280 research outputs found

    Building stigma on great scale: narrative shift effects around Toulouse Le Mirail

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    Cuando Olivier Guichard, ministro francés del equipamiento y ordenación del territorio, sentenció en 1973 a través de la Circular que lleva su nombre a los grandes conjuntos de promoción pública de “torres y barras”, en la supuesta idea de ir hacia un modelo liberalizado mejor, ayudó también a crear una marca territorial en el imaginario colectivo asociado al paisajede losgrands ensembles. Una marca parecida a aquella con la que, inicialmente a través de signos corporales, se señalaba a colectividades repudiadas. La ponencia se apoya en el estudio de caso de uno de los grandes conjuntos de vivienda social referentes del último Movimiento Moderno -Toulouse Le Mirail- identificando los discursos estigmatizantes sucedidos desde su concepción como utopía interclase en los años 60 ́ hasta su actual consideración como morfología urbana depreciada. La degradación del polígono de vivienda social como forma de crecimiento urbano fallida resulta, en parte, un proceso inducido.Olivier Guichard, French Minister of spatial planning, while condemning the large-scale public housing known as “tower-and-slab” in 1973, after publishing the “Guichard circular” –claiming the pursuit of a better liberal model– was also collaborating in the development of a territorial collective worldview brand identified with the grand ensembles urban landscape. A similar mark to that used to pinpoint repudiated communities, initially through body signals. The present communication is based on the case study of one of the main state-sponsored mass housingform the last Modern Movement –Toulouse Le Mirail– identifying the stigmatizing narratives since its inception as inter-class utopia in the 1960s, up until its actual understanding as deprecatedurban morphology. Large-scale public housing breakdown as a failed urban growth form proves itself, in a way, as an induced process.Peer Reviewe

    Anthropometric measures as predictive indicators of metabolic risk in a population of “holy week costaleros”

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    Preventive measures are a priority in those groups that perform intense physical efforts without physical preparation and that can also be overweight or obese. One of the groups that reflect these characteristics is the costaleros of the Holy Week of Andalusia, Spain. This paper aims to describe the effect of obesity on blood pressure. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 101 costaleros. The anthropometric measures were determined through segmental impedance. Cardiac recovery and anaerobic power were measured through the Ruffier–Dickson test and the Abalakov test, respectively. Blood pressure was measured when the individuals were at rest. The Kruskal–Wallis test was applied for of continuous parameters and the X2 test for dichotomous measures. Binary logistic regression models were used for the subsequent analysis with R-square and Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves. The average population was 28 years of age, 173.7 cm tall, and 82.59 Kg weigh. The excess of body fat was 11.27 Kg and Body Mass Index was 27.33 Kg/m2. 72.3% showed abnormal blood pressure and 68.2% were overweight. 32.7% had a waist-hip ratio higher than 0.94. The probability of presenting abnormal blood pressure was higher among the subjects whose fat content was higher and muscle content was lower

    La forma urbana de la periferia y los conjuntos de vivienda pública [VP]. Madrid 1940 – 2010: de la comparsa al hito en la VP madrileña

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    A reliable criterion for the correct delimitation of the foveal avascular zone in diabetic patients

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    Background: Manual segmentation of the Foveal Avascular Zone (FAZ) has a high level of variability. Research into retinas needs coherent segmentation sets with low variability. Methods: Retinal optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) images from type-1 diabetes mellitus (DM1), type-2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and healthy patients were included. Superficial (SCP) and deep (DCP) capillary plexus FAZs were manually segmented by different observers. After comparing the results, a new criterion was established to reduce variability in the segmentations. The FAZ area and acircularity were also studied. Results: The new segmentation criterion produces smaller areas (closer to the real FAZ) with lower variability than the different criteria of the explorers in both plexuses for the three groups. This was particularly noticeable for the DM2 group with damaged retinas. The acircularity values were also slightly reduced with the final criterion in all groups. The FAZ areas with lower values showed slightly higher acircularity values. We also have a consistent and coherent set of segmentations with which to continue our research. Conclusions: Manual segmentations of FAZ are generally carried out with little attention to the consistency of the measurements. A novel criterion for segmenting the FAZ allows segmentations made by different observers to be more similar

