48 research outputs found

    “Voluntad de trabajo” dentro del aprendizaje basado en proyectos

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    Currently, within the framework of the European Space for Higher Education, there is a need to adapt the teaching-learning methodologies carried out in the university. For this, now that the main focus of this process is the student, and the role of the teacher is the guide, there are numerous active methodologies that we, as teachers, can implement. Labrador and Andreu (2008) and De Miguel (2006) point out among them the case study, problem-based learning, or project-based learning, the latter being the one used in this study. The objective of this work is to implement this methodology in three grades of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of Granada (Pedagogy, Social Education and Preschool), in a sample of 180 first and second year students, in order to study in what way measure influences its performance. The procedure followed has been to work in groups the different themes addressed in the subjects, in a practical way, so that they project the usefulness of what they have learned in a future work, as well as to achieve a significant learning. In order to know the development of the working groups, they were asked to complete the Will to work Scale and the peer Will to work Scale (Andrés, Abal, Lozzia, Gómez-Benito, Aguerri, Gilabert and Attorresi (2013). This paper highlights the different vision of individual work within the group compared to the perception of the work of the rest of the members that make it up. It is important to know how the groups works, because of the benefits that project-based learning can draw, reducing the limitations that may arise.Actualmente, en el marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, surge la necesidad de adaptar las metodologías de enseñanza-aprendizaje llevadas a cabo en el aula. Para ello, ahora que el eje principal de ese proceso es el estudiante, y el rol del profesor es el de guía, surgen numerosas metodologías activas que como docentes podemos implementar. Labrador y Andreu (2008) y De Miguel (2006) señalan entre ellas el estudio de caso, el aprendizaje basado en problemas, o el aprendizaje basado en proyectos, siendo ésta última la que se ha utilizado en el presente estudio. El objetivo de este trabajo es llevarla a cabo en tres grados de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de Granada (Pedagogía, Educación Social e Infantil), en una muestra de 180 alumnos de primer y segundo curso, para de esta forma estudiar en qué medida influye en su rendimiento. El procedimiento seguido ha sido trabajar por grupos las diferentes temáticas abordadas en las asignaturas, de forma práctica, para que proyectaran la utilidad de lo aprendido en un futuro laboral, además de conseguir que tuviera lugar un aprendizaje significativo en las diferentes materias. Para poder conocer el desarrollo de los grupos de trabajo se les pidió que cumplimentaran el Cuestionario de voluntad de trabajo y el Cuestionario de Voluntad de trabajo por pares (Andrés, Abal, Lozzia, Gómez-Benito, Aguerri,  Gilabert y Attorresi (2013) cuyos datos se exponen en la presente ponencia. Se destaca la diferente visión del trabajo individual dentro del grupo en comparación a la percepción que se tiene del trabajo del resto de los miembros que lo forman. Es importante conocer el funcionamiento de los grupos de trabajo ya que de él depende en gran medida el aprovechamiento de los beneficios que del Aprendizaje basado en proyectos se extraen, disminuyendo las limitaciones que puedan surgir

    Uso de la autoevaluación en asignaturas relacionadas con la discapacidad en alumnado de educación

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    We used self-assessment as strategies for the assessment of students in the Faculty of Education. We analysed the perception of students regarding their acquisition of skills in the area of disability, using problem-based learning as the teaching methodology. The results suggest that the self-assessment of students using rubrics is an appropriate tool for assessing basic skill levels.Se quiso utilizar la autoevaluación como estrategia de evaluación en alumnado de educación. Se analiza la percepción de los estudiantes sobre la adquisición de competencias vinculadas a la discapacidad utilizando como metodología docente el aprendizaje basado en problemas. Los resultados obtenidos permiten concluir que la autoevaluación mediante rúbricas supone una adecuada herramienta para evaluar el grado de adquisición de competencias básicas

