3,772 research outputs found

    Novel U-Shaped D-A-D π-conjugated Systems with Mechanochromic Properties: An Experimental and Theoretical Vibrational Spectroscopic Investigation

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    Π-conjugated compounds have been widely studied in the last few decades due to their huge field of application in organic electronics. Specifically, stimuli-responsive Π-conjugated materials which are sensitive to external stimulus (i.e., temperature, pressure, etc) have several uses like sensors, probes and security inks, for example.1 In this work, we study two U-shape Donor-Acceptor-Donor (D-A-D) systems that are found to exhibit interesting thermal- and pressure-dependent properties. 2 They consist on two different conformers of phenothiazine-dibenzo[a,j]phenazine-phenothiazine which differs from the position of the phenothiazine respect to the dibenzophenzaine central core. Compound 1R is the equatorial-equatorial conformer and 1Y is the axial-axial conformer (Figure 1). The dibenzophenzaine group acts as an electron-acceptor whereas the phenothiazine unit acts as an electron-donor. It has been reported that this U-shape D-A-D compound shows a multi-active color changing in 3 steps and their luminescence changes with temperature, pressure and acid exposition.2 In this work, we aim to elucidate how the external stimuli (i.e. temperature, pressure, acid ambient) affects the molecular structure at both intra- and intermolecular level. To this end, we use UV-Vis absorption, Raman (Figure 1) and Infrared spectroscopy experiments in combination with DFT calculations.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Practical issues on the sales of loan portfolios

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    Este artículo analiza las operaciones de venta de carteras de créditos (hipotecarios y al consumo) en situación de incumplimiento que recientemente vienen realizando las entidades financieras españolas a fondos de inversión oportunistas internacionales. Este análisis se aborda desde una perspectiva mercantil, procesal y fiscal y con un enfoque eminentemente práctico. Dentro de este enfoque práctico, y para facilitar su lectura, se sigue el orden del proceso de venta de una cartera y la posterior toma de control de la gestión por el inversor. El artículo comienza abordando los aspectos más relevantes de la negociación del contrato de compraventa: determinación de su objeto —adquisición de la plena titularidad de los créditos de la cartera o de sus resultas— y de su precio, la gestión de la cartera desde la fecha de corte, declaraciones y garantías más habituales del vendedor, delimitación de los créditos defectuosos y régimen de saneamiento de vicios, notificación de la cesión a los deudores y entrega de documentación de los créditos necesaria para su reclamación, según el tipo de procedimiento judicial que se inste en cada caso. Tras ello se analizan otros aspectos, como la sucesión procesal del comprador en los procesos judiciales de reclamación y la ejecución de los créditos de la cartera, poniendo el acento en el régimen legal previsto para la adjudicación y cesión de remate de bienes del deudor, en los riesgos de sucesión de empresa y en la incidencia del concurso sobre los procedimientos de reclamación.This article analyzes the recent sales of non-performing loans (mortgage loans and consumer credits) by Spanish financial institutions to opportunistic international investment funds. The analysis is from a commercial, procedural and tax perspective, with an eminently practical approach. From this practical approach, and as an aid to the reader’s understanding, the order of the article follows the sale process of a portfolio and the subsequent takeover of its management by the investor. The article begins by considering the most relevant aspects of the contract of sale: determination of the subject-matter —acquisition of the full ownership of the portfolio’s loans or of its results—, and its price; portfolio management from the cut-off date, most common reps and warranties of the seller, definition of doubtful loans and regulation of claims for defects, notification of the assignment to the debtors and provision of the necessary documentation on the loans that must be submitted with the claims, depending on the type of proceedings initiated by the creditor. We then proceed with the analysis of other aspects, such as the succession of the buyer in the legal proceedings to collect the debt-claims, the enforcement and foreclosure of the portfolio credits, focusing on the legal regulations applicable to the auction and award of the debtor’s assets, taking into account the risks of the transfer of the undertakings and the effect of the insolvency on the claim proceedings

    Arrays de sensores interferométricos recirculantes de fibra óptica

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    Two discrete interferometric sensors' arrays have been analysed from time división multiplexing of recirculating crossed loop structures based on singlemode optical fiber. Intensity impulsive responses for both arrays have been obtained and compared under different design considerations, calculating Ihe system coupling constants, signial to interference noise ratio, input pulse repetition rate and duty cycle for each case. First experimental results are shown in this paper and very simple temperature and pressure sensing applicalions are suggested from here

