374 research outputs found

    Development and validation of the Spanish hazard perception test

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    Objective: The aim of the current study is to develop and obtain validity evidence for a Hazard Perception test suitable for the Spanish driving population. To obtain validity evidence to support the use of the test, the effect of hazardous and quasi-hazardous situations on the participants’ Hazard Prediction is analysed and the pattern of results of drivers of different driving experience: learner, novice and expert drivers and re-offender vs. non-offender drivers, is compared. Potentially hazardous situations are those that develop without involving any real hazard (i.e., the driver didn’t actually have to decelerate or make any evasive manoeuvre to avoid a potential collision). The current study analysed multiple offender drivers attending compulsory re-education programmes as a result of reaching the maximum number of penalty points on their driving licence, due to repeated violations of traffic laws. Method: A new video-based hazard perception test was developed, using a total of 20 hazardous situation videos plus 8 quasi-hazardous situation videos. They were selected from 167 recordings of natural hazards in real Spanish driving settings

    Utjecaj prinosa pašnjaka i pašnog obroka na kvalitetu travnjaka, unos paše i proizvodnju mlijeka.

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    Sixty-four Holstein-Friesian cows were randomly assigned to one of four treatments (M15, M20, H15 and H20) in a 2x2 factorial design, by considering: two pre-grazing pasture mass levels (PM, kg DM/ha): medium (M-1,600) vs. high (H-2,400); and two pasture allowance levels (PA, kg DM/cow/day): low (15) vs. high (20). Two periods (PI vs. PII) were studied. Sward density and pre-grazing sward height were higher in high compared to medium pre-grazing PM swards in PI (P<0.001, 255 vs. 235 kg DM/cm/ha and P<0.001, 14.8 vs. 10.9 cm, respectively) and PII (P<0.001, 216 vs. 196 kg DM/cm/ha and P<0.001, 14.3 vs. 13.0 cm, respectively). Lower post-grazing sward height and higher pasture utilization were obtained in low compared to high PA swards in PI (P<0.001, 4.1 vs. 4.9 cm and P<0.001, 98.8 vs. 89.9 %, respectively) and PII (P<0.001, 4.3 vs. 5.0 cm and P<0.001, 97.1 vs. 89.9 %, respectively). Pasture crude protein content and pasture organic matter digestibility were higher in medium compared to high pre-grazing PM swards in PI (P<0.001, 210 vs. 176 g/kg DM and P<0.05, 846 vs. 836 g/kg DM, respectively) and PII (P<0.05, 212 vs. 192 g/kg DM and P<0.05, 828 vs. 821 g/kg DM, respectively). This was due to higher leaf and lower dead proportions in medium than in high pre-grazing PM swards. Pasture dry matter intake (PDMI) (P<0.001, 16.5 vs. 14.7 kg DM/cow/day), milk yield (MY) (P<0.01, 23.8 vs. 22.7 kg/day) and milk solids yield (MSY) (P<0.05, 1.69 vs. 1.61 kg/cow) were higher in high compared to low PA swards in PI. Higher PDMI (P<0.001, 15.7 vs. 14.1 kg DM/cow/day), MY (P<0.001, 15.4 vs. 13.6 kg/day) and MSY (P<0.01, 1.19 vs. 1.08 kg/cow) were also found in high than in low PA swards in PII. The highest (P<0.001) milk output per ha (16,983 kg/ha) and milk solids per ha (1,268 kg/ha) were found in the group of dairy cows grazing in the M20 swards.