    Perfil del alumnado del grado de educación infantil: proyecto docente de la asignatura trastornos del desarrollo

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    A relevant aspect of the context in which a teaching project is framed is that related to the specific characteristics of the people who will be the protagonists of the learning process: the students of the degree program. Without a doubt, the students are the raw material of the universities, and the reason for their existence. Analyzing the characteristics of the students, their  origin, objectives, interests, motivations, personal aspirations, etc., are essential elements in any project. In this work, a study is made of the university students of Pre-school Education in general, and of the students of the subject matter of study in particular, Development Disorders. Their origin, expectations and training and professional interests, their previous knowledge and learning styles, condition the teaching decisions. The conclusions drawn from this analysis should be reflected in the pedagogical and methodological decisions of the teaching plan.Un aspecto relevante del contexto en el que se encuadra un proyecto docente es el relativo a las características específicas de las personas que van a protagonizar el proceso de aprendizaje: los alumnos de la titulación. Sin duda alguna, los alumnos son la materia prima de las universidades, y la razón de su existencia. Analizar las características de los alumnos, su procedencia, objetivos, intereses, motivaciones, aspiraciones personales, etc., son elementos imprescindibles en todo proyecto. En este trabajo se realiza un estudio del perfil de los alumnos universitarios de Educación Infantil en general, y de los alumnos de una materia objeto de estudio en particular, Trastornos del desarrollo. Su procedencia, expectativas e intereses formativos y profesionales, sus conocimientos previos y estilos de aprendizaje, condicionan las decisiones docentes. Las conclusiones extraídas de este análisis deberán verse reflejadas en las decisiones pedagógicas y metodológicas del plan docente

    Deporte en familia como prevención de problemas de conducta desde edades tempranas

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    In recent years, behavioral problems in early childhood have increased, conditioning the probability that problematic situations appear that compromises the personal and social adjustment of children, crystallizing in criminal behavior or harassment. In order to respond to this problem, recent studies provides scientific evidence about different interventions highlighting the influence of parenting styles in the infantile stage and the role of the sport in the promotion of prosocial conducts and self-control. Therefore, the objective of this article is, on the one hand, to know the relationship between the parenting styles, assessed form a child perspective, and preschoolers behavior problems and, on the other hand, to reflect on the benefits of family sport practice from a democratic, comprehensive and constructive perspective in preventing behavior problems in the preschool stage. The study involved 141 students (81 girls and 63 boys) aged 4 and 5 years old from Granada. Parenting styles are evaluated through PEF-H scale from Alonso y Román (2003), and behavioural problems through three BASC scales from Reynolds y Kamphaus (1992), adapted to spanish by González, Fernández, Pérez, y Santamaría (2004). The results show that the democratic style correlates significantly and negatively with attention problems. However, no significant relationship has been found between permissive style and behavioral problems. As for the authoritarian style, there is a positive and significant relationship with behavior problems. In conclusion, family democratic style is a protective factor for optimal development from an early age, being family sport practice a positive aspect to promote prosocial, respectful, entrepreneurial, self-control and critical conducts, as prevention of behavioral problems.En los últimos años los problemas de conducta en edad infantil han aumentado, condicionando la probabilidad de que aparezcan situaciones problemáticas que comprometan el ajuste personal y social de los menores, cristalizando en conductas delictivas o acoso. Para responder a esta problemática, investigaciones recientes aportan evidencias científicas acerca de diferentes intervenciones resaltando la influencia de los estilos educativos parentales en la etapa infantil y del papel del deporte en el fomento de conductas prosociales y de autocontrol. Por ello, el objetivo de la presente investigación es, por un lado, conocer la relación existente entre los estilos educativos parentales, evaluados desde la perspectiva infantil, y los problemas de conducta en niños de preescolar y, por otro, reflexionar sobre los beneficios de la práctica de deporte en familia desde una perspectiva democrática, comprensiva y constructiva en la prevención de problemas de conducta en la etapa preescolar. En el estudio participan 141 alumnos/as (81 niñas y 63 niños) de 4 y 5 años de Granada. Los estilos educativos se evalúan a través de la escala PEF-H de Alonso y Román (2003), y los problemas de conducta mediante tres escalas del BASC de Reynolds y Kamphaus (1992), adaptada al español por González, Fernández, Pérez, y Santamaría (2004). Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el estilo democrático correlaciona significativa y negativamente con los problemas de atención. Sin embargo, no se ha encontrado relación significativa entre el estilo permisivo y los problemas de conducta. En cuanto al estilo autoritario, se encuentra una relación positiva significativa con los problemas de atención. En conclusión, el estilo democrático familiar se presenta como factor de protección para el desarrollo óptimo desde edades tempranas, siendo la práctica del deporte en familia un aspecto positivo para fomentar conductas prosociales, respetuosas, emprendedoras, de autocontrol y críticas, como prevención de problemas de conducta