    Parametric macromodeling of integrated inductors for RF circuit design

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    Nowadays, parametric macromodeling techniques are widely used to describe electromagnetic structures. In this contribution, the application of such parametric macromodeling techniques to the design of integrated inductors and radio-frequency circuit design is investigated. In order to allow such different operations, a new modeling methodology is proposed, which improves the modeling accuracy when compared to former techniques. The new methodology is tailored to the unique characteristics of the devices under study. The obtained parametric macromodel is then used in a synthesis methodology and in the design of a voltage controlled oscillator in a 0.35-μm CMOS technologyMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2013-45638-C3- 3-RJunta de Andalucía P12-TIC-148

    PT-Symmetric Quantum Theory Defined in a Krein Space

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    We provide a mathematical framework for PT-symmetric quantum theory, which is applicable irrespective of whether a system is defined on R or a complex contour, whether PT symmetry is unbroken, and so on. The linear space in which PT-symmetric quantum theory is naturally defined is a Krein space constructed by introducing an indefinite metric into a Hilbert space composed of square integrable complex functions in a complex contour. We show that in this Krein space every PT-symmetric operator is P-Hermitian if and only if it has transposition symmetry as well, from which the characteristic properties of the PT-symmetric Hamiltonians found in the literature follow. Some possible ways to construct physical theories are discussed within the restriction to the class K(H).Comment: 8 pages, no figures; Refs. added, minor revisio

    Osteitis condensante de clavícula

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    La osteítis condensante de clavícula es una lesión ósea infrecuente, benigna y de etiología desconocida. Se caracteriza por esclerosis densa y homogénea de la porción infero-medial clavicular con obliteración de la cavidad medular sin afectación de la articulación esternoclavicular. Hasta ahora sólo se había descrito en mujeres, en el presente trabajo presentamos un caso en un paciente varón. Se discute el diagnóstico diferencial con otras entidades que producen afectación similar y proponemos la TC como método diagnóstico de elección, defendiendo el tratamiento conservador.Condensing osteitis of the clavicle is a benign and uncommon bone lesion of unknown cause, characterized by homogeneously dense sclerotic patch with obliteration of the marrow cavity at the medial end of the clavicle without involvement of the sternoclavicular joint. To date it had been described only in women. In this work we report a case in a male patient. The differential diagnosis with other disorders of similar findings is discussed. We propose CT-scan as the elective diagnostic test and we defend the conservative treatment

    Quantifying the contamination by old main-sequence stars in young moving groups: the case of the Local Association

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    The associations and moving groups of young stars are excellent laboratories for investigating stellar formation in the solar neighborhood. Previous results have confirmed that a non-negligible fraction of old main-sequence stars is present in the lists of possible members of young stellar kinematic groups. A detailed study of the properties of these samples is needed to separate the young stars from old main-sequence stars with similar space motion, and identify the origin of these structures. We used stars possible members of the young (~ 10 - 650 Myr) moving groups from the literature. To determine the age of the stars, we used several suitable age indicators for young main sequence stars, i.e., X-ray fluxes and other photometric data. We also used spectroscopic data, in particular the equivalent width of the lithium line Li I and Halpha, to constrain the range of ages of the stars. By combining photometric and spectroscopic data, we were able to separate the young stars (10 - 650 Myr) from the old (> 1 Gyr) field ones. We found, in particular, that the Local Association is contaminated by old field stars at the level of ~30%. This value must be considered as the contamination for our particular sample, and not of the entire Local Association. For other young moving groups, it is more difficult to estimate the fraction of old stars among possible members. However, the level of X-ray emission can, at least, help to separate two age populations: stars with <200 Myr and stars older than this. Our results are consistent with a scenario in which the moving groups contain both groups of young stars formed in a recent star-formation episode and old field stars with similar space motion. Only by combining X-ray and optical spectroscopic data is it possible to distinguish between these two age populations.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Intermediate Band Solar Cell with Extreme Broadband Spectrum Quantum Efficiency

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    We report, for the first time, about an intermediate band solar cell implemented with InAs/AlGaAs quantum dots whose photoresponse expands from 250 to ~ 6000  nm. To our knowledge, this is the broadest quantum efficiency reported to date for a solar cell and demonstrates that the intermediate band solar cell is capable of producing photocurrent when illuminated with photons whose energy equals the energy of the lowest band gap. We show experimental evidence indicating that this result is in agreement with the theory of the intermediate band solar cell, according to which the generation recombination between the intermediate band and the valence band makes this photocurrent detectable