Šezdeset četiri holštaj-frizijske krave nasumično su razvrstane u četiri skupine (M15, M20, H15 i H20), uzevši u obzir 2x2 faktorijalni dizajn s obzirom na: dvije razine prinosa pašnjaka prije napasivanja (PM, kg DM/ha) - srednja (M-1600) naprema visoka (H-2400), te dvije razine pašnog obroka (PA, kg DM / krava /dan) - niski (15) naprema visoki (20). Istražena su dva razdoblja (PI naprema PII). Između travnjaka s visokim i srednjim prinosom prije napasivanja (PM), u prvom razdoblju utvrđene su razlike s obzirom na gustoću travnjaka (P<0,001; H = 255 naprema M = 235 kg DM/cm/ha) i visinu trave (P<0,001; H = 14,8 naprema M = 10,9 cm). U drugom razdoblju, statistička značajnost i razlike između navedenih skupina iznosili su P<0,001; H = 216 naprema M = 196 kg DM/cm/ha i P<0,001; H = 14,3 naprema M = 13,0 cm. Najniža visina trave i najviša iskoristivost pašnjaka nakon napasivanja utvrđene su usporedbom niskog i visokog pašnog obroka tijekom prvog razdoblja (P<0,001; niski = 4,1 naprema visoki = 4,9 cm te P<0,001; niski = 98,8 naprema visoki = 89,9%) kao i tijekom drugog razdoblja (P<0,001; niski = 4,3 naprema visoki = 5,0 cm te P<0,001; niski = 97,1 naprema visoki = 89,9%). Sadržaj sirovih proteina i probavljivost organske tvari tijekom prvog razdoblja bili su viši kod pašnjaka sa srednjim prinosom pašnjaka prije napasivanja u odnosu na pašnjake s visokom razinom prinosa prije napasivanja (P<0,001; M = 210 naprema H = 176 g/kg DM i P<0,05; M = 846 naprema H = 836 g/kg DM. Tijekom drugog razdoblja, statistička značajnost i vrijednosti navedenih pokazatelja iznosili su (P<0,05; M = 212 naprema H = 192 g/kg DM i P<0,05; M = 828 naprema H = 821 g/kg DM). Navedeno se može pripisati većem udjelu lišća i manjem udjelu uvenule mase na pašnjacima sa srednjim prinosom prije napasivanja u odnosu na pašnjake s visokim prinosom prije napasivanja. Usporedba niskog i visokog pašnog obroka tijekom prvog razdoblja, pokazala je statistički značajne razlike za unos suhe tvari pašom (P<0,001; niski = 16,5 naprema visoki = 14,7 kg DM/krava/dnevno), proizvodnju mlijeka (P<0,01; niski = 23,8 naprema. visoki = 22,7 kg/day) te proizvodnju krute tvari mlijeka (P<0,05; niski = 1,69 naprema. visoki = 1,61 kg/krava). Tijekom drugog razdoblja, viši unos suhe tvari pašom utvrđen kod visokoga pašnog obroka u odnosu na niski pašni obrok (P<0,001; visoki = 15,7 naprema niski = 14,1 kg DM/krava/dnevno), viša je bila i proizvodnja mlijeka (P<0,001; visoki = 15,4 naprema niski = 13,6 kg/day) te proizvodnja krute tvari mlijeka (P<0,01; visoki = 1,19 naprema niski = 1,08 kg/krava). Najviša proizvodnja mlijeka po hektaru (P<0,001; 16,983 kg/ha) i krute tvari mlijeka po hektaru (1,268 kg/ha) utvrđena je kod krava koje su napasivane u skupini M20 travnjaka

    Utjecaj prinosa pašnjaka i pašnog obroka na kvalitetu travnjaka, unos paše i proizvodnju mlijeka.