    El perfil formativo y profesional del graduado en pedagogía. Perspectiva actual de su inserción laboral

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    After these years of implementation of the Bologna process for the adaptation to the European higher education area in the current context, it is necessary to review how certain disciplines have strengthened their position in society. In this paper, we will focus on the evolution of the degree of pedagogy, as well as professional profile which plays, from the perspective of the protagonists themselves, the students, since they will be professionals who carry out their work in the immediate future in the society, and will implement those acquired skills, being responsible for transmitting this legacy. For this reason it is necessary of this research, coupled with the fact that around the definition of pedagogy, there is ambiguity and lack of knowledge regarding their functions and areas of professional activity. This study will allow having a vision contextualized on different working routes that this profession can carry out, in order to draw conclusions about its academic profile and therefore socio-labour, favoring an improvement of the image social of the pedagogue, which make it possible to reduce the uncertainty regarding this professional. The methodology used was descriptive and quantitative, with a non-experimental design by survey method. It shows total 334 students, belonging to the degree of pedagogy of the University of Granada, enrolled in the academic year 20162017. The results show that the figure of the pedagogue is a multidisciplinary professional who can cover different fields of action and not just linked to the field of education, but provides an opening to the business context. For this reason, the training (formal, non-formal, and business), is a basic pillar in our society. That is, where the importance of the figure of the pedagogue resides, and how it should position itself as the expert in these subjects.En el contexto actual y tras estos años de implantación del Plan Bolonia  para la adecuación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior, es necesario revisar cómo ciertas disciplinas han afianzado su posición ante la sociedad. En este trabajo, nos vamos a centrar en la evolución del Grado de Pedagogía, así como del perfil profesional que desempeña, desde la perspectiva de los propios protagonistas, el alumnado, ya que serán en un futuro inmediato los profesionales que llevarán a cabo su labor en la sociedad, e implementarán aquellas competencias adquiridas, siendo los encargados de transmitir dicho legado. Por esta razón surge la necesidad de esta investigación, unido al hecho de que alrededor de la definición propia de la Pedagogía, existe ambigüedad y desconocimiento en torno a sus funciones y ámbitos de actuación profesional. Este estudio permitirá tener una visión contextualizada sobre los diferentes itinerarios laborales que esta profesión puede llevar a cabo, con la finalidad de extraer conclusiones sobre su perfil académico y por ende socio-laboral, favoreciendo una mejora de la imagen social del Pedagogo, la cual posibilite aminorar la incertidumbre existente respecto a este profesional. La metodología utilizada fue descriptiva y cuantitativa, con un diseño no experimental por método de encuesta. La muestra total 334 alumnos, pertenecientes al Grado de Pedagogía de la Universidad de Granada, matriculados en el curso académico 2016-2017. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la figura del Pedagogo es un profesional multidisciplinar que puede abarcar diversos ámbitos de actuación y no sólo vinculado, al ámbito educativo, sino que se posibilita una apertura al contexto empresarial. Por ello, la formación (formal, no formal, y empresarial), es un pilar básico en nuestra sociedad. Ahí es, donde reside la importancia de la figura del Pedagogo, y cómo debe posicionarse como el experto en estas materias