    Endoscopic lateral parathyroidectomy as surgical treatment for patients with primary hyperparathyroidism

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    Antecedentes La mayoría de los cirujanos han aceptado de una manera rápida, la realización de miniprocedimientos abiertos para el tratamiento del hiperparatiroidismo primario. Sin embargo, la utilización de la endoscopia cervical sigue siendo discutible por su dificultad técnica y la estricta selección de los pacientes. Material y métodos Entre los meses de abril del 2010 y del 2013, se incluyó a pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo primario esporádico (sPHPT), que además tenían un adenoma único tanto por ecografía y exploración con sestamibi, y que aceptaron participar en el estudio. Los pacientes fueron operados por cirujanos especialmente entrenados en este tipo de cirugía, utilizando la misma técnica quirúrgica en todos ellos. Se recogieron variables demográficas y características clínicas de los pacientes. Una vez finalizada la recolección de información se procedió al análisis descriptivo de las variables (mediana, desviación estándar y rango). Resultados Realizamos un total de 28 paratiroidectomías mediante el abordaje de paratiroidectomía lateral endoscópica. La edad media de los pacientes fue de 68 años (59-89). Todos los pacientes tuvieron un hiperparatiroidismo primario esporádico. No se detectaron complicaciones intraoperatorias. La morbilidad fue comparable con la que muestran series publicadas en técnica abierta. Tras una mediana de seguimiento de 22 (9-53) meses, hemos detectado que el éxito de la intervención ha sido de 27/28 (96%). Conclusiones El abordaje endoscópico del hiperparatiroidismo primario sPHPT resulta factible, reproducible y ofrece unos resultados comparables al abordaje clásico abierto, diversos factores hacen poco recomendable su realización fuera de hospitales con alto volumen de pacientes y unidades diferenciadas de Cirugía Endocrina

    Phytoremediation potential depends on the degree of soil pollution: a case study in an urban brownfield

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    Phytoremediation is a cost-effective nature-based solution for brownfield reclamation. The choice of phytoextraction or phytostabilization strategies is highly relevant when planning full-scale treatments. A suitable approach to identify such species involves the evaluation of plants that grow spontaneously on the contaminated sites. Here, we sought to determine the phytoremediation potential of three spontaneous plant species, namely the trees Acer pseudoplatanus L (A. pseudoplatanus) and Betula celtiberica Rothm. & Vasc (B. celtiberica), and the shrub Buddleja davidii Franch (B. davidii), for the recovery of an urban brownfield. To determine the response of the species to the degree of contamination, we conducted soil and vegetation sampling inside and outside the site. The concentrations of As, Cu, and Zn in soil and plant samples were measured, and then various indexes related to phytoremediation were calculated. The translocation factor and transfer coefficient indicated that vegetation outside the brownfield had phytoextraction capacity while the same plants inside the brownfield revealed phytostabilization properties. Given our results, we propose that the selected species are suitable for phytostabilization strategies in areas with high concentrations of contaminants, whereas they could be used for phytoextraction only in soils with low or moderate levels of pollution.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This research was partially funded by the European Commission project LIFE I + DARTS (LIFE11ENV/ES/000547)

    Electronic transport in gadolinium atomic-size contacts

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    We report on the fabrication, transport measurements, and density functional theory (DFT) calculations of atomic-size contacts made of gadolinium (Gd). Gd is known to have local moments mainly associated with f electrons. These coexist with itinerant s and d bands that account for its metallic character. Here we explore whether and how the local moments influence electronic transport properties at the atomic scale. Using both scanning tunneling microscope and lithographic mechanically controllable break junction techniques under cryogenic conditions, we study the conductance of Gd when only few atoms form the junction between bulk electrodes made of the very same material. Thousands of measurements show that Gd has an average lowest conductance, attributed to single-atom contact, below 2e2h. Our DFT calculations for monostrand chains anticipate that the f bands are fully spin polarized and insulating and that the conduction may be dominated by s, p, and d bands. We also analyze the electronic transport for model nanocontacts using the nonequilibrium Green's function formalism in combination with DFT. We obtain an overall good agreement with the experimental results for zero bias and show that the contribution to the electronic transport from the f channels is negligible and that from the d channels is marginal.B.O., C.S., J.F.R., J.J.P., and C.U. acknowledge financial support by MEC-Spain (Grant No. FIS2013-47328-C2 and MAT2016-78625-C2) and the Generalitat Valenciana under Grant No. PROMETEO/2012/011. C.S. and J.J.P. acknowledge the EU structural funds and the Comunidad de Madrid under NANOFRONTMAG-CM program Grant No. S2013/MIT-2850. J.L.L. and J.F.R. acknowledge Marie Curie ITN SPINOGRAPH FP7 under REA Grant Agreement No. 607904-13. B.O. acknowledges financial support by MEC Spain (Grant No. FIS2010-21883-C02-01) under brief stays abroad scholarship

