545 research outputs found

    La desaparición de la barrera del análisis estructural en el desarrollo de los proyectos arquitectónicos

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    A lo largo de la historia en numerosas ocasiones la imaginación de los creadores ha ido por delante de las posibilidades técnicas de cada momento. Muchas de estas nuevas ideas han requerido largos periodos de tiempo para materializarse como realidad construida, hasta que el desarrollo tecnológico e industrial ha alcanzado un desarrollo suficiente. Estas limitaciones técnicas se han acotado paulatinamente desembocando en la situación actual en la que cualquier planteamiento formal puede ser representado y analizado desde un punto de vista estructural, concluyéndose por tanto que ha desaparecido la barrera del análisis y de la representación gráfica en lo que al desarrollo de los proyectos arquitectónicos se refiere. A lo largo del artículo se analiza cómo la formulación del método de los elementos finitos en la década de los 50 y la posterior generalización de los ordenadores personales y de los paquetes de software de dibujo (C.A.D.) y análisis estructural (F.E.M.) en los estudios de arquitectura e ingeniería en la década de los 80 del siglo pasado, posibilitó el desarrollo de cualquier propuesta arquitectónica por compleja que ésta sea. Esto ha provocado una verdadera revolución a nivel formal en el mundo de la arquitectura, especialmente en el campo de la edificación singular o icónica. Se estudia este proceso a través de ocho casos de estudio

    Publicidad y consumo. Una aproximación al concepto de necesidad

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    No cabe duda de que la publicidad es una poderosa herramienta para incentivar el consumo y sería un acto de osadía por nuestra parte intentar defender una postura contraria. Pero de ahí a que sea la principal baza en pro del consumismo y, lo que es peor, a que por medio de misteriosas investigaciones motivacionales cree necesidades en los individuos es hoy por hoy poco menos que irrisorio. Precisamente el propósito de este trabajo es abordar estos viejos prejuicios y enfoques apocalípticos y desvelar el papel que juega realmente la publicidad en este sentido. Es decir, se pretende estudiar hasta qué punto el discurso publicitario tiene incidencia en las necesidades de los consumidores

    Bayesian network analysis of software logs for data-driven software maintenance

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    Software organisations aim to develop and maintain high-quality software systems. Due to large amounts of behaviour data available, software organisations can conduct data-driven software maintenance. Indeed, software quality assurance and improvement programs have attracted many researchers' attention. Bayesian Networks (BNs) are proposed as a log analysis technique to discover poor performance indicators in a system and to explore usage patterns that usually require temporal analysis. For this, an action research study is designed and conducted to improve the software quality and the user experience of a web application using BNs as a technique to analyse software logs. To this aim, three models with BNs are created. As a result, multiple enhancement points have been identified within the application ranging from performance issues and errors to recurring user usage patterns. These enhancement points enable the creation of cards in the Scrum process of the web application, contributing to its data-driven software maintenance. Finally, the authors consider that BNs within quality-aware and data-driven software maintenance have great potential as a software log analysis technique and encourage the community to deepen its possible applications. For this, the applied methodology and a replication package are shared.Junta de Andalucía, Grant/Award Number: P20‐00091; AEI, Grant/Award Number: PID2019‐106758GB‐32/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; Spanish project, Grant/Award Number: PDC2021‐121195‐I00; Spanish Program, Grant/Award Number: BEAGAL18/00064Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Comparative Analysis of Muscle Transcriptome between Pig Genotypes Identifies Genes and Regulatory Mechanisms Associated to Growth, Fatness and Metabolism.

