370 research outputs found

    Study of the evolution of nitrogen compounds from a biological system with CO2 contribution

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    [Resumen] El presente estudio tiene como objeto evaluar la evolución de los compuestos nitrogenados de un sistema biológico variando la cantidad de CO2 aportada al mismo. El sistema considerado es un acuario plantado de agua dulce (80 L). El trabajo experimental se centra en la realización de una serie de ensayos aportando al sistema cantidades variables de compuestos nitrogenados y de otros nutrientes inorgánicos (KNO3, KH2PO4), en presencia de distintas concentraciones de CO2 disuelto, de acuerdo con una estrategia previamente establecida. A continuación se lleva a cabo la determinación de los principales parámetros analíticos que permiten evaluar las condiciones del agua de un acuario: nitratos, nitritos, amonio, pH, conductividad, dureza y alcalinidad. Se complementa el estudio con la determinación del contenido de nitrógeno y carbono total así como carbono orgánico total en la biomasa vegetal producida en el acuario. De los resultados obtenidos se pudo establecer que el sistema se comporta de forma diferente en función de los niveles aportados de CO2: - Cuando la cantidad de CO2 aportada es baja, el sistema obtuvo una parte del nitrógeno de los nitratos añadidos al agua en forma de KNO3 y otra parte del amonio que se produce de forma natural en el sistema. - Al incrementar el aporte de CO2 aumentó significativamente el consumo de nitratos a partir del KNO3 añadido. - Al estudiar la biomasa generada en el sistema se obtuvo un notable aumento de la masa total cuando se incrementó el aporte de CO2, así como del nitrógeno absorbido. Esto nos lleva a concluir que el sistema ha incrementado su actividad biológica como consecuencia del aumento en el aporte de CO2.[Abstract] The present study aims to assess the evolution of the nitrogen compounds of a biological system by varying the amount of CO2 provided. The system is an Aquarium of fresh water (80 L) contains a suit of plants. Experimental procedure focuses on conducting several trials where the system is fed with variable amounts of nitrogen compounds and other inorganic nutrients (KNO3, KH2PO4), while different levels of CO2 are applied, in accordance with a previously established strategy. The determination of the principal analytical parameters to evaluate the water characteristics of the aquarium is then accomplished: nitrates, nitrites, ammonia, pH, conductivity, hardness and alkalinity. The study is complemented with the determination of the content of nitrogen, total carbon and total organic carbon in the plant biomass grown in the Aquarium. From the results, it can be established that the system behaves differently depending on the levels of CO2: -When the amount of CO2 is low, the system obtains part of the nitrogen consumed from the nitrates added to the water in the form of KNO3. -when the contribution of CO2 increases, the consumption of nitrates enhanced significantly from the KNO3 added. - When the biomass generated in the system was studied, a significant increase in the total mass was registered when the contribution of CO2 was high, as well as the absorbed nitrogen. This leads to the conclusion that the system has increased its biological activity because of the increase in the contribution of CO2.[Resumo] O presente traballo ten como obxetivo avaliar a evolución dos compostos nitroxenados dun sistema biolóxico variando a cantidade de CO2 achegada ao mesmo. O sistema considerado é un acuario plantado de auga doce (80 L). O traballo experimental céntrase na realización dunha serie de ensaios aportando ao sistema cantidades variables de compostos nitroxenados e doutros nutrintes inorgánicos (KNO3, KH2PO4), en presenza de distintas concentracións de CO2 disolto, dacordo cunha estratexia previamente establecida. A continuación lévase a cabo a determinación dos principais parámetros analíticos que permiten avaliar as condiciones da auga dun acuario: nitratos, nitritos, amonio, pH, conductividade, dureza e alcalinidade. Compleméntase o estudo coa determinación do contido de nitróxeno e carbono total e mais o carbono orgánico total na biomasa vexetal producida no acuario. Dos resultados obtidos púidose establecer que o sistema se compórta de forma diferente en función dos niveis achegados de CO2: - Cando a cantidade de CO2 aportada é baixa, o sistema obtivo unha parte do nitróxeno dos nitratos engadidos á auga en forma de KNO3 e outra parte do amonio que se produce de forma natural no sistema. - Ao incrementar a achega de CO2 aumentou significativamente o consumo de nitratos a partir do KNO3 engadido. - Ao estudar a biomasa xerada no sistema obtívose un notable aumento da masa total cando se incrementou a achega de CO2, así como o nitróxeno absorbido. Isto lévanos a concluir que o sistema incrementou a súa actividade biolóxica como consecuencia do aumento na achega de CO2.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Química. Curso 2013/201

    Análisis de las actividades del programa Clic en contextos de enseñanza-aprendizaje