    Patrimonio cultural, territorio y políticas públicas: el caso de Andalucía

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    Desde comienzos de la década de los setenta, la economía mundial está experimentando una serie de transformaciones que supone una verdadera mutación de la realidad social y económica hasta ahora dominante. La creciente interdependencia entre naciones, regiones y ciudades hace necesario buscar ventajas que permitan a cada ámbito competir en una economía cada vez más global, lo que exige un mejor aprovechamiento de los recursos propios. En este contexto, parece oportuno, tal y como se hace en este artículo, considerar cómo nuevas visiones del patrimonio cultural puede influir diferencialmente en los distintos tipos de ámbitos territoriales de Andalucía; analizar si desde distintas instituciones internacionales, con incidencia directa o indirecta en la región, se ha ido incorporando la nueva visión integradora de la relación patrimonio cultural/desarrollo; y, conocer si las políticas públicas impulsadas desde Andalucía vinculan el desarrollo socioeconómico a las potencialidades del patrimonio cultural de la región.Since the beginning of the 70´s, the world´s economy is experimenting a series of transformations that imply a true mutation of the social and economical scene, the dominant scene up to now. With the growing interdependence between nations, regions and cities, arises the need to search for advantages that would allow every territory to compete in an increasingly globalized economy, this calls for a better use of each territory´s resources. In this context, it seems convenient, as is done in this article, to consider how this new visions of cultural heritage can influence in different ways in the distinct types of Andalucia´s territories; to analyse if from different international institutions, with direct or indirect incedence in the region, has been incorporated the new integrative vision of the relation cultural heritage/development; and, to know if public politics impelled from Andalucia can tie the socioeconomical development to the potencialities of the cultural heritage of the region

    Influence of Sleeping Patterns in Health and Academic Performance among University Students

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    Sleep problems in university students are important and have implications for health, quality of life, and academic performance. Using an ex post facto design, a total sample of 855 students (55.7% women) participated in the study. Sleep assessment was conducted using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, the Nightmare Frequency Scale, the Nightmare Proneness Scale, and the Composite Morningness Scale. Women show a higher risk [OR = 2.61] of presenting poor sleep quality (> 5 points on the PSQI) compared with men (p < 0.001). Similarly, women reported a greater frequency of nightmares (p < 0.001, d = 0.60), greater propensity for nightmares (p < 0.001, d = 0.70) and a higher score on Item-5h of the PSQI regarding nightmares (p < 0.001, d = 0.59). Women, compared with men, show higher risk [OR = 2.84] for a sleep disorder related to nightmares (p = 0.012). Women need more time to reach a state of alertness after getting up (p = .022), and there was an interaction between sex and the alertness factor when evaluating the subjective quality of sleep (p = 0.030). Women show worse sleep quality and a higher frequency and propensity for suffering nightmares. When considering the relationship between sleep quality and academic performance, it is observed that students with poor sleep quality obtain lower academic scores (M = 7.21, SD = 0.805) than those with good sleep quality (M = 7.32, SD = 0.685), an effect that reaches significance (t = 2.116, p = 0.035). Regarding the relationship between the categorized chronotype and academic performance, students with a morning chronotype achieve better academic results (M = 7.41, SD = 0.89) than their evening counterparts (M = 7.15, SD = 0.76), although these differences have a small effect size (d = 0.31)