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    Sixty-four Holstein-Friesian cows were randomly assigned to one of four treatments (M15, M20, H15 and H20) in a 2x2 factorial design, by considering: two pre-grazing pasture mass levels (PM, kg DM/ha): medium (M-1,600) vs. high (H-2,400); and two pasture allowance levels (PA, kg DM/cow/day): low (15) vs. high (20). Two periods (PI vs. PII) were studied. Sward density and pre-grazing sward height were higher in high compared to medium pre-grazing PM swards in PI (P<0.001, 255 vs. 235 kg DM/cm/ha and P<0.001, 14.8 vs. 10.9 cm, respectively) and PII (P<0.001, 216 vs. 196 kg DM/cm/ha and P<0.001, 14.3 vs. 13.0 cm, respectively). Lower post-grazing sward height and higher pasture utilization were obtained in low compared to high PA swards in PI (P<0.001, 4.1 vs. 4.9 cm and P<0.001, 98.8 vs. 89.9 %, respectively) and PII (P<0.001, 4.3 vs. 5.0 cm and P<0.001, 97.1 vs. 89.9 %, respectively). Pasture crude protein content and pasture organic matter digestibility were higher in medium compared to high pre-grazing PM swards in PI (P<0.001, 210 vs. 176 g/kg DM and P<0.05, 846 vs. 836 g/kg DM, respectively) and PII (P<0.05, 212 vs. 192 g/kg DM and P<0.05, 828 vs. 821 g/kg DM, respectively). This was due to higher leaf and lower dead proportions in medium than in high pre-grazing PM swards. Pasture dry matter intake (PDMI) (P<0.001, 16.5 vs. 14.7 kg DM/cow/day), milk yield (MY) (P<0.01, 23.8 vs. 22.7 kg/day) and milk solids yield (MSY) (P<0.05, 1.69 vs. 1.61 kg/cow) were higher in high compared to low PA swards in PI. Higher PDMI (P<0.001, 15.7 vs. 14.1 kg DM/cow/day), MY (P<0.001, 15.4 vs. 13.6 kg/day) and MSY (P<0.01, 1.19 vs. 1.08 kg/cow) were also found in high than in low PA swards in PII. The highest (P<0.001) milk output per ha (16,983 kg/ha) and milk solids per ha (1,268 kg/ha) were found in the group of dairy cows grazing in the M20 swards.Šezdeset četiri holštaj-frizijske krave nasumično su razvrstane u četiri skupine (M15, M20, H15 i H20), uzevši u obzir 2x2 faktorijalni dizajn s obzirom na: dvije razine prinosa pašnjaka prije napasivanja (PM, kg DM/ha) - srednja (M-1600) naprema visoka (H-2400), te dvije razine pašnog obroka (PA, kg DM / krava /dan) - niski (15) naprema visoki (20). Istražena su dva razdoblja (PI naprema PII). Između travnjaka s visokim i srednjim prinosom prije napasivanja (PM), u prvom razdoblju utvrđene su razlike s obzirom na gustoću travnjaka (P<0,001; H = 255 naprema M = 235 kg DM/cm/ha) i visinu trave (P<0,001; H = 14,8 naprema M = 10,9 cm). U drugom razdoblju, statistička značajnost i razlike između navedenih skupina iznosili su P<0,001; H = 216 naprema M = 196 kg DM/cm/ha i P<0,001; H = 14,3 naprema M = 13,0 cm. Najniža visina trave i najviša iskoristivost pašnjaka nakon napasivanja utvrđene su usporedbom niskog i visokog pašnog obroka tijekom prvog razdoblja (P<0,001; niski = 4,1 naprema visoki = 4,9 cm te P<0,001; niski = 98,8 naprema visoki = 89,9%) kao i tijekom drugog razdoblja (P<0,001; niski = 4,3 naprema visoki = 5,0 cm te P<0,001; niski = 97,1 naprema visoki = 89,9%). Sadržaj sirovih proteina i probavljivost organske tvari tijekom prvog razdoblja bili su viši kod pašnjaka sa srednjim prinosom pašnjaka prije napasivanja u odnosu na pašnjake s visokom razinom prinosa prije napasivanja (P<0,001; M = 210 naprema H = 176 g/kg DM i P<0,05; M = 846 naprema H = 836 g/kg DM. Tijekom drugog razdoblja, statistička značajnost i vrijednosti navedenih pokazatelja iznosili su (P<0,05; M = 212 naprema H = 192 g/kg DM i P<0,05; M = 828 naprema H = 821 g/kg DM). Navedeno se može pripisati većem udjelu lišća i manjem udjelu uvenule mase na pašnjacima sa srednjim prinosom prije napasivanja u odnosu na pašnjake s visokim prinosom prije napasivanja. Usporedba niskog i visokog pašnog obroka tijekom prvog razdoblja, pokazala je statistički značajne razlike za unos suhe tvari pašom (P<0,001; niski = 16,5 naprema visoki = 14,7 kg DM/krava/dnevno), proizvodnju mlijeka (P<0,01; niski = 23,8 naprema. visoki = 22,7 kg/day) te proizvodnju krute tvari mlijeka (P<0,05; niski = 1,69 naprema. visoki = 1,61 kg/krava). Tijekom drugog razdoblja, viši unos suhe tvari pašom utvrđen kod visokoga pašnog obroka u odnosu na niski pašni obrok (P<0,001; visoki = 15,7 naprema niski = 14,1 kg DM/krava/dnevno), viša je bila i proizvodnja mlijeka (P<0,001; visoki = 15,4 naprema niski = 13,6 kg/day) te proizvodnja krute tvari mlijeka (P<0,01; visoki = 1,19 naprema niski = 1,08 kg/krava). Najviša proizvodnja mlijeka po hektaru (P<0,001; 16,983 kg/ha) i krute tvari mlijeka po hektaru (1,268 kg/ha) utvrđena je kod krava koje su napasivane u skupini M20 travnjaka