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    Iberian ham production includes both purebred (IB) and Duroc-crossbred (IBxDU) Iberian pigs, which show important differences in meat quality and production traits, such as muscle growth and fatness. This experiment was conducted to investigate gene expression differences, transcriptional regulation and genetic polymorphisms that could be associated with the observed phenotypic differences between IB and IBxDU pigs. Nine IB and 10 IBxDU pigs were slaughtered at birth. Morphometric measures and blood samples were obtained and samples from Biceps femoris muscle were employed for compositional and transcriptome analysis by RNA-Seq technology. Phenotypic differences were evident at this early age, including greater body size and weight in IBxDU and greater Biceps femoris intramuscular fat and plasma cholesterol content in IB newborns. We detected 149 differentially expressed genes between IB and IBxDU neonates (p < 0.01 and Fold-Change > 1. 5). Several were related to adipose and muscle tissues development (DLK1, FGF21 or UBC). The functional interpretation of the transcriptomic differences revealed enrichment of functions and pathways related to lipid metabolism in IB and to cellular and muscle growth in IBxDU pigs. Protein catabolism, cholesterol biosynthesis and immune system were functions enriched in both genotypes. We identified transcription factors potentially affecting the observed gene expression differences. Some of them have known functions on adipogenesis (CEBPA, EGRs), lipid metabolism (PPARGC1B) and myogenesis (FOXOs, MEF2D, MYOD1), which suggest a key role in the meat quality differences existing between IB and IBxDU hams. We also identified several polymorphisms showing differential segregation between IB and IBxDU pigs. Among them, non-synonymous variants were detected in several transcription factors as PPARGC1B and TRIM63 genes, which could be associated to altered gene function. Taken together, these results provide information about candidate genes, metabolic pathways and genetic polymorphisms potentially involved in phenotypic differences between IB and IBxDU pigs associated to meat quality and production traits

    The Galician Labor Market Since the Entry into Europe

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolNeste artigo reflexiónase sobre o comportamento do mercado de traballo galego desde mediados dos anos oitenta, comparándoo co do mercado español e apoiándose nos resultados das estatísticas oficiais dispoñibles. Analízase a evolución das variables claves que definen este mercado e coméntanse as peculiaridades que presentan en GaliciaEn este artículo se reflexiona sobre el comportamiento del mercado de trabajo gallego desde mediados de los años ochenta, comparándolo con el del mercado español y apoyándose en los resultados de las estadísticas oficiales disponibles. Se analiza la evolución de las variables claves que definen este mercado y se comentan las peculiaridades que presentan en GaliciaThis article reflects on Galician labor market since the mid-eighties, comparing it with the Spanish labor market, based on the results of available official statistics. We analise the evolution of the key variables that define this market and discuss the specificities presented in GaliciaS

    Investigation of potential distribution on a CFRP coupon under impulse current: test results and FDTD simulation

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    CFRP is becoming in an important material for the future blades due to alternative renewable energy industry plans to increase the length of the blades. This work shows some analytical results about potential distribution on a CFRP coupon obtained after applying an impulse current with different rise time. Effects around electrodes are, symmetry behavior and some interesting comments about the influence of the rise time appear. A FDTD simulation is done and a comparison between FDTD and analytical results. The aim is to evaluate how useful can be this technique when current distribution is over an anisotropic material since tests are not always possible.Preprin

    Open the doors to tourism or remain cautious: residents’ dilemma amidst a pandemic

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    During a pandemic, residents of tourism destinations face the dilemma of whether to welcome tourists to help the economy rebound or to oppose their arrival to minimize the risk of contagion. This paper examines the influence of residents’ perception of the economic crisis triggered by the pandemic and the health risks associated with tourist arrivals on their attitudes towards tourism impacts and willingness to support tourism development. To this end, a novel model is tested using structural equation modelling (SEM). The potential moderating effect of belonging to certain population groups is also analysed, namely (i) having a household member linked to the tourism sector, (ii) residing in the city centre, and (iii) belonging to a COVID-19 risk group. Perceived risk of contagion was found to be a stronger predictor of residents’ support for tourism development than perception of the economic crisis; an effect that increases notably among residents of the most popular tourist areas of the city. These empirical findings provide useful information with a view to designing destination planning strategies during and after the pandemic

