assign bone accumulations to specific carnivores, and whether these correspond to the present behaviour and ecology of extant species. We found a total of 93 records where 12 species (9 extant species) of these families were considered as bone accumulators in archaeozoological sites. Hyaenidae was the group most often cited, followed by Felidae and Canidae. Crocuta crocuta was by far the species most often cited as a bone accumulator. Most bone deposits assigned to carnivores (84.9%) were found in underground cavities, and to a lesser extent in non-cave deposits (15.1%). The use assigned to the sites was mainly as a den (29.5%) or breeding den (29.5%), followed by prey depot (16.2%), feeding shelter (12.4%), and to a lesser extent a hunting place (7.6%), with some remarkable differences among families. Coprolites were also found in 53.8% of cases. The behaviour of present hyenas may be similar to that of prehistoric ones as they commonly use underground dens, defecate inside of them and frequently accumulate prey remains. On the other hand, even though present canids are more often recorded than felids using underground dens and accumulating prey, the latter are more often recorded as prehistoric bone accumulators than the former. The behaviour of only one present species of canid (V. vulpes) and other a felid (P. pardus) matches the one presumed for prehistoric individuals of such species in relation to bone and scat accumulation. The role of the remaining species as bone and scat accumulator agents in prehistoric sites remains questionable due to differences in their present behaviour. Therefore, many assignments of bone accumulation to specific carnivores are based on assumptions, which did not coincide with the present natural history of the species. Our review also highlights the absence of records of small species as prehistoric bone accumulators.We thank Cuauhtemoc Ch avez and Ana Carolina Srbek for their unpublished information on jaguars. HRV is a beneficiary of a PhD scholarship “Severo Ochoa” from the Regional Government of Principality of Asturias, and AMG was supported by the Predoctoral Fellowship PRE2018-086102

    Review of the oak gall-wasp genus "Zapatella" Pujade-Villar & Melika with the description of two new species from Colombia (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae, Cynipini)

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    Two new species of Zapatella from the Colombian departments of Boyacá and Cundinamarca are here described: Z. cupulae Fernández-Garzón, Caicedo, Rodríguez & Pujade-Villar n. sp. and Z. migueli Pujade-Villar & Fernández-Garzón n. sp. The new species are agamic and sexual generations respectively, inducing galls in Quercus humboldtii acorns. The principal morphological characters of these new species are exhibited and illustrated. After this study, Zapatella includes a total of 13 species distributed in American continent from Nearctic and Neotropical regions. A key of Zapatella species is also included.Es descriuen dues espècies noves de Zapatella dels departaments colombians de Boyacá i Cundinamarca: Z. cupulae Fernández-Garzón, Caicedo, Rodríguez & Pujade-Villar n. sp. i Z. migueli Pujade-Villar i Fernández-Garzón n. sp. Les noves espècies corresponen respectivament a una generació d'agàmiques i a una altra de sexuals que provoquen gales als aglans de Quercus humboldtii. Es mostren i il·lustren els principals caràcters morfològics d'aquestes noves espècies. Després d'aquest estudi, Zapatella inclou un total de tretze espècies distribuïdes en el continent americà tant a la regió holàrtica com a la neotropical. També s'hi inclou una clau d'espècies de Zapatella.Se describen dos especies nuevas de Zapatella de los departamentos colombianos de Boyacá y Cundinamarca: Z. cupulae Fernández-Garzón, Caicedo, Rodríguez & Pujade-Villar n. sp. y Z. migueli Pujade-Villar y Fernández-Garzón n. sp. Las nuevas especies corresponden respectivamente a una generación de agámicas y a otra de sexuales que provocan agallas en las bellotas de Quercus humboldtii. Se muestran e ilustran los principales caracteres morfológicos de estas nuevas especies. Después de este estudio, Zapatella incluye un total de trece especies distribuidas en el continente americano tanto en la región holártica como en la neotropical. También se incluye una clave de especies de Zapatella