    An automated design methodology of RF circuits by using Pareto-optimal fronts of EMsimulated inductors

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    A new design methodology for radiofrequency circuits is presented that includes electromagnetic (EM) simulation of the inductors into the optimization flow. This is achieved by previously generating the Pareto-optimal front (POF) of the inductors using EM simulation. Inductors are selected from the Pareto front and their S-parameter matrix is included in the circuit netlist that is simulated using an RF simulator. Generating the EM-simulated POF of inductors is computationally expensive, but once generated, it can be used for any circuit design. The methodology is illustrated both for a singleobjective and a multiobjective optimization of a low noise amplifierMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2013-45638-C3-3-R, TEC2013-40430-RJunta de Andalucía PIC12-TIC-1481Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas 201350E05

    The structure of the South-Central-Pyrenean fold and thrust belt as constrained by subsurface data

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    The interpretation of the available seismic lines of the South-Central-Pyrenean fold and thrust belt, conveniently tied with the exploration wells, define the main structural features of this realm of the Pyrenees. In particular, they define the geometry and areal extension of the autochthonous foreland underneath the sole thrust. The mapping ofseveral selected structural lines brings constraints for the structural interpretation of the South-Central Pyrenees, including the cut-off lines between selected stratigraphic horizons of the autochthonous foreland and the branch line between basement-involved thrust sheets and the sole thrust. The thrust salient which characterizes at surface the geometry of the South-Pyrenean fold and thrust belt contrasts with the linear trend of these structural lines at subsurface. This salient has been the result of a secondary progressive curvature developed since Middle Eocene times by thrust displacement gradients during verthrusting of the South-Pyrenean thrust sheets above a Paleogene autochthonous sequence. Displacement gradients resulted from the uneven distribution of weak salt layers, mostly the Triassic and the Upper Eocene ones. The minimum amount of South-directed displacement from early MiddleEocene times to Late Oligocene is 52km, which would be significantly higher if internal shortening by folding and cleavage/fracture development as well as hanging-wall erosion is added

    A detailed study of the gate/drain voltage dependence of RTN in bulk pMOS transistors

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    Random Telegraph Noise (RTN)has attracted increasing interest in the last years. This phenomenon introduces variability in the electrical properties of transistors, in particular in deeply-scaled CMOS technologies, which can cause performance degradation in circuits. In this work, the dependence of RTN parameters, namely current jump amplitude and emission and capture time constants, on the bias conditions, both VG and VD, has been studied on a set of devices, with a high granularity in a broad voltage range. The results obtained for the VG dependences corroborate previous works, but suggest a unique trend for all the devices in a VG range that goes from the near-threshold region up to voltages over the nominal operation bias. However, different trends have been observed in the parameters dependence for the case of VD. From the experimental data, the probabilities of occupation of the associated defects have been evaluated, pointing out large device-to-device dispersion in the VD dependences.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades TEC2016-75151-C3-R, BES-2017-08016