    Adaptive slope voltage control for distributed generation inverters with improved transient performance

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Reactive power injection in distributed generation inverters is an useful ancillary service for grid supporting purposes. For grid-feeding converters, the slope control method is the most common voltage regulation strategy used in local (communication-less) applications. Despite its simplicity, this method offers limited dynamic properties in scenarios with changing operation conditions. In this sense, this paper presents an adaptive slope voltage control which provides an improved transient performance against operating variations. To derive the control configuration, a control-oriented mathematical model is developed. The accuracy of the modeling and the performance of the proposed control are validated by selected experimental results.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Zebrafish Models for the Safety and Therapeutic Testing of Nanoparticles with a Focus on Macrophages

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    Review[Abstract] New nanoparticles and biomaterials are increasingly being used in biomedical research for drug delivery, diagnostic applications, or vaccines, and they are also present in numerous commercial products, in the environment and workplaces. Thus, the evaluation of the safety and possible therapeutic application of these nanomaterials has become of foremost importance for the proper progress of nanotechnology. Due to economical and ethical issues, in vitro and in vivo methods are encouraged for the testing of new compounds and/or nanoparticles, however in vivo models are still needed. In this scenario, zebrafish (Danio rerio) has demonstrated potential for toxicological and pharmacological screenings. Zebrafish presents an innate immune system, from early developmental stages, with conserved macrophage phenotypes and functions with respect to humans. This fact, combined with the transparency of zebrafish, the availability of models with fluorescently labelled macrophages, as well as a broad variety of disease models offers great possibilities for the testing of new nanoparticles. Thus, with a particular focus on macrophage–nanoparticle interaction in vivo, here, we review the studies using zebrafish for toxicological and biodistribution testing of nanoparticles, and also the possibilities for their preclinical evaluation in various diseases, including cancer and autoimmune, neuroinflammatory, and infectious diseases.Xunta de Galicia; ED481A-2018/095A.P.-L. is supported by the Xunta de Galicia Pre-doctoral Fellowship (ED481A-2018/095); F.T.A. is recipient of a grant by the AECC (“Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer”, Spain). J.F.-R. was supported by a scholarship awarded by “Fundación Barrié”

    Changes in tobacco imagery and smokers’ depiction in Spanish top-grossing films before and after the implementation of a comprehensive tobacco control policy in Spain

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    INTRODUCTION As more restrictions on tobacco marketing communication are implemented, tobacco marketing has persisted through smoking in films. Our aims were to assess changes in tobacco imagery exposure in Spanish top-grossing films before and after the banning of tobacco advertising in Spain, and to determine whether the depiction of smoking characters has changed over the years.METHODS A repeated cross-sectional study measured the tobacco content in the 10 Spanish top-grossing films in 2005, 2010 and 2015 (n=30) before and after a complete tobacco advertising ban. We conducted a descriptive and regression analysis of changes in tobacco impressions by year.RESULTS The 30 films contained 1378 tobacco occurrences (90.2% positive for tobacco) with a median length of eight seconds onscreen. Total tobacco occurrences deemed positive for tobacco interests significantly increased in 2010 and 2015 compared to 2005. However, we observed decreased odds of tobacco brands appearances (OR=0.25; p<0.001) in 2010 and of implied tobacco use (OR=0.44; p=0.002), and tobacco brands appearances (OR=0.36; p<0.001) in 2015 compared to 2005. There was a change of pattern in the type of role smokers played from a leading role to a supporting one (p<0.001). The population reach of positive for tobacco occurrence in Spanish top-grossing films decreased from 15.9 (95% CI: 15.86-15.86) per 1000 spectators in 2005 to 0.8 (95% CI: 0.82-0.82) in 2015.CONCLUSIONS The implementation of a ban on complete tobacco product advertising was followed by a decrease in tobacco incidents across top-grossing Spanish films. Yet, exposure to smoking in films is still unacceptably high