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    En este trabajo, examinamos uno de los programas utilizados por el profesorado: el Clic. Una herramienta de creación de actividades educativas multimedia para alumnos. Además de describirlo, dando cuenta de sus características técnicas, potencialidades, posibles usos y su valor pedagógico con relación a otros recursos didácticos (en especial el libro de texto), nos centramos en un caso concreto: un centro educativo de primaria. En este estudio de caso, enmarcado en una investigación más amplia, analizamos los modos o las experiencias de utilización de las actividades del Clic. Experiencias en este caso desarrolladas tanto en aulas ordinarias como en aulas específicas (aulas de informática). La información de la que disponemos para el análisis de estas experiencias ha sido recogida mediante entrevistas formales e informales, observación participante y no participante, notas de campo, informes y diarios de campo, etc.En aquest treball examinem un dels programes utilitzats pel professorat: el Clic. Una eina de creació d'activitats educatives multimèdia per a alumnes. A més de descriure'l, oferint les seves característiques tècniques, potencialitats, possibles usos i el seu valor pedagògic en relació amb altres recursos didàctics (especialment el llibre de text), ens centrem en un cas concret: un centre educatiu de primària. En aquest estudi de cas, emmarcat en una investigació més àmplia, vam analitzar les maneres o experiències d'utilització de les activitats del Clic. Experiències en aquest cas desenvolupades tant en aules ordinàries com en aules específiques (aules d'informàtica). La informació de la qual disposem per a l'anàlisi d'aquestes experiències ha estat recollida mitjançant entrevistes formals i informals, observació participant i no participant, notes de camp, informes i diaris de camp, etc.Along this article, we examine one of the computer programmes used by teachers: Clic. This is a tool for creating multimedia educational activities for students. Apart from describing this programme -specifying its technical characteristics, potentialities, possible uses and its pedagogical value in relation to other didactic resources (particularly the text book)- we refer to a concrete case in a Primary School. In this case study, which is part of a broader research, we analyse the ways or experiences of use of the Clic activities. These experiences take place both in mainstream classrooms and specific classrooms (computer classrooms). The information we have for the analysis of these experiences was obtained out of formal and informal interviews, participant and non-participant information, field notes, reports and field diaries, etc

    Myotonic Dystrophy type 1 cells display impaired metabolism and mitochondrial dysfunction that are reversed by metformin

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    Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1; MIM #160900) is an autosomal dominant disorder, clinically characterized by progressive muscular weakness and multisystem degeneration. The broad phenotypes observed in patients with DM1 resemble the appearance of a multisystem accelerated aging process. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these phenotypes remain largely unknown. In this study, we characterized the impact of metabolism and mitochondria on fibroblasts and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) derived from patients with DM1 and healthy individuals. Our results revealed a decrease in oxidative phosphorylation system (OXPHOS) activity, oxygen consumption rate (OCR), ATP production, energy metabolism, and mitochondria! dynamics in DM1 fibroblasts, as well as increased accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). PBMCs of DM1 patients also displayed reduced mitochondria! dynamics and energy metabolism. Moreover, treatment with metformin reversed the metabolic and mitochondria! defects as well as additional accelerated aging phenotypes, such as impaired proliferation, in DM1-derived fibroblasts. Our results identify impaired cell metabolism and mitochondria! dysfunction as important drivers of DM1 pathophysiology and, therefore, reveal the efficacy of metformin treatment in a pre-clinical setting.This work was supported by grants from the Instituto Salud Carlos III and FEDER funds (CP16/00039, PI16/01580, PI17/01841) and Health department from Basque Country (2017 and 2018-2017222021)

    Educational and labour trajectories of the young children of immigrants in Spain

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    This article presents a study on the integration of the young adult and adolescent children of immigrants into the educational system and the labor market. It examines the impact of various factors on this integration process, including social capital, family history and educational background, gender, and school resources. Intensive interviews have been conducted with a sample of Moroccan, Chinese, and Dominican immigrants between 16 and 24 years of age and the analysis explores their discourse with respect to their educational trajectory (finished or unfinished) and their past and current work experiences. The findings indicate that a number of factors play a role in this process as well as in the ability of the subjects to make the transition to adulthood. Some of the most important amongst them are: age on arrival, gender, family involvement in and support for the daily schoolwork of their children and the attitudes and autonomy of the children with regard to the decisions they make about their futur

    Centro de Información y documentación Sergio Larrain García-Moreno: Providencia, Chile

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    Targeting Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 with Metformin

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    Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is a multisystemic disorder of genetic origin. Progressive muscular weakness, atrophy and myotonia are its most prominent neuromuscular features, while additional clinical manifestations in multiple organs are also common. Overall, DM1 features resemble accelerated aging. There is currently no cure or specific treatment for myotonic dystrophy patients. However, in recent years a great effort has been made to identify potential new therapeutic strategies for DM1 patients. Metformin is a biguanide antidiabetic drug, with potential to delay aging at cellular and organismal levels. In DM1, different studies revealed that metformin rescues multiple phenotypes of the disease. This review provides an overview of recent findings describing metformin as a novel therapy to combat DM1 and their link with aging.M.G.-P. and A.S.-A. are recipient of predoctoral fellowships from the University of the Basque Country (PIF 15/245) and Carlos III Institute (FI17/00250), respectively. This work is supported by grants from the Carlos III Institute and FEDER funds (PI17/01841, DTS18/00181, PI19/01355, PI21/00557), Health Department from Basque Country (2017222021, 2018222021, 2020333008) and CIBERNED funds

    Global solar irradiation modelling and prediction using machine learning models for their potential use in renewable energy applications

