1,962 research outputs found

    Production Significance of Bovine Respiratory Disease Lesions in Slaughtered Beef Cattle

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).[EN] Bovine respiratory disease (BRD) is still a serious concern in feedlots, where it exerts a negative effect on farm productivity. There is a shortage of studies focused on the evaluation of BRD-associated lesions at the slaughterhouse in clinically healthy animals. The objective of this work was to investigate the prevalence and type of subclinical pneumonic lesions in slaughtered beef cattle, according to the age range and management system, and its impact on carcass weight. A total of 1101 beef cattle intended for human consumption were examined at slaughter. Information on age, sex, management system and carcass weight was recorded. The presence and type of pneumonia were evaluated according to gross and microscopic findings and etiological agents by PCR. Lung pneumonic lesions appeared in 17.9% of animals and were predominant among veal calves. According to the type, chronic catarrhal pneumonia prevailed in the majority of animals, and mixed and extensively reared cattle were more likely to suffer acute fibrinous pneumonia. The presence of pneumonic lesions was associated with a significant decrease in carcass weight that had more of an impact in veal male calves coming from intensive systems. Bacterial infections were the predominant infectious agent and the only cause of acute fibrinous pneumonia, while viruses were infrequent and only found in lesions with chronic catarrhal pneumonia. This study shows the importance of BRD in beef feedlots upon production values and points out the feasibility of slaughterhouse assessment of pneumonia as a method for the evaluation of BRD significance.SIThis work was supported by the research funds of the Ruminant Health and Pathology research group of the University of León

    Guía práctica de úlceras del pié diabético. Guía nº 3

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    O obxectivo da guía é dispoñer dunhas directrices e/ou criterios estandarizados que sirvan de referencia para realizar accións específicas de prevención, identificación de factores de risco, detección, derivación e tratamento que supoñen as úlceras de pé diabético como problema de saúde. A finalidade é contribuír ao benestar das persoas, reducir a variabilidade terapéutica e incerteza profesional, diminuír a prevalencia e incidencia deste problema de saúde na sociedade; así como conseguir unha maior optimización da xestión dos recursos humanos e económicos dispoñibles do sistema sanitario e sociosanitario de Galicia con base nas recomendacións de práctica baseada na evidencia e conseguir uns indicadores de calidade de atención de coidados e seguridade dos pacientes que permitan unha maior eficiencia do proceso entre os distintos niveis asistenciais.El objetivo de la guía es disponer de unas directrices y/o criterios estandarizados que sirvan de referencia para realizar acciones específicas de prevención, identificación de factores de riesgo, detección, derivación y tratamiento que suponen las úlceras de pié diabético como problema de salud. La finalidad es contribuir al bienestar de las personas, reducir la variabilidad terapéutica e incertidumbre profesional, disminuir la prevalencia e incidencia de este problema de salud en la sociedad; así como conseguir una mayor optimización de la gestión de los recursos humanos y económicos disponibles del sistema sanitario y sociosanitario de Galicia con base en las recomendaciones de práctica basada en la evidencia y conseguir unos indicadores de calidad de atención de cuidados y seguridad de los pacientes que permitan una mayor eficiencia del proceso entre los distintos niveles asistenciales

    Coping Strategies in the Spanish Population: The Role in Consequences of COVID-19 on Mental Health

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    [EN] The worldwide health emergency caused by COVID-19 is a new challenge for humanity which individuals respond to in a diversity of ways. The type of coping people use in such a situation could lead to positive or negative consequences to their health. Our objective was to analyze the use of coping strategies in the general population with attention to sociodemographic variables, and to test the capacity of these strategies for mediating in repercussions on mental health. The 1,160 adults who participated in this study answered the Cognitive Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ-S) and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28). The data were collected in a CAWI (Computer Aided Web Interviewing). The results suggest that the coping strategies they used the most differed depending on sociodemographic characteristics, such as age, sex and education. Furthermore, two mediation models were estimated for positive and negative coping strategies in the relationship between the presence of COVID-19 near them and mental health. The “negative” coping strategies were found to exert an indirect effect as mediators in the impact that COVID-19 positive cases near them had on their health. The consequences to mental health of the impact of coping with adverse situations should not be underestimated and it is important to design programs to educate the population in coping strategies that promote their health.S

    Resilience, Burnout and Mental Health in Nurses: A Latent Mediation Model

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    [EN] Background/Objectives: The burnout syndrome in nurses has been related to the de- velopment of mental health problems. On the contrary, resilience is related to adequately coping with stressful situations and better mental health. The objective was to analyze the relationship between resilience and mental health problems in nurses and estimate the proportion mediated by burnout in the association. Methods: In 2021, a total of 1165 Spanish nurses were selected through a stratified random sampling method. Participants anonymously filled in the Resilience Scale (RS-14), the Maslach Burnout Inventory Survey, and the General Health Questionnaire. To test the hypothesis proposed and explain the mediating effect of burnout empirically, structural equation modeling (SEM) was applied. A latent mediation model was computed. Results: Resilience was negatively related to burnout and mental health problems. The direct relationship between burnout and the latent health variable was positive. In addition, in view of the total effect of resilience on mental health problems and the magnitude of the indirect effect, we stated that the proportion of this effect mediated by burnout ranged from 0.486 to 0.870. Conclusions: This study reveals that fostering resilience in nurses directly and indirectly reduces burnout and improves their mental health. The implementation of resilience programs and supportive institutional policies is recommended to improve working conditions and the quality of patient care.S

    Peripheral IFN-ɣ Production after Blood Stimulation with Different Mycobacterial Antigens in Goats Vaccinated against Paratuberculosis