    Relationship between Resilience and Self-regulation: A Study of Spanish Youth at Risk of Social Exclusion

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    The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00612/full#supplementary-materialThe ability to self-regulate behavior is one of the most important protective factors in relation with resilience and should be fostered especially in at-risk youth. Previous research has characterized these students as having behaviors indicating lack of foresight. The aim of the present study was to test the hypothetical relationship between these personal variables. It was hypothesized that self-regulation would be associated with and would be a good predictor of resilience, and that low-medium-high levels of self-regulation would lead to similar levels of resilience. The participants were 365 students -aged 15 and 21- from Navarre (Spain) who were enrolled in Initial Vocational Qualification Programs (IVQP). For the assessment, the Connor Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) and the Short Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SSRQ) were applied. We carried out linear association analyses (correlational and structural) and non-linear interdependence analyses (MANOVA) between the two constructs. Relationships between them were significant and positive. Learning from mistakes (self-regulation) was a significant predictor of coping and confidence, tenacity and adaptation, and tolerance to negative situations (resilience). Likewise, low-medium-high levels of self-regulation correlated with scores on resilience factors. Implications of these results for educational practice and for future research are discussed.Motivational-affective strategies of personal self-regulation and coping with stress in the university teaching-learning process. Ref. EDU2011-24805 (2012-2015). Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Spain) and FEDER Found (EU)

    Protective efficacy in a hamster model of a multivalent vaccine for human visceral leishmaniasis (Mulevaclin) consisting of the kmp11, leish-f3+, and ljl143 antigens in virosomes, plus gla-se adjuvant

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    Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) is the most severe clinical form of leishmaniasis, fatal if untreated. Vaccination is the most cost-effective approach to disease control; however, to date, no vaccines against human VL have been made available. This work examines the efficacy of a novel vaccine consisting of the Leishmania membrane protein KMP11, LEISH-F3+ (a recombinant fusion protein, composed of epitopes of the parasite proteins nucleoside hydrolase, sterol-24-c-methyltransferase, and cysteine protease B), and the sand fly salivary protein LJL143, in two dose ratios. The inclusion of the TLR4 agonist GLA-SE as an adjuvant, and the use of virosomes (VS) as a delivery system, are also examined. In a hamster model of VL, the vaccine elicited antigen-specific immune responses prior to infection with Leishmania infantum. Of note, the responses were greater when higher doses of KMP11 and LEISH-F3+ proteins were administered along with the GLA-SE adjuvant and/or when delivered within VS. Remarkably, hamsters immunized with the complete combination (i.e., all antigens in VS + GLA-SE) showed significantly lower parasite burdens in the spleen compared to those in control animals. This protection was underpinned by a more intense, specific humoral response against the KMP11, LEISH-F3+, and LJL143 antigens in vaccinated animals, but a significantly less intense antibody response to the pool of soluble Leishmania antigens (SLA). Overall, these results indicate that this innovative vaccine formulation confers protection against L. infantum infection, supporting the advancement of the vaccine formulation into process development and manufacturing and the conduction of toxicity studies towards future phase I human clinical trialsEuropean Community’s Seventh Framework Programme, grant number 603181 (Clinical Studies on a Multivalent Vaccine for Human Visceral Leishmaniasis [MuLeVaClin]), and by the RD16CIII/0003/0002 and RD16/0027/0008 Red de Investigación Cooperativa de Enfermedades Tropicales, Subprograma RETICS del Plan Estatal de I+D+I 2013–2016, co-funded by ERD

    Unmasking a new prognostic marker and therapeutic target from the GDNF-RET/PIT1/p14ARF/p53 pathway in acromegaly