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    Global solar irradiation is an important variable that can be used to determine the suitability of an area to install solar systems; nevertheless, due to the limitations of requiring measurement stations around the entire world, it can be correlated with different meteorological parameters. To confront this issue, different locations in Rias Baixas (Autonomous Community of Galicia, Spain) and combinations of parameters (month and average temperature, among others) were used to develop various machine learning models (random forest -RF-, support vector machine -SVM- and artificial neural network -ANN-). These three approaches were used to model and predict (one month ahead) monthly global solar irradiation using the data from six measurement stations. Afterwards, these models were applied to seven different measurement stations to check if the knowledge acquired could be extrapolated to other locations. In general, the ANN models offered the best results for the development and testing phases of the model, as well as for the phase of knowledge extrapolation to other locations. In this sense, the selected ANNs obtained a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) value between 3.9 and 13.8% for the model development and an overall MAPE between 4.1 and 12.5% for the other seven locations. ANNs can be a capable tool for modelling and predicting monthly global solar irradiation in areas where data are available and for extrapolating this knowledge to nearby areas

    Deformaciones pliocenas y cuaternarias en la plataforma continental oriental del Algarve, Golfo de Cádiz

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    The eastern Algarve continental shelf in the northern margin of the Gulf of Cadiz has been investigated by analysing a set of high-resolution seismic reflection profiles. We examine the major structural elements affecting the upper sedimentary units. A seismo-stratigraphic interpretation and regional correlation allowed the identification of a major discontinuity that separates two main intervals, pre-Middle Pleistocene (MP) and post-MP. In addition, a number of deformation features such as ENE-WSW to NE-SW thrusts, kilometric-scale N-S to NW-SE folds and NNE-SSW to NNW-SSE sub-vertical normal faults were identified affecting the Pliocene-Quaternary sedimentary record, indicating neotectonic activity. The structures pre-dating MP are in agreement with a dominant transpressive regime along the continental shelf, under the Late Cenozoic NW-SE oblique convergence and related to the reactivation of Mesozoic diapiric structures. The structures post-dating MP induce a lower deformation of the sedimentary cover but were still active during the last glacial maximum, in agreement with the low uplift recognized in the Portuguese mainlandLa plataforma continental del Algarve en el margen septentrional del Golfo de Cádiz ha sido investigada mediante el análisis de una red de perfiles sísmicos de alta resolución. Se presentan las principales estructuras que afectan a la cobertera sedimentaria superficial. Una interpretación sismoestratigráfica y correlaciones a nivel regional han permitido diferenciar dos intervalos separados por una discontinuidad principal, anterior y posterior al Pleistoceno Medio (PM). Los depósitos del Plioceno y Cuaternario están deformados por estructuras de deformación tales como cabalgamientos ENEOSO a NE-SO, pliegues N-S a NO-SE de escala kilométrica y fallas subverticales NNE-SSO a NNO-SSE, que indican actividad neotectónica. Las estructuras anteriores al PM se generan en relación con el régimen transpresivo (NO-SE) dominante a fInales del Cenozoico en esta región y la reactivación de las estructuras diapíricas mesozoicas observadas en el margen. En cambio, las estructuras posteriores al PM producen una ligera deformación de la cobertera sedimentaria y actividad durante el último máximo glaciar, lo que concuerda con un moderado levantamiento tectónico observado en la zona continental del margen portugué

    Evidencias de actividad tectónica contemporánea en el sector oriental de la plataforma continental y talud superior del Golfo de Cádiz (SO de la Península Ibérica)

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    La interpretación de una serie de registros de sísmica de muy alta resolución con ecosonda paramétrica TOPAS obtenidos en las campañas CADHYS0713, INDEMARES/CHICA1011 y ARSA 0313 en el sector oriental de la plataforma continental y talud superior del Golfo de Cádiz entre los 50 y los 400 m de profundidad, ha permitido identificar una serie de estructuras tectónicas que deforman tanto los depósitos de edad Holoceno y Pleistoceno Superior, como la superficie del fondo . Estas unidades estratigráficas se han identificado sobre la Superficie Transgresiva Posglacial, datada en 18 ka. Las principales estructuras identificadas son fallas normales y fallas inversas, cuya actividad se ha relacionado con fases de elevación de estructuras diapíricas de naturaleza salina que se extienden desde zonas emergidas hasta zonas distales del margen continental del Golfo de Cádiz.Very high resolution parametric echosounder (TOPAS) data interpretation obtained during CADHYS0713, INDEMARES/CHICA1011 and ARSA0313 cruises along the middle, external shelf and upper slope of the eastern Gulf of Cadiz between 50 and 400 m depth has allowed us the identification of several active tectonic structures acting since the Holocene. To date this activiy, it have been identified along the study area three postglacial discontinuities, Postglacial Trangressive Surface (TS) of 18 ky BP; the maximum flooding surface (MFS) of 6.5 ky; and the 3.5 ky Mid highstand deposits surface (MHS). Active normal and reverse faults have been identified whose recent activity is closely linked to the uplift episodes of salt diapirs structures from onshore to distal areas of the continental margin.Versión del edito