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    [EN] Vaccination can be an efficient method for the control of paratuberculosis in ruminants. However, the official tuberculosis control tests cross-interfere with the animals vaccinated against paratuberculosis. In order to test and compare new antigens that could solve this problem, the production of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) in peripheral blood at different post-vaccination days in experimental kids and adult goats, in field conditions, using the avian and bovine purified protein derivative (PPD), the johnin, two peptide cocktails of Mycobacterium bovis (PC-EC and PC-HP) and the antigens VK 055 and VK 067 of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (Map) has been analyzed in vitro. The non-specific production of IFN-γ was observed after blood stimulation with the PC-EC and PC-HP cocktail in any sample from vaccinated animals, whereas it was detected when bovine PPD was used. These results support the possible use of these new Mycobacterium bovis antigens in the in the differentiation of animals vaccinated against paratuberculosis or infected with tuberculosis by improving the specificity of bovine PPD. In contrast, the two Map antigens tested in this study did not improve the sensitivity of johnin or avian PPD in the detection of vaccinated or Map-infected goatsSIThis research was funded by Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness through the research project with reference: AGL2012-39818-C02-01 titled “Development of pathogenesis and immunization models in paratuberculosis”. Marcos Royo and Noive Arteche-Villasol were recipients of a predoctoral contract for training of doctors by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitivenes

    The Socio-Educational Adaptation of Secondary School Migrant Students in Sicily: Migrant Generation, School Linguistic Mediation and Teacher Proactivity Factors

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    This study aims to analyze the implications of linguistic mediation processes and educational proactivity in schools for the socio-educational adaptation of immigrant students. The study is based on empirical research and the perspectives of the main actors: the immigrant students themselves. To this end, a non-experimental and descriptive quantitative methodology was used. The sample consisted of 100 students of foreign origin enrolled in an Italian school located in a typical socio-cultural environment. The results show significant differences in linguistic mediation and socio-educational variables and differences in expectations of progress and social adaptation of students born outside Italy vis-a-vis students who, although born in Italy, are still considered foreigners. It will also analyze teaching proactivity as a communication facilitator for first-generation immigrant pupils born outside Italy. In conclusion, it is noted that, to favor multicultural environments where all students, regardless of their origin, feel accepted, integrated, and welcomed, it is necessary to utilize all available resources to promote improvements in teaching-learning processes and strengthen social relation

    On statistical convergence and strong Cesàro convergence by moduli

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    In this paper we will establish a result by Connor, Khan and Orhan (Analysis 8:47–63, 1988; Publ. Math. (Debr.) 76:77–88, 2010) in the framework of the statistical convergence and the strong Cesàro convergence defined by a modulus function f . Namely, for every modulus function f , we will prove that a f -strongly Cesàro convergent sequence is always f -statistically convergent and uniformly integrable. The converse of this result is not true even for bounded sequences. We will characterize analytically the modulus functions f for which the converse is true. We will prove that these modulus functions are those for which the statistically convergent sequences are f -statistically convergent, that is, we show that Connor–Khan–Orhan’s result is sharp in this sense

    Desarrollo de capacidades no técnicas en contabilidad para la gestión de la diplomatura en turismo

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    Actualmente estamos inmersos en el proceso de adaptación del sistema universitario español al Espacio Europeo de Enseñanza Superior (EEES), lo que supone una reorganización para adoptar los nuevos modelos de formación centrados en el trabajo y el aprendizaje del estudiante. Esto implica que además de la docencia presencial, los alumnos deben realizar actividades fuera del aula que les permitan asentar sus conocimientos y desarrollar sus capacidades, habilidades y destrezas como han venido defendiendo los organismos profesionales contables a nivel internacional. En este trabajo estudiamos mediante un estudio longitudinal nuestra experiencia sobre la realización en grupos de tres alumnos, de estudios de caso reales en los que se analiza la elaboración y el empleo de la información para la gestión en las empresas turísticas y se intenta determinar su impacto sobre la adquisición de conocimientos, desarrollo de capacidades no técnicas y motivación del alumno

    La profesionalización de las trabajadoras de atención directa en los cuidados residenciales: una mirada poliédrica y convincente

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    Este artículo analiza el proceso de acreditación y profesionalización de las trabajadoras de cuidados de atención directa desde la perspectiva de las y los profesionales implicados en la gestión y organización de las residencias de mayores. En la última década, cambios legislativos han exigido a las trabajadoras del sector certificar su cualificación mediante un sistema acreditativo o una formación específica. El estudio se enfoca en discursos de profesionales que guiaron y formaron a las trabajadoras en su proceso de formación y estabilización laboral, con el objetivo de lograr la profesionalización en el ámbito de los cuidados institucionalizados. Utilizando un enfoque cualitativo, se llevaron a cabo 18 entrevistas semiestructuradas a estos profesionales. Para el análisis de los discursos, se empleó el enfoque temático descriptivo de Braun y Clarke (2006), destacando las diferencias entre los discursos de expertos masculinos y femeninos para explorar cómo se percibe el proceso formativo de las trabajadoras y su impacto en la profesionalización de las tareas de cuidado. Los resultados resaltan las dificultades que enfrentan las trabajadoras para cumplir con los requisitos de acreditación, así como la expansión de oportunidades laborales para aquellas que superan los estándares de formación. También se revelan efectos no deseados del proceso de estabilización, como la volatilidad en el empleo y el agravio comparativo entre las cuidadoras. La perspectiva de estos profesionales que acompañan de cerca las experiencias formativas de las cuidadoras proporciona una visión más completa del proceso, destacando tanto sus ventajas como desafíos