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    Background: Acromegaly is produced by excess growth hormone secreted by a pituitary adenoma of somatotroph cells (ACRO). First-line therapy, surgery and adjuvant therapy with somatostatin analogs, fails in 25% of patients. There is no predictive factor of resistance to therapy. New therapies are investigated using few dispersed tumor cells in acute primary cultures in standard conditions where the cells do not grow, or using rat pituitary cell lines that do not maintain the full somatotroph phenotype. The RET/PIT1/p14ARF/p53 pathway regulates apoptosis in normal pituitary somatotrophs whereas the RET/GDNF pathway regulates survival, controlling PIT1 levels and blocking p14ARF (ARF) and p53 expression. Methods: We investigated these two RET pathways in a prospective series of 32 ACRO and 63 non-functioning pituitary adenomas (NFPA), studying quantitative RNA and protein gene expression for molecular-clinical correlations and how the RET pathway might be implicated in therapeutic success. Clinical data was collected during post-surgical follow-up. We also established new'humanized’ pituitary cultures, allowing 20 repeated passages and maintaining the pituitary secretory phenotype, and tested five multikinase inhibitors (TKI: Vandetanib, Lenvatinib, Sunitinib, Cabozantinib and Sorafenib) potentially able to act on the GDNF-induced RET dimerization/survival pathway. Antibody arrays investigated intracellular molecular pathways. Findings: In ACRO, there was specific enrichment of all genes in both RET pathways, especially GDNF. ARF and GFRA4 gene expression were found to be opposing predictors of response to first-line therapy. ARF cut-off levels, calculated categorizing by GNAS mutation, were predictive of good response (above) or resistance (below) to therapy months later. Sorafenib, through AMPK, blocked the GDNF/AKT survival action without altering the RET apoptotic pathway. Interpretation: Tumor ARF mRNA expression measured at the time of the surgery is a prognosis factor in acromegaly. The RET inhibitor, Sorafenib, is proposed as a potential treatment for resistant ACRO. Fund: This project was supported by national grants from Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and Instituto Investigación Carlos III, with participation of European FEDER funds, to IB (PI150056) and CVA (BFU2016-76973-R). It was also supported initially by a grant from the Investigator Initiated Research (IIR) Program (WI177773) and by a non-restricted Research Grant from Pfizer Foundation to IB. Some of the pituitary acromegaly samples were collected in the framework of the Spanish National Registry of Acromegaly (REMAH), partially supported by an unrestricted grant from Novartis to the Spanish Endocrine Association (SEEN). CVA is also supported from a grant of Medical Research Council UK MR/M018539/1

    Provision of artificial warrens as a means to enhance native wild rabbit populations: what type of warren and where should they be sited?

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    In Spain, wild rabbits are essential for some highly endangered species, and, therefore, many actions have been undertaken to increase their populations. In the present study, artificial warrens are provided as a means to increase shelter for native wild rabbit populations in a given area. We evaluate the use of three types of warrens by rabbits and the effect on that use of five habitat characteristics at two spatial scales (500 × 500-m grids and 25-m plots). To evaluate that use, we identified pre-established signs at the entrances to each warren, and based on this, we calculated occupancy rate and activity. Our results indicate that rabbit abundance within a grid is the only variable which simultaneously explains both the greater occupancy and the higher activity in the artificial warrens located in that grid. Some 73.2% of the grids showed signs of rabbit use at the time of the evaluation. However, the pre-existing rabbit populations within the grids were not quantified and, hence, we cannot state that the warrens contributed to an increase in the rabbit abundance. Regarding the habitat, our results reveal that warrens should be situated in grids with food coverage of less than 50%, while the use of each individual refuge is greater where food availability in the immediate surroundings is at least 20% and shelter at least 50%. The tube warrens showed significantly greater rabbit use than the other types while there was little difference between the stone and pallet